Saturday, October 3, 2015

Future Jobs [Junior Level]

Dear Students:

 You've prepared a CV, a cover letter and completed lots of activities based on this topic, Jobs. Besides this activity and taking it seriously, What job would you like to be in the future? a doctor, engineer, an artist, etc. Please leave your comments in at least 65 words. Include factors like salary, time, vacations and the like.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th


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  2. Hello Nigga Teacher, my dream or a future work it is be an musical artist, I have my own. One band that different to the others, that be authentic band where they each of integrants have your own style. When I speak of style, I refer to musical genre and style of clothes and accesories of clothings or wear.

    I think the most important for achieve obejtives like band is playing the instruments between friends and constant practice of songs.

    Jorge Nigga Barraza
    Junior Level

  3. Well, you know teacher, i always wanted to be a computer programmer. why?
    First of all, because they are well paid, second, the have a decent amount time to do their job, and finally, like a lot the subject, i find it very interesting.
    by the way, i think programing will be very important in the future, because technology and stuff, and that’s is another reason why i want to become a programmer

    Nicolás Valencia Mundaca
    Junior level

  4. hello dear english teacher.
    When i think about my own future, most of the times, i see myself as a recognized cheff working on a respected hotel-restaurant with the objective to sahre my capacities and my job to the world developing my skills to an master level.
    I dont know exactly why i want to do this, i just enjoy doing this and to me, it seems to be a good idea to make it part of my future life.
    good bye teacher.

  5. hi teacher.
    I would like to work as doctor, because I like this trade and in general everything related to the anatomy and the functioning of the human body. Besides that on having finished the university it is possible to enter to work immediately and with a great insured salary. The times for the hobbies are small, because, this work occupies practically all your time, but there is had the access to a few good vacations.
    Katalina Torres
    junior level

  6. Hello Teacher, i love interacting with adults and children, besides i love the area of health so i would like to work of nurse or matron.
    I would like to worked eight to nine hours a day and earn a good salary, at least $850.000 pesos monthly. My idea is to work during all the year, but have at least two times per years vacations lasting two weeks.
    Bye. Daniela Cerda

  7. Hello Teacher I would like to be a lawyer in the future because the truth is that I like the subject of legislation, another factor in my decision is the subject of money and lawyers are well regarded by society,I also believe that being a lawyer there are many job opportunities (public or private),I also believe that being a lawyer I can do more like,discuss.

    Manuel Gutierrez
    Junior Level

  8. Hi teacher, you know what? There are two things that I love and that I could do all my life: program and draw. But everyone knows that in Chile is very difficult live just being an artist, so my decision was studying electronic or industrial engineer, the salary is around 2 million after four years, working nine hours at day, but it is not a problem if you love it. Like everybody, I want good vacations, traveling around the world. Finally I don’t want to work in Chile, and these careers give me the opportunity to live in other country.

    Catalina Concha Chaufleur - Junior Level

  9. Hello teacher

      I see myself as a kinesiologist , because I can remember the time when I was a little girl that I always fall down and hit very hard so, the most of the time I was on the kinesilogist viewing my the injures of my bones because of the falls, and now I grow up I felt the kids need a kinesiologist who can understand they childhood, That’s why I want to become a kinesiologist .

     Bye teacher.

    Maria Jose Guerra 

  10. Hello teacher
    Since i enter in the world of music, an idea cross my mind, to share it but, not just share the music that I know also, I want to share my wisdom to the next generation of humans, that’s why, I want to be a teacher of music with the objective to make child learn to express themselves through the music so they can share their music with the world.
    That’s why I want to be a music teacher. Bye teacher.

    Matias Espinoza

  11. Hi teacher, I've always liked the anatomy, biology and the area of health and this year I realized that I want to study nursery. I see myself working in a good clinic with a good salary and, of course, with free time. I would like to work since Monday to Friday and until a reasonable hour. After some years working and saving money I want to take good vacations and fulfill my biggest dream: travel around the world.
    Nicol Atenas.

  12. Hi teacher, I've always liked the anatomy, biology and the area of health and this year I realized that I want to study nursery. I see myself working in a good clinic with a good salary and, of course, with free time. I would like to work since Monday to Friday and until a reasonable hour. After some years working and saving money I want to take good vacations and fulfill my biggest dream: travel around the world.
    Nicol Atenas.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi teacher.
     In future I want to work in Nutrition and Dietetics for the simple fact of which when it was small always I was very fat and in a moment I started to importing the topic of my weight and the " life healthy ", and I would like to help children that be with problems of obesity. When a student of nutrition goes away later de three years it wins on a million, after going away and to be employed at public Hospitals I would like to have my own nutritional consultation.
    Kamila Díaz - Junior Level.

