Monday, March 16, 2015

Fashion and Stereotypes [Senior Level]


 We all have judged in advance someone who comes from a different city, country, ethnic group or color, and these already-held ideas compromise future relationships. Besides, our clothes and accessories defines us as a "group of something" as well. In your opinion, Is your identity reflected in your appearance? how? Have you ever formed an opinion about somebody that was completely wrong? which group from above do you consider to be part of? does it affect in your social life? Leave your comment in at least 80 words. use proper vocabulary and collocations taken from the book.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: March 31st, 2015


  1. In my opinion the appearance never reflected the identity of people, because there are moments in where we can't worry of the dress they wear, for example when a accident, happen or an unpredictable event.
    Yes, I have formed an opinion about someone else and I was wrong, this occurs which one classmate.
    I don’t know if I have been judged by my appearance, but I do not care what people say.
    Finally, my identity is not represent by my appearance, I definitely believe that it not affect my social life

  2. Well, in my opinion yes, I have pre-judged a lot of people on what they like, what they listen to, how they wear, and stuff... and it's a bad thing to do, because we need to know the person first, and in that moment we'll discover how his/her personality is. First impressions, in my opinion, are important, but they can not define our thoughts over a person, categorize them is something we do everyday, and sometimes is not even conscious, we just do it by instinct... but those "labels" we give to people are not negative things... not always, at least. I myself am a nerd, and I don't think is a bad thing at all, actually, I like it, and is not offensive to me. Finally, I'd like to finish by saying that is not possible we judge people over the stuff they like to do... like it's a bad thing!
    Well, that's all I think, I'm too lazy to check if these are 80 words so... I'm just going to sit here and wait... see ya!

    Pablo Vásquez G.

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  4. I am not sure if the way I dress says something about me. Whenever I choose what to wear I'm not like "Yes this will identify me" I just wear whatever makes me feel comfortable and confident so I don't consider myself as a part of some group. And yes, I have judged someone by the way the look/dress (not always negatively though), and been completely wrong, but I kind of do that judgement on my mind, I don't say it out loud and act rude towards them if the first impression I have is displeasing, I wait till I actually share some words with that x person and stuff.

  5. First of all,in my opinion,my identity is reflected somehow in my appearence,because throught the way i look,my social expression and how i think,that's how i create my own identity.My identity and my appearence are similars.
    Yes,sometimes i have prejudged people for the way they dress,or how they look,and then they turn out to be a totally different person. I don't consider myself part of any group or style,i think i have my own style

  6. In my opinion, sometimes the appearance reflects our identity, but not always, in the moment we are in the street and we see a person dressed in black with a spiked dyed hair, we think that this person is so reserved and listen to rock, but maybe is so extroverted and listen to pop, definetely we don't know how is he or she.
    I think all of us have formed a wrong opinion of a person, in my case when I see a "flaite", I think in an aggresive person, but it's not always true.
    I consider myself as a "gamer", all weekends I play computer games like "League of legends", but this doesn't affect my social life because I don't follow the stereotype of a gamer and I think that stereotype is so false.
    Sonny Muñoz Galaz

  7. In my opinion I believe that the appearance shows our identity or is altered by this, because there are many factors that affect our style, for example: we choose our clothes and accessories indirectly for being fashionable, sometimes for the place where we live or for the wish of being accepted by our peers. Yes, I had wrong opinions about other person in some opportunities. I think that I don't have a specific group. No, how i don't belong to a group and i don't consider me as part of a group, this doesn't affect my social life.

    -Karla Romero Moya

  8. I think the dress surely expresses either our mood and our ideals. We want to feel part of a group.
    I have often formed misconceptions just by looking at someone, because I think all those people who dress similar think alike; however, they're not everyone has their own personality and independent style.
    With my group of friends we do not have a defined stereotype, but we follow the same trend; tight pants and sneakers are the most common items nowadays.
    This concept doesn´t affect my social life, the clothes wear makes me feel comfortable.

    Javiera González C.

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  10. Hi teacher, well I think that my identity is reflected on my appearance, because I like how I'm, for example, I like my clothes, my haircut style. In general I don't have problems with my appearance, besides my appearance from my point of view reflected my identity.
    Although I like my appearance I think that other people have formed a bad opinion about of me, because I look very "simple" or shaggy, but that isn't the problem, because I have also had bad opinion about somebody just by looking at them.
    I like lots of urban tribes, but I don't think I'm belong to one of them, for example sometimes my behaviour or clothes are like Gamer, Rastafari, Sportsman, Spiritual, Southern, but never as a Rat Kid, "Flaite", Goth, Pokemon. I don't like these groups but I respect them. This marks a tendency in social behavior, because people meet each other according their interests, but I think that it doesn't affect my daily life because I can talk with different types of people.

