Monday, August 24, 2015

Discrimination to Applicants [Junior]

Dear Students;

 During our lessons, we have learned how important to write a good resume is. However, there's something we forget, our physical appearance or that our employer discriminate us because of that.
What do you think of gender, age, race, religion, dicrimination when applying for a job? How do you think it can be avoided?

Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: September 4th, Friday.


  1. How are you Teacher? I don’t like the people who discriminate, so I think it’s the worst, Who they believe they are? God? No, they are just employers
    They shouldn’t choose people because they have the same religion or gender It’s like to say “He likes blue, just like me, so I will employ he” It’s stupid.
    I think that the only way to avoid it is reporting these situations. Actually Zamudio’s law could protect us, when we feel discriminated, but the important is to report.
    Matías Kachler.

  2. Hi teacher. I think that is an interested theme, cause it happened even when laws prohibit discrimination. So, why employers continue doing this?
    Well, from my experience there are two kind of discrimination in this case; one is what makes us take good decisions based in rational things, like “He have a lot of skills for this job”. However, in some cases employers discriminate based in emotional things “He is handsome, so I will choose him for this job”.
    Employers just are available to discriminate just in the first way. They should base their verdicts in the abilities and resume of employees, not in their physical appearance, nationality, religion, gender, etc.
    And finally, this is so difficult to avoided, everyone should change the way we classify people, it is not just a fault of employers it’s a fault of all of us.

    Catalina Concha Chaufleur- Junior

  3. Hi teacher , it isn’t new to say “I think that is bad discriminate people because of religion, gender, etc.”, but that is true, discrimination is one of the worst humanity virus. Employers should choose employees looking the CV and the abilities of the employee.

    What is the problem if I’m Mapuche and I want to work in my country, or if I’m Muslim or black, or even if I not very beautiful, this doesn’t matter if I’m good doing my work, cause that is for what I’m applying. 

  4. Hello teacher, I don’t like think about employers discriminating persons who needs work only because they are ugly, it’s terrible, it’s unfair and I don’t like the society in were we are living, because we tolerate this kind of situation, so everyone is at fault.
    I think that the way to avoid it is if we impose our right. Because in Chile we have the antidiscrimination law and employers shouldn’t break it, but more important, employees should report when they are discriminated because of stupid things.

    Tihare Balladares Mancilla

  5. Hello Teacher, In my opinion Discrimination is bad, I have black skin and I don’t want to lose a job cause the employer dislikes black people, It’s very dumb to think that every person who is good for a job is white and blonde.
    The intelligent and the abilities are qualities of anyone, all of us are good in something, but all of us are different.
    My way to avoid this is giving a good education, an education that encourages RESPECT and TOLERANCE to everybody. Everyone should be tolerant.

    Jorge NIGGA Barraza
    Junior Level

  6. Hi teacher. The discrimination when applying for a job is very frequent and every time more. Exists laboral discrimination for matters of age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, race, etc, even when there are laws prohibiting this. That's not fair. It's supposed that they shouldn't base their decision in the age, sexual orientation or race, they should base their decision in our studies, our experience and skills.
    Discrimination exists not only in the workplace, exists even in kindergartens. Since the law didn't stop employment discrimination I think we should educate people since childhood, to stop this, to eradicate the discrimination in all areas.

    Nicol Atenas.

  7. Hello teacher, good job discrimination is and will be one of the most common forms of repression in the various societies in the world , cultures and in all times . for reasons of age, gender, sexual orientation , nationality , religion, ethnic origin, health issues, by profession, it is discriminated among others. Legal frameworks in different countries and historical moments , this kind of thing should not happen, a person will need to work for it , if a person suffers discrimination and if it says there is a person of higher rank which leaves no voice their concerns for fear of retaliation , we should all have at work and not be afraid to get us fired or simple free express yourself and threats.

