Monday, March 16, 2015

Schools through the time [Sophomore Level]

Dear Students:

 We have discussed the activities and the subjects that you like the most. On the other the hand, we have compared schools and students with previous generations. So, what do you like about the school? do you have a favorite subject? why? can you compare our school with the ones from the past? Are we techie? Leave your opinion below in at least 65 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015


  1. Hello everyone:
    Well, one of my favourite subjects is music because is so interesting for me and this year I will play a new instrument like playing the guitar. Also I like very much biology because I like to know everything about my organism. I like this highschool because is near to my house and I have lunch everyday with my mom in my house. And I think that this highschool is very formal and sometimes the subjects are hard for me, for example Physics.

    Sinceresly, Montserrat Rojas B. (Sophomore)

  2. hi teacher what i like of the school is hang out with my friend play soccer at recess also taca taca and play bass at recess with my friend. my favourite subject is history because find interesting was formed all in present day and old age. also i like very much music because i like play songs rock especially metallica. and if possible compare the old school with current school because you can relate teachers as taught and rules

    Victor Riquelme (sophomore)

  3. Sup, teacher.
    I don't remeber a lot about the text, but they used to have some mice, birds and other cool (but old) stuff. To be honest, I don't like school, who does? but we must go. My favorite subject is english, because my "desire" is to learn too much english and travel to the USA and Thailand, and also the subject is a kind of cool.
    The school of the text was funny, because they used to have animals, and maybe the students used to talk to each other because they didn't have cellphones, but, God, they didn't have cellphones, how bored could it be? And the classes (just my opinion) were so bored because they didn't watch videos or presentations. These two things make the classes more dynamics.
    Perhaps, we're techie nowadays in comparison to the past, but maybe there are other schools more techie than us.
    Fernanda Ramos, sophomore.

  4. Hello teacher
    Well, in the class we read a text of the school in the past, and I think about it, how it used to be the things in those times. What they have and what they didn't have, everything it's so interesting.
    I really like the breaks, also I like learning new things.
    My favorite subject is biology, because I like to know about the earth, the animals, marine life, atoms and cells. I can compare my school with the school in the past, was very diferent, because in the past, students used to have a few subjects than now, they used to have animals, etc.
    We are so techie, because teenangers can't stay without cellphones or tecnology. In the class, the teachers sometimes use the tecnology to teach the studets and they learn in a better way.
    Cynthia Cáneppa, Sophomore level.

  5. Hi teacher
    I think that the old schools are very different between the schools of this days. In my opinion the best subject in the school is art because there i can express my "feelings" or something like that. I like to got to school because i have a lot of fun with my friends, but i think that no one likes the other "face" of it and with "face" i refer to the things like homework, tests, wake up extremely (for me) early and all that kind of stuff. With respect to our school i think that they need to relax a little and don t be so stricts.
    But well...nothing is perfect, we have a lot of tecnology and good things like the laboratory, the music room, etcetera and in general i think that our school is really good.

    Rodolfo Rojas reporting

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello everybody
    Well teacher i think that school of past was very different to the actually school for example the thing that the teacher of the school of past do like smoke in the classroom and now this cant happened. My favorite subject is art because i very like draw,paint, etc and is the only subject that i feel relax and can listen music for that i enjoing the class of art also i like history for me the history is the most important thing that the world "gift" and is culture, for me if go to the university i wanna be a teacher of history but i think that work is worst because in chile and many countried the student are very "indiferent" with the teacher in the school and the student go to do something for dont get bored . My school is good has things perfect and many thing worst this is my opinion.
    Cesar henriquez.

  8. Hi people.

    As for me i like the school is meeting my friends and learn neew and interesting things. My favorite subject?... My favorites subjects are Physics and English. Physics because i like know the why of the things and English because my dream is to see of the word and need to know this language.
    I think the big difference between our school with of the past is the technology is mainly the internet because you can find a lot of information quicky and very easily.

    Mauricio Valderrama, Sophomore

  9. Hello Teacher:
    Well, what I like about school is Math, because I like doing the exercises. It's interesting and fun. I also like Arts, because I do very good art works. I like the school because the teachers are nice, they teach very good. Comparing our school with the past, the old education used to be very strict, but there were bullies at school, teachers didn't use to respect opinions of students. Nowadays, everyone listen to others, and there is a little bullyng. In the old schools, students used to play with animals such as mice and birds, while today they play with cellphones or tablets.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  10. Hello teacher:

    Well, what I like abaut school is Math, music and physical education, but the Best of all is physical education, because afford body and good to the Health, however, the teachers make the school is good.As Well the school afford be able to know People;
    In the past, the schools were more strict and structural.
    And in the present, the schools are most dynamics and peaceful.

