Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Green Mile Review [Sophomore - Extra Credits]

Dear Students:

 As an extra credit activity, here's the topic that we discussed in class. I encourage you to see this movie ASAP and discuss the questions below. The objective is to use all the grammar structures seen in Unit 1 (Past Simple, Continuous, Used to & Vocabulary). Leave your comments below and answer these questions:

 Why do you recommend this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 What's the message / moral of this movie [50 words, support your idea]
 Describe the best moment from the movie, what happened? [50 words, support]

 I attach this link with the movie, you can download the movie and the subtitles if your wish



Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 8th, Monday


  1. Hi teacher and classmate:

    1)I recommend this movie because it makes each of us as an individual a lesson of life , because in this a man who is accused without having committed any mistake and it was all a misunderstanding is reflected because this man was not bad , but it good the to "miracles" and yet sentenced . This leaves us the lesson that we should not accuse anyone without knowing that was what happened .

    2) The moral message that gives this film is not to be swayed by the physical appearances because many people questioned the character John Coffey to be black , very high and poor, and it helped that he did not believe John Coffey that he was innocent of murder of two girls , so everyone should always be respected and not be like blaming people for their appearances or misunderstandings .

    3)the best time in history was when Paul wants to help his friend 's wife who suffers because he has a brain tumor and believes that John Coffey can help because Paul had been watching him and realized that John Coffey to "miracles" and thought I could take him home to the wife of his friend to heal .

    Paul makes a plan to get John Coffey of the town where he was shut when I take home the woman with brain tumor husband is afraid and does not believe that John Coffey to help , but John does not care and goes to the piece woman to help her. The woman sees it and is frightened and feels insulted because many discomforts , John Coffey says he sees his illness and do not worry that 's going to help .

    John Coffey help absorbing all disease and manages to save , the woman does not remember what happened but gives thanks to John Coffey and says he dreamed with him and gives him a St. Christopher medal to protect him.

    Fernanda Bravo
    Sophomore level

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello Teacher
    I recommend this excellent film because it tells how divine grace affects the sensibilities of viewers, This film is about the career of Paul Edgecomb as a prision guard in a corridor known as The Green Mile, where they were to be executed the prisoners, including John Coffey, who had been accused of murdering two girls. John Coffey had supernatural powers.
    The message of this film is that is does not hide what is inside the heart, that is, must not hide our true fellings. In the film the characters used to act out their feelings, An example is when disclosed to prison guards his miracles. Also we shoud not judge people by their appearance, because the prison guards though that John Coffey was a bad person, but found that he was like a child because John was afraid of the darkness.
    The best moment of the film The Green Mile is when John Coffey demonstrated to the prison guards really he was not a bad person, but a man who used to feel alone, it hurt that people were mean to others and he was tired of the pain and fear of the world.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  4. Hi Teacher:

    1) I personally recommend this movie because I liked for the story that needs to surround and very interesting is also that the characters are so well developed that one viewer somewhat fond of them, plus it leaves a life lesson with all the events taking place throughout history. And above all by John Coffey story shows that we must never judge people by their appearance nor by what people say about her.

    2) The moral message that you leave this movie is. The learn not to judge people by how they look or what they can say about it, such as John Coffey is seen as a strong, tough, mean and cruel person but in reality is quite the opposite as it is a very sentimental person and kind to everyone, plus it is always ready to help and the film is judged by their appearance without even giving some time to explain everything that happened and just judged by what they thought what happened.

    3) The best part of the film for me is when John Coffey saves the mouse after Percy intentionally crush him with his foot.

    In this part Del (Eduard Delacroix) leaves "Mr. Jingles" on the ground so he can do his tricks and throws a cylindrical piece of wood that can go look as he always did, but this time the piece of wood he left the cell Del after the launch and the Mr. Jingles ran to look but Percy realizes that the mouse left the cell of Del and take the opportunity to crush him with his foot and wearing weeks trying to kill the mouse. But Coffey noticed this and asked Paul (One of the guards mile) that comes close to Mr. Jingles to save him and that's when Coffey manages to revive his great gift mouse Del and all realize the gift is John Coffey.