  8. Hi teacher, well, in my opinion the discrimination it's one the worst ills of society and it is worst when it comes to discrimination in the moment to apply for a job, not only because the employer its being a jerk, it's also a great waste of talent, and opportunities, because you will never know if the person who the employer is discriminating, its a normal person or a genius.
    i think, the best way to avoid this kind of discrimination, its report it, simple like that

    Nicolás Valencia - junior

  9. Hi teacher! Do you think that is correct to employ someone just because he or she has green eyes? I have green eyes, but I want to be qualified by my skills, not by the color of my eyes or my hair. I think that choose employees for these reasons is not fair.
    Now, how to avoid the discrimination? From my point of view, the word is respect, and it comes from home, it’s work of the family to educate people, it doesn’t matter if their don’t going to be employers, no one should discriminate.

  10. I hate when people judge others based in things that are not really important, What if I’m Black or Jew or whatever? The important is my skills and my CV, or now I could not be intelligent because I’m not catholic? I don’t think so.
    Did you say a way to avoid it? So many people could say “We should be tolerant”, if this is a really effective way to avoid discrimination, this world would be peaceable, but it isn’t, cause tolerance is something too difficult for humans.

    Lucas Cristinich

  11. I hate when people judge others based in things that are not really important, What if I’m Black or Jew or whatever? The important is my skills and my CV, or now I could not be intelligent because I’m not catholic? I don’t think so.
    Did you say a way to avoid it? So many people could say “We should be tolerant”, if this is a really effective way to avoid discrimination, this world would be peaceable, but it isn’t, cause tolerance is something too difficult for humans.

    Lucas Cristinich

  12. Hi teacher. Do you know what? It makes me get angry, what is the problem with the people who isn’t like us? Are they wrong, because they think or look different? I don’t think so.
    Maybe is really worn out to say that “it is wrong”, or “they don’t have right”, but is the true, we shouldn’t accept this kind of situations.
    The employers should choose their employees thinking in an only base, their CV. And this is the way to avoid the discrimination in interviews.

    Kamila Díaz - Junior

  13. Hello teacher, I hear about this in a TV program, and I felt so bad, cause I supposed that the important is the CV, not my appearance, what if my employer thinks that I’m not the indicate, cause my eyes aren’t blue?
    It’s unfair, the employers shouldn’t discriminate people.
    And I don’t know how avoid it; maybe if the employers were more tolerant and make their work thinking with the brain and not with the eyes, it could be better.
    Marcelo baez- Junior

  14. Hello teacher, this is not one minor issue, since the discrimination of a person is very serious, for the work there should be no discrimination for the different reasons for each, either by the religion or color of their skin, however, we can not ask that do not discriminate by age, because this influences in the experience, responsibility and performance, all the works have its requisites.
    This can be solved extending the above mentioned requisites for all kinds of person, or giving more work opportunities.

    Denisson Donoso - Junior

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hello, teacher.
    Well, I think that, as almost all the persons think, the discrimination is not anything for which I would be proud.
    I am used to that some people ask for "good presence" sometimes, when they request or accept workers.
    I think that's okay, because, although many may not like it, first impressions affect much, even more so when the job requires good presence, as, for example, be a stewardess. If the worker did not have good appearance, I could not rely on it, although I would like to do it.
    With regard to race or religion, it should not be a problem, we are in a world with many cultures, and nobody should be discriminated, because of their culture, though, employers should talk to the employee, if, for some reason, something goes against their culture or religion, so that will not cause problems.
    Discrimination for genre or age is very common, because it is not so bad, I don't mean that employers must accept someone just for not being man or woman, or because it is very young, I mean that employers prefer employees that meet certain characteristics, if the job requires them, for example, in the construction are preferred men due to physical capacity and also some young, for energy.
    think that discrimination is not too bad, depending on the type that is, if is violent discrimination, i.e., verbal aggression, is bad; But if it's only for selection it is not so bad. To fix this, I think that you need more tolerance and respect for others. All are people, and we have the same rights and duties.

    Dana Donoso

  17. Hi teacher, well i don't like the discrimination , i think that the people that discriminate have serious problems, or they were discriminated in their lifes. The discrimination it's very common in the jobs, the employer choose people pretty than others or white, thin, tall, etc, it shouldn't be like it because exist people of other countries or colors with more abilities than white people.
    The discrimination is a big problem because it depends of each person in the world, everybody discriminate in a different way so a solution it's very difficult but it could be reduced teaching to the kids that they don't have to discriminate, i don't believe that the laws are solutions.