    Dante Díaz.

  11. javier solis vargas

    Well what I like about the school's history. I love it that there was something before us as much since the days of the cavemen to the present, for the simple reason that leaves in doubt all that has happened in the past.
    What I like about my school friends are and dedication that provide teachers to students in teaching.
    In what could compare schools now and in the past or antique is:
    In antiquity in schools the teachers were stricter punishment and occupied an example: They hit with rules, and instead herein are more flexible and less demanding.

  12. HI! teacher:
    i like the school. Talking to my friends , listening to music, breakfast with them; but i don't like how they restric us; for example: we can't wear hoodies or sweatshirts that is aren't part of the school uniform.
    My favorite subject is phisics because i like to know how things work. Also, i LOVE art, because i can let me feelings go (drawing, painting) while i relax. I like English, but is hard for me :(
    I think that we shouldn't compare us to other schools or other classmates form different levels (former generations)
    YES! we are techie, because, now we use laptops or smartphones for searching information and they (old generations) used to search in dictionaries or books. Now, studyng is much easier.. (funny)

  13. Hello teacher (catalina cerda)

    well my school compared to the past is very different since teachers have changed their method of teaching and also the classrooms are not the same and also used to be very strict.My favorite subject in school is biology since it is one of the issues that most enjoy and also physics since I am surprised whenever I learn something with the professor we also like exams and not tasks, etc.The old school was very different since they didn't have the technology we have now in my school and now and in general is very good for the teachers we have.

  14. Hi teacher, I think what I like about my school is my friends and besides my boyfriend, now my favorite subject is history, since the history of our country I am interested especially in the conflicts that have lived in Chile, but in general I'd like to that classes should be more dynamic . Comparison that I do about my previous school is mainly in my friends and the technology that it had to teach, in my other school only have a slate , but in my current school can watch videos, listen to music and have computer rooms for homeworks.Finally, I think if, because in the past it was not presenting technology in schools.

    -Leslie Lepe Castro

  15. Hi!
    My favorites subjects are Biology and Art because i have good grades in those subjects. The old school used to use a mice as engineers and the students have fun. They wrote in slates with chalk. Nowadays we use notebooks and don't use animals for anything.

    What i like about my school is the seriousness and demand, almost like an army. So, maybe be somewhat exaggerated.

    Nowadays we use much technology, for everything! even when it is not needed. Perhaps we are very techie.

    Isidora Sánchez
    Sophomore level

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hello teacher:
    Well, I think the old school is very different today, they had fun with mice and we with our smartphones. Honestly what I like the school to meet with my friends, play soccer and discuss various topics with both students and some teachers. The subjects what else have liked this year have been mathematics and music. Well, mathematics because we have a new teacher and new stuff, forgot to say that I am a lover of mathematics, and music, for the simple fact of having a new teacher and at the same time is very determined to teach different music themes
    Well, thanks for your attention

    Nicolás Rivera

  18. Hi everyone
    Well, in my opinion what I like of the school are my friends, because with they I have fun, also I like the sports Of school because leave the routine Of the day and play the soccer in the break.
    The subject that more interest is mathematics, physical education and history serves to know about your ancestors.
    I will study something about engineering, because I like or also something about Of sport that is what I want.

    Benjamin Gonzalez
    Sophomore level

  19. What i like about the school is basically hang out with my Friends and have fun with them. I really like the subject of Biology, because i think is very interesting and i really enjoy the clases, and also i want to study it in the future. The school in the past were not as good as the actual ones, basically because the technolog has improved the method of learning and studying. I consider that is easier for us to learn because computers and cell phones are more interactive than the old books and encyclopedias so i really think that we are fastly becoming techies.
    Dankari Rojas

  20. Hello teacher and everyone
    What i like about school is the subject of art, because is one of few subjects where i can stay relaxed and i can let my imagination run. This class is much different of the others, where always is the same thing, some very boring.
    The comparison between the school of the presente and it the past is much, because in the past the teachers were very strict and they hits their students very often, in the past they had not cellphone and computers, and the tolerance was very little, what is very different as it is today.

    Good Bye teacher and everyone.