    Fernanda Vega

  5. Hello teacher

    1.I recommend this movie since dividing it is very enterteining goes out of the common of other movies and in addition there are true stories that call the attention of that we have seen her And separate I recommend her for that it shows values of friendship of responsibility and also the love that is formed in the end of the movie

    2. The message of this movie is that it wants to reflect is that always someone is going to be able to help us in what we need and in addition we can be forming a pretty friendship and power being employed at equipment to be able to help which surround us and to do justice with that she is deserved and not with those who are victims since such a strong death is not deserved

    3. The best moment of the movie for my opinion is when they realize of that the gentleman john coffey is a human not very common being for la.sociedad and helps the demas you present like for example when it helps the policeman and takes from him au disease or also when it is going to help the demas persons who have some disease already be anyone. And this way also it is realizing in the movie that is an excellent person good friend and very solidary.

  6. Hey, Teacher.

    1. I recommended this movie because it was pretty cool and, to be honest, I really don't like the movies based on books by Stephen King, but it was the first i've understood because the story wasn't slow. Ok, is really long movie (3 hours), but the entire movie I wanted to keep watching it.
    2. The message of this movie is basically "don't judge a book by its cover" why? because when John Coffey came into the mile (and also, when all the people saw him with the two little blonde girls), everybody was scared by his appearance (so big, so black), but he wasn't bad. He was pretty innocent and by his power, he wanted to save everybody (but just if this person deserved to be saved)
    3. The best moment of the movie, in my opinion is when Paul and his friend, go to the home where Mr. Jingle was living, because Paul promise to Del that he was going to take care of Mr. Jingles, and both (Paul and the mouse) were old and together. Both had part of John in their hearts.

    Fernanda Ramos.

  7. Hi teacher!
    Well, the movie was very nice, because some scenes were good. My favorite character was John Coffey, because he was very cute and I was cry when he dies.
    1) I recommend that movie, because it’s like a “roller coaster movie”, I mean, the movie do that, the viewer stay in a roller coaster of feelings and emotions, the viewer going to laughing, cry, and more. The characters are very originals and the actors were very good, and the plot was very good.
    Good job Stephen!
    2) The message moral according me was about the wickedness on the world, how it affects people in different ways, but the essential message is that miracles do exist, that we see, when the captain’s wife suffers a miracle and she recuperate, all happens thanks to John, who was the miracle o God.
    3) The best moment to my (was not a happy moment, on the contrary) was when the cops were carrying John to the electric chair and when arrived to the room (where the electric chair was) and a cop would put something on John’s head and he says “I’m afraid of the dark” I was crying a lot, because that was very sad :’(, John didn’t use to be a bad person ;-;
    Cynthia Cáneppa, sophomore.

  8. Sup teacher

    1.-I recommend this movie, because the story is very touching and entertaining, and sincerely makes us reflect common problems such as crimes today and personally always thought of people that can be locked up in a jail for any crime that have not committed, this develops the movie, Coffey was innocent.

    2.-The moral that gives us the film is to change the evil that is in the world, because coffey used to suffer hate between the people and the crimes that people used to commit to innocent, and the suffering of the people by dealing with one another, the words of John when it is prepared for the execution leaves us this moral to think of the damage that we cause before acting.

    3.- The best part of the movie in my opinion, is when Coffey heals the Chief of its infection and all the miracles that can make. When Paul receives part of John Coffey and has the vision of who was the real killer and rapist of the girls, who supposedly used to be John, but in reality was also William "Billy" and when John prepares for execution.

