Saturday, October 3, 2015

Best, Bizarre, Cryptic, Funny and Memorables Moments at school [Senior Level]

Dear Students:

 This is the last topic you'll post in this blog. It's been a pleasure and I spent great times with you. In this thread, I'd like you to discuss about memorable moments at school. Please include best, bizarre, cryptic or any kind of moment you'd like to share. Also, don't only focus on English class (you might as well include other subjects). Leave your comments in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

Future Jobs [Junior Level]

Dear Students:

 You've prepared a CV, a cover letter and completed lots of activities based on this topic, Jobs. Besides this activity and taking it seriously, What job would you like to be in the future? a doctor, engineer, an artist, etc. Please leave your comments in at least 65 words. Include factors like salary, time, vacations and the like.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

Art and Work [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 In this thread, We'll talk about different ways of expressing or enjoying Art (according to what we talk in class). From the list below, Which of the activities do you like the most? Which ones don't you like? Why? Please leave your answers in at least 60 words.

1- Attending lectures on art
2- Going to art Galleries
3- Going to concerts
4- Listening to music
5- Looking at paintings on the web
6- Painting pictures
7- Reading a book
8- Taking photographs


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

English or Spanish Books? [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 In this thread, I'd like you to comment about an issue that we covered in Unit 3, regarding books and literary genres. As you know, there're tons of books which are in different languages. Despite the level of acquisition of a foreign / second language and according the books you've read, What books do you prefer the most, English books or Spanish Books? Please leave your answer and also consider: Favorite book, author, genre and your explanation over the language of it.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

Eating Healthy or Unhealthy? [Eighth Grade]


 In this thread and as we've talked in class, I'd like you to discuss about your habits and which are you  favorite meals, food, etc. Besides, include how often you eat them. Leave your comments in at least 55 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

Ethnic Groups in Chile and Abroad [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 In this month thread, I'd like you to comment about which ethnic group does interest you the most in Chile or abroad (South America, Africa, etc.). Also, provide reasons for your selection in at least 40 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th

Thursday, September 3, 2015

TV Shows & More! [Sophomore]

Dear Students;

 During this tough Unit, we have talked about different topics, nevertheless we're just going to considerate one of them. This monthly thread is about TV shows and their categories, whih seems to be something of your expertise. The questions are:

What kind of TV programs do you like? Why?
Do you prefer series or movies? Why?
What changes would you do in Chilean TV,

 Leave your comments below in 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: September 11th, Friday

Monday, August 24, 2015

Youtubers, Instagramers and Internet Stars [Seniors]

Dear Students:

 In this time, the main topic to be discussed is about famous youtubers, you know...famous people who upload videos and get tons of suscribers and, eventually, money. From the website youtube,com, there're countless channels and endless categories of videos to watch. In this thread, the question is quite simple:

- Who is your favorite Youtuber / Channel? Why?
- If you had the opportunity of creating your own youtube channel, how would it be?

 Leave your comments below in at least 100 words, include LINK to visit the channel you posted about.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday,

Discrimination to Applicants [Junior]

Dear Students;

 During our lessons, we have learned how important to write a good resume is. However, there's something we forget, our physical appearance or that our employer discriminate us because of that.
What do you think of gender, age, race, religion, dicrimination when applying for a job? How do you think it can be avoided?

Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday.

Lost [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 Imagine you are lost on an island in the middle of the ocean. Choose a book and a music album you would like to have with you. Share your comments in your group, giving reasons for your choice.

 Leave your comments in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Independence Day [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 In this thread you'll have to post about this special day celebrated on September 18th, where we participe in different activities around the region / country. According to what we have seen during these units, I need that you write about:

- What do you do on September 18th?
- Who do you celebrate with?
- Where do you go?
- What do you eat?
- Do you know how to dance Cueca? explain if you're good or bad at it.

 Leave your comments below in 45 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Favorite places around Valparaíso [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

 Through this month, you'll have to post about your favorite place in this region, Valparaíso. Think about where this place is, why is so pleasant and fancy besided its background history. Descrine this place:

- Where is it?
- Describe this place?
- How often do you go?
- Who do you go with?

 Leave your comments below in at least 40 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Remarkable Moments in Sport - [Sophomore - GRADED]

Dear Students:

 You're going to write an article, related to a remarkable situation in sport. Look up for information throughout the internet, magazines or newspaper. Post your comment in at least 150 words (max. 200). Consider these questions:

 Who did it?
What has he / she achieved?
What details can you add?


Juan Guevara

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bicentennial Man [Freshman Level - Graded]

I hope you enjoyed this movie a lot!

As we established, this activity will be graded and it needs to be written perfectly. Don't hesitate and ask if you need any help. Now, Answer the questions:

 In your opinion, Can robots be human? Why / Why not?
Why do you think Andrew wants to be a human?
Do you think there would be a robot like Andrew in "real world"?
What do you like about the movie?

