Monday, March 16, 2015

Teenage talk [Freshman Level]

Dear Students:

 Welcome back to school, I hope this year gets the best of you and so do this thread. Now, according to the student book's unit, we have to deal with trending topics of conversation among teenagers. What do you talk to your friends? what topics do you usually debate? are the same topics for men or girls? why? why no? Provide your opinions in at least 60 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015


  1. Teacher what i more i talk to my colleagues is football because I find it a healthy sport and entertaining, also to my colleagues. I discuss with my colleagues the injustice in chile, since this very bad our society , I think debates are not the same for men than women because we all have different thoughts.

    best regards:Gerald Lobos M

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  4. Teacher what I more speak with my friends is of games, the topics that we debate are things that go out in the conversation they are random, in my group of friends both men and women speak about the same topic, because the topics that they devote themselves speaking are always interesting for both genres.
    Best regards: Esteban Larenas G

  5. Hi teacher! My friends and I talk about music, tv shows, rarely talk about books, and basically the topic of the conversation is random, but usually talk about things that doesn't matter.:)
    I think that the men's and the girl's don't talk about the same things because they talk about sports (principally about football), videogames and... I don't know they are extremely rares.
    By: Camila Villarroel González :3

  6. Teacher I speak with my friends of football, games, music, swimming and books. I discuss with my friends the injustice and the evil use of the water. The matters for men and women are different for that the men we speak about football and the women speak about novels. In conclusion the thoughts of man and women are very different.
    By:Bastian Pereira G.

  7. Hi teacher, my friends and I talk about sports, girls and the music that listen in the radio. Also, we are talked about our talks WhatsApp previous day. The men are very different than the girls, because she talked about the favourite singer, the color of nail polish and other themes of the girls

    -Matias Cardenas Muñoz

  8. Hi teacher, with my friends always we are in the habit of speaking about the things that happen to us,things that happen in the country and in the world, of what we like to do, of the tests and speak also on the tasks.
    With the woman and the man I have the same topics of conversation because I think that it is not necessary to do differences and With the time one is taking confidence and can speak any topic with any friend already be woman or man.Though being a woman it should speak more with woman commonly I speak more with man.
    By: Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  9. Hi teacher, with my classmates talk about the school, I mean we talked about the tests and homework, that there during the week. And also we talk about sports like football. We debated about the test, if the answer are good or bad, usually. Are not the same topics because men talk more of football… But if it's about the school are the same topics.
    Besides, men and women we think differently…
    Thank you for your attention.

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  11. Hi teacher!!!
    With my friends are talking about everything, tests, music, rare stories, movies, among other things. Normally we are discussing above all since we have different ways of thinking and that distinguishes us among all. I think that in some cases there are topics that if you can speak among men and women. I think that is essential that groups are already mixed that men and women complement each other and formed a very nice relationship, but arrives a moment in wich there are subjects that women or we are interested to know what you men speak or vice versa, as for example the majority of women do not football interested, or videogames, and men not the faces of tv or the gallants are interested in, but i think that the important thing in a group of friends is the good life and happiness.
    By María José Ibacache Torrejón.

  12. Hi teacher
    With my friends talk about that weekend, movies, music, tests, about what happen in the moment, in the day or in the week and usually thing fun without much importance. In my case the topics with girls and boys no are different, because I think that like we are a group of friends, we have some topics in common where all can say that we believe.

  13. Hi Teacher: With my friends usually talk about football, TV shows, events happening in Chile or worldwide, school, video games, fights or other things. From my point of view, I do not think that girls talk about the same topics as us. They usually talking about music, clothes, perfumes, famous people, etc. And the reason for this is because women have a very different point of view man in many aspects. An example would today's society

    -Joaquin Ortiz Moreno

  14. Hi teacher!
    My friends and I talk about music, clothes, tv shows,n make up, basically what happens to us now, things typical of a girl. Sometimes the topics of talks are similar, but usually they are different because they talk about sports (especially football) and most women don't talk about it, really we talking a little of everything.
    By: Macarena Medina M.

  15. Hi teacher!
    With my friends talk about things that happen to us, favorite artists, books, movies, clothes, tests, homework, events happening in Chile or worldwide and other things. We usually debate everything because we have different thinking and opinions. I believe the topic are different for men and women because both have different interests and thinking, but there are common topic that can talk

  16. hello teacher; in general, my friends talked a little of everything, but with my friends more personal things that can not speak to men because they have more confidence among women than among men think women are spoken. In general among men talking things like football and among women who talk about things that happen to us every day.
    By: Maritza Tripailaf I.

  17. Hi teacher , my friends and I talking about that football, music, videogames, tecnology, girlfriends, homework and test. With my friends usually debate that music style, football, tv programs and of the videogames. The mens and the girls dont talk of the same topics, because usually the mens talk of the videogames , football, sports , etc , and the girls talk of the make up and the bands.

    by: Benjamin Rivera

  18. Hello teacher
    I with my friends talk about all issues, but my friends talk about more personal things that I have more confidence with them than with men.
    I think that among women talk more about what happens to us in life, and men talk things from school or stupid meaningless topics are very different issues between men and women.
    BY: Javiera Ramos R.

