Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Horse Whisperer [Junior - Optional Extra Credit Activity]

Dear Students of mine:

 As we discussed on Friday, here you have the activity meant to be part of the horse whisperer's quiz.
Provide your opinion, answer these questions:

- What I like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What I don't like about the movie: [50 words, Support your answer]
- What do you think The Horse Whisperer is really about? Trust, Love or Horses [50 words, Support your answer]
- What would have been the best ending about this book for you? [50 words, support]

Leave your comments below, include linkers and specific vocabulary taken from the book.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: June 1st, 23:59


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi teacher! Personally, i didn't like this book so much, but here are my answers:

    1. I like the chapter when Grace rides Gonzo, because I think she feels hope and trust in herself again, she thought she never will ride a horse again and there she was, riding Gonzo. Another thing that I liked was when Annie and Grace reestablish the peace between them, because as long as they were separated, Pilgrim couldn’t get better.

    2. One of the things that I hated of this book was that Annie have a romance with Tom, I mean, poor Robert, he was an excellent husband, even Tom said that when Robert visited Montana. And the other thing that I don´t like of this book was that it’s really tragic, because Judith dies, Gulliver dies, Grace lose a leg, Pilgrim have behavioral problems, besides a white stallion kicks Tom, and he dies too, What was the idea? To make the readers cry like babies?

    3. From my point of view this book is about trust, yes, I know that the name of the book is The HORSE whisperer but it could be any animal, the point was that Grace needs to get back her trust in her and Pilgrim however, Pilgrim had to do the same, both of them had troubles with their trust and, at the end of the book, with help of Tom, horse and girl where one again.

    4. Well, I think that the end of this book could be this: When Grace escaped, she thought that was better to return, so Tom didn’t die. Tom and Annie tell the true to Robert who dumps Annie, and after he meets the best woman ever (He deserves something better that Annie), Grace forgive his mother and she becomes Joe’s girlfriend. Finally, the last line of the book could say “Pilgrim and Grace ride being one through their life”.
    I choose that ending because I hate Annie, so I don’t like that the end where centered on she.

    ----------Catalina Concha Chaufleur------------
    -------------------Junior Level------------------------

  3. Hello, I know you don’t care but, I didn’t like the book and I ain’t like the movie either but, I will answer anyway
    1.- The only part that I find decent in the movie was the beginning of the movie, when the girls appear riding their horses and it was because they didn’t spoke so much and the especial EFX were the accident happened, because everything look a little real, but decent for that kind of movie.
    2.- I didn’t like the entire movie, except for the part that I explained before, because the movie was too slow, the script were poorly adapted from the book, because in my opinion they turn too many words to say a simple sentence and that makes a person get bored and loose attention. I didn’t like the whole movie mostly because the script, and the script affects to the scenes inside of the movie.
    3.- In my humble opinion, I think the The Horse Whisperer its about trust, because in every moment (chapter / scene) were a topic related to trust, for example, grace needed trust to tell about the accident to tom, and also needed trust to ride pilgrim again. That was my humble opinion.
    4.- I think Grace at the end let the horses out of her life and star riding race cars, because that need more trust than riding horses, also Tom live to raise his son and live with Annie in the house in montana and grace living with her dad on the city riding race cars together and Robert will find a loyal wife, that’s my end.
    That was all teacher, bye bye.
    Tomas Arismendi

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hi teacher! here are my answers my personal opinion I like the first part, to be more specific, the accident, because It is the only part in the whole book, where there is some action and when I mean action I mean something that can happen to ME, in this case an accident capable of hurt me or even kill me. my opinion, I do not like the whole book, except the part of the accident
    the reason? it is because this book is no different than other movies, series and even other books about subjects like this.
    basically it has a structure:

    death/tragedy- love and animals- a tragic / happy ending

    3.I think a book of love, more than just horses, because we can se love between : annie and grace, Annie and tom and even between grace and Gonzo.
    The point is the Book its about true love, That includes, if prohibited, if it is a relationship of endearment between an animal and a human or from human to human

