Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bicentennial Man [Freshman Level - Graded]

I hope you enjoyed this movie a lot!

As we established, this activity will be graded and it needs to be written perfectly. Don't hesitate and ask if you need any help. Now, Answer the questions:

 In your opinion, Can robots be human? Why / Why not?
Why do you think Andrew wants to be a human?
Do you think there would be a robot like Andrew in "real world"?
What do you like about the movie?

 Please answer each question in at least 30 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Date: June 19th, Friday


  1. Hi teacher, here are the answers to the 4 questions.
    1) In my opinion not all robots could become human that people would want to have relationships with robots and the human race would end since they could not have children.
    2) I think that Andrew wanted to be human because, being a single robot and have the capacity to understand the people, imagine and have feelings, he believed that it was a human and deserved to be called as such.
    3) I think that if I would be a robot as Andrew in the real world because like I would endeavor to fulfill what I want. And if he wanted to be called as a human because it had all their characteristics that I would also call me as human.
    4) What I liked most of the film was that finally Andrew did everything to become human and the achievement for him to be with the person that he loved. And finally had a life together and died together.

    By: Kaitlin Ariafne Díaz Garrido.

  2. Hello teacher!
    Now, I going to answer the questions
    1) In my opinion can the robots be a human , because some of they share with people and they begin to have feeling as love, happiness and sad. Also, they begin to think
    2) I belive that Andrew wants to be a human, because He loved to Portia and wants marry with her. Also, he wants feel other sensations and feeling as the humans.
    3) Honestly, I think that can't have a robot as Andrew in the real life, because the technological advances are very insufficient, but in much more years "maybe" a robot can develop this capacity.
    4) The movie is fantastic, because the characters are amazing. have a good finish and is very funny. I really like the part when Andrew carve the wood and he did a horse
    Diego González

  3. Hi Teacher!:
    Here is my opinion about the film:
    1) I think that if the robot what you want is within their right, assuming that if they see a human not be able to have children, and may have some reactions of robot, i think it validates your request, because I was curious to know how it feels like or how it is to be a human, or the simple fact of taste to the meal.
    2) I believe that Andrew wanted to be a human, wanting to be mortal and marry Portia, and experience new feelings and pleasant sensations that are only of the human beings.
    3) I believe that in today's world in which we live would not be possible, since it would have to carry out a series of technological experiments, and human being is still very "weak in terms of technology", but perhaps in many years to come.
    4) The movie I liked very much, because we try to do a vision of as it will possibly be the world in some centuries, and one of the parts that I liked was when he went to the Church to Portia, and kissed her.

    By: Maria José Ibacache Torrejón.

  4. Hello teacher, I am Benjamin and now I going answer the question:

    1) In my opinion the robots cant be human, because in the film are made to serve humans, this makes them one product more and only a machine, such as a TV, a cosole videogame, etc.
    2) I think that Andrew wanted to human being , because felt curious to feel the same emotions, sensations, feelings, etc., than humans and because also I wanted to die with Portia, because i could not live without it.
    3) I think that the robot Andrew not would be in the real world, because at this time the technology is not very advance as for build a robot like Andrew and with all its features mentioned in the film.
    4) In my opinion best of the film " Bicentennial Man" is mood and fun, since it makes the film more entertaining and also makes you get not bored throughout the film.

    by: Student Benjamin Rivera.

  5. hello teacher, here is my opinión on the movie Bicentennial Man

    1) In my opinion I think the robots are not human, it is evident that it is not, because the robots are not alive and not think for themselves, because they only respond to a program (software), ie, Robots are only created to make life easier for humans, since they are machines created by man.

    2) I think Andrew wanted man because I just wanted to feel free and experience new sensations in his "life", he wanted to know what it felt like to be in heaven and not dead, as it says in the film, also wanted humans immortal to die and marry Portia to have a "normal life".

