Monday, March 16, 2015

Typical Problems! [Junior Level]

Dear Students:

 I hope this message finds you well. In the very first class of this semester, we have discussed about typical teenage problems. Some of this problems appear through your life and it causes problems and affects your grades, relationships and the like. Your friends or relatives can provide you of advice and support, nevertheless it doesn't assure that the problem will fade away. What are the typical problemas that teenagers have? when you have problems, who helps you? who provides better advices, parents, relatives, friends or strangers? why?.

Leave your comments below in at least 70 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015


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  2. Well, the typical adolescents problems that i have, I think that are stupid because i care more of the problems about relationships , problems with my friends or problems in the video games although also i have problems with my parents, but I dont give more importance. When i have problems, the people that help me are my bests friends, i dont like ask for help to my parents altough i think that the parents give better advices, but i don’t trust them so much; never the less, the parents give better advices because they already experienced these problems.
    Bye Teacher
    Matias Espinoza

  3. In the last time, im having a lot of trubles that i don, t want to speak, but i think one of the most common of my is that my family almost dont get it what i do on partys sometimes, and i told them what are the things that i do and them still o the same position and sometimes they do the imposible to make me stay on home, but i preffer go out. I usually ask to my closer friends some advices to try to convince my parents that im responsponsable, my best source of advices are my bigger cousin that she used to got the same problem , and im always ask her some advices. Is normal, i think, that they think that i don't respansable, but i think they got to listen to my words. bye teacher, Tomas Arismendi

  4. Hi teacher, in the last time, the typical adolescents problems that i have is a problems with my family not with my mother o my sister, but if not that, with mi father or family the him, but I dont give more importance because don't care so much this matter. This problem not affect in my grades, relationships and more. Who provides better advices is my mother for this matter, and maybe my best friends.
    Bye Teacher, Katalina Ramírez

  5. well, i don't know if is a "tipical problem" but talking with some people i discover that im not the only person that pass to be a secondary member of the family after a little brother comes on to your life, this start to happen when my mom where always, getting too much woory about my little brother and that situationt start to make me feel like i was secondary on the family. The only people that i dont feel im been left over is with my closer friends and by the way, i think that my mom gives better advices about this, but she are blind about the love to my little brother. although my own thoughts of this situation, y love my family, but now im a grown up i think that the relationship with my mom could be better.

  6. Hi teacher. I usually have problems with my parents, and I know it is a teenager’s typical problem. Besides this the love relationships, every time carries fights, but the friends are always there for help and support you. Other typical problem of this age is the look, everyone wants to look great.
    I don’t like talk about form myself, but when I have problems I talk with my mother or my friends, and I think that they give the better advices and, of course, I usually trust in they.

  7. Hmmm...I think that the tipical problems that teenagers have are problems about love (most of the time), fashion problems and misbehaviour with their parents or adults in general.
    I never ask for help, because i like keeping my problems for myself.
    In my opinion it depend of the problem, because each problem needs a different advice. Although the best advices from my point of view are from strangers, because they give their opinion from the outside.

  8. Hello, i'm Cristobal and In my opinion the more great problem that have the teens is the technology addiction , i think that the teenagers rely more on friends than on parents or relatives, because we believe that our parents don't understand the problems we tell them and we prefer asking advices to friends,nevertheless,i think that in mi case what more help me is being alone in my room for a long time.

    Cristobal Leon, Junior Level

  9. The problems that the teenagers usually have are related to school and the family, because we (the teenagers) always fight with our parents, always. And the most typical problem is the appearance, specially the girls, they are every day in front of the mirrors.
    When I have problems I usually talk to my parents, they listen to me and give me good advices. That is the reason why I think they provide better advices, but when you fight with your parents, they doesn’t listen to you and you need an advice from your friends.