    4.Well, i think it could be like this : tom grace and die in the fire, therefore annie goes crazy and kill gonzo, because she thinks it's all his fault and then he commits suicide because he realizes that killed the beloved horse of his dead daughter.
    I think this could be a good ending, because, in my opinion, it would be more interesting

    Nicolás Valencia mundaca

    junior level

  6. hello teacher, my answers here

    1.- in my personal opinion I like the chapter when annie cheats a Robert with Tom, is so dramatic, a loving circle is armed and i like that where there is some action, more interesting for my. Besides that not only affects Tom and Annie, Grace too and this problem makes a family is separated, but another is armed until tom death.

    2.- I didn’t like the movie, except for the part that I explained before, because the movie is so boring, the horses, trust and more... blah blah blah, this don't like, books the horse? really?, when I was reading the title laughed to myself, besides is in English. besides i don't like reading books for this school.

    3.-In my opinion, I think the The Horse Whisperer its about trust more than just horses and love, because Pilgrim had to trust on Gracia, and Gracia in Pilgrim, was trust each other, besides pilgrim should trust Tom to be the same as before, but Grace did not trust both in their tactics for the horse. Besides trust to tell about the accident to tom for help a gracia and Pilgrim and overcome.

    4.- I think that the end of this book could be this Tom had not died, Robert was with another, Grace had leg right. Tom and Annie they lived happily with Matthew the baby. Grace married with Joe, have a baby a boy, but Robert goes crazy over losing Annie and Grace tries to kidnap the baby to kill Annie but it is not and they put to a psychiatric hospital.

    This is my answers, I hope my seven hahaha'.

    Katalina Ramirez.

  7. Hi teacher! Here are my answers:

    1) I liked the part when Annie and Grace start to re establish their mother - daughter relationship.
    Besides, i liked to know that Tom helped Pilgrim and Grace to re establish their relationship, making Grace to ride her horse Pilgrim again.
    Another thing i found amusing was the trick with the rope that Joe shows Robert.

    2) I didn't liked when Tom and Annie started to have a loving relationship at the backs of Robert , knowing that he was a good person and didn't deserved that.
    I also didn't like the reaction Annie had when receiving Robert's message that said that he couldn't go visit her. Another thing i didn't liked were the consequences Judith and Grace had after the truck accident. (Judith died, and Grace lost her right leg).

    3) In my opinion, the book "The horse Whisperer" is about trust, because the problem developed in the text is that Grace and Pilgrim must recover their trust, so Grace can ride Pilgrim again. The text also talks about love, developed in the story of Tom and Annie.

    4) I think in this book, first of all neither Tom or Judith not should have died, and at the end, Annie should have stayed with Tom, as long as they told Robert the truth. On the other hand, that Grace started a relationship with Joe, and for her to have same relationship she used to have with Pilgrim and her mother.

    .- Daniela Cerda
    .- Junior level.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi teacher.

    1-.Well personally I liked most of the book is the love he had mr. Tom Booker for animals, is really impressive. And I like when Grace loses fear and riding Gonzo, with this gesture shows that nothing is imposible and we must break the fears and barriers.

    2-.I liked least was the distrust of the book that took Grace to think pilgrim would not change, not would I like that Annie and Tom had a relationship and had a baby, plus 2 characters die and grace loses a leg. And Pilgrim ... also dies: 'c

    3-. I think the horse whisperer is true or not, I don't not explain how the changes in achievement Pilgrim. I also believe that Tom Booker does a good job with all it's animals and gets Grace back to trust him.

    4-. Well I think the best ending for this book could have been that everyone lived and Annie and follow robert happy family together as they were before. Pilgrim also safely left the barn with grace

    Kamila Díaz Guerra.
    Junior Level.
    June 1st.

  10. Hi Teacher,
    My answers for this activity:

    1)I like the chapter 5 ‘’New Hope’’ this is beautiful because is a new thinking that born in Annie and Grace for Pilgrim from Tom Booker ‘’The Whisperer’’. In the beginning of this Grace don’t agree with the Annie’s idea, but after Grace accept help to Tom and generated the New Hope( I like that).

