Saturday, October 3, 2015

Best, Bizarre, Cryptic, Funny and Memorables Moments at school [Senior Level]

Dear Students:

 This is the last topic you'll post in this blog. It's been a pleasure and I spent great times with you. In this thread, I'd like you to discuss about memorable moments at school. Please include best, bizarre, cryptic or any kind of moment you'd like to share. Also, don't only focus on English class (you might as well include other subjects). Leave your comments in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: October 26th


  1. About the english class, I will always remember the stupid greeting of each morning , the funny videos about the recipes in sophomore, and the greatest invented expressions like “permiss” or “ dragonball-sita”. About another memorable moments, I remember a day when all the class tried to hide of the history teacher, and in the moment She returned, all together started to sing the chorus of “Perdóname”, the Camilo Sesto’s song. Besides, I will remember our poor just dance games at youtube, the teacher imitations by Javier and the funny supply teachers like Julia, Andrés and Domingo. I will miss to make bullying to teacher Rodrigo because of his accent and the catchphrases of teacher Clarita: self-control, calm and respect. Those are some of my best memorable moments at school, but I know this list is short related to all our experiences.

    Coni Rojas

  2. In my opinion my memorable moments in the school is coexistence

  3. During this four years, i spent much moment funny thanks to my classmates, for this is difficult to choose one. I must say that I want more the my class is your happiness, igor, friendship and affection, by this I will miss them
    If I have that choose one moment, I choose the may’ ornamentations because with this activity I could share with all my classmen, also I enjoyment the connivance,
    especially when you teacher Juan danced 'Livin' La Vida Loca' with we

  4. Hello teacher, in my school experiences, there are too many bizarre and funny moments that I have lived with my classmates, but the ones that made history are the legendary “Spanglish words” that my classmates had said on the different English presentations, like dragon “bolsita”, “aceit”, “soser”, and the like. Also, other epic moments are when we played “just dance” with the support of YouTube. These are good moments that I will never forget in my life.

    Diego Gutierrez

  5. Hi teacher, all over these years at school there have been a lot of memorable moments that I like to remember. One of the most funny and epic moment was when Javier and Nicolas Toro danced “I’m sexy and I know it” and they were almost naked, even when our ex-teacher Danitza were there. There are a lot of other memorable moments but I think this is the most legendary; I will miss all the stupid things that we have made at school, goodbye teacher and classmates.

    Daniela Belén Garrido González

  6. In these four years that i stay in the school, we have had various funny situations to remember like for example, when it was the discoteque's javier and your boiler that was throwing vapour, also when Guti it opened the fire-extinguisher and the corridor remained white. Finally one that also is necessary to stand out is the bullying that were doing to the mrs paty. This four years are the best in my school life.

    Salvador Henriquez.

  7. To be honest, in general I don't have an specific favourite moment that I could share with you, because I have thousand of them that could make you laugh a lot or maybe just make you think that we (as a group) are a bunch of stupid little kids xd Although I would like to say that a very funny and important moment to my classmates , was the time when you "played" Just Dance with them, and dance "Livin' la Vida loca ". Unfortunately, I didn't went to school that day, so I lost a very important memory asdfghjkl
    Finally I just wanted to say thank you for all that good times that you make me spend with my classmates, specially when we went to spelling bee, were we lost, but you take us to eat doggie's for the defeat, so that makes you one of the best teachers at the hole world lalskddn Thank you for keep telling me that I'm good at English even when I quit and I think I'm very bad❤

    Valentina Vargas lml

  8. As a Senior level student, I think it is veeeery difficult to choose just one single moment to remember in the whole time I've spent in the school. But I'll always remember the internal jokes between ourselves, things that only we can understand, for example the things that happened in the study tour, last year. Obviously, mentally, I will not be able to ever forget the mess we always leave (btw, is that the right word?) in the classroom when we are techerless (seriously, I don't know if that word even exists), because every time a teacher decides to leave us alone... he is just trusting us a lot! Also, the funny moments in class, the unforgettable list of stupid english words such as garlic, dragon bolsita, my first very bad grade in your class, that awful and messy presentation ajksdg and other stuff, I can just say that these four years have been the bomb! every teacher has been very important to me, and all I can say is thanks. Thanks to all of them, and thanks to you, for teaching me a veeeery good english... and that. (yes, i just said that, kill me)

