Saturday, October 3, 2015

Art and Work [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 In this thread, We'll talk about different ways of expressing or enjoying Art (according to what we talk in class). From the list below, Which of the activities do you like the most? Which ones don't you like? Why? Please leave your answers in at least 60 words.

1- Attending lectures on art
2- Going to art Galleries
3- Going to concerts
4- Listening to music
5- Looking at paintings on the web
6- Painting pictures
7- Reading a book
8- Taking photographs


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th


  1. Hello Professor:
    Well, the list of activities the ones I like are listening to music and read a book, because in my opinion these two activities complement each other perfectly, the best of life read a good book listening to music, and not me is attending conferences like art, because I do not drive much on that topic marrow do not understand almost nothing about art and stuff so for me it's basically a bit boring ;-;

    Fernanda Vega: 3

  2. Hi teacher:
    activities that I like listing them from highest to lowest are:

    -Listen Music because it makes me relax during the week and put me in a good mood.

    -Go To concerts even though many will not, I like them because they are fun, you can meet new people and enjoy your artist closely.

    -Read Books because the books take you to another world and make you feel things by their plots, also they are very interesting and help you reading comprehension.

    Activities that I do not like are:

    - Go to art galleries do not like that for me is boring but art is interesting to me not much catches my attention and I have no talent for art.

    -Attending Lectures on art I do not like that for me is that I feel fome and does not serve anything.

    -looking at pictures on the web do not like because I find it a waste of time for me and does not entertain me.

    Fernanda Bravo

  3. hello teacher
    my favourite activities are:
    listening to music because Metallica songs and other rock and metal groups is amazing a other activity i like is a going to the concert becauseone has the opportunity to see their favorite artist or band and get in new bands
    the activities that i do not like are :
    all other list beacuse i don´t like art and lecture this activity I get bored and not many interesting meeting art also do not like the music prefer

    victor riquelme

  4. Hi teacher!

    Well, of all the activities in the list, my favorites are to listen to music, to read books and sometimes, to go to concerts because it makes me happy and it makes me feel okay. And, the activities that I don't like are to go to art's conferences, art's galleries and to look paintings on the web because I don't have interest on that. I think the art are on all places, not only in that sites

    Camila Gómez

  5. I love listening to music, i've found a new way to solve my problems since i'm doing this almost every day, and is because of this that i think the concerts are a really cool and energetic way to enjoy the art.
    I don't like to read books, i think they're really boring and i pretty much prefer to watch the movie instead, and i also don't like to go to art galleries, because painting is so hard, i'm not good at that, i'm better at music.

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  7. Hi Teacher!
    Well, the activities that I prefer are listening to Music and Take Photographs, I choose the first one because through the music you can get a lot of sensations, and the lyrics can represent your life style, The second one basically is because, in my opinion, is the better way to catch moments or trips. And finally, the activity that I don’t like is ‘’Looking at Paintings on the web’’, that is the worst activity worldwide.

    Ian Stevenson

  8. Hello Teacher!
    Well, my favorite activities are listening to music, because when I'm bored I do this, I listen to any music, except Reggaeton. Read books, because when I read them, I feel like part of the story. Take pictures, because they serve great moments to remember. Painting pictures, Because I like to draw and paint. Despite that I like art, I do not like art conference because they are a bit boring.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  9. Hi teacher
    Well, I don't have a lot of free time, but when I've any free time I love listen to music, because it's relaxing to me, also I love painting things, but I don't do that well.
    If I've more time, I really like to read more books.
    If I've a HD camera, I really like take photographs, because that would be really cool.
    I really like go to concerts, but I don't do that, usually.
    I like go to art galleries, because that are very interesting and beauty.
    I don't like attend lectures on art, I don't do that at all, because are really boring like look at paintings on the web, that would be the worse activities in the world.
    Cynthia Cáneppa

  10. Hello Professor:

    Well, the list of activities that I like are listening to music and attend concerts because it's more fun for me from this list and dislikes I would read books and listen to a lecture that bored me a lot, however, arts galleries and photo paintings I would only out of curiosity and to kill time for a while.
    Dante Díaz

  11. Hey, Teacher n_n
    I really love taking photographs of basically... Everything. When I take photographs, I think I can make people notice little details that no one sees, when I was younger, I wanted to be a photographer, but money... You know. My favorite second activity from the list, would be listening to music, because who doesn't like music? but I'm not of that people who can listen to music like every time, because I get bored of my own music. And maybe, the third activity from the list, is reading books. I used to read a lot, but now I don't have time to read :c.
    I don't know what kind of person would look pictures of paints on the web, that's weird. Normal people don't.