    2) I don’t like the chapter 1 ‘’The Accident’’ because is very sad that the book starting of this form. Besides I disagree the consequences in Judith & Gulliver because is extremely specific the narration form in this part and they should not have died in the first chapter, I feel very bad when I read the textual information of the event in question because I don’t like read about accidents of animals.

    3)I think the book is about Trust because is the theme principal in the book and Pilgrim, Grace and Annie need trust in the life. With the accident the Maclean’s family is very nervous and they don’t have any idea for solution this situation. If Annie doesn’t call to Tom, Grace and Pilgrim fall in a dark life for the accident. Besides Grace don’t trusts in Tom, Pilgrim don’t more rehabilitated. All is about trust, trust me and trust you because this is the key of the life like that the book is showing you.

    4) My best ending for this book is that Grace trust herself, Pilgrim meek again like that the beginning of the book, Robert with Annie will surpass the differences about their marriage and their communication, but continue with their marriage although I like the ending where Tom with Annie they had a loving relationship and Grace agree this new situation in her life.

    Kimberly Valle Hurtado.
    Junior Level.

  11. Hi nigga teacher!!

    1° The moment I like most was the at the start of the book, when the accident happen and Grace lose is leg, Judith die, Besides the problem that had pilgrim. It may sound cruel what it likes me but is where the principal trouble begins, that is pilgrim and how can help him.

    2° The moment that less like me of the book was tom death, because he was the guy who help pilgrim to get healthy again and i would like to see tom talking care of pilgrim, anyway he fulfilled the objetive of make grace ride tom again.

    3° I think the most important part is the accident of pilgrim and how progress his recuperation process thanks to tom, although in the book we can see the issue of trust when grace don't want to ride pilgrim, but tom helps her to lose the fear and to trust in him to make her ride pilgrim again.

    4° I would like a most exciting end, i want pilgrim smoke weed whith tom and go to some horses races. Besides pilgrim, Annie and Grace dedicated to cultivate the "magic plant" and be happy for ever.

  12. Hi teacher:

    1:i like the chapter when Grace and Pilgrim will ride along with Judith (the friend) and his horse white riding Guilliver.they slip because there was snow falls Judith and Guilliver gets hung horse and hit his head, passing a truck and stood on two Piligram lega to stop the truck and there grace falls and breaks his leg.

    2:i didn't not like when grace known about the relationship between mother and Tom, where ia riding with Pilgrim intending to commit suicide in this gonzo time went, just saw and goes to that Grace nothing will, to get, tom ends its life.

    3:the story is mainly about two horses, whichone of them has an accident, and the owner (Grace) ends rugged, the other owner dies like the horse.that annie call a horse whisperer (Tom) wich has a relationship with her, which he dies, leaving pregnant annie.

    4:well, i think wish they would accept Grace relationship with mother whisperer (Tom), Tom that could not have died, and he had golten pregnant an Annie.a happy and cute end, happy family.

    Constanza Piazza
    Junior level.

  13. Hi Teacher... (mai inglych is not berry gud)
    1)I like in the book the moment of the accident, that was the only exciting part of the book, imagine two girls riding horses in the snow when, A TRUCK CRASH THEM! and just one survive, it's like the walking dead, i have the theory that judith is Rick's daughter in the future.
    2) Contradicting myself a little, i didn't like when Gulliver dies, I mean, THE HORSE?! why not both girls? and the two horses has been survived, i preferred that, but, anyway, that happens, can't do anything. Oh, poor truck and truck driver, i think that that should be too traumatic, run over a horse, I would feel so bad, that didn't liked to.
    3) Seriously I think that the real sense of the book is about trust (or maybe horses) because in the story talk about it, talk about the trust of Grace and Pilgrim and how they can have their trust with the help of a cowboy called Tom. But, anyway, it talks a lot about horses.
    4)I would like that Pilgrim and Grace join in the army and be a special horses riders commandos paratroopers, i mean that can be a good ending oh, and that Robert kick Tom ass for had a relationship with his wife! Because infidelity it’s a bad situation and I would did that, kick his ass.