    Leslie Lepe , Sophomore.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hi teacher
    1. i recommend this movie the story teaches problem life that a crime and injustice there in this life because john coffey he is acussed for one crime that did not commit and passing the movie shows that did not commit the crime but it was william "billy" and finally payment the crime
    2.the moral give the movie is expression the sentiment because the guardian they did not show his feelings with prisoners or human being but john coffey succeed
    3. the best time in history is when the guardians they carried a john coffey heal the wife the warden the green mile and when they arrived they enter the room the wife see it bad for the tumor and john coffey healing a wife the alcaide that is the most touching scene

    Victor Riquelme
    Sophomore level

  11. Hello Teacher

    1-.I recommend see the movie "The Green Mile" because the history he
    caught my attention because of what leaves a teaching about not
    judging to the people so they tell them or appearance,in the movie
    judgein John Coffey without knowing the true facts.

    2-.The moral message of this movie as it is not to judge people by
    what others say or its and appearances in the film is shown as
    wrongly judged John Coffey of a murder he did not commit that is
    being good and innocent person.

    3-.The best time of the movie is when Paul and his friends
    they are taken out of prison to John Coffey and they go to the
    house of Harold,john Coffey to heal his wife Melinda who has a
    brain tumor, John Coffey manages to help because he has
    supernatural powers.

    Victoria Rojas
    Sophomore level

  12. Hello teacher

    1. Basically recommend this movie because I find that it has very good plot and because the events that have the movie every time you meddle more in it until seeing it end up completely ignoring sometimes makes you lose time, which was what he thought the first time I saw.
    2. The message of the film is that everything you do has a remedial, whether haircut that will give cooler head or kill a person who left the burden of conscience forever and when you are dead and you've wanted for much earlier.
    3. In my opinion, the best moment in the film is when Coffey begin to see the film and is very happy, because that is the only time when they pull together with sneaking out of jail, I managed to see him happy, the causes of which were never happy is that he felt all the pain and evil of all the people around him

  13. hello teacher
    1) I recommend this movie because interesting characters find his story but the most interesting thing I found were the powers that had John Coffey and the injustice done to this such as the electric chair besides the film contains many feelings They are expressed in different ways with each character.
    2) Well I think the message that the film gives us is 2, the first is do not judge anyone by their appearance and the other that a miracle comes in the most unexpected person .The first occurs throughout the film and everyone just see John Coffey think a bad person when in fact he was convicted of a crime he did not commit and the second is given to the miracles that this performed to see that the people around him in need.
    3) For me the highlight of the movie was when Mr. rattlesnake and the guards appear try to catch him but can not, then the mouse will go with one of the prisoners of the place and the cares and trains as if the mouse was his own son.

    Luis Reyes
    Sophomore level

  14. Hi teacher
    1) I recommend this movie, because it is a very interesting film, which may reflect on the life, miracles that different people have lived, the movie is very entertaining, funny, tragic, it can cause pain, good is a reflective film you can leave a "moral" about life and how to value it.
    2)Well, according to my point of view, the moral message delivery this movie, could be value life, or by Jonh kindness towards people (and mouse) to save, or cured, or you could also implement understanding or confidence from the "boss" to Jonh, well the movie was very good and generally reflect that leaves by.
    3)without doubt the best moment for me was the beginning of the movie, when Jonh cure the "Boss" of urinary infection that contracted was wonderful when just touched him and began to heal, and even more wonderful was when Jonh expel those "moths" or "ashes ", I'm not sure what they were, only that it was great and extraordinary.

    Nicolás Rivera
    Sophomore level

  15. 1-. I recommend this movie as it is entertaining and shows the reality of other countries which does not occur in our (Example: Electica chair) and also shows that God never put a miracle in the wrong hands and that we must value life that at any moment we can die, nor is it nice to see die I will be ones
    2-. The message of this movie is that not everything is what it seems as John Cofey seemed to be very bad and at the end when he gives a little to police the good part of John Cofey shown and the police wanted to do everything possible to release or fulfill what John wanted
    3-.The moment I liked most of the movie my was in the john when cofey was going walking to the electric chair and everyone thought that was bad but only the police knew the truth no one else while people from the public will frihtaba lot bad but I just wanted to watch a movie before he died underside of have wished not to die.