    Nicolás Toro

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  12. First of all, I always wear baggy clothes, I just love how comfortable they are and I don't know if that define me like an "X" person. With that in mind, I'll say: My identity is not reflected in my appearance, I'm more than just a relaxed guy who wears old and baggy clothes, and that's the problem with the stereotypes, we only see a tiny part of a person and that's just what we can see with our eyes (hair, face, piercings, etc). Everyone has formed a wrong opinion about someone else, so yes, I've done it, for example when I see rich people I always think that they are bad and disrespectful with the others, but I learned : It´s not always like that, they can be nice and helpfull.
    I´m not part of a social group, I think that be part of a group is kind of bad because when the people see you hanging around they only think : Ok, he is a "flaite" (for example), so , he is dangerous, does not know how to speak properly, etc. What I´m trying to say is: They only see what they see. Instead I prefer to be a person who can speak and socialize with everyone without be judged for belong to a "group"
    Leonardo Pino

  13. From my point of view people always pre-judged other people, we can't stop this, it is automatic. I don't know if the way I dress says something about me, but i would like to show how i feel, like, with bright colors when i'm happy and dark colors when i'm sad. I don't consider myself as a part of a group 'cause i think i am normal and i wanna be unic and special. As long as we feel comfortable we should wear whatever we want, we don't have to care about what people say or think.
    Valentina Vargas

  14. I believe that to discriminate to the persons of different color of skin, different social groups or the way of dressing this one badly and any person of the world should not do, I if I think that the identity does not have anything that to see with the aspect since one can be of brown skin or white skin but continues being nice and generous, if I and saying things mistaken on a person, I consider myself to be a part of, affects in the sense of frustacion antisociableness.

  15. From my point of view, i think that the appearence doesn't matter so much as the personality does because when you know any person apart to see how this dressed what you look really his personality. Also a lot of people choose their clothes according to their personal likes and so people may be able to meet people of the same style. As well a lot of people dress according to his country, for example clothing characteristic of the people of India.

    Sebastian Parra.

  16. Well, in my opinion, the stereotypes are a social way to pre-judged a person or group, everybody does this, I do it. To classify a person by how they look, can be good or bad (most of time it’s bad), it’s good ‘cause you can have some idea of this person, but it’s bad when it hurts the person feelings. I pre-judged a lot of people on how he or she looks, how they speak, or where they come from. Sometimes I have a completely wrong idea of this person ‘cause we need more then just the “first impresion” to judged a person.
    The way that identify the how I look, depend in how I feel, I may wear something that i like and that doesnt mean belong to an urban tribe ‘cause some day I want to wear black clothes other day I want wear “hippie” clothes another day I want look like lady and wear a dress.
    And yes, I think the appearance affects in our social life ‘cause the “society” do not respect all the urban tribe and many times we make fun of them.

    -Karla Araya

  17. In my opinion, it is true, the prejudices of this society are very big because, for example, people are judged just for the clothes that they wear, the first thing that they think when seeing a ‘’flaite’’ is that he is a thief and dealer of illicit substances. Personally, yes, it has happened to me that I have judged people without knowing them, since it is the case of a great friend who, at first I was thinking that he was very ‘’flaite’’ for the clothes that he was wearing, but then, on having known him, I realized that he was a good person. Really, I have never felt identified with any of these stereotypes. I like the video games but not up to the point of being a ‘’gamer’’ and the clothes that I usually wear are of totally different brands (I wear Pole clothes and at same time Nike clothes xD).

    Benjamín Contreras

  18. I think people shouldn't be judged because of their outfits or style, we should know them first, talk to them, etc. stereotypes sometimes are formed thanks to haircuts , clothing , colors and other things that can characterize people, but that doesn't mean they're gonna act in a certain way. And yes, I've judged a person by the way they dress and it was wrong, because nobody should be discriminated for their style.
    in my opinion I think people should not be judged by their appearance because the person may feel bad.

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  20. Hello teacher,in my case I think that my indentity it´s not reflected in my appearance, cause i believe that i dress like someone older or more mature person, but really i am a inmature boy. One time i formed an opinion completely wrong about somebody when i thought that a boy in my class was gay, but i realize that he was not gay. I think that i am part of the gamer group, but this doesn´t afect my social life because i don´t talk too much about gamer stuff with other persons or friends.

