Monday, August 24, 2015

Independence Day [Eighth Grade]

Dear Students:

 In this thread you'll have to post about this special day celebrated on September 18th, where we participe in different activities around the region / country. According to what we have seen during these units, I need that you write about:

- What do you do on September 18th?
- Who do you celebrate with?
- Where do you go?
- What do you eat?
- Do you know how to dance Cueca? explain if you're good or bad at it.

 Leave your comments below in 45 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday


  1. Hello Professor:
    I go out walking with my family to a restaurant, also I am going to a "fondas", and besides, my dad always makes a roast for the family. I like many "empanadas, "choripanes", "papas fritas" and I drink much juice.
    I was dancing the cueca, but I'm not so good dancing cueca.
    by:Javier Espinoza

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  4. Hi Teacher:
    I on September 18, with all my family we do a roast in my house because it is the big, I amuse my self with all my cousins and my uncles, I go to the park " the ramadas " the "Fondas" are inns and also there are too much games, our motto with my cousins in the games that it is " If one gets to the game, we all get " and manage to fill the game ....., I eat "empanadas", "anticuchos" and meat, me if to dance cueca, I am in a club of cueca and think that I dance very very well.

    By: Nicolas Pino Flores
    PD: I did 101 words, please do not think that I did it with translator, it was inspired

  5. hello teacher:
    Hello teacher in September 18 I go to the ramadas with my family and play to the principal games that there is, since for example ¨la rayuela ¨,¨ the tejo¨, etc. Generally as sweets and ¨empanadas¨, in addition I drink ¨mote con huesillo¨. If to dance cueca, however it does not interests me to dance.
    He says goodbye camila

  6. Hello teacher:
    On September 18, I meet with my family and we dance cueca. We eat "empanadas", "anticuchos", meat and others. Some days, I'm going with some friends to the "Ramadas" and played in different games that are there. According to my opinion, I do not dance cueca, but I like dance cueca.
    By: Ignacio Álvarez Pincheira

  7. Hi Teacher, On September 18th I dance cueca gracefully, I exalted kites, and others things.
    I celebrate with my family. We go to restaurants,"ramadas", "fondas" and others places.
    I eat meat, "empanadas", "anticuchos", "mote con huesillo", "choripanes", "churros", cotton candy, "popcorn", candied apple, etc.
    I know dance cueca and I think that dance good, because, I like the chilean dance.

  8. Hi Teacher.
    On september 18th, me and my family go to the "ramadas".
    We play in the games of the "ramadas" and we eat "empanadas", "choripan" and "anticucho".
    I celebrate September 18th with my sister, my mother, my father, my grandmother and my cousin.
    Sometimes I dance "cueca" with my friend but I'm not really good.

  9. Hello Professor :
    Well, what I do in the September 18th is go out with my family some places, I celebrate with my family, mainly I go to my grandfather's house to celebrate and stay in family, in this celebration I eat meat and empanadas.

    I know how to dance cueca, though, I'm not very good at it because I am a not a good dancer .

    Annarella Rosati

  10. Hi Teacher:
    Well , I on September 18 is spent my whole family I do a roast in my house, I have fun with my cousins and sister usually let the Ramadas, I like to eat choripanes, pies, grilled, kebabs and take drink.
    I if cueca dance, but I'm not the best dancing.

    María Ignacia Vega :D

  11. Hi Teacher:
    In September 18 dansing cueca, is celebrated in family, special meals and lasts celebrasion eats 2 to 3 days.
    Sometimes held in the inns that are traditionally made for all people fence.
    I eat this day are: kebabs, pies and roast.
    if cueca dancing but the truth is I'm pretty bad to dance xD

    Franco Paolo Aracena Torres

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  13. Hi teacher :
    n September 18 I celebrate together with my family, we go away of pass .y eat antipooches, pies with pebre, meat, between more things. If to dance cueca, in my family it is very traditional.
    Valentina Soto

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  15. Hello! Teacher: I go out together with my family to a restaurant, also I go to a "fondas"", and in addition, my dad always does a roast for the family. I like many "bread", choripanes "," you eat fried "," the meat " seems mas delicious, I drink many drink up to almost bursting. I dance the cueca together with my uncles and my parents, enclosed the dog dances

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  17. On that day, Chile's independence is celebrated, celebrated the first national governing board as an independent country.
    I celebrate with my family and my friends, and I go to the "Ramadas" located in the Valparaiso region, also I eat "empanadas", "anticuchos", etc. I if "cueca" is dancing because I go to a club where I teach dance.

  18. Hello teacher: on September 18 with my family we do a roast in company of some friends, are going to raise volantín and in the night we are going to the "ramadas". Generally like of all less motto with small bone because I do not like it.

    If, if to dance cueca, we say that I dance well, I go in a club of cueca to be able to improve increasingly and because I like much.

  19. Hi Teacher.
    On 18th, of September always I go to the "ramadas" with my family, amuse myself with my friends, mom dad and brother. I am in the habit of eating " you eat fried, anticucho and choripan " especially "bread". Me much likes to dance cueca but I do not dance it so well.