    Kevin Yañez
    Junior level

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hey u, what's up my nigga? (second time that i post this)
    1)That i liked in the book, well, the only part, was when Annie and Grace can establish the peace between them, because, come one, years of discussion and after all this accident and those things they can establish a good relationship again, that was great. And all this for a horse? wow.
    2) One of the things that i didn't like was that Annie had a romance with Tom, because i hate all those stories about infidelity, I really hate it, because, well, nobody like that your wife have a relation with another man. Another thing that I didn't like was when the horse died in the highway, poor horse, I feel worst when a animal die in the movies or books than when a person die, like in I'm legend.
    3)After hours and hours of deep philosophical thoughts I have concluded that the book it's about trust, why? well, because anybody, in this eternal book, have trust, but when the book take more sense they start to have his trust again, Grace and Pilgrim have his trust again with Tom help.
    4) Well, you now that I have a freak mind so, I thing that the best ending of this could be that a zombie apocalypse started and Grace and Pilgrim escaped to the forest building a camp with more horses equipped with machine guns and those thing, then they go to find his family found it and having a happy ending :) .
    -Оскар Гонсалес

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hello teacher, my answers are here.

    1)I love the relationship i love circles are so dramatic, are the most exciting chapter from my point of view, a secret relationship with a cowboy in a ranch, a little dangerous because she had his daughter there, bus she takes the risk anyway, that was cool, I like that.

    2) I didn't like the first chapter, when the accident happens, that was so tragic, i can't think how can be lose my best friend in a accident, and that my horse is seriously damaged after this, and lose a leg, auch. Poor horses, poor girls that was the worst part of the book.

    3)I believe that the book is about trust, trust between a family, the trust between a girl, a horse and a mother, the book work a lot this, how they have the trust again going to a ranch with a man that help them. Well, that is my personal opinion.

    4) I think that a good ending would can be that Tom didn't die, and Annie and he could have a good relationship in his ranch, that is so romantic, I believe that, they love was a real love, a true love so that can be a better ending in my opinion.

    -Maria Jose Guerra 

  18. Hi, teacher.
    1.- I liked few things of the book, between them, the end, when Tom dies. Is bad that I like the death of a character? Normally, it does not happen to me, but I believe that Tom, and Annie they obtained the privilege of being part of this small list.
    I loved with madness Robert, he is a wonderful man, good husband and father. Even Tom thought this. He has a noble heart, because "forgave" to his wife, something I don't would have forgiven it. The light of darkness

    2.- I hated almost all book, it is so tragic, I think that more than Hamlet, and that is much to say. Since the beginning of the book, I hated it. Grace's accident, I was much saddened. The attitude of Annie, when he learned of the accident from his daughter. What a bad mother! She worried more of Pilgrim than of her own daughter. Annie is who most I hate of all book. She is not only a bad mother, also bad wife. It is the type of people that I hate most in this life, she didn't appreciate someone so magnificent as Robert, and cheated him with Tom
    Ah! Tom, another character that is part of the most hated by me, someone his conscience was not enough and interfered in a marriage.

    3.- Personally, I think that the book is about horses, because the whole book moves around them - Pilgrim-, the characters interact with them and for them. The whole book was developed by the accident of Pilgrim, and the desire for Annie to save it, rather than take care of her own daughter.

    4.- The best ending, it would be if Annie died giving birth - what a cruel! -, i hate her so much, that I would like that she dead. Robert would stay with the child and Grace, he would have known a woman who deserves him and marry her.