    Pablo Vásquez n_n

  9. Well, I just have one year in this school and it was a great year, but today I want you to know more about my other school from Iquique, we have so memorables moments that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. First of all, the anniversary, in the last year I had the bests competitions where I had to do parody about “what does the fox says?”, we won the competitions with an epic final in a party. But it’s just a week in my school, because we have beautiful moments in all the year, for example the “Golden day” when we make shine the best part of each classmate or the “hug day” when we write letters to others members of the schools, in the letter you express the importance of other in your life, in this day I always cry a lot, specifically the last year because was my last “hug day”. Sonny Muñoz

  10. A memorable moment was when some friends from sophomore, some classmates and I played with bottles of water. We threw water at eachother and got wet and They challenged us a lot, telling us that this was not done and that we were bad example for children, but really I did not care because it is a moment that I do not regret having lived, because they are not forget antics

  11. Hi teacher
    My favorite and (in my opinion) the most memorable moment at school was'nt actually at school. It was on the tour to the south of Chile that we made last year.
    I think we all agree that when "we all were sick" (specially in Lota) our relationship get consolidated. I'm not going to specify about this but I know my classmates understand me. To me (even if i was sick too) it was beautiful (YES BEAUTIFIL) because we started to trust more in each other.
    And before that almost everynight Karla, Valentina, Aracelli, Francisca, Tamara and I had conversations about some things (7u7) and some of us slipped away to have fun while the other ones were sleeping or playing "carioca".
    Even if we had "bad moments" I realize that it was like vacations and to me probably one of my favorites because I spent this time with you guys<3
    Jessica Caneppa

  12. I remember many memorable moments, because undoubtedly we are a funny school year, where always slapsticks happen. Nevertheless, something that marked me this year was our presentation of native holidays, of September. The whole show went out well; the setting was perfect, with the exception of the local name. My dear classmates, for unanimous decision (without possessing my vote) named to the bar "La remada de Javiera ", because of a fact between tragically and comically that happened to me in the tour of studies.

    Javiera González C.

  13. My grade is full of the funniest and greatest people I've ever met, so there's too many memorable/funny things I remember, like when the physics teacher showed us a question from his computer reflected in our whiteboard that according to him, might appear on a future test, he asked us to please not to take pictures of the little help he was giving us, but obviously someone had to do it. He noticed it, and I remember him dramatically closing the tab in which the question was, slowly looking at us with an unreadable expression, and whispering with his impossible-to-make-fun-of accent: "He sido trgaicionadu" and I don't know why I found it SO funny, like I still laugh, for real. I also remember my classmate who sits in front of me laughing as well, but I'm not sure if we laughed in the exact moment it happened or at the thought of it. Maybe it's not the funniest but god, I still laugh whenever I talk about it, I always laugh at boring and stupid stuff anyway.

  14. The most bizarre experience I've lived in the school was a day in which we were all quiet and suddenly a war breaks out with water bottles and we all got completely wety, then the teachers sent us to clean everything we were wet. Or it may also be when Guti triggered the fire extinguisher handle and it exploded and we were soaked in white powder from the fire extinguisher. I do not remember any more at this time, but there are a lot. Those are my stories for now.

  15. Hi teacher: It is difficult " to extract to the light " those special or epic, difficult moments to say words which come to the heart, but what yes is clear that all the experiences for which we never happen together forget. First I want to say that thank you very much to you teacher for teach what you I teach us, thank you for being there as a teacher grumpy and blablá, and for especially persistently. I with my companions principally spend the majority of the time, and with them I lived what was an unforgettable trip to the south of Chile, which was the ' tour of studies ' for if about studies it treats itself, but simply enjoy it to "concho" with each of them. Thanks to my companions and teachers for forming a part of my life and everything teaches what.
    Thanks you TEACHER JUAN (:

    For: Ivanna Zamora Campos

  16. I don´t really remember anything about this four years in the school, nothing bizarre, funny or even weird, i mean, I know that had been a lot of memorables moments and like phrases that passed to history (like "aceit"), but I have to be honest with myself and say that I can´t found funny the ignorance of people. But if I have to mencionate at least one moment that I found really funny, then I will say that was on Freshman level ... The physics teacher was talking about Waves, and then he make an example and said "Toro´s is longer than Diego´s" (refering to the size of the waves) ... Then there was a silence and the only thing that you could hear was the ultra-sexual sound that Lillo did (that sound that is like an orgasm and a scream together) ... then there was another long silence in the classroom, but a few second later everyone, including the teacher, were laughing hysterically. That moment will stay in my mind for ever and ever. Good moments with those kids <3

