Monday, August 24, 2015

Lost [Freshman]

Dear Students:

 Imagine you are lost on an island in the middle of the ocean. Choose a book and a music album you would like to have with you. Share your comments in your group, giving reasons for your choice.

 Leave your comments in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday


  1. In my opinion I thing then the book that I choose is called asylum from the autor Marlene Roux beacouse I don't ending that book yet. And the álbum that I choose for listen un the island is from Nirvana and it called Nevermind and I choose this album beacouse make me work and doing thing for make a home or something for survive.
    Buy: Sofia Diaz

  2. Hello teacher.
    If I am lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, I would like to have with me my favorite book called “El Alquimista” by Paulo Coelho because it is an inspiring book that leaves you lessons in life and also motivates you to follow your dreams. And would the album titled “Solo un momento” of Vicentico because he is my favorite singer and when I hear their songs me relax and I identify with them.
    By: Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  3. Hello Teacher
    If I was lost in an island in the middle of the ocean I would like to to read something interesting and entertained as "EL SEÑOR DE LA ARMADURA OXIDADA" since it leaves pretty teachings, as find the way of the vulnerability and if your strengths, something that nowadays costs very much. Going on to another topic of my musical favorite album would "YO SOY EL MISMO " of Prince Royce since the songs are very entertaining and expressive because each of them identifies already you my pass me the same things that are spoken in each of his songs.
    For: Gerald Lobos M

  4. Hello Teacher
    if I was on an island would choose a book specific survival in wilderness survival book (kibro que acabo de googliar)for the simple reason being on an island alone. The disk would opt for one of tronic serious (ligas mayores) this serious decision for me your music it puts me makes me happy and relieved. the book I chose is only to survive but if I had to pick one I would like Lovecraft any book since these books are very entertaining plot of horror is the best

  5. Hello Teacher.
    if I was in an island in the middle of the ocean I would like Teacher, to have with me the Romeo Santos's best songs, since all his songs are very good, and expressive with what one feels, and also because he is one of my favorite singers.
    Going on to another topic the book that I would like to have if there was in a serious island the Giant Easy-going book, since it is an entertaining history, of adventure for what it him happens to the giants, and also because it is graceful, and it to do me to calm down and to relax.

  6. If I was lost in the ocean the book that would have to read serious one that is called the illiada since I like the history of the Greeks for his so immortal heroes. The album of music that I would like to have to the side serious one that is called Ahrix - Nova since I think that his music is very motivating and good.
    by:Bastian Pereira

  7. Hi teacher
    If I would be lost on an island in the middle of the ocean I would prefer read the book paper town of john green because the ambient of this book is in a city and whit this book I would remember and don’t forget where I from for don’t become a crazy, and the music album that I would like to listen is “four” of one direction because I love the lyrics of this songs, the singers and tracks

    By: Natalia Garrido

  8. If i am alone in a island, i would listen to Random Access Memories album from Daft Punk because I like this type of songs and I think don´t will get boring when i am doing some activities like fish, run, hunt, etc. And I would read Papelucho because an interesting and large book so will give me a lot of time of fun and maybe I will never be boring.

  9. if i am alone in an Island i would choose the book "Papelucho Historiador" because it is an interesting book then you learn more about Chile and your history. And the disc when i choose are "Paranoia de Psycho joke fú" Chyste Mc because the rhytm of the bass is cool and the lyrics are fantastics. I choose that record because the voice of the rapper or "Mc" is the best and would be the most motivating music which would have on an island.
    Matias Cardenas
    Freshman Level

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  11. Hi Teacher
    If you were lost in an island in the ocean , the book would decide read serious "Love and Other Demons " by Gabriela Garcia Marquez , much as called me the story attention and I like the plot that he developed in this book, and the album of music would you choose would be " sweetness " Prophetic Culture and inspires me and I like them too relaxed and the songs of this album, as well as to listen all day without getting bored.

    ~Javiera Ramos.