    Dana Donoso
    Junior Level

  19. What I liked about the book was how the relationship between mother and daughter is progresses, how is being a relationship full of resentment, fights, screams and tears to a relationship of trust, understanding and love. Also I liked what Tom said about Tom "problem animals", that according to him, the owners of these animals were the ones who really had problems, I liked because I think the same.
    What I didn't like was that Annie cheat on her husband and besides it hid his daughter, because she damaged them and she thought only of herself. Neither I liked how she gave more importance to his work that to his family.
    I think "The horse whisperer" are mainly about love and trust, because it showing us different relationships and how are they changing, inspired by love and trust, as the Pilgrim relations with Tom, or like Grace and her mother suffer a huge change because they set a bond of trust, which then becomes love.
    The best ending for me would have been that Annie realized that she didn't love Tom and she was just confused and vulnerable, but she still loved Robert and Tom not died.
    Nicol Atenas,
    Junior Level.

  20. 1) the best time of the book was the accident, imagine two girls riding horses in the snow when sliding fall off a cliff and BOOM truck endows to such a level that kills judith and even horse poor truck as it must have been around full of blood to and poor Grace.

    2) teacher really all parties that the journey was very slow horses love these books are so "cheesy s" love is something that should not be a love there is a love beyond as A OC, NOT me taste no sense of the scene of the accident.

    3) In my opinion the book really talks about horses and love, because without them could not develop the theme of the book because without them there would be no accident and also love because that Pilgrim had to rely on the Grace and Grace Pilgrim was trust each other, in addition to trust Tom Pilgrim.

    4) A serious end and would also striking that there comes a meteorite the planet and killed all but they do not realize that they are dead and Grace and Pilgrim know that nobody believes them and kill them for conspiracy.

  21. Hello teacher, these are my answers

    1) For me this book I liked. It's very nice because sometimes it's very exciting. Brings out many feelings, because sometimes very sorry and sobering because what happened to Grease surely we could happen to us and sure as she would not accept.

    2) the less I liked the book The Horse Whisperer is the romance that has Annie tom that Robert was an excellent husband annie support in every inch .Another thing I did not like anything about the book is that it is way too dramatic as I could convert the discomfort of a horse across a tragedy

    3) in my opinion The Horse Whisperer is a book that touches many interesting issues but repeated his look great truth I do not think anything innovate feel that simply becomes more dramatic to make us feel a kind of bond with the characters

    4) I think the book might end with a final best annie tell him that their romance could aver Robert and had a healthy relationship with tom and also think that if they had not hidden her romance with Tom and I had told her daughter quietly and calmly as both tom daughter annie not have died

    Manuel Gutierrez
    Junior Level

  22. hello theacher after all, i need to say, relly i hate this book, is a piece of sh*******
    1) the only part of this book that i like it, is the beginin, to be espesific the fall of the horse, i like this part becouse the dramatic death and the crash of te trailer was so graphic

    2)i don't like this book in all but the part more discusting for me was the releationship with the cow boy and the mother. i don't like this because the mother was a horripilant person, relly i hate dat woman.

    3) In my humble opinion, I think the The Horse Whisperer its about trust, because in every moment (chapter / scene) were a topic related to trust, for example, grace needed trust to tell about the accident to tom, and also needed trust to ride pilgrim again. That was my humble opinion.

    4) the real end of this book is horrible, in my frick dreams i would like speaking horses, yes can be a perfect end, because pilgrim can tell the answers of the universe to grace, this powerfull gorse can be the answer for the problems of the humans.
    Yes i have a lot of imagination
    Valentin Venegas
    troll level

  23. Hello teacher,
    1) Well, the best part for me of this book is in the beginning when Grace and Judith fall with her horses into the road and then judith dies, and the truck crash Pilgrim and left him with a lot of scars and with fear. This is the best part for me.

    2) I don't like a couple of things of this movie, well i don't like the romance in general so when Tom and Annie are together i don't like it, and sometimes it's boring this book because it repeats the same idea many times, and the most important it's so tragic this book so much dead i don't like it.

    3)I think that this book its about horses because the characters of this book talk always about horses, they have whisperers and i never have hear about this work it's so weird, and something more weird is that the book its about horses, the principal theme are the horses.

    4) i think that this book in my opinion could have two kind of ends, the first could be a happy ending with Annie marries Tom. The other ending could be a stupid end like pilgrim kills himself and Grace recover his leg and run, this two endings could be more interesting that the original.

