Saturday, October 3, 2015

English or Spanish Books? [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 In this thread, I'd like you to comment about an issue that we covered in Unit 3, regarding books and literary genres. As you know, there're tons of books which are in different languages. Despite the level of acquisition of a foreign / second language and according the books you've read, What books do you prefer the most, English books or Spanish Books? Please leave your answer and also consider: Favorite book, author, genre and your explanation over the language of it.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th


  1. Hi teacher!
    Well, I don’t have a favorite book, but if I have to choose the book will be Divergent, of Veronica Roth. This is a science-fiction book and the storyline is amazing.
    I’ve read a few books in English, but I think that is better read it in English, because is more easy to understand the feelings of the author and what he or she want to transmit. Also I like read in Spanish because is my original language and is more simple to read the book (for me) if is in Spanish.
    By: Camila Villarroel González

  2. Hi teacher.
    I think the books are better in English,because normally it is the best version of the book,if i have to choose a book it will be the book "historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseño a volar"of Luis Sepulveda.
    I read books in Spanish because it is my original language,but from the few books I've read in English I think are better than in Spanish.
    Mauricio Aguilar

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  5. hello teacher: I would choose the books in English, since previously and read books and they have called me the attention great, because they spread very well and the authors are very good in general, in this occasion I will choose a called book "El caballero de la armadura oxidada" of Robert Fisher, I like this book and attract attention since it leaves many educations to you and is not very extensive, this author identifies very much for creating books of motivation and self-help. Of the same way I like reading very much in Spanish since it is the language that and occupied largely of my life and I was born with, but after one read books in English at the same time of reading he learns very much.
    For: Gerald Lobos M

  6. Hi!!!
    In my opinion I prefer the book "the fault in ours stars" by the author John Green, I never read the book in English but I read it in Spanish and I like it, the genre of this book is love and use a young language and sometimes medical terms for the condition about cancer than the character has.
    I prefer the two languages because I extend my vocabulary in both languages
    By: Sofia Diaz

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  9. Hello teacher. Teacher for my being better books in English, since in this language one finds the original version of the book, and the translated one, since translated not always this version completes. To sorrow that for my sound you improve the books in English, I do not read them very followed. But if it have that eligir a favorite book the easy-going giant would choose, of Roald Dahl, to weighing that this in Spanish it is a very good history.

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  11. Hello Teacher: I like to read more books in Spanish as it is my native language but I never read books in English and because I think they are more difficult to read.
    My favorite book is Harry Poter Y Las Reliquias De La Muerte Parte 2 is your gender science-fiction and author is J.K. Rowling
    Andres Araya 1°

  12. Good my I like mas the books in spanish.y almost I never read books in English for that I think that they are very difficult .el book that I like it is called the beetles they fly to the late afternoon and his author is maria gripe

  13. Hi teacher.
    In my opinion I prefer to read books in Spanish, because it is the language I speak and understand it. The book that I would choose is “El Alquimista” by Paulo Coelho, that it was originally written in Portuguese but i read it in Spanish, this book is a novel of adventure, including a mission, fantasy and drama.
    By: Kaitlin Díaz Garrido.

  14. Hi Teacher!
    I prefer the most english books, because the most books are written originally in that language, so the reader can understand better what the author wants express like the thoughts and feelings.
    I not have a favorite book, but I like many books as the trilogy Maze Runner from James Dashner and the franchise The Infernal Devices from Cassandra Clare both are genres of science fiction.
    By: Belén Rojas

  15. Hi teacher.
    I think that the best book for read is the spanish book, because for me is more easy understand this type of books. I dont have the favorite book, but I like the book called "Todos los escarabajos vuelan al atardecer" because is a book very fun for the main characters and their characteristics. The autor of this book called Maria Gripe and is a book of the mistery and intrigue.
    I prefer the spanish book because I read more fluid and is more easy understand the story of this book.
    By: Benjamin Rivera.

  16. Hello teacher, in my opinion I think it is better to read books in English , as are written in the language of the author , but I prefer the books are in Spanish as my language and I read not so confusing . My favorite book would be "We are not unbreakable " ( We are not unbreakable ) , and that strikes me much attention his little stories of love and a lot of fun meeting , this book is castella language and children's literature author Elsa Bornemann , and this book belongs to juvenile nonfiction genre .

    By: ~Javiera Ramos.

  17. Hello teacher!
    I don't like read books because I think that it's boring. Nevertheless, if I have to choose the book would be "Octubre, un crimen", of Norma Huidobro, this is a mistery book and this topic is wonderfully interesting (this book is written in Spanish).
    Finally, I read few books in English, only in the English class because I can't understand books in a different languaje to Spanish and I bore me try so hard on something that supposed it should be fun, I prefer to watch movies.
    By: Macarena Medina

  18. Hi teacher!
    Well, first of all I don’t have my favorite book. Only read at the time that ask me books in the school and i recognize that is not right. The books that I most prefer are the comedy and adventure, an example is Papelucho and the Martian from Marcela Paz, I love the colection because it is very entertaining, and the main character is very successful. With regard to the language, I prefer the spanish language, because i understand more fast, on the other hand, those of English take me 3 or 4 days to read it since I do translation of several words that I don't know.
    Matias Cardenas

  19. Hi Teacher!
    First, I dont read to much, but i prefer the books in spanish because is more easy for me to understand.
    If I have to choose a book it will be "Pregúntale a Alicia",the author is Anonym and is a novel. Is a book for teens, because it speaks about a ver common reality between them. is a book.
    this book I prefer to read in Spanish, because the reading is more constant and I don't miss, thing that with books in English it happens to me.