    Diego Gutierrez

  21. I think anyone should judge another person by the way she dresses, but all they ever have done for the simple reason that I look ugly or whatever reason, in my case if I has occurred but luckily I was wrong. You just have to know the person, talk to her, we are all different and have different personalities and ways of thinking.
    I have not a style defined in relation to clothing, for me the important thing is to feel comfortable with what they use no matter what people say about me.

    Francisca Muñoz

  22. in my opinion I think my appearance does not reflect my identity because I have many ways of being that are tailored to the situation in which they find me, plus I think if I tried many times without knowing and most of those times I was wrong, I think not belong in any of the groups above, I think I have a style. I think it does not affect much in my life because I have all kinds of friends and get along very well with them. to finish I think the stereotypes in society are not good because people always judge without knowing and this can cause damage to a person or some misunderstanding.

    Alfred Steven Gutierrez Ortiz

  23. Hi teacher! So, i can say that my identity can be seen in my appearance because i am relax and i just want have a lot of good moments in this year but without leaving my studies. Well, i think i formed an opinion about somebody just for the way he or she looks and i make a mistake cause i shouldn`t make prejudgment of someone without known he or she. Maybe i am part of the group of gamers for my fanaticism for videogames but this aspect for me dont afect my social life. i`m so happy with my life and my videogames and i dont care if i transform in a freak but i`m happy an this is the important.
    Sebastiàn Lillo Nùñez.

  24. first of all my appearance is just the way I like to see me, but not what I am, because a person does not think like dresses. I do not remember talking in bad shape of a person without talking with him or her before. I do not consider part of noun style or fashion if I dress like I like. I do not like ¨adornos'¨ my view. in no way affects only care about knowing your personality and not their appearance.
        Javier Gallardo p.

  25. In my opinion the stereotypes are so bad, since we discriminate people without meeting them and maybe do them some damage to this person.
    I don't know if my appearance represents my way of being, I only wear what I like, and I don't care what others say about me. I think that people doesn't have to judge others by how they dress, it is necessary to know them first, even though, I have judged someone for what I see more than once
    Personally I don't know to which group I belong to, or if I belong to some group, and this doesn't afectss my social life.
    Leslie Romero

  26. I think my identity is reflected on my appareance just a little bit, I normally wear something I like or that I think it's pretty and looks good on me. I, as most people, have judged someone based on a first impression, but I don't do it consciously. Anyway, that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and meet that person because I do know that first impressions are not always the right ones, and I won't provide myself from realizing how nice and cool that person is and make a new friend.
    Going back to my personal appareance, I don't think I belong to some tribu mentioned there, honestly I don't think I belong to one at all.

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  28. in my opinion I think we judge only by appearance without knowing how they really are, the way you dress and accessories do not show your identity if not the tastes of each is what I think personally but still people tend to speak without know.

    For my part if I made a bad opinion of a person without knowing good and well against me too but here you can see how we do bad impressions without knowing well to other people.

    Erik Mansilla.

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  30. I have never judge someone for how he looks, people are complicated and have a lot of feelings and ideas that we have to respect and know to reallly understand someone, i dont really feel represented for any of the "characters" on the image, im somekind of mix bettewen some of them but a lot of aspects are missing on them for actually represent me.
    Guillemo Apablaza

  31. from my point of view, not always someone's identity reflects on their appareance, but there's some cases in which it does. I wear high heels and in my opinion, when I see a woman wearing high heels and she knows how to walk with them, it shows (at least to me) immediately that she's a confident woman and feels very sure of herself, because that's how I feel when I wear them. Or wearing colorful clothes for example, it makes the person look happy or it can reflect the opposite if they're wearing dark clothes. I don't consider myself as part of any tribu because THE WAY I DRESS DOESN'T DEFINE WHO I AM.

    Ivette Lastra

  32. In my case, a part of my identity is reflected in my appearence, but it not represents completely myself. My style reflects some ways of thinking and the things that I like, such as the music I listen to. However, there’s many teenagers that don’t know who really they are and they copy the appearence of other people assuming ways of thinking that not really define them, but make them feel accepted in a group. In many moments I have formed a wrong opinion of the people only for the way they dress, for the hairstyle or the music they listen to. The prejudices don’t allow us knowing people that maybe is too different of what we think. I don’t consider that I formed part of an specific group, but some people said that I’m a hipster, because of the glasses that I wear, but I don’t really believe that. I think my identity affects my life, because it define the things I do and the people who I like to be. Besides, most people form a first impression based in the appearence of the persons, and that have an influence in the opinion that other people will have of me.