    3) I think that, obviously, not because there are feelings and emotions in the technology object, robots that will only make life easier and serve; I seem illogical that a robot would have life.

    4) Honestly I do not like the movie, but what is rescued when Andrew was "transformed" into a human being, however, it seems so stupid; I like how the future looks in the film and how the characters act on it.
    By: Maritza T.

  6. Hello Teacher, here they are my response of the movie: 1) In my opinion the robots can manage to be a human being, if it is that they were robots with feeling as Andrew, since if they had feelings, because they also want to have a life with stages. 2) As me Andrew wanted to be a human being to have a family, that is to say marry and have children, but also to experience feelings and sensations that the human beings not mas can have. 3) In my opinion I do not think that there would be a robot as Andrew because even this technology has not developed of doing robot, but I think that hereinafter there might be a robot haci since the technology is going to be furthermore advanced. 4) For my what mas I me please the movie it was when Andrew, found the love with Portia and they could be happy. For: Sebastian Soto

  7. Hello teacher these my answers
    a) In my opinion, the robots cannot be human beings, in case of the movie it is alone a fiction. Probably in a not very distant future, the robots might belong similar to the human beings, but they will never be able to equalize the system complexes with the one that we were created.

    b) Andrew wanted to be a human being because he was thinking differently from other robots, it wanted feelings, to be able to feel the things and principally, wanted to be a human being not to be immortal and see all his people to age and die, he was longing a full life, full of sensations. It was asking to age with his wife.

    c) I think that if it can be possible in a future, for all the technological advances of nowadays. There can exist robots that have feelings, but I do not believe that they could possess all the physical features that andrew obtained in the movie.

    d) I like the end, because they declare andrew legally human. In spite of the final result, he already was feeling like that and his wife also, besides the fact that he dies happy together with his dear one.

    Constanza Cornejo

  8. Hello teacher!

    1-In my opinion the robots cannot be human beings because we work differently from they and because we are biological beings and they are programmed, and the robots not have feelings with the exception of Andrew.

    2-I think that andrew wanted to be a human being since it was in love with a woman who loved it but she was insecure of his love because andrew was a robot and for this andrew it tries to look like the human beings.

    3- I think that in the world there are no robots as andrew because it was a special robot since he was representing feelings and he was expressing equally to the human beings.

    4-I like of the movie that the people of this moment was accepting andrew's condition and that could have married a human woman, also I liked the technological advances that were in the movie.

    By:Felipe Tamblay

  9. Hello teacher:
    1) In my opinion the robots can´t be human. Because a robot don´t have feelings like compation, love happiness or sadness. He needed a programming for feel these sensations. For that the robots can´t be human.
    2) Andrew wants to be human, because he wants have a life like a normal person, not like robot, he wants sensation, organs, a wife and Andrew wants have love and happiness.
    3) I think and I know what in China, Japan or Korea (in don´t know in where) a scientist build a android or cyborg with him image like a cyber-clon, because he don´t have time for anywork´s meeting.
    4) I like about the movie as well as the Robin Williams´ appearance (RIP Robin), the imagination of the film director for create this movie with this technology in these years.
    By Matías Cabrera Lobos

  10. Hi teacher! Here is the answer to the three questions
    1.- I think that the robots can be human, because the robot can go with a failure in his “brain” (like Andrew) and he can think that is a human and wanted to look and feel like that.
    2.-I think that Andrew wanted to be a human, because he has the sensation that he was a human (thinking like us and doing the same things like us, like dressed up).
    3.- I think that It would happen in a really close future, because we are very advanced in technological things, the only thing that you have to do is look our society and how the technology are taking power.
    4.- My favorite part of the movie is when announce that Andrew is a human and apart his marriage with Portia is respected; I think that all his sacrifice take another sense

  11. In my opinion not, because it is just a machine and can not have feelings, I also doubt that in our society there someday the robot, but you never know what will happen in the future, anything is possible.
    1) I believe that Andrew wants to be a human being because he is surrounded by them, and those who wants more are human, also enjoys a woman who will finally be his beloved, and he wants to die with her, which can only if a human.
    2) I think that if there will be robots in the real world because the technology is advancing fast and in the future everything will be possible, everything will be in the future but at least 100 years more.
    3) I like the whole movie, from beginning to end, but I highlight more the end which I loved because Andrew fulfills his dream of human being and also because his beloved dies, the film was excellent.
    By: Ignacio Rodriguez Valencia.