  19. Hello teacher I direct for myself my friends on football tennis music the boring thing that is the college like us the teachers fall the boring thing that I am. I discuss the football matches and it in general. Not because the women speak other things. For: Bastian Aravena

  20. Hello,I think all boys talk about soccer,I am not the exception,I usually talk about soccer,and sports in general,but that is talking with boys,with girls I talk about other themes,but depends of the friend who's talking with me,but to finish...usually I talk about soccer,problems of adolescents and of things of the moment,that is my opinión.
    Mauricio Aguilar.

  21. Sebastian Soto:
    Teacher we speak about football, games, and it in general, We in general discuss the school, since it is a game, and it in general. As me they are not the same matters because we speak about football and games of console, and the mujeres of music, other things.

  22. Hi teacher
    My friends and I talk about soccer like all the boys, the topics that we talk are music, videogames, homework, test, random things of the moment and others topics. In my opinion the girls talk different topics that the boys, because we have a different mind than the girls, really different, example they talk about nail polish and haircuts.
    By: Matías Cabrera Lobos

  23. Hello teacher!!. My friends and I speak on games, football and girls!! but in general football. and also we speak the stupidities that we do. Generally we debate about music, share our favorite groups etc... The girls speak about whatsapp, facebook, instagram, boys, and also they speak much about clothes, paintings and about his hair!, we do not speak the same things for which we are different kinds.

    By: Felipe Tamblay Orostica.

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  25. Hi teacher, with my friends talk about videogames, soccer, videogames, usually about videos of youtube and sometimes about test or the problems are happening on the world. I think the boys talk different topic girls because we have have different mind than girls and i belive she talk about music or artist like one direction, justin bieber, etc.
    Javier Cárdenas

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  27. Hello teacher! My friends and I talk about music, sports, girls, foods, movies and the videos more popular of internet. The girls talk about the fashion, tv shows, the books, clothes and the make up. We are sometimes talking the same things, for example: the problems adolescents, the things of moment and homeworks, but the boys and the girls have different opinions. By: Diego González

  28. I talk to my friends on TV , football, work tasks and things that happen sometimes at school or at home .
    I think men and girls do not speak the same or sometimes if they do, because they sometimes are things that happen that have in common the two . I like to go to school to talk to my friends , have fun and learn.
    By: William Gutierrez O.

  29. Hi teacher!

    Ok, my friends and I talk about music, animes, videogames, hobbies, problems in the school or in the family, test, homeworks and MEANINGLESS things. We debate about OUR favorite artists, favorite music, styles, etc. ON my opinion the topics with boys and girls sometimes ARE not TOO different, because we speak about videogames, but in other cases the boys talk about soccer and we speak about styles, clothes, etc.

  30. Hi teacher, I usually talk with my friends about what we did the last weekend, what is happening in the moment, about music, etc. My friends usually debate about the educational reform but I am not interested in that kind of topics. I think that we don’t have the same topics, cause the girls have more confident between us and I think that men talk about cars, games, girls, but I really don’t know what they talk.
    By: Natalia Garrido

  31. Hi teacher!
    My friends and I talk about clothes, tv shows, movies, music, books, favorite artists; sometimes of homework and tests, and about random things. I think that the girl's and the men's don't talk about the same things because everyone has different ways of thinking and also we like differents things, but that does not mean that between the girls and the men can't file a conversation or that it is more difficult.
    By: Elena Domínguez:)

  32. Hi teacher!!!
    With my friends usually talk about music,videogames and boys ,problems and the other girl, and random things of the moment.
    My Friends generally we debate about music our favorite groups ,styles,etc.
    I think the topics between girls and boys are different , because they talk about sports and most women don`t talk about it, she talk about music, book and... I don't know we are extremely rare
    But always the boys and the girls have different opinions
    -Constanza cornejo - :3

  33. Hello, I spoke with my friends usually has to do with videogames often lol, teen issues usually bands, girls, sports, etc.
    The girls at this age speak of cheesy things.
    I saw that usually these issues do not mix different genres because usually the boys and girls are separated into groups.
    Regarding the return to school I am happy to meet my new colleagues

  34. Good afternoon teacher, my opinion of what usually happens to teenagers is that nobody understands us, I mean, when we feel something or say, adults take us to the contrary, if said not understand our views on the subject. We also happens is that we get bored a lot we do not know what to do, eg we were lying down or lying on bed using cell without disturbing anyone and popes do not criticize what we do, then it makes sense.
    Me for example when I feel bad help me talking to myself, I reflect telling me what I said to myself, sometimes (not always) talk to my mom topic which relief with her and telling me my problems.
    The best advice that I give to my are my aunts, because I vent to her and help me, I also support saying positive things about me or what ma will help. Sometimes I ask my mom for advice, with which I have more confidence, she supports me positively saying good things about me and in the future.
    Name: Diego Martinez

  35. Savka Sepulveda

    Nice to comment around here once again teacher.
    Well the things that we usually speak are mostly videogame topics (release dates,gameplays,graphics, etc) we also talk a lot about relationships,teenage issues,interesting things happening in our country,music,tv shows and random stuff that happens in our lives.

    Ocording to your question about the topics that boys and girls talk about, I think that the topics between both of them are pretty different, because both minds ( boys and girls) work in a way different manner from each other,but there is a balance, because most groups of friends have boys and girls, so there is a mix of fun topics to talk about.

  36. hi teacher!

    with my friends ( in mostly women ) , talking of movies, makeup, boys , internet and social networking .
    I think That the girl 's and the men's do not talk about the same things because everyone has different tastes, interests but also whether that does not mean that men and women can not speak and comment on the different themes.

    by: Montserrat Lopez.