    Yerko Osega
    Sophomore Level

  16. Hey teacher!
    1-. I recomend the movie as a reflection of life itself, the interesting, crazy,mean,sweet,but mainly, realistic characters, the little touch of magic and the little message of hope it gives,even if Coffey dies at the end.
    2-.The message of the movie is that magic and miracles can be found everywhere, even if a person looks scary or intimidating at first, that person can be a miracle itself, but you´ll never find out if you don´t get to know him.
    3-my favorite moment was when Dell met Mr.Jingles, sometimes, people just need something or someone to love for smile again.

    that´s all, stay cute!! <3

    Camila Quezada
    Sophemore Level

  17. Hi teacher:)

    1. I recommend this movie because is very good, while I was watching the movie, i couldn't stop see it. The green mile is so interesting, the topic of this call my attention and basically it made me feel admiration for John Coffey for all the moments he passed guiltless

    2. The moral message that wants to give this movie is "Do not judge by appearances" because all people used to criticize John by his physical aspect (so big and so black) but nobody believed in his version that he not killed two little blonde girls. John Coffey was a big men that had a big heart.

    3. The best moment in the movie, was where Mr. Jingle it appears in a little box that cared Paul when he was very older, 108 years exactly. Paul stayed alive as John Coffey granted have many years of life as well as Mr. Jingles and together company would for the rest of his days

    John Coffey forever in my heart:(

    Isidora Sánchez

  18. Hi Teacher:

    1) I would recommend this film because it's very interesting, entertaining and overall very impressive history. This films is different because it leaves a very important message but that everyone interprets it differently. Inside the movie there appear many values which it can recognize one as the confiansa that the policemen had to Coffey

    2) The message that leaves this movie us is that we do not have to judge to personnel for his appearance or for what they said to us of this person, is for this that the great Coffey is very important inside the movie, because on the basis of it turns the whole history and of as a person that alone it wanted to do the good in the world they end up by killing it in the electrical chair

    3) In my opinion in better moment of the movie it is when Coffey takes the hand of the policeman and it can show I begin really of all the things, it shows him since it wanted to save both girls and not to kill them and also he could prove to be to him the one who was who I kill both girls

    Joaquin Novoa Pizarro

  19. Well teacher i think about this movie is very complet because has many emotions and fellings.
    I recommend this film for the message implicit i think is that cant judge a someone whitout know nothing about him because everybody belive who kill the girls was a john coffey but this is not true because he dont kill the sister the killer was the "wild bill" (a crazy man, and very bad person).
    In my opinion the moral message is simple and concret "dont judge a people" because he or she is diferent to us or has a discapacit in your body or mental i belive that movie help us to comparation beetwen the classic society and the actually society because we always live in a materialist society that judge for your phisics, money, etc and this is wrong.
    The best time in my opinion was when all guard took a percy and they throw him to the black room and he cryed like a baby for fear, he was a bad person for kill a dal in this way without sponge with water to make hurts dal this is a moment tragic of the movie because the felings was so power of emotion for the act of cobardy the percy

  20. Hi teacher
    1.- I recommend this beautiful film that is pure love for each other and the evil that surrounds us all. Which provides all this is jonh coffey.
    Furthermore this film is different from the others because in addition to being good for him to see it, leaves a sentence for life, to remember and value it as did the protagonist is guard.

  21. Hi Teacher and classmates:

    Well, first of all I would like to say that I really liked the Green Mile movie ( I used to like another kind of movies, for example comedy or musicals) because all of its features, and I totally recommended because it talked about North America history: the Green Mile was about Paul's life as a officer in a death correction in United States around 1929, and all the supernatural events he saw in a period of time.