  12. 1) I think a robot today can be considered a human, In spite of they don´t have a similar physicis to humans, but can perform the same actions that a human. For example walking, talking, etc.
    2) I think that Andrew wants to be a man because he is a unique robot, He can think differently. The admires humans and wants to be like them, have feelings, facial expressions, actions, etc.
    3) At present I do not think to exist a robot similar to Andrew, because he is unique robot and In the present the humanity don’t have this technology.
    4) I liked the movie because it shows us a different point of the "normal" view, in this case a robot who wants to be human and live as one.

  13. hello teacher

    1)In my opinion the robots can't be human. Because a robot is a robot and the human is a human and this can't change

    2)I think that Andrew wanted to be human because he was the only robot that can think like a human and have human sensations. too he's loved of portia

    3)I think it would be impossible that have a robot like andrew because it is impossible because the little progress on this (artificial mind) and robots that have been created are very limited capacities due to its programming

    4)I like the end of the movie because it was too boring and finally we could get out of class

    by; Bastian Aravena

  14. Hi teacher!
    1)I think that the robots can’t be human because they do not have feelings or emotions, and if that would have thanks to a program or operating system. However can be physically similar to the humans.
    2)In my opinion Andrew wanted be human for To help Rupert with his idea of giving human appearance to the robots, but then Andrew falls in love with Portia and does everything possible to be accepted as human being and to be able to marry her.
    3)I believe that in a not very distant future if robots will exist as Andrew, maybe not so seemed to the human beings but the nearest thing that could be achieved.
    4)I liked the movie so much, because it was a mixture of science fiction and love. My favorite part was the end since in spite of the fact that both die, they die united and to the end they can be united without the company judges them.
    By: Elena Domínguez Hernández

  15. Hi teacher! Here is the answer to the questions:
    1. I think that the robots can be human, because there are robots like Andrew who can and want to love, be happy, be sad, be angry, just have feelings like anyone else, even though biologically can’t be.
    2. I think that Andrew wanted to be a human, because he wanted to be free to do his own life, loving anyone, because his beloved was unsure people would not accept love them.
    3. I think that in the “real world” there are not robots like Andrew because he is the only who can have feelings, that is, an exception, also because nobody would believe possible in these times, only would take it as fiction.
    4. I liked the movie because it departs from what we see every day, gives us a different view of technological advances and teaching leaves us all with effort can be achieved.
    By: Macarena Medina M.

  16. Hi teacher

    - I believe that robots can not be human , since they have no emotions and it would be difficult to grasp for most humans who have an equal robot to do them all without errors.

    - I think Andrew wanted to be a human because he was different from the other robots, his thoughts were different, besides he wanted to feel human feelings and sensations, he wanted to know how it was to live and die.

    - I don't think so, because the technology we have now is not enough , I think create some robot like Andrew, they would treat him as a manufacturing error , so they would make the robot a reschedule so the robot like the other " without emotions , feelings and thoughts "

    - What I liked about this movie was that questions about what is the human and the importance of the individual , in addition to learning what makes human beings human is not what they are made of like skin , bones , flesh and blood it is all about your soul