    By: María José Ibacache.
    Freshman Level.

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  21. Hi Teacher!
    Well, the truth is I'm not one of those people who really like reading, I do not read books for pleasure or fun, but in the case of choosing my favorite book would certainly "the perks of being a wallflower" Stephen Chbosky . It is a book with a truly amazing and very real story. I really like this book because it is the only book I've read over and not obligation. It may be better to read in English since the book is originally in that language , but I read it in Spanish . In my opinion I think it is better to read books translated into Spanish just because they can better understand and achieve better captivate the person.
    By: Valentina Casanueva.

  22. Hi Teacher!
    In my opinion I think that the books are better in English because generally this version is better than in Spanish. The book that I like is "I am legend" of the author Richard Matheson, this book belongs to the kind of science fiction,but i read books in spanish beacouse it is my lenguage.

    By: Felipe Tamblay Orostica

  23. Hi teacher i think that the books are Best in spanish, because is very simple read it, my favorite book is "sapo y sepo son amigos" because is a perfect book, is short, very simple and it have letter big

  24. Hi teacher!
    First I prefer the books in Spanish because is more easy understand and I don’t have to search in the dictionary for a word that I don’t understand. However I understand most of the word in the books of English but I read it in 2-3 days. My favorite genre is adventure and for this reason my favorite book is all the series of Papelucho from Marcela Paz, because is funny and interesting the character at the same time, specially “Papelucho en la clinica”. Another book that I like is “Los escarabajos vuelan al atardecer” because the mistery that have the story is so good.
    Javier Cárdenas

  25. Hi teacher
    To begin with, I do not like to read much.
    I prefer to read books in Spanish, because it is easier to understand in my opinion, because not much English.
    My favorite book is “Los escarabajos vuelan al atardecer”, that is a very entertaining book that once you start reading it you can not stop, it is a book of intrigue and mystery, the author is Maria Gripe, this book is in Spanish.
    By: Ignacio Rodriguez

  26. Hi teacher, the true is that i dont like reading, but I have to choose one, so I choose the childish book named “i hate to read” of Rita Marshall.

    I prefer to read books in Spanish because is easier for me, however I read books in English only in the school and I like it althought it can be difficult for me because I can learn more vocabulary.
    By: Natalia Garrido

  27. Hi teacher

    I do not read too much, but I prefer books in Spanish because they are easier to understand for me since I do not have a good command of English , my favorite book is "The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King" of JRR Tolkien, its genre is fantasy i've just red this one in Spanish but I would like to read it in the native language of the book wich is English
    By: Esteban Larenas

  28. Hi teacher!!!!!!!!!!! (:
    I prefer books in Spanish, and I'm too bad stop foreign languages and do not understand anything XDD ... my favorite book would be ... "Beats" by Javier Ruescas and Francesc Miralles, gender is romantic youth.
    I love this book, I'm not much to read, but this I like the way the book I found very original is written. A whole book written messages without just descriptions of the characters, of course makes us our imagination; The dominant theme is love, then to a lesser extent there is a bit of mystery and friendship ... (: By: Maritza Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  29. Hello teacher!
    I think the books are better in English, because usally is the best version of the books. I don’t have a favorite book, but I like I am legend" by Richard Matheson, because is a good story of sciense fiction with amazing characters and the dog of the book is a good friend. However, I always read books in spanish, because this is my language
    By: Diego González

  30. Hi teacher!
    I don't have a favorite book, but if I have to choose the book will be The Maze Runner, of James Dashner. This is a science-fiction book.
    I prefer the english books because is the author's original language and I can understand better the feelings of the author. However, when I reed books is in spanish because is my language.
    By: Elena Domínguez

  31. Hi teacher
    I don´t have favorite book because I don´t like read much, but i like spanish books
    i like the book "the gentleman of the rusty armor": the author is Robert fisher, and the book is de self-help
    i read the book in spanish but i understand very much
    by:william gutierrez

  32. Hi teacher.
    I prefer the books that writing in Spanish, because is my native language and I understand the history of the book. Also I don’t know analyze the English’s books, nevertheless I like read the book in English.
    My favorite book is the “El futbolista enmascarado” this history it’s about a mystery case of the police, the author is Carlos Schlaen, the genre is an action, mystery and suspense.
    By: Fabrizzio Sotelo

  33. Hello Teacher
    Really I do not like to read but one of few books that I like, they are those that it is interlaced by the kinds of the middle ages and romance. My favorite book is " Cruzada en jeans " with author Thea Beckman is interesting enough and I recommend it. I prefer 90 % the books in Spanish even that equal for the bad translations, the books are better in English and for that they share mas information that is spent in some translations

    Constanza Cornejo

  34. Hi Teacher:
    My favorite book is Ajax of Sophocles because this book talking about of a hero of Greek mythology who is plunged to many dangers , it is a book about action and adventure. while the language prefer to read books in English because it's more fun, more than anything is to get out of the routine of Spanish
    By: Joaquín Ortiz

  35. Hi teacher, well, about this subject, in my case, i don´t like read in general but the teacher forces me to this, then in my opinion the books in the original language are the best (no matter if is in Spanish, English or other language), because with the author´s language, he can to express him feelings without traduction´s problem.
    My favorite book is “El último héroe del Olimpo” of Rick Riordan, the genre is fantasy and I prefer read in Spanish because is more simple for me.
    Matías Cabrera Lobos.