  21. Hello teacher:

    What I like about the school I think are my friends because they generally don't like going to school, I think my favorite class is math because I find it one of the easiest materials that exist in general.
    My old school is completely different in many ways but what the difference is more space structure of the school, referring to my other school was more spacious and well in my old school were much more stringent than this , that would be the most obvious differences.

    Good Bye teacher

    Fernanda vega :)

  22. Hi teacher!
    I think that the old schools are very different at now, because before the teacher punch a students and this now is bullyng but before no.
    My favorite subject is music because i love play bass and the new teacher is very good. Also i like math because is interesting and fun, i like doing the exercises. In my recces love play soccer whit my friend and i like listen music.
    Joaquin Novoa Pizarro
    Good Bye teacher

  23. Hello teacher!
    I like my school compared to other and other generations.
    I like it because it varies technology, also for my friends that sometimes we play football, my favorite subject is math and sport because for the math I'm good and I like sports, In the past students were beaten by teachers those are the rumors you hear about the old schools that relate most are adults

    Bye-Byee Teacher
    Yerko Osega

  24. Hello Professor:
    Good in the previous class read a text about how it was the school a long ago, things they had and that they had no. I think that the schools before are not similar to the now. My favorite subject in school is the physical education since I really like what the deportation on everything that is swimming and volleyball, step it very well at school with my friends but I don't like to get up too early (in my opinion) and finally I would like to that school would be less demanding on the regulation of the uniform and thatI generally find that the school has everything a student needs.

    Daniela Oñate

  25. Hi Teacher
    Well, The difference with the schools of the antiquity is that before one tape-worm that to be going to libraries to fulfil the homework, nowadays one has the possibility of finding everything in Internet. One of my favorite subject is physical education since I like everything what it has to see with the sport, especially the football since it is the sport that mas I like. Also I like history, especially the history of Chile since meeting of that it must be essential for a Chilean.
    Alexander Dubó Vera

  26. hello teacher, good for me one of the things I like about school is porder be with my friends and laugh with them and my favorite subject serious music because I love to play guitar and learn much more than I already this theme, another thing I like is to play and create music with my friends and have fun with them, well that's what I like

    bye bye
    Luis Reyes (sophomore)

  27. Hi classmate and teacher:

    Well I think what I like most about this school is having swimming lessons since from small my favorite hobby is swimming and I love the idea of having swimming lessons since it is a very good sport.
    One of my favorites is to have biology classes because I like to know the human body and its diseases also want to work in the area of health in the future.
    I think our school today can not be compared because each time goes advancing technology and tactics study also changes the way you teach and give a good deal to students. I think what techie because we're pretty advanced computer data and what other schools may not have.

    Fernanda Bravo

  28. Hello teacher, I really don`t like anything about the school, I get bored when I am there. My favorite subject is physical education because I love to play volleyball in the class and it’s the only time that I have fun. We can`t compare the school of our generation with the generations of the past, cause we have computers and technology that give us advantage in the school. How I said, I think that we are techie because we have a lot of technology things that we can use in our lives.

    Sofía Garrido González, Sophomore

  29. Hello teacher: I really don't like this school because I live so far and I have to wake up very early, but I love the breaks because I can speak whit My friends,eat,sleep and have a good time.My favorite subject is art because is the only class that I can express my own ideas painting or drawing ( In my opinion this is the best thing people can do). I think my school is so different than the school in the past, because in the past the students could had a lot of animals like red-poll, mice,canaries,etc. And now we can't have animals in the school. Betsabé Elgueta (sophomore).

  30. Hello theacher juan , what I like about school when it rains is because the fell very relaxing and they funy , I also like to participate in rhythmic gymnastics because I can helps the little girls , and my favorite signature is physical education because I love to do fisical activitis and sports , old school and the current
    Education can be compared how ever actualy there are more tecnology and others ways of learning .

    Catalina tapia

  31. Hello teacher
    My favourites subjects are music ( i love play guitar and listening music) . biology (i interested in this world) and physical education because i like sports(hambol) , i like a fresh contents , for example biology ; i amazed the DNA and yours divisions.
    My old school have 3 courts , i liked play football and volleyball and i go to the library a share with my mates.

    Barbara Bravo

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  33. Sup teacher!! (last time i posted it got deleted for no reason :c)
    My favorite thing to do on school is been arround people, it makes me feel happy somehow.My favorite subjects are english (because my teahcer looks like Sheldon Cooper..... BAZINGA!!!)and music (im on a band ).the big difference between schools now and then is the technology we have in our schools (yes, we re such a techies).
    kay thats all! see ya later aligator!
    Camila Quezada