    Italo Vignes

    PD: I have to writte this two times because the first was erased i dunno why, and i'm not the first with this problem

  24. HI , Teacher.
    1.- The only thing I liked about the book was how it started, at the beginning when Judith and Grace were riding Gulliver and Pilgrim, respectively. It was more or less entertaining because I imagined when the truck collided with Gulliver hit and at that moment I thought, wow this bool will be good.
    2.- What I did not like the book was generally speaking, the plot. the plot felt it was very boring and as for girls, the book only spoke of the problems of the family and Tom, I think it needs more action and drama and fails to rescue or instruction that can help me in everyday life.
    3.- I think that involve love and trust, trust are present in all the book, maybe for the situations that happens, for example one of the things that represent trust in the most is when grace needed to recreate the trust to ride pilgrim, and love maybe for the love that evolve between Anne and Tom, that it grows up in all the relate.
    4.- Well, the final inventoried would be more dramatic, Tom escapes with Pilgrim and grace few years so that problems are sprucing; however ; annie as much distrubed find tom, annie would kill tom and also to pilgrim for giving more problems in her life but would realize he did something wrong and committed suicide. The End
    That was my work, bye teacher
    Matias Espinoza

  25. hi teacher
    1) I liked the part where the guy tries to kill himself because tom know your love with annie is impossible for the reason that Annie was married to Robert then to stop suffering the take this drastic decision and if not having to endure the suffering of not being annie
    2) What I didn’t liked about this book is that is very tragic, because there are deaths, delusions, little hope, and a lot of mother-daughter fights, and that depresses me because I don’t like death or delusions, and that is what I didn’t liked about the book.

    3) What I think about this book is that it talks about an imposible love between a single man and a married woman who has children that can not be together, besides, in the whole book the autor doesn’t stop talking about the love between Tom and Annie.

    4 A good ending for this book, in my opinion, would be the realization of the love between Tom and Annie, because in that way, Robert would stop the relationship he has with Annie, then Annie would be with Tom, living happily ever after, and Tom wouldn’t kill himself in the end.

    Marcelo Baez Vergara
    junior level

  26. 1) The most i like of this book was the fact that after the accident that happends the people wants to help pilgrim, the people helps pilgrim in many forms cause they want help pilgrim being better, i like this part because they take care the animals like a human, and also i like the part when grace and annie are more confidents because the relationship between mother and daughter is important.
    2) I dont like that grace hates pilgrim after the accident because is her horse and it doesnt haves the fault and it doesnt deserve it, i think that grace like her friend haves to get worried of pilgrim and get better together and then grace could lose the fear before.I dont like that annie haves a relationship with tom because this create a problem with her daughter and annie was with robert, she doesnt have to be with tom.
    3) I think that this book is about this three things sometimes we can read one and latter we read other idea but it haves this three ideas, in the love we can see tom and annie, in the trust grace and annie and in the horses we can see pilgrim, in the history we can see this three ideas.
    4) Well, the end of the book is not the better, but i dont think that need changes, maybe i will include things like pilgrim and grace being friends again like the beginning of the book and with this the book maybe will be more happy because it is very sad.

    Catalina Piazza-Junior Level

  27. hello teacher, my answers are as follows:

    1) The part that I liked the book was when grace remounted his horse because I recover pilgrim confidence before another part I liked was the trick that showed him to roberth joe. He also welcomed me annie and grace that they were creating a good relationship.
    2) the part I did not like the book was the accident, has died judith. I also like the relationship he had annie and joe at the beginning of the book, as they were mother and son relationship is not well deserved. I did not seem to me that Annie has been involved with tom.
    3) from my point of view the book is about trust, because tom ensures that annie and pilgrim again be confident they had before, so if power can reassemble grace to pigrim.

    Paullete Cristinich
    Junior Level.