  12. Hello teacher!
    If I'm lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, i would choose the book "Papelucho y el marciano" by Marcela Paz, because is very fun and his characters are amazing and interesting, and the music album that I would choose is Get Rich or Die Tryin' of 50 cent, because the songs have good lyrics and wonderful rhythm that inspired to me for workout or training.
    By: Diego González

  13. Hi teacher!
    If I'm lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, i would choose the book "fuenteovejuna"of lope de vega, because i don't understand, and the music album that I would choose is "lenguaje vivo"of gran rah, because the songs have good lyrics and awesome chorus
    By: Bastián aravena

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  15. Hi teacher!
    If I would be lost on an island in the middle of the ocean I would listen the album "Midnight Memories" from One Direction because I love their lyrics and the singers has a beautiful voices, but mostly because is a music style that have slow songs and also songs faster. Their lyrics it gives the sensations of energy and happiness. And the book that I would read is "Paper Towns" by John Green because is one of my favorites books and it makes you think about your life and your happiness. Is a book really interesting for read when you are sad and you need a little of fun and you definitely laught of loud.
    By: Elena Domínguez

  16. In Music I would listen a electronic music because is really exited and energizer, this genre of music is used for do something, for example: Do sport, in the case of island cut Wood, pick food, fishing, etc. Also this tipe of music in my opinión is really funy and anybody can boring with this music.
    In Literature I would read condorito because this storys is really fun, with this text anyboby can boring. Also i like the genre of comedy and comics. In my opinión i dont like read but condorito is exited and maintain atmosphere of laugh.
    Joaquín Ortiz |- . -|

  17. Hi teacher!
    If I lost in a island I would read the trilogy (the books are Across the universe, A million suns and Shadows of the Earth) of science fiction Across the universe by Beth Revis, because is the most amazing fiction that I’ve read before.
    In music I would choose a DJ of electronical music called Tiesto, because he is cool and his music was really nice, in special his song with another DJ called Martin Garrix, the name of the song is The only way is up and that song is my favorite one.
    By: Camila Villarroel González

  18. Hello teacher!
    If I'm lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, i would choose the book "Papelucho detective" by Marcela Paz, because is very fun and his characters are amazing and interesting, and the music album that I would choose is "revolver" of t pain in especially the song bang bang pow pow becouse the song have good lyrics and awesome rhythm, t-pain is awesome singer.

    By: felipe tamblay

  19. Hello teacher!
    If I'm lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, i would choose the book "Papelucho detective" by Marcela Paz, because is very fun and his characters are amazing and interesting, and the music album that I would choose is "revolver" of t pain in especially the song bang bang pow pow becouse the song have good lyrics and awesome rhythm, t-pain is awesome singer.

    By: felipe tamblay

  20. Hi teacher!
    If I am alone on an island in the middle of the ocean, I would choose the group of "Villa Cariño" that is the music style "cumbia" because if a person are alone, disconnected from a world, I would like listen to active music for spend time with happiness and rhythm.
    Finally, If I am alone on an island in the middle of the ocean, I would choose the book "Octubre un crimen", despite that I am not sure the literary genres, I think that is mistery book. I would choose this book because when you read the start of the book produces tension on your and you wants know the end, the solution and the actual situation.
    By: Macarena Medina.

  21. Hi Teacher, if i lost in the middle of ocean listening the electronic or dubstep music, because it’s stimulating and have energy for try to leave to island; and I reading the adventure or action category, in specific the saga “Papelucho”, because this types of books inspired my escape of the island.
    Fabrizzio Sotelo

  22. Hi teacher.
    If I am alone on a island probably I choose the singer"Tupac"because I like a lot the lyrics because it has to be with his life,if I have to choose a book I will choose the book"la historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseño a volar"because it is a fabble and I like that kind of books and this book has a lot of adventures and is really funny.
    Mauricio Aguilar.

  23. Hi teacher!!
    I think that if I lost in the middle of ocean I would choose the book "We Are Not Unbreakable" or in Spanish "No Somos Irrompibles" of Elsa Bornemann, because it is a book that speaks of love and feelings among these couples, who has 12 different stories between if and that's one of the things that I like, because it is not the typical book that speaks of two people who fell madly in love and began their relationship , but it is a book that shows different ways to deliver love, I believe that I would keep calm.

    And Finally the music: I think that the album that I choose is the Singles 2001-2006 of "Los Bunkers" because I love the songs that appear in this disk, and because this band is one of my favorites, their songs makes me calm and to reflect, and that is what I would like to have if it were alone on an island.
    By: María José Ibacache.
    Freshman Level.