    Fernanda Ramos

  12. Hi teacher I think that the best of the list is listening to music because it's like it disconnect me of the world and I forget everything. If I listen to music it has to be louder, I think that in that way it is perfect. And in second place I really like painting because also I think that is a perfect way to expressing art. The one that I don't like is to read a book because it bored me and makes sleepy me.
    And that was my opinion
    See ya teacher
    Rodolfo rojas

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  15. (For Freddie Mercury's sake i messed up twice!!)
    Hello teacher !!!!
    What i enjoy the most i think is anything that has to do with music; listening to music, going to concerts, of course composing and interpretating too, because music is my passion, my everything( besides my little hobbit ) even if my parents doesn't want me to become a musician,. More than painting pictures i like drawing, you know, pencils, i have lots of ideas and that's why i like it , drawing stuff let me Comunicate my thoughts in an easier way... I agree with Feni when she sais that normal people just don't google paints!.

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  17. hello teacher
    the activity that I enjoy doing is listening to music, for me, that's a form of escape from reality, I relax just listening to my music and nobody else, well, for me it is a distraction, a way to forget everything around me, for that reason is that I love music, also because it is a form of expression. activity that I do not like, They are painting pictures, for one simple reason ... I'm a mess to paint, I paint worse than a kindergarten child. otherwise I do not like, is going to art gallery, just because it bores me see art, I am very close-minded, and not understand the art.

    Nicolas Rivera
    Sophomore level

  18. Good teacher !!!!
    -The activities here are two I like listen to music and read a book. I like these activities because between the two there are several ethyls that one would draw attention in my case in music is diverse and reading a book has to be science fiction, you horror, police and some short texts of love .

    -And the list of activities that are clearly do not like all the other because otherwise they are to my liking and my attention.

  19. Hi teacher!
    I love listen tu music because when when I put on the headphones I forget the exterior world and alone fodder in the letter of the song, I like much the hip hop of the 90s, Especially Notorius B.I.G. for your style, also I listen to many cumbia and reggeton these raise the spirit.
    I dont like to read books because I prefer seeing movies, In my opinio it is most enterteining that alone to see letters.
    Joaquin Novoa Pizarro

  20. Hello teacher
    my favorite activity of these is to take photographies since it is an activity which entertains me, and I learn very much. You prop I like to take photo to the landscapes of nature already be in spring, summer, I invest. He me does not please these activities the reading book since he bores me very much for that it is not a dynamic activity, since one has to be in a place with silence and I do not like the silence.

    -Catalina Cerda S.

  21. Hello everyone
    In my case the favorite activity is listening to music, because is more easy listening to music in my smartphone that go to a concert or do another activity In the list. The music brings me a lot of feelings like happiness, relax, exiting, etc.
    The activity that not like me is looking at painting on the web because is very boring, I belive that is a activity for alone people because is amazing the found funny look at pictures on the web.
    Mauricio Valderrama/ sophomore

  22. Hi teacher
    The activities that I'm like is listening music, because it relaxes me, i enjoy it and it's bring me out also is a way of expresing.
    I'm like going to concert whit my friends for to spend the moment and to relax, and also is for to know others peoples.
    Attending lectures on art is interesting but It is not of my favorite things, however it like me for learn more on thing now.
    reading books it like me, because is a way of learn and know new vocabulary and take good understanding.
    Benjamin gonzalez