  28. Hello teacher:
    1) I think the best part is when Grace and Judith had the accident with horses and unfortunately Judith dies, I loved it because I found so exciting that part as it is in action and is very epic remember it forever, also when Tom cure Pilgrim and full recovery and thanks to the well again.
    2) I didn't like was that Annie cheat on her husband and besides it hid his daughter, because she damaged them and she thought only of herself. Neither I liked how she gave more importance to his work that to his family.
    I think "The horse whisperer" are mainly about love and trust, because it showing us different relationships and how are they changing, inspired by love and trust, as the Pilgrim relations with Tom, or like Grace and her mother suffer a huge change because they set a bond of trust, which then becomes love.
    3) I think the The Horse Whisperer its about trust, because in every moment were a topic related to trust, for example, grace needed trust to tell about the accident to tom, and also needed trust to ride pilgrim again.Undoubtedly the ultimate answer is TRUST
    4) The best end of this wonderful story is that Tom revive him with the dragon balls and becomes HIPER (that sounds like Franky says of one piece) will strong against and fight with a giant octopus to ten meters to save Earth . At the end he kills with HAA Kamehameha !!! END.

    Andres Valdenegro-Junior Level.

  29. Hi Teacher!
    1) In my opinion the best part of the movie is the first one, because it’s related to Accidents, and accidents are…funny xd, and the horse try to attack the truck, it was interesting at my point of view because the horse tried to defend Judith against the truck.
    2) Well, I hate the whole book, nah just kidding jaja, I didn’t like the book and the movie either but its has an interesting drama related with love and random stuff, well, to be honest, the book for me is like neutral, because is the same history of the others books or movies.
    3) Horses are love, Horses are life, yes, the main theme of the book is related to horses, because in the whole story the characters ride them and interacts with them, also it talks about an impossible love between Tom and Annie, because Annie was married and she had a son.
    4) The best ending around the world might be like Tom and Annie with another child, with a Horse-Head, called Ponyboy jajaja, or it can has a suddenly death remaining of Annie or Tom, and after 2 years, he revive to kill his murderer, who is Annie.
    Cesar Calderón
    Junior Level

  30. Hello dear teacher,
    1.- The thing that I like the most of the book was when Grace rides pilgrim again, because I think it was the most beautiful moment in the book just for the fact that Grace truth on herself again to ride Pilgrim one more time, something that I personally find a beautiful moment in the book
    2.- One of the things that I didn’t like the most was when Anne fall in love with Tom, I find that cheat in a relationship is something that I find awful, and that happened on the book with Anne and Tom , Anne cheat her husband and that was I didn’t like from the book
    3.- I first thought that the book was about horses, because the title of the book “the horse whisperer”, but, when I read it I find out it was more related with trust because the center of the story form my viw it was that Grace needed to recover the trust to ride Pilgrim again
    4.- For me the best ending for this book would be like Grace just fall in a coma with her friend, Judith and the book was a dream inside the coma, and at the end Judith wake up and half hour later grace wake up thinking all her dream was true and there both girls tell what they dream on their comas and later they figured about their horses were OK and both girls let the hospital riding their own horses
    Bye Teacher.
    Lucas Cristinich

  31. Hello teacher, these are my answers
    1.-The part that but like me of the book "the horses whisperer", It was the problematic main, that it was the accident of grace and judith. Lamentably Judith dies and Grace loses a leg and his horse Piligrim is injured, it what carries to her and his mother to know to Tom, the one who helps to the horse to go out forward.
    2.-The part that less likes me of the book was the death of tom, since, It did not expect this end, also it carefree that it was Annie of his family for giving him profits to his work and by ultimo the death of Judith. Besides it is everything very tragic and dramatic and there are several scenes that are very boring.
    3.-I think that the book in if it treats of the horses, since, the main subject is on the accident of the horse of grace, pilgrim, and thanks to this unchained all the book, since, they carry it where the susurrador of horses, tom, to help it, of the one who finishes enamorandose annie
    4.-The best final for the book "the horse whisperer" in my opinion personal, It would be that Tom did not die and remained like a happy family and grace beside his friend judith could follow living together his adolescence, riding as to them liked them in piligrim and gulliver.

    Tihare Balladares Mancilla
    Junior Level.