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  25. Hi teacher!
    If I would be lost on an island in the middle of the ocean I would listen the album "X" from Ed Sheeran because I like his music styles and mostly because of the meanings of the lyrics from each song of his. Also I like the way he perfoms in the stage. His music styles is hip-hop, pop rock, acoustic and his voice is beautiful.
    I would read the franchise "The Infernal Devices" from Cassandra Clare because is a really interesting science fiction-romance. Also the main character Will is very funny, cute and is my favorite character. My favorite book The Infernal Devices is "ClocK Work Princess" because the end makes you feel so amased that you feel the needsly of crying.
    By: Belén Rojas

  26. In case it was alone in an island and had to take to me a book that I like and an album of some favorite band would be the album "Nevermind" of the band Nirvana because I think that he is one of the best álbumes who has this group, it is my favorite and the first song that I listened to permission of "nevermind". I think that it has a great meaning and the songs that it contains are very good. And in case me it was having to choose a book it would be " hush hush " of Becca Fitzpatrick, the truth is that I liked it enough the beginning of the book because for different circumstances I have not stopped it reading then I am interested in knowing that it happens at the end of the book.
    Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  27. Hi teacher, according to the issue raised, the book I would choose would be " how to create a wooden boat " to occupy the same boat and escape from the island because I have more chance of surviving by going to drift that staying quiet on the island. And about the music, the album I would choose would be " Audioslave " by band with the same name, I would choose it because they have a lot of songs that i like and besides Audioslave is one of my favorites bands.

    By: Esteban Larenas

  28. Hi Teacher!
    Honestly I do not like to read books, but one that most caught my attention is "Beats" Javier Ruescas, because I like the words used to describes every feeling and emotions that exist in the "love"; And the album of music would you choose would be "This I Believe" which is the band's hillsong, because I love the lyrics and the instruments used for each song, and I also like it because it shows that sing with feeling and veneration.

    By: Maritza T.

  29. Hi teacher.
    If I am lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, I would to read the book " are not unbreakable " in Spanish " no somos irrompibles " , as this book shows 12 stories of love and a lot of fun , where different feelings of love shown , this book also shows the different economic situations of each story , as choose songs album songs old school and they are very good and never go out of style

    Montserrat Lopez

  30. Hi Mister Teacher! :3 I'm glad that you liked my kawaii hat!

    Well, in my opinion, the book I would choose is"Sherlock Holmes" because I love the criminal novels and mistery. Sherlock is so cool, really, I like when he talk with Watson because they fight a lot! About the music, the album is "Feel" of Sleeping With Sirens because.... ¡KELLIN IS SO SEXYYYY!!! D:... Ok, sorry, am... I like all the music of this band,

    Francisca Sanchez, su alumna estrella buena para el inglish! :D

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  32. Hi teacher
    I would choose a album of carlos santana, because in my opinión he is a better guitar player due to he can play the guitar in all music styles. And his music are relax, nice to my ear and when I am nervios, I listen this music and get distracted.
    And about the book ehh, well, I don´t like read and I don´t care nothing about this theme, but because my dear theacher want my comment in this post about this theme, I must do.
    I would choose a book about survival, because this book teach you what you need for survival in the island, or my other option I would choose a book about building the craft rafts to get out of there and to stop reading.
    Matias Cabrera Lobos

  33. Hi teacher!
    If I am alone on an island in the middle of the ocean, I would book the maze runner that is a very interesting book full of adventures where they survive day by day and find a way out of the maze...
    And the music album would choose "revolver" by the Beatles because there are very interesting songs with good lyrics.
    Thank you for your attention, bye!

    By: Ignacio Rodriguez

  34. Hi teacher!
    I think if I were lost on an island in the middle of the ocean, the book that I would chose is "Splintered" because it's like a creepier and modern version of "Alice in Wonderland" and the story happen in a darker ambient.
    And the music album that I would chose its named "kisetsu wa tsugitsugi shindeiku" by Amazarashi because even though its pretty short its very good because I thing that the songs are really meaningful and have a lovely rhythm.
    Thanks (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    By: Nazareth C. Goldsworthy

  35. Hi teacher.
    If I were lost on one island in the ocean, I think that I would select the dubstep music because I like this music and relaxes me and distracting me of everything and I fell happy and specific dj is David Guetta.
    And the literature I would read book of sience fiction because I travl to other world in my imagination and is fantastic for me.
    By William Gutierrez

  36. Hello teacher!
    I think if I were lost on an island in the middle of the ocean , the book that I would choe is "Cruzada en jeans " because is of the middle age my favorite kind, is very comic and you can compare the society and the discrimination of the children and... nobody worried of Him , but finally the wards in the book is more to imagine.
    And The album "dark horse" of Nickelback is very relaxing for me and intersting the lyrics of His songs, and finally the song is cheer me up.
    -Constanza Cornejo -

  37. Hi teacher!
    I think that if I am lost on a island in the middle of the ocean, I choose the book "Indiana Jones" and the cronic of this book , I like this book because in a island I imagine that the principal character of the book is me . The type of the music that I choose is the Dubstep because for me is a music very animated and , if I lost in a island on the middle of the ocean, I am not angry with this music.
    By: Benjamin Rivera.