 Please answer each question in at least 30 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Date: June 19th, Friday

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Green Mile Review [Sophomore - Extra Credits]

Dear Students:

 As an extra credit activity, here's the topic that we discussed in class. I encourage you to see this movie ASAP and discuss the questions below. The objective is to use all the grammar structures seen in Unit 1 (Past Simple, Continuous, Used to & Vocabulary). Leave your comments below and answer these questions:

 Why do you recommend this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 What's the message / moral of this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 Describe the best moment from the movie, what happened? [50 words, support]

 I attach this link with the movie, you can download the movie and the subtitles if your wish



Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 8th, Monday

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Horse Whisperer [Junior - Optional Extra Credit Activity]

Dear Students of mine:

 As we discussed on Friday, here you have the activity meant to be part of the horse whisperer's quiz.
Provide your opinion, answer these questions:

- What I like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What I don't like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What do you think The Horse Whisperer is really about? Trust, Love or Horses [50 words, Support your answer]
- What would have been the best ending about this book for you? [50 words, support]

Leave your comments below, include linkers and specific vocabulary taken from the book.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 1st, 23:59

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Festivals Around the World! [Senior]

MUSIC!!!, I know it's one of the topic you like the most. In class, we discussed about the top 10 most important festivals ever!, so you'll probably infer what's coming next.

 In your opinion, what's is the best music festival you know or have been to? Where is it? What music genres can we listen there? is it expensive? Which artists can we see? Support your answer with links or videos in youtube. Leave your comment below in at least 75 words. Good luck!


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

World Natural Disasters! [Junior]

During Unit 2, We'll discuss several topics, being one of the most important the topic "disasters" seen in lesson 1. During the life of our planet, it had suffered countless disasters, including a big meteorite that impacted millions of years ago, and exterminated the life of dinosaurs.

 In your opinions, which was the greatest natural disaster that took place in our planet? when did it happen? which were the consequences? could it have been predicted or stopped? Leave your comments below in at least 70 words (SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER, INCLUDING LINKS OR VIDEOS).


Juan Guevara

Due Time: July 10th, April.

Extreme Challenges! [Sophomore]

As part of the introduction to Unit 2, it's important that we debate about some of these "extreme sports" that take place all over the world. Some examples would be Bungee Jumping, Wingsuit Flying, Mountain Biking and the likes. From your point of view:

 What's the most extreme sport around the world? why? support your answer. Is there a place in Chile where you can try it? where? Leave your comments below in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

Cutting Edge Technology! [Freshman]

In Unit 2, we've debated about inventions that would improve our life in the upcoming years. Despite our discussion, I'd like to know what the most important invention in the last 5 years made you feel anxious and looking forward to get it.

 What's the best invention in the last 5 years? explain what it is about. How does it work? When will it be released here in our country? Please leave your comments below in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.

Favorite Dances [Eighth Grade]

There are multiple games in the market, where you can dance or at least simulate the experience of dancing (e.g. Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, Easy2dance, etc.). According to the first unit seen in class, and the typical dances here in Chile, it makes me wonder what your favorite dance is (Cueca, Bachata, Reggaeaton, Electronic, Samba, breakdance, etc) .

 What is your favorite dance? Why? Have you ever tried it? Where? Would you like to learn how dance in a better way? Please leave your comment below in at least 55 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015

Landmarks around the World [Seventh Grade]

As we discussed in class, there are many landmarks all around the world that we might visit during our lifetime. Let's imagine for a second...we have huge amounts of bills in the bank, so we can take a trip abroad wherever we want.

 If you had the opportunity, where would you go? what landmarks would you visit? why? Leave your comments below in at least 50 words. Use vocabulary and linkers seen in class.


Juan Guevara

Due time: June 10th, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Paranormal Phenomenon [Senior]

Dear Students:

 For this monthly thread, there's a very supernatural topic to deal with. As we have discussed in class, there are several urban legends which cause goosebumps on us. This lesson lead us to talk about a paranormal phenomenon that we suffered or witnessed in the past. Can you describe it? How it was? Who were you with? did you see something? did your friends / parents believe you? Include vocabulary seen in class and a upper-intermediate level of writing.

NOTICE: If you didn't suffer of any of these events, you would have to invent it.

 Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

Embarrassing Moments [Junior]

Dear Students:

The second lesson was about those embarrassing moments that you expect that never happened. In this monthly thread, you are supposed to describe what was the most embarrassing moment ever. Consider these questions: When / Where did this happen? Who were you with? What was the problem? As a main objective, you'll have to include 5 out 8 linkers seen in class (but, however, although, besides, therefore, so, as long as & provided that)

Leave your comment below in at least 75 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

After School Program Activities [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 As we have discussed in class, there are several possibilities in terms of after school program activities, such as reinforcements, robotics, workshops, gymnastics or even chorus. In your opinion, which extra activity would you include in the school? why? how many days will this activity take place? what would it be about? would it need lots of students or resources (money)?

 Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

Typical Activities [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 In this monthly thread, your are going to write abut your daily routines as a typical teenager. Consider activities that you do either at school and home. What are your favorite activities? What do you do on weekends? How much time do you spend with your friends? Why? Include linkers seen in class, such as and, or & but.

Leave your comment below in at least 60 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

Monday, April 13, 2015

Myths and Legends from Chile [Eighth Grade]


 From what we have read so far, it's time to talk about myths and legends that you know. They could be part of our culture or from abroad. Can you mention some well-known Chilean Myths or Legends?   Did you see something unfamiliar or that it could possible be a myth / legend? Include not only monsters or creatures but natural phenomenon or origins of something as well.

 Leave your comment below and post in at least 50 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

Activities Around Chile [Seventh Grade]

Dear Students:

In this occasion, you will have to describe what are the typical activities you can do in regions all over your country. Therefore, what activities we can do here in Valparaiso? and the north / south of chile? are they different? why?

 Leave your comment below and ask for any question you may have.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Plans & Activities for this weekend [Frehsman Level - Optional Activity]

Imagine a friend from the USA is coming to Chile. Write a short text about the plans you have with him for the next weekend. Use the editing checklist to check for mistakes.

Deadline: April 10th

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fashion and Stereotypes [Senior Level]


 We all have judged in advance someone who comes from a different city, country, ethnic group or color, and these already-held ideas compromise future relationships. Besides, our clothes and accessories defines us as a "group of something" as well. In your opinion, Is your identity reflected in your appearance? how? Have you ever formed an opinion about somebody that was completely wrong? which group from above do you consider to be part of? does it affect in your social life? Leave your comment in at least 80 words. use proper vocabulary and collocations taken from the book.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015

Typical Problems! [Junior Level]

Dear Students:

 I hope this message finds you well. In the very first class of this semester, we have discussed about typical teenage problems. Some of this problems appear through your life and it causes problems and affects your grades, relationships and the like. Your friends or relatives can provide you of advice and support, nevertheless it doesn't assure that the problem will fade away. What are the typical problemas that teenagers have? when you have problems, who helps you? who provides better advices, parents, relatives, friends or strangers? why?.

Leave your comments below in at least 70 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015

Schools through the time [Sophomore Level]

Dear Students:

 We have discussed the activities and the subjects that you like the most. On the other the hand, we have compared schools and students with previous generations. So, what do you like about the school? do you have a favorite subject? why? can you compare our school with the ones from the past? Are we techie? Leave your opinion below in at least 65 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015

Teenage talk [Freshman Level]

Dear Students:

 Welcome back to school, I hope this year gets the best of you and so do this thread. Now, according to the student book's unit, we have to deal with trending topics of conversation among teenagers. What do you talk to your friends? what topics do you usually debate? are the same topics for men or girls? why? why no? Provide your opinions in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015

Typical Festivities [8th Grade]

Dear students of mine:

 I attach this picture which symbolizes this thread's topic. We read about some chilean cultures and religious festivities, as well as where they take place (north, center or south of Chile). In your opinion, what do you think about these festivities? is there a  chilean celebration that you like? why? why not? Do you think that we prefer foreign celebrations rather than ours.

 Please feel free to post in at least 50 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Best Friends [7th Grade]

Dear Students:

 I hope this message finds you well. As we talked in class, here it's the first thread of the year. Post in at least 50 words in English and talk about who your best friend is. Is your best friend a girl or a boy? What kind of activities do you do with him / her? When did you meet him / her? Do you have similar interests?


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Book list 2015 - Links Included [All Levels]

Dear Students, in this post you'll find the list of books meant to be read through this year and the links where you can download them. There are some audio files that can help you out in what pronunciation and fluency concerns (while reading), but I'm afraid they waste too much space on the thread. However, you can contact me personally if you want them.

 Best and good luck and do endeavour on reading from time to time, don't wait until the clock ticks "test time".


7th Grade

The Elephant Man - Tim Vicary
[Oxford Bookworms Library, Level 1]
The Phantom of The Opera - Jennifer Basset
[Oxford Bookworms Library, Level 1]

8th Grade

The Alice's Adventure in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
[Oxford Bookworms Library, Level 2]

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
[Oxford Bookworms Library, Level 2]


Two Lives - Helen Naylor
[Cambridge English First]

The Beast - Carolyn Walker
[Cambridge English First]


The Adventures of Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
[English Club, Intermediate ]

English Fairy Tales
[English Club, Intermediate]


The Horse Whisperer - Nicholas Evans
[Penguin Readers, Advanced]

On the Road - Jack Kerouac
[Penguin Readers, Upper-Intermediate]


Kolymsky Heights - Lionel Davidson
[Longman Fiction, Advanced]

American Crime Stories
[Oxford Bookworms Library, Advanced]

Senior, Elective Plan

Dracula - Bram Stoke
[czytamyw originale, Upper Intermediate]

Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
[czytamyw originale, Upper Intermediate]