    Meanwhile I was watching the Green Mile movie I thought that it was about someone's destiny but while I was thinking that, I realized that it was about glimpses of the future.

    As I was watching the movie I realized that the best moment of the movie was when John is put in the electric chair and Paul looked at him because he was affraid of the dark; so I think everybody is affraid - in a time - of darkness in our lives, we just need some light.

    Montserrat Rojas Bravo

  22. Hello Teacher
    1) I recommend this movie because it is very sentimental, and it us demonstrates that always we must know the people before judging her and beside expressing what there feels the person whom they sentenced to death, and of the feelings of the policemen who leave the prisoners in the electrical chair
    2)The moral message that delivers the movie is that we must not judge the people for being a negress, for being a discharge and for showing off that it is afraid. Besides we do not have to judge the people for being of color and learning to tolerate the people who is different from us and to estimate day after day of our freedom, since they took his freedom from John Coffey unjustly
    3)The best part of the movie is when they extract Coffey of the prison, they lead it in Harry's light truck up to the house of the warden, where this one, without knowing that it happens, but debilitated by the weariness, allows that Coffey should prepare to save his wife. Coffey treats it, but it does not manage to vomit the tumor, since habitually it does, so sick way they take it from return to his cell. Little later, when the police officers Coffey captures Percy to this one and transmits the evil accumulated in Melinda's body. It is so in a species of sleepwalking Percy it goes to Bill's cell and kills it to shots. Then, he vomits the evil of the same form in which John Coffey does it and remains catatonicly the rest of his life being, finally, sent to Briar Ridge's mental hospital where, supposedly, it was going to ask for his movement.
    Alexander Dubo Vera
    Sophomore Level

  23. I recommend this movie because is the best movie to think about the truth of the miracles or what everything is possible. Besides the movie, exists a book with the same name, written by Stephen King. I used to read this book but I’ve not ended up because, this story was slow and I got bored.
    The message of this movie is that it’s not necessary to judge the people for his appearance because, also they can judge you. In the movie this can be seen for example: at the beginning, Paul thought that John Coffey was bad because, supposedly he killed girls while Paul was arresting John.
    The best moment of from this movie is when John Coffey to recover the wife of the Paul’s chief. Because the special effects is amazing. Also when the group of policemen was electrocuting to give when They Give he was not dying because, Percy did not wet the sponge
    #weareJohn, #we’veasorrow

  24. 1) I recommend this movie because is very good, because it caught my attention because it is the first film I see that in the end I began to mourn because it is very emotional and I recommend it for those who like to watch emotional movies. 2) the message of the film is not to judge people by what they seem like they judged poruqe John Coffey they saw the girls already dead, but he was trying to save them. 3) the best part of the movie in my opinion is when Paul Coffey brings to the jail to go to save Hal's wife because Coffey was very happy to go for a "joyride" and to save wife Hal tumor of the head
    Joan Dubo
    sophomore level

  25. Hello everyone

    I recommend this movie because it is very interesting and exciting because this is a man Jhon Cofey is unfairly blamed for a crime he did not commit and is brought to the " Green Mile " which is waiting until the day of execution this man can work miracles and it shows in the " Green Mille " healing of urinary tract infection in a mouse captain and reviving among other miracles.
    This movie also gives us a great moral to not rely on appearances.

    The moral message of this film is not to base opinions on appearances since one can be wrong as in the case of Jonh Cofey that being tall, muscular and black complexion is treated as a murderer or a bad person being it was quite the contrary it was a very friendly, quiet and innocent person who also could perform miracles.

    My favorite part of the movie is when the mouse is back with its owner is very happy because as it was one of the only companies .

    Mauricio Valderrama, Sophomore level.