  17. well hello teacher, my most memorable and favorite moment was when all the "legendary words" happened. I think those words are very important and part of history, because they represent every time someone didn´t know the exact pronunciation of a word or didn´t know the exact word and improvised. Some of the words are the famous and and recent "osear" followed by "permiss", the old ones such as "aceit" and the most popular one "soccer" the legacy of an ex classmate. When we finish this year, maybe these words will live in your mind and you will talk about them to the other grades, and that´s why I think they´re legendary and are my favorite thing to think about when I remember my grade :)


  18. Mmmm, From My point of view I’m sooo tired, principally for this topic, the classic “memories”, the time past, but the memories remain, okay and now start this Bomb of Memories, I remember principally the top fails in the English Life, for example, the aceit, garlic, eye, dragon ball “Cita”, and the like, other memories are the stupid moments in the Just Dance Day in simple words: Awesome! Days, and in my top of Bizarre Moment’s is the Detective Conan as Bastian Gutierrez, this starring needed an Oscar, besides in my memory always stay this class because this class are Legen… Wait For it …. This class is very crazy and bizarre, the moments are so FUNNY and countless… DAAAARYY

  19. Well, in these four years together we have a lot of funny, amazing and beautiful (ha-ha) moments and it’s very difficult to choose one, but I must do it, so… if I had to choose one, it’d be when Javier did a parody of our teachers, especially of (Saint) Andres, this parody made me laugh too much, when he said “¡Callese usted!” (Shut up!) to Salvador, Oh God! It was terrific. Also, when the Cecilia and Gabriela teachers lectured us in our study tour, ‘cause we said “mamá todos estamos enfermos” (mom everybody are sick), this is a phrase I’ll remember forever.
    I love the time I’ve been with these guys; they are my partners (my crew), although I’m not friends with all of them, I’d really love make an event with them, they make everything better <3.

    Karla Araya

  20. In my opinion far the best has been to realize the union that we have been able to achieve in the course of our school, where we have set more in tastes, discomfort and the personality of each one of us; managing to get together more during the 10 days of our study tour. Perhaps things that bothered us in some minute happened but this time helps us to know us more than school can be fun and thus ensure that everything that we live is a spectacular souvenir. One of the most remembered moments was when we were in Lota and most of us we were sick in the stomach as well as Port Fonck enjoying nature and the beautiful view of the volcano.

    Ivette Lastra

  21. Well i dont know from where start, im a really crazy person, and i love to have fun in so many different ways, i got a lot of memories from wild times in my life, but must of them aint with people of my school, i had some wild times with my friend Thomas in the past years, i remember getting in a lot of problems with this guy, but we have fun and thats all it matters, im not sure if i even wanna talk of any of this stories xD, they are preaty wild and crazy, but anyway, i have also have some stories with a friend of thomas and me, jaime, he is a preaty cool dude, we have a lot of fun, we one time spend the hole day playing video games, drinking energy drinks, and that kind of stuff, we couldent even get up the next morning but i say it was WORTH xDwe have some really crazy anecdotes, but i dont think it would be right to share them here, for respect to my friends and my own benefict xD. But this year has been amazing, i must say, one of the best years of my life till now
    Guillermo Apablaza

  22. the highlights .... Since I entered first base has been filled my mind with good memories of my time as a student, as remember the "koalas" koalas "jajaj. Other moment I remember like it was yesterday it is when we went to hide from the teacher Clarita and then think of the idea we came into line and singing "perdoname". And the finally the best moment It was when a group of fellow danced "locomia" for school activities. This is a best moments that one remember to every life and others more,they can not be counted as more than one can be angry :)

    Javier Gallardo P.

  23. the highlights .... Since I entered first base has been filled my mind with good memories of my time as a student, as remember the "koalas" koalas "jajaj. Other moment I remember like it was yesterday it is when we went to hide from the teacher Clarita and then think of the idea we came into line and singing "perdoname". And the finally the best moment It was when a group of fellow danced "locomia" for school activities. This is a best moments that one remember to every life and others more,they can not be counted as more than one can be angry :)

    Javier Gallardo P.