    By: Esteban Larenas

  17. Hi Teacher!
    1) I think the robots can be a human, because to spend long time with people could born feelings and emotions like love, angry, sad, etc. And also could start to think or reason like Andrew, because the have feeling and thoughts the robots are not more machine.
    2) I think that Andrew wanted be a human , because he wanted to marry with Portia, but he is a robot and he can’t. Also, because he wanted grow old with the person he loved and not live eternally.
    3) I think that today not, because there is not much a technological advances for make a robot like Andrew moreover Andrew are is especial, because he have a feelings and I find difficult to achieve, but in the future could achieved.
    4) I liked about the movie was that at the end Andrew achieve that wanted, he legally became human moreover he is considered one. Also he can stay with the person he loved and another thing I like was the deceased actor Robin Williams.
    By: Belen Rojas

  18. Hi teacher, my answers:
    1) In my opinion the robots can be humans, because the robots could think and behave with human, but the robots can’t be human live forever.
    2) I think that Andrew wanted to be a human, because he now fell like a human because of his live be surrounded for humans.
    3) I believe that can’t have a robot an Andrew in the real world, because the technology current not is as advanced like in the movie.
    4) I like the finally in the movie, because this technology is a very advanced, I can see the flying cars, this is interesting
    By: Fabrizzio Sotelo

  19. hello teacher , here is my opinión on the movie Bicentennial Man.
    1-in my opinion I think that bots can't human beings that they don't think like us, do not have feelings like us and many things more. In addition the robots are designed to help the human being.
    2-I believe that Andrew wanted to be considered a human to be able to marry Portia. He wanted to also have feelings, love people, have face expressions, and help people with good deeds.
    3- I think that in nearby future there might be a robot as andrew since nowadays the technology developing very rapidly principally in the countries of asia that are very modern
    4- This movie I like for that it goes out of the common thing when the robot wants to marry Portia what in real life this serious very strange. You prop in the history there is a lot of effort on the part of the robot that wants to be a human being

  20. Hi teacher, there is the answers to the questions:
    1) I think that the robots can't be human, because they are just machines and they can just simulate the human feelings, but after all that are only artificial things anyways.
    2) I think that Andrew wanted to be a human because of his unusual way of thinking, and because of that way of thinking he wants to be like the humans, he want to have emotions and wants to marry Portia.
    3) I think that there can't be a robot like Andrew in "real world", because there is not such technology like robots that can have feelings, sensations and the creativity necessary to make a piece of art.
    4) I like the part of when Andrew found Galatea, because I think that from this part the movie became interesting.

    By Nazareth Contreras


  21. Master ...
    Talking to my friends this morning, I said my post that I sent yesterday between 7 pm and 7 and a half has not been sent, so I had to do it again
    PS: Sorry for not noticing yesterday
    Matias Cardenas

  22. Hello teacher! I talkin about the movie "The Bicentennial Man"
    1) In my opinion, the robots can not be human because the robots are creations by man through metal and nuts , can not have feelings and can not reproduce . Instead, the human has the ability to mourn , love, laugh , and can reproduce more.

    2) In my opinion, i like that Andrew has been a human , because he did not want to feel like a "slave" of human , wanted to be one of them , then he began to have feelings and fell in love with Portia.

    3) I do not think because now there is not such advanced technology as robots to live with them as servants or at home, to help you with your children, cooking, cleaning, among other things.

    4) I liked the movie because Andrew was very friendly , curious and eager to learn more, what I liked most was that he could become an android through a friend he found on his way to find more of your race

    Matias Cardenas

  23. Savka Sepúlveda

    Can robots be human? Why / Why not?

    In my personal opinion, I do think that robots can be human, because the thing that made us is human is the fact that we can think by ourselves, do what we want (that means, we have freedom) and we also have feelings that that guide us for taking better decisions for our lives.
    I truly think Andrew was a human, because he had all of these characteristics

    Why do you think Andrew wants to be a human?

    I think Andrew wanted to be a human because he was looking for the meaning of life (his own life).
    He spend so many years not knowing why he has been created and also been watching his owner and family die, so he wanted to know how does it feel to be a human, for having a better comprehension for all the years he has been living as an immortal being.