  23. Hi Teacher
    I like to listen the music, of everything a bit, but my centers of taste on the Chilean music as Illapu, Sol y Lluvia, Quilapayun, Inti Illimani Etc. Also I like to go to concerts, which they organize to any of the groups mentioned before to be of benefit to some social reason.
    Generally I listen to music with my dad, since we share almost the same musical tastes, we connect the phone one to the radio or to the TV and can be the whole evening listening. I don`t like to read, which I read they are the books of the school, neither I like to see art or to be going to galleries to see art.
    Alexander Dubó Vera
    Sophomore Level

  24. Hi teacher ñ-ñ

    the activities that I like most are listening to music and taking photographs, because it relaxes me much, also I love to enjoy my time doing dances and singing songs I hear haha, I like to take pictures because I feel that we will always have the memory of any activity or any good time that I had, that will always be there. What I like least of the list are the number 1 and 2. because I do not feel very drawn to art, consider it something very cute but I would not like to attend lectures on art or go to the galleries because i think i would be bored:(

    Leslie Lepe

  25. Hi Teacher
    The activities do I like the most, are going to concerts and taking photographs. When I went to the concert of Justin Bieber in November 12th, 2013, its was very funny, I’m cried so much, but also sang all the songs of this album “Believe”.
    When I´m bored, I took photographs at every thing but am more interested in landscapes or take a picture of flowers.
    The activities that I don’t like is looking at paintings on the web because its very boring and not waste my time on it
    Isidora Sánchez

  26. Hi Teacher

    I can say that the activity that more attracts me is to listen to music, since when the melody begins to flow, I start myself relaxing, feel that the world disappears, that I am alone with the music. It entertains me in moments of sadness. In my holiday the music is never absent jajajaj, is a basic material for my in these occasions. With my Friends I like to share the type of music that I like, since for example, Contemporary, modern, but mas that nothing of everything a bit. Me gustaria to share mas this topic with you, but me despedire with my finished work.

    Attentivly Daniela Oñate B.

  27. Hi teacher
    Activities list that I like is Going to art Galleries because it entertains me and strikes me see different paintings and sculptures and learn about art.
    And my least favorite activity is Attending lectures on art art because I feel it is a boring way to learn and see art, and I would not do this activity having other more entertaining and didactic.

    Victoria Rojas

  28. Hi teacher!
    Well, I like listening to music as much as reading a book because I listen to music when I feel so stressed or bored, so the music helps me to feel relax. The feeling is the same when I reading a book , I feel like I forget all my problems that I have and I put my concentration in the story.
    I think that attending lectures on art is better than looking at paintings on the web.I don´t like any of the two and I´ve never gone to an attending lecture on art but I think is less rare go to listen and learn about the art than stay in the afternoon just looking photos in the web… that´s is so rare…

    Montserrat Rojas

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  30. Of the things in this list, I do the 37, 5% of this things.
    I like (as everybody) listen to music, because is the life. I listen “a lot of kind of music”, but I got music of the series like teen wolf, eye candy, etc. this series have soundtracks that is a songs of the artist who aren’t so known and their music is so cool.
    I look pictures on the web, mainly to get up ideas for make, cups with a bottle of "corona" or candles of colors or beds to the pets or whatever. Follow me on Pinterest like Ignacio Godoy....
    Finally I read books but not the enough because I don’t have much time, but in the summer’s vacations I gonna read a lot of books even I wanna read at least one books in English, the book that I wanna read is , beautiful creatures, finish the maze runner, the night we said yes, the Hawking’s book, etc.
    I think attending lectures on art is so weird
    xoxo gossip girl (skaksjkdjlaks) I recommend that #teenwolf4ever #stalia #jisuhkraist #serenailoveyou #blair, everybodyknowsyoulovechuck

  31. Well teacher the activities like most are listening to music because i enjoy so much the music in generaly i listen rap like hablando en plata squad, hijos de las hojas, etc also i listening jazz like john coltrane, billy evans and others styles of music when i listening music i can fly into the song and can be feel relax.
    Also i like so so much is painting because is the wall and me nothing more, no people, no society, no school, no trouble,NOTHING, i enjoy much this activity i love this.
    I dont like go to art galleries because are so bored and "top" people enter there and i dont know is like abc1 art and ugly without feelings the best gallery is the street, the walls, the houses, etc
    Cesar henriquez