  20. Hello Teacher:
    Good I in September 18 I what do is to eat. I in on this day amuse myself with my family playing Creole games, etc. Aveces I am going to inns to eat antipooches and several things mas. What mas since it is choripan and pies. And I dance cueca but it me is not OK with it for which not me all you steps.

  21. Hi teacher
    In September 18 I celebrate with my family and my friends. I go to the "ramadas" that it is a place where there are typical things of our country, as "antipooch" and "choripán"; not to dance cueca but I like to see since they dance cueca it is a very traditional dance
    Fernanda Ortiz

  22. hi teacher
    I dance cueca, I eat barbicues and I stay inmy house with my parents and my sister
    I celebrate with my dad, mom, sister and sometime with my grandparents
    I go to the fondas in valparaiso
    I eat salad with meat empanadas and bread and sausage
    I dance cueca and I like it I dance cueca well

    javiera silva

  23. - What do you do on September 18th?
    Hello teacher: I on September 18 go with my friends to the ramadas or go with my family to the house of my grandparents.
    - Who do you celebrate with?
    I amuse myself with my friends or with my family and if I am with my friends go out to the street or if I am with my family I remain in house of my grandparents.
    - Where do you go?
    Generally to the house of my grandparents with my parents and my brother.
    - What do you eat?
    Generally what since in September 18 is bread of cheese for which they are my favorites.
    - Do you know how to dance Cueca? explain if you're good or bad at it
    If, I could this year to dancing cueca for that the previous years not wise I to dance but this year I could dance like and I dance very well.

    paloma martinez

  24. Hi teacher
    I on september 18 i go to house of my grandma with my family, i´m eat breaded (of cheese) they are my favorites.
    I not dance cueca good, i never dance cueca (i don´t dance).
    Good bye

  25. Hey Teacher
    On September 18th i don't really celebrate this holiday other than to be with my family and eat a BBQ. you can eat anticuchos,choripan,french fries etc, sometimes i go to the "ramadas" to play some games and win some prizes. you dance cueca by doing circle and semi-circle im really bad at dancing it.
    Have a Nice Day
    -Michael Alvarado

    Hello teacher
    on the day of the indepencia all dance cueca why ? is the main dance of chile
    She is dancing in circles and semiculos with a handkerchief and huaso hat

    Always eat junk food and the Ramadas to be play games typical chile as the TROMPO

    Hope everything goes well

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  28. Hello teacher, Bueno on September 18 I in some occasions am going to see my father to the military stop, and in others there are together relatives. I stretch them to happen in family. Where I go it is to places in the free air. What as for these days, can be changed, from a salad, up to meat. And the truth is that not to be danced cueca, because I do not have so much interest. Good-bye.

  29. hi teacher
    I generally on September 18 go out with my family to eat or we go to the ramadas. Often I go out one day with my friends and other one with my family i like to eat "empanadas" and "anticuchos".And on the cueca not to be dance because i stiff in the dances.
    goodbye teacher

  30. Hello teacher. In September 18 I go to the ramadas, eat empanadas and anticuchos, celebrate it with my family and amuse myself with them, my sister dances cueca and it is difficult to my me to follow it so I am not very good dancing also I visit my grandparents to greet and eat with them goodbye teacher .

  31. Hi, i actually like the Independence Day a lot (not better than xmas tho) only because there's "mote con huesillo" literally everywhere and I love it <3 I celebrate with my family and we stay home. We eat "empanadas", "anticuchos", "choripan" and lastly, my beloved "mote con huesillo". I know how to dance cueca, and i like dancing it but i hate the goddamn dress, anyways i think i dance average you know? Like not bad but not good either. K Bye take care see ya l8r m8

  32. Hello teacher
    In September 18 I go to "Laguna Verde" and there all my family is joined to "escumbrar volantin" and to eating roast. The independence day we celebrate it whit my family, friends and always we resemble those that we do not see a lot of time ago. I go to "Laguna Verde", the " ramadas", we do inns in my house and that of my uncle. I as met, salad, chicken, sausage, pies and the famous "choripan". I am relatively good dancing cueca, the steps and I become nervous to dancing " cueca" neither to say that I like.

  33. Hello teacher
    In September 18 I visit the home my grandfathers and eat "empanadas" I am celebrate Independence Day whit my family. I am know dance "cueca" but don’t like dance

  34. Hi, on September 18th, I go to ramadas in Playa Ancha with my family and friends, we eat a lot of meat, dance cueca in school and typical dances of Chile, we eat a lot of things like anticuchos, empanadas, and others. I’m so bad dancing cueca because it’s bored and slow; I don’t know how to dance it. I love fly kites and we do it with my friends all September.
    Pablo Henríquez Torres

  35. Hi teacher!
    In my opinion I am charmed with the day of the independence or September 18 because it passes very well in the holidays and there is very rich food as the pies and roasts it passes very well with the family, and I like much because it can share one with the distant persons that it cannot see one every day and scouts Chilean music as the cueca also I like because we lose classes and can go to the games that they do every year in the native holidays that are called the ramadas and it passes very well with the friends