  10. I believe that teenagers have so many problems with the school, yes, because everyone wants good grades to be a senior. Other problems are the family, the friend’s relationships and the look. But it doesn’t fit me, I don’t have that kind of problems.
    When I feel bad, I don’t like talk to anyone, I prefer to keep my feelings inside. Most of the people think that it is wrong, but I don’t share my problems, because they are mine. And best advices are from the strangers, like psychologists

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  12. Hi teacher, i usually have problems with my parents and brothers, and i know it is the typical teenager problem. I think that the troubles are stupid because they find the problems. When i have problems, my boyfriend and friends are those who they help me to solve them and to give them solutions. I think the parents are those who give better advice, but sometimes they don't because they don't us understand.
    Bye Teacher

    Daniela Cerda

  13. Hello teacher. I think that the teenagers have too many problems with the family, love, clothes, friends, the school and that kind of things, because that is typical in our generation.
    I usually talk to my friends when I have problems, they listen to me and try to help me, but I like keep my things just for myself, like the secrets.
    I think that the better advices are provided by the family in general, and the friends, because they know you.

  14. Hello teacher. The typical problems that teenagers have are the problems related to the parents, I always scream to my father, and my sister, but the last is a problem just of twins, we always fight and sometimes it’s very funny.
    I don’t share my problems to anyone, I just tell share it to my closer friends, and they are a good support.
    And the better advices are provided by the friends, because they don´t try to hurt you, they try to help you.

  15. How are you teacher? My typical problems of teenager are the fights with my mother, I usually have badly days with she, and it’s so sad, because we cry a lot.
    When the things are not good I always talk to my friends, they are every time for listen to me, they are the best friends.
    I think, from my experience, that better advices are from the friends and the parents, even when they are angry. Because they want see you happy.

  16. Hello teacher. The typical problems that teenagers have are the relationships, videogames, parties, friends, family, sometimes the grades, because if you have bad grades, you have a lot of fights with your parents, no? In my case the fights are with my mother.
    I prefer talk with my friends when I have problem, they support me and I feel good after talk to them. But in my opinion, the better advices come from the strangers, because they don’t feel or don’t know anything of you and they can give you advices from an outside point of view.

    Lucas Cristinich, Junior Level

  17. Hey you! What's up, Juan Grimes?
    Well... from my point of view, i think that the most important problems of teens are discussions with his parents, school problems like too much homework or tests, another important problem in this age is the love, that horrible feeling that the only thing that it make, are problems and distractions.
    When i have problems my best friends are who help me.
    In my case i think that the better advices come from friends, because we choose them, family don't, and i don't trust much in my parents because they critics everything that i tell them, i don't like that.

  18. Hi teacher! The typical problems of teenager are related to the school and the parents, things like the style is not important, not for me. And I don’t have problems with my friends like other adolescents.
    When I have problems I talk just whit my best friends, because it is not matter of the rest of people.
    In my opinion, the better advices are provided by strangers, I like my friend’s advices, but they are not completely true, your friends always try to make you feel better and it allows lie.

    Jorge Barraza
    Junior Level

  19. in my opinion one of the biggest problems we are exposed teens are drugs and alcohol. in cases so the best I could do one when presented is an addiction help, the best aid is always your parents and friends because they will always be there supporting you through thick and thin.but you should never do is hide your problem and pretend like it does not exist because if the aces the rest will not know if you have a problem or need help

    Manuel Gutierrez
    Junior Level

  20. I hope that you are fine too. I think that teenagers have a lot of problems, like clothes, friends and specially the rebelliousness against the authorities. However, everyone has more serious troubles, most of this are related to the family, like separated parents, and with themselves, an examples is depress and low self-esteem.
    When I’m not OK, I usually talk to my parents, sometimes to my friends, it depends of the situation.
    And finally, I believe that you need ask for different advices and various points of view, because it allows you to contrast the possibilities and do the best for yourself.

    ----- Catalina Concha (Shell) Chaufleur -----
    --- Junior Level ---

  21. Hi teacher, i don't know too much about typical problems of teenagers, but I think I know the most common problems. for example : the lack of communication between parents and sons, deficiency in the school, and sometimes problems with drugs.

    In my case, I do not have many of these problems, basically because I always listen to my parents, mainly, to avoid problems, But when I have problems, I always ask to my parents for some solution, because the most of the times they always know the answer

    Nicolás valencia mundaca

    junior level

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  23. Hi teacher, I think that the most typical teenager problems are fights with parents, bad grades, discussions with friends, relationships and appearance. In my case the fights with my parents and the low self-esteem are the most common problems.
    When I have any problems my parents and my friends are the people that help me to solve it, they give me advices and their point of view. I think that my friends and my parents give excellent advices, because they always want the best for me, but strangers provide better advices because their advices are objectives.