  24. hello profesor well this year with our partners we have been through many funny moments as for example one day we were in class and a partner started playing guitar and automatically all started singing also in lenguaje we had to say words with a pencil in our mouth to be able modulate better and we all laugh also a good experience i had it was doing my physics project on pole dance that it's the sport that i love describing how each movement is performed and another thing i like when we go to the playground and play among my peers and the last thing is when we went to santiago toa museum where they explained that ceiling always fell when eartqueakes appears abd just that day earthquake it happened. cheers

    Catalina Tapia

  25. Is too hard to remember an specific moment witch make me feel something memorable, but isn’t cause doesn’t exist any memorable moment, is actually cause every day in this school with this classmates, better said friends, is an special day, so I can say that each day is a memorable moment. Dirty phrases, dirty grabs lol, orgasm`s guti, the extinguisher`s incident, the “wena nojua” and my endless 3,9 line in language’s subjects, the random and crazy moments witch Christian, and the bad qualification in Some random English class with some random English teacher named Juan who every time decreased my grade by my awful handwriting Probably will be hard to say good bye to all of this, but he big epic moments I lived here, “never” will disappear from my head.

  26. i think a memorable moment is when someone does something stupid and out of nowhere everyone yells, as if we were mocking that person, literally everyone does it and it doesn't stop for minutes. sometimes the teachers get mad at us but i think it's really funny and it's something that i will never forget, because i'm sure that i will not be able to do that in some other grade in the university and i doubt that other senior grade does it so it's unique of my class.

  27. The most memorable and funniest moment was when my classmates and I went to our study tour, and somehow everyone got sick and needed to poop very bad. We were in a turistic place and there was a bathroom, and literally everyone went there to poop, like we all remember and laugh about it, it's something that we as a group will never forget. We weren't ashamed because everyone was pooping so we became a team!!! It was a very emotional and intimate moment.

    Camila Nancul

  28. A moment that I will never forget is when we did that massive dance of cueca for physical education this september. I was really happy because everyone participated, some people danced, others sang, and others helped to decorate the place and create a play we did. It was something we did as a team, it has never happened before so I think it's a very nice moment with all my classmates that will live in my mind forever, I honestly believe it was the best.

  29. Well, well, its hard to choice one of the best moments that i has in the school, but now i going to talk about one of de bests. i think when bastian begins to show us that sounds like orgasm and the first time that a i heard this, the laugh are infinity, everyone laugh for this peculiar sound. Other moment was javier imitated almost all teacher and saw him was amazing and again has a lot of laugh in mi body for this starring. We all toghether were in a lot of moments funniest but stay with the same guys all day, every day is very good moment to laugh.
    Sebastián Lillo

  30. What I remember in English class are the videos about the recipes, and the ones about the interviews, the funny pronunciations of some words, and more stuff like that.
    Out of these English classes we’ve done so much crazy shit, stuff that made us join together as classmates, I’ll never forget Bastian’s moans in the middle of the class or when we broke a table before going to vacations, the anecdotes of the class trip, the pranks and jokes with the teachers, anyway, there so many memories that will take place in my mind.
    Leslie Romero

  31. Un the school we live Many memorable momento but the moments which i remember altas are the moments which happend in the study tour when we was senior. I remember when my friend alfredo got a pop in the bus and our teacher get angry with us. Also i can not forget when Benjamin was sleep and we Put cream in hin hand and we touch his face, he touch his face with the cream and everybody in there Romo Laugth a lot. i remember the legendary word of legendary proble like gaélico of Sebastián Contreras, dragón bolsita of Sebastián lillo, aceite of i dont remember who. I Want remember all nice moments forever.
    Bastión gutierrez

  32. Is too hard to remember an specific moment witch make me feel something memorable, but isn’t cause doesn’t exist any memorable moment, is actually cause every day in this school with this classmates, better said friends, is an special day, so I can say that each day is a memorable moment. Dirty phrases, dirty grabs lol, orgasm`s guti, the extinguisher`s incident, the “wena nojua” and my endless 3,9 line in language’s subjects, the random and crazy moments with Christian, and the bad qualification in Some random English class with some random English teacher named Juan who every time decreased my grade by my awful handwriting Probably will be hard to say good bye to all of this, but he big epic moments I lived here, “never” will disappear from my head.

    Juan Barrera