  15. Well, with the time, I didn't been changed my dream work a lot of times, like the rest of the people. When I was a child, I saw my dad with uniform and was great, when I went to his job was amazing; I get in love with his profession. His boss, in Iquique, said me if I want to join in the Navy, I’ve to be an officer. Be an Navy officer is the best job for me, it’s a job that make me stay in moving, know my country and the world, and protect my country and my family at the time. Here I can win good money, but the best part, is that the navy provides me a lot of things like salubrity, discounts and vacation places.
    -Oscar González

  16. Hi teacher,
    I have always been attracted toward the laws, and when you enter a debate, I decided to take a definitive course. It is for this reason that I want study laws. Personally, I would like to establish my own lawyers buffet in which I can regulate my times and salary.
    Also, the most important factor for me is regulations and workplace, because is very important feel good, respect and satisfaction with that I do.

    Kimberly Valle Hurtado
    Junior Level

  17. Hi teacher, i am confused with my degree university, but i like production event and Nurse, it does not connect with each other, but this thing i like.

    The thing like salary i really don't care because is something i like and i will do it with my spirit and effort, but the most important work on something that would help people one way or another because this is the most important. Besides the one smile.

    Katalina Ramirez


  18. What's up teacher,
    probalby you know, i love play bass and compose music, in special funk, alternative and jazz.I will study in the modern school of "viña del mar".I will study the degree of bass arrangement and bass composition.probably i will participate in a jazz band.I humbly i dont want more than $300.000 or $400.00 pesos, i will marry with a doctor.It will work 9 hours per day, i think is nice, because i dont will need vacations because the music is a very funny vocation, I love constanza cornejo <3

    Valentin Venegas Quezada
    Junior Level

  19. Hello, teacher!

    "What job would you like to be in the future?" I've heard this question more times this year than in all my previous years. The answer has changed over the years, when he was 5 years old, I wanted to be veterinary; 12, astronomer; and until 14, lawyer.
    But last year I realized something: I wanted to work in these professions, not by choice or love to these works, but, the money, by the expectations that others had in me. Now, that I discovered what i really want to be, no one supports me, my parents either: I want to work in my house How? I want to be housewife. With this work, there is no money, no vacation, or hours of work. This work requires all hours, everyday of the week, throughout the year. But all this has a reward: that my children will grow up well, that I am for them whenever they and my husband need me.
    Although several persons do not agree with me, this is what I want to be in the life. Because a job and a salary are not the only measures of the value of the human being

    Dana Donoso - Junior Level

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  21. Jelou tisher

    don't care about it, the real post is the next hahahaha * I want to be a detective, in the P.D.I (Investigation Police), and become an specialist in narcotics and intelligence (like the C.I.A, in ‘murica). Because in my infancy I get interest about it, because I’ve two uncles that are detectives, and both of them are specialist in Intelligence, so that call my attention, what they do, undercover missions, make years of investigations. Although, Narcotics, call my attention too, because I like the topic of drugs. Then, if I can join in the P.D.I, I would like to postulate to the B.R.T (Tactic Reaction Brigade), because I love the adrenaline.

    Kevin Yañez
    Junior Level

  22. Hi teacher, well, asking your question, i want to be a lawyer, and why?, because i like the debate and argue with anothers, also i like to help the people with their problems relationed to the laws of the country or the reglament of the school, i don´t care so much about the salary, because i know that the lawyers have it. And i want to be my own boss, so i could give me vacations when i want. The laws and the oratory are things that i like so much, and in this career i have to use it, so i think that this is what i want to be in the future.

  23. Hi teacher, in the future i want to be chef, or study something relationated to this area, i like to cook, and i like the food too, and if i am chef i will travel around the world so i will not need vacations, because i will have it every day, and i know that the chefs get good money, and more if they have their own restaurant, this is the perfect job for me.

  24. Hi teacher
    Well my future in the world of works i don´t now still but i have a "idea" , for example be a Personal Trainer . I always liked me the sports and help others to practice them , also i get interest about it, because i have goods skills what facilitate me for this work as good comucation with people, good physical condition, great experience in the sports, extensive knowledge in the history of sports, etc.I liked very much have this work,because i like help people.

    Andres valdenegro
    Junior Level

  25. Hi teacher.
    Well, i am not 100% sure the job that i wanna have. However, i have a side that i consider more than another sides, and it is the informatic. Well, it could be said that i "live" of the computer, cause, ever i use it. Also, i like have more knowledge about the informatic, and i think that in my future, i wont get boring of that job type.
    Matías Kachler.
    Junior Level.