    Coni Rojas

  33. Hi teacher, from my point of view my appearance don’t reflect my identity because I have various styles of dressing. One day I was in the pharmacy and I saw a boy well-dressed that it seems a good person who only wanted to buy in the pharmacy but I was completely wrong, the boy stealed a lot of things of the pharmacy. I think that I don’t belong to any groups of people because I have my own style and I don’t feel comfortable with any of these groups.

    Daniela Garrido.

  34. From my point of view, I believe that our appearance, generally, does not show our identity, because sometimes we don’t show like we really are, trying to look like someone from other country for example, or be someone who is like the popular people. Besides, much people choose our clothes and accessories for being fashionable or wearing according to musical preferences, at times for the place where they live or simply because they wanted wear certain clothes or not.
    Yes, I had wrong opinions about other people even if I didn’t know them. Definitely I don't have a particular group. Although, I don’t have a specific group, I have friends like all normal people and with different styles and consequently, don’t affect me in my social life .
    Bastian Gutierrez

  35. Teacher:
    In my opinion the teenagers present a auger of problematic or individual cases, these problems can come from what they can spend in the family, friends or groups in which they are. These problems tend to be positive or negative, the roles, such as how the parents are the authority and they have to comply with their duties, but some do not meet, or do not understand the concept of wanting, they think or believe that if one doesn't allow them to do the things they want to, it is not because one does not appreciate the support. In these cases each young person can change their minds or their perspective as soon as the parents tell them or advise them, the parents say that there are things that teenagers do not want to govern by rules and is there when we lose trust, respect and the duties. Adolescents do not consider the integration of a healthy conversation with their parents who are the ones who are always there present for what their children need for what i think they are as indicated in establishing a relationship to prevail a connection between them.
    Bye, Bye teacher.
    Ivanna Zamora Campos

  36. I think identity can be reflected in one's appearance, since this is a way to define and show my preferences and the things that i feel confortable with
    Yes, i am always aware of someone's appearance, but i not only focus my attention in that because i like to talk to new people and get to know them, many times they surprise me. Just saying that i once had a long talk with a punk, who had always scared me, but at the end i discovered that he was a lovely person .
    I don't feel identified with any of them, actually i feel like i dont belong to a specific group, i consider myself someone "normal" i dont like to be a stereotype and lock myself in a group because i really like to share with all kinds of people.

  37. In my opinion yes, my identity is reflected on my appearance because through the way, listen to pop, my look and i am so extroverted.
    Yes, I have formed an opinion about somebody that was completely wrong, i think some people will always discriminated against people but shouldn't be so because everyone is different and should be respect.
    Finally, i think that i don't have specific group and no, this doesn't affect my social life because with my group of friend we are happy as we are and we don't a defined stereotype.

    Camila Nancul

  38. in my personal opinion I think my identity is reflected with my appearance, because I always demonstrate I am as with every person I know or I know. Maybe I can change my personality a bit depending on the time or the person you get to know, but then you take the necessary confidence. I think we form an opinion about someone who demonstrates not always be as it is very normal today, because after all we always end up making prejudices about other people. Judge before knowing everyone and we form opinions about people who do not know. to finish actually think I do not belong nor I reflect on any of the images photo, perhaps because I think each person is unique and in this case is so. !!

    By: Tamara Francisca Oñate Berrios

  39. I believe that this is true, maybe everybody has prejudged someone at least once. In some cases, the clothes that you wear can tell us how are you(if you wear black colors, you must listen rock,metal or something) but, this is just a prejudge, cause this person that wear black clothes, can listen pop or another kind of happy music and hate the rock; or a person with colourful clothes can hate everything. Once, i meet a guy that looks like a hippie and i believed that he was a communist or something, but i listened a comment and i got astonish, because he actually was a army`s lover. In my case, i usually prejudge to the people cause i dont like speak with people that arent like me, so, if im meeting a person and he say or do something that i hate( say something bad about the animals, tell about when he get drunk in a party,etc), this person can go to lost his time with someone else. im part of a group not much renowned, we are a bit weird to the society but i like it, and the opinion of the people arent relevant for me. altough my friends and acquaintances laugh at me or tell me that im weird, this is not relevant to me, cause im happy being weird ^_^.
    Juan Barrera