  26. Hello teacher
    2.- the message we leave this story of john Coffey and paul is "No judging from People without knowing" that shows the protagonist in the beginning of the story when resive to john Coffey in the green mile and distrust of this dark giant mind of a man with holy Child Who's Just trying to Help People Who request
    3.- the scene I liked the movie The Green Mile john Coffey was resurrect when the Tooth bell mr. Jingles, percy crushed, that scene and I did not expect what happened in that scene and it was fun seeing the expression on Percy when he learned that the mouse was alive.
    Dante Díaz
    Sophomore level

  27. javier solis vargas

    -I recommend the movie for the reason that it is not one of those boring movies, but they are the kind of movies you can enter to the film. Besides the film it is sequentially by shocking events, also the atmosphere that you can appreciate the history that is very well made.

    -For my part I managed to see two social messages in this film:
    The first was that we should not discriminate against people of color as seen when discriminates redo our miracle (the black).
    The second is more of life that what I understood was that we appreciate life and the time left to walk on the Green Mile example, when the guard lamented the death of the miracle (John).

    -The Best time is something more comic in the film:
    when the janitor who cleaned the Green Mile use it as a test dummy to practice the following ejecutación convicted in the electric chair.
    Also serious when it comes Billy cowboy coming course of the asylum because then triggers a series of humorous events when they throw the padded room.

  28. 1. I recommend this movie because really it is very good, it is touching and makes you very puzzled, I feel that there leaves you much of which to think and for the people that really he believes in the miracles and that everything can turn out to be possible.
    2. The message that leaves this movie is that must not judge the people for his aspect. Also the hurt that we can realize to a person without knowing what it has done.
    3. The best moment for my in the movie is when Jhon Coffey does a miracle and cures the chief of his infection and clearly all the rest miracles that it does with the of more and especially with the mouse

    Daniela Oñate
    Sophomore level

  29. 1) Well, I recommend this Movie because it is related to Stephen King, besides, its talk about the confidence and the destiny that we have, in my opinion is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, even though the length of the film is 189 minutes, it’s worth it, seriously.
    2) The main message of the movie is don’t judge at first look, this is demonstrate in the movie between Paul and John Coffey, Paul thought that John Coffey was like a beast because he is black and big, but through the movie he entire that John Coffey was a very good person, he treated his urinary trouble, a cerebral tumor to the wife of a friend, and he revive to Mr. Jingles.
    3) It was a hard choice, but my best part of the movie is when John Coffey tells to Paul that he dreamt last night, He dreamt that Mr. Jingles arrives to Mouse-land and there he met the sisters who were killed by Wild Bill, after that, John Dies. )’:
    Ian Stevenson
    Sophomore Level

  30. hi tachero:
    personally i recomend this movie for three specific reasons. First=the green mile is a very good story because it can catch you at the first moment with a lot of feelings who we,like humans, can`t express very well. Second=it have a very good scenography if you considere the time who “The Green Mile” was release. Third and finally= the feelings who was express in the movie (sadness, hapiness,etc.) and the moral message, because this can moves everyone

    for me the moral message is “if all in the world is evil, it`s don`t care, you can`t judge people who they look because nathing is what it seems”, for example in the movie Jhon Coffey wanted to helped the two litle girls but for a misunderstanding he was sentenced to die in the electric chair.
    Paul talked to Jhon to say good bye and for try to saved Jhon, but Jhon sayed: “ Don`t worry, all going to be right. I just want to die” and Paul felt badly so he sayed to Jhon: “If you want do something before die, just tell me ”. In this specific moment Jhon sayed to Paul: “I never saw a movie”. A fter this all the police took Jhon to the cinema and Jhon could achieved his last dream before his death. For me this was the best moment of the movie.

    Betsabè Elgueta Stuardo

  31. hello everybody
    In my opinion the movie "the green mile" is very interesting, because teach us to know first to the people before to judge because coffey was a good person and all people believe that he kill to the sister and finally "will of bill" was the murder.

    The message moral are very small but has a big power "to judge" to the persons without know who are in terms of personality, actions, etc, our society and people that we live in community also judge like in the movie.