    Nicol Atenas, Junior Level.

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  25. Hello teacher. I think that teenagers have so many problems, because we carry a lot of responsibilities: school grades, house work, friends, etc. And, of course, the love relationships, it is typical of my age. I have a boyfriend, I love him, but everyone have fights sometimes.
    When the problems attack me, I don’t like talk so much, because the people always feel shame of you, and I hate that!
    And the better advices come from people with experience, doesn’t matter who.
    ---Catalina Piazza---
    --Junior Level--

  26. Hi teacher, I’m fine, thank you. We have different kinds of problems, like friends and love relationships, look for the better style and have good grades. I think it is too much, but we can with the most of this.
    I usually have problems, but they are my friend, they listen to me every time, I love my friends.
    Finally, everyone can give you a good advice, it depends of the problem and the situation, but from my experience, the friends give the better advices.

    ~Constanza Piazza
    ~Junior level.

  27. Well, lately I been having a problem that I find kind of curious, that I’m kind of become an addict to games and internet, my life its getting affected because of this, my friends stop playing with me on school, and my parents are getting very worried about me , I think it’s because of I lock my room and I play lie 7-8 hours at day and weekends I think it’s worse, the best place that I think I look for advices in this case may be my dad, that I know he plays a lot with games but moderately and with control and I ask for advices to my friends too, thinking in that they play sometimes with me online but the do their homework. At the end I hope get the best advice and stop with this vice. Bye teacher, ANDRES VALDENEGRO
    Junior level.

  28. Hi teacher, for me the typical problems of the teenagers are basically friendship or love, food, computer addiction, style and family because the teenagers live in once decade where we see stereotypes that ´´believe´´ reflect the reality of us. For example: The gamer, the hipster and the athlete.
    These problems in my opinion are born when we want to achieve something stereotyped o simply by a comment on the clothes or the body.
    When I have a problem the best support for me is my family because they know me for 16 years and they can recognize immediately when something happens to me.
    Bye Teacher Juan,
    Kimberly Valle Hurtado.
    Junior Level

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  30. I personally think that I got friendships troubles, I’m starting to feel bad about it, everything start when some of my friends start to enter on my life without I know it, so when I figured out I get a little angry with them and now I feel like I don’t get so many friends as I used to think, but I still got some that I trust and I asked them for them for some advices, however he best advice comes from my mom. Thinking in all of this I conclude that not everything is what I see.
    Bye teacher Juan.
    Diego Cayuman Acosta, Junior Level.

  31. Hello teacher. I believe that we (the teenagers) have a lot of problems, specially related to school and relationships, teenagers always have problems with boyfriends and girlfriends, I think that is normal. I talk to my boyfriend when I have problems, and when the situation is complicated with him, I tell this to my friends, and my parents. I think that your friends give you the better advices, and friend can mean: relatives, boyfriend, girlfriend, father, mother and (obviously) friends.
    Bye teacher Juan.
    Tihare Balladares Mancilla, Junior Level.

  32. Well, the adolescence is a stage of the very difficult life, full of problems, bad decisions, bad influences and a stupidity typical of all of us.

    I think that one of the main problems of teenagers is rebellion, that imperious need to go against any rule or authority. We disobey to parents, teachers, everything that is authority over us.

    Other of the big problems,is the low self-esteem, the teens are influenced for “what they will say”, and they try to "fit" with the rest.

    Definitely, the worse problem that teens have, is to reserve them. Some, don't trust enough in their parents, don't tell their problems to their parents, or, in its default, they believe that these are not important to worry about them.

    When I have problems, usually, they are not very serious, therefore I meditate with myself, for a long period, or I ask for help to my parents or friends, know that they will be for when I need them, and that they will always seek the best for me.

    Bye bye!

    Dana Donoso, Junior Level.

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  35. Hello Teacher. Some of the problems of adolescents is the consumption of drugs or alcohol, addiction the videogame, others. In my opinion, the problems that generally i have are "stupid" as when he fought with my parents or relationship . They are usually not problems so serious, therefore are easy to fix, and when I feel that I can't single you tale to my older cousin, is absolute confidence and I feel it gives me very good advice, and sometimes support in my parents.

    Bye Teacher Juan Guevara.
    Kamila Díaz Guerra
    Junior Level.