    Do you think there would be a robot like Andrew in "real world"?

    I do, but I think that it would be in a non-so far future, because technology is going forward so quickly that I wouldn’t be surprised if someone creates a living robot that can think by itself, feel and start questioning about things that happen in its life, but I think that we still need many years for reaching that kind of technology

    What do you like about the movie?

    I really liked the movie, because it reflects how short our life is, and we must enjoy it as much as we can.
    Andrew was a really particular character, he made me laugh a lot with the way he spoked, and he was also admirable because he found a meaning to his life after so many years of not knowing, without giving up.
    I really liked the ending too because it show us that we can die in happiness and also Andrew found love even if he was a machine, he got feeling like we all have.

  24. Hi teacher, I’m going to answer the 4 questions
    1) I think no, because the robots are human creations and this objects only do the things who are programed and I don’t believe they can feel love, fear, etc.
    2) I think andrew wants to be a human because he was the only who can fell emotions and think like the human and that make special between the others robots.
    3) In my opinion can appear in a future this type of robots, but today no because I think the technological advance can’t create something like that.
    4) In general I like the movie because show us a future who can happen whith flying cars, robots and artificial organs.
    Javier Cárdenas
    Sorry for the delay.

  25. Hi Teacher!
    I'm going to answer the questions of the film
    1) I think a robot cannot be human because it is made and armed to be a machine without feelings. They do not feel all that we can feel at some moment of our lives, they cannot be in love or be sad about the things that happen, would only be an object of technology that created the human being.
    2) I believe Andrew wanted man because he was unique in some way, he was not as "machined" as the other robots. Andrew was special, it somehow felt more than others of his species, his face was different and had different feelings and actions.

    3) I think there is a robot that is as Andrew in real life, because the world (people who are inventing this high technology) is not as developed or no technology that can make a robot like him. Later maybe we will.
    4) I liked the end for the reason that when Andrew aged with Portia, or accepted as a human and died together :'). It is a very nice finish.

    Sorry teacher for the delay:c

    Valentina Casanueva Vega.

  26. Hi professor! This are my responses to the film: 1.- in my opinion the robots cannot be human since they are machines, that is to say, they are always going to be metal, in addition they are unable to take feelings, emotions, etc.
    2. -Andrew according my opnion wants to be a human because he believed that the robots as the do not have freedom, only follow orders, in addition to the humans are a new species that are able to feel emotions that he could not feel.
    3. -The truth do not believe in the real world may be a robot as Andrew, because robots have no nervous system, heart, or structures that allow us to feel as he could.
    4. -what i liked most of the film was that Andrew could have a life as a human, but he always knew thanks to the society that he was a robot abnormal, that I could feel things that normally the robots of the film could not.
    By: Natalia Garrido

  27. hi teacher!
    I’m going to answer the questions:

    1.- In your opinion, Can robots be human? Why / Why not?
    In my opinion robots yet can become human beings, because there is still no technology which can make these machines a real person; such technology would have to be able to convert each of the parts of the robot so that it can feel what is truly to be a human.

    2.-Why do you think Andrew wants to be a human?
    Andrew in my opinion you want to be a human because he wants to feel and be valued as a real, he feels that is not done to be a robot, developed the love for the family who commissioned to Andrew, already that they were treated as a person more and not a simple robot.

    3.-Do you think there would be a robot like Andrew in "real world"?
    In my opinion in the real world there would be no never a robot as Andrew already that the robots are created for the performances that the Creator gives them, they would not be able to think like humans, nor could develop the ability to think for themselves and be sent alone.

    4.-What do you like about the movie?
    Of the movie I like the education to this way to say it, of that we never have to give up therefore we want, it is already slightly impossible, to fight for it.
    Also I like of the movie as a robot could feel so much love and fondness towards the persons.

    Montserrat Lopez