  18. Hi teacher, well i don't like the discrimination , i think that the people that discriminate have serious problems, or they were discriminated in their lifes. The discrimination it's very common in the jobs, the employer choose people pretty than others or white, thin, tall, etc, it shouldn't be like it because exist people of other countries or colors with more abilities than white people.
    The discrimination is a big problem because it depends of each person in the world, everybody discriminate in a different way so a solution it's very difficult but it could be reduced teaching to the kids that they don't have to discriminate, i don't believe that the laws are solutions.

  19. Hi Teacher, from my point of view, discriminate is something that we made, even when we don’t want to do it. But that is not a reason to be outcast in an interview.
    I think that employers need to choose people looking just their resume and, obviously, asking about their experience and knowledge, nothing about religion or gender, it isn’t important.
    If we want to avoid this, we shouldn’t include our photos in the CV, and the employers should be prepared to accept the differences between persons.
    Katalina Ramirez

  20. Hi teacher,I am sorry for the delay. The Discrimination is obviously very bad.I think for a job interview or to apply for a job, you don´t need be white,tall,boy,under etc. It´s a very bad,because people feel bad,we are all equal, we should not discriminate by religion, age or gender.They hire a cute or equal person that they and not others for the discrimination that is done , there is not the value of the individual, perhaps that is contracted not know anything about the job and the other yes, but, by not hiring prejudices,is that the error,¿How do you think it can be avoided? , Should people accept them for Their Ability to perform the job rather than their appearance,when applying for a job and see the resume should be assessed more experience you have in this, the years he has worked on it etc.Not discriminate.

    Catalina Piazza
    Junior Level

  21. Naturally, I think that is really bad discriminate people because of gender, religion, age, etc. No one who has skills wants to be discriminated when applying for a job because the employer isn’t tolerant. It’s sad to think in all of these persons who lose a job because they were ugly, even when they were intelligent like Einstein.
    I don’t know how to avoid it, I hear about antidiscrimination law, but I don’t know if this law makes changes, I want to believe that it makes a difference, however I think that is very difficult.

    Cesar Calderon
    Junior Level

  22. I don’t want to be discriminated when I apply for a job, even if I so beautiful to be discriminated, I think it is unfair, employers are not authorized to classify employees by looking the appearance.
    We shouldn’t tolerate that insult, I someone study for years or have an extensive experience what is the problem if is of another religion, if is woman or if is 90 years old, the important is that he or she is qualify for the job that he or she is applying.

    Junior Level
    Diego Cayuman

  23. Hello teacher, discrimination is an act that we all commit, perhaps inadvertently do so by going to deliver a curriculum anyone, it is discriminated whether for good or ill. In my opinion discrimination is an ugly act, and that employers should not be set to more than your cv.
    This could be avoided worldwide, although it is a difficult subject, making most people learn to classify and to value people for their skills, not their physical, religion or age.

    Daniela Cerda

  24. HI teacher, I personally believe that discrimination is a way to generate barriers in society preventing the development, leave the next unknown What contributes to the development of a country? A person of a certain colI personally believe that discrimination is a way to generate barriers in society preventing the development, leave the next unknown What contributes to the development of a country? A person of a certain color, a certain religion or race? Easy, a resounding no.
    We should realize that discrimination in work is one of the worst evils and we should be tolerant, we should value the skills of people, we should use new marketing techniques and, above all, we must respect others no matter how it is, where it comes from or their social status. Don't forget that we are all people.

    Kimberly Valle H.
    Junior Level

  25. Hi teacher! Do you think that is correct to employ someone just because he or she has green eyes? I have green eyes, but I want to be qualified by my skills, not by the color of my eyes or my hair. I think that choose employees for these reasons is not fair.
    Now, how to avoid the discrimination? From my point of view, the word is respect, and it comes from home, it’s work of the family to educate people, it doesn’t matter if their don’t going to be employers, no one should discriminate.

    Paullette Cristinich