    For me the best part of the movie was when, the "true" go out to john coffey to paul and the know a that white kill the sister was wild bill and don't jhon in my perspective this a essential moment is more for the message.

    Benjamin Gonzalez, Sophomore level.

  32. Hi teacher

    1.)I recommend this movie because is a very good movie and besides it brings many emotions and mysteries, like when John Coffey comes to the jail that all or the majority would think that he is only a one more prisoner, but not, because apparently he has a very special gift to cure the people or animals.

    2.)I think that the message that want to give this movie to the people who see it, it’s not to criticize the people for their appearance. An example would be John Coffey, the majority could thought that he is one more prisoner, but then we will know that he is a good person and he had not been capable of doing the act for which they condemned it to death.

    3.)For me the best moment of the movie was when John Coffey transfer all the bad energies (or something like that) to the police officer Percy, because after kills the " Savage Billy " he stays like in shock and they have to remove him into a mental hospital because he has gone mad and crazy.

    Sofía Garrido González

  33. hi teacher
    1.- Well, i recommend this movie because i think that it have a lot of sentimental moments, some happy and others of sad things. Also because this movie caught my attention for the need to know if jhon coffey was the real murderer of the sisters that were with him with a lot of blood and of course dead.

    2.- I think that the message of the movie was that you don´t have to judge somebody if you don´t know what he or she did, because all people thought that john coffey murdered the sisters but he just wanted to bring her lives back and help them. I think that this message is very important because in this days many people judge without knowledge.

    3.- Definitively to me the best scenes in the movie were every moment when the guards punished to Percy for all the bad things that he did like kill the mouse, to make to suffer to Delacroix in his death, etc. I liked this moments because i hate this guy because of all the things that he does.

    Rodolfo Rojas

  34. Catalina Tapia:

    Dear teacher and classmates

    - to begin i recommend this movie because is one of the best movie winner of the saturn awards for best movie and four nominated academis awards it also based on a novel from the great Stephen King. the movie tell the history of a man who is condemned to the death row and the life of a death row corrections officer during the great depression in the United States, and the supernatural events he witnessed.
    - the message of this movie tells that forgiveness is for everyone even for someone whose in the death row, that no one is unworthy of forgiveness. moreover is that is not good judge other people before knowing the true reason.
    - the best moment of the movie is when jhon coffey takes all the evil than came out from the wife of the director and he puts inside of the loathsome Percy. all the figth that is had to endure just to pait back to someone thas is simple evil. i bet that everyone went surprised that just happened.

    Catalina Tapia
    sophomore level

  35. 1.- I recommend the movie "The Green mile" because is a very good story, is a movie very moving and we could seen the unexpected miracles as he used to do John and also we saw that people although it look very bad on the outside, inside can be better then othes. Finally we can saw how people believed that was John Coffey making it the innocence of the "crime"
    2.- The message of this movie is that one must not judge the persons since John was innocent of this crime which they condemned it, since we can emphasize message that one must not judge the people for his appearance or for what one believes, if not one must know the persons before judging them
    3.- In the film for my point of view, the best part is when John Coffey was to see the lady and the improved from his disease, which her illness had with many pains and in bed, until when John came and theimproved by full, where she as action of gratitude you gift your collar.

    Dankari Rojas.

  36. I recommend this movie because it teaches things like that we should not judge people who do not sew or less thoughtful people can help you and recommend not only that but also because the film is very exciting for anyone who went to see and be thinking a while

    For the message that gives this film is that you have to judge people not only for its appareance in the film, John is a big strong person but helped people feeling their pain and compassion, an example when Paul was with John a urinary infection and touched her genitals and removed the problem was that Paul had

    The best moment for me was when Paul and other guards brought John from prison and taken to the house of the head of Paul to heal the illness that had his wife and John was put in front of the boss lady and put the lips in the mouth and removes the evil that she had

    Alejandro Leiva

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