Sunday, May 24, 2015

Extreme Challenges! [Sophomore]

As part of the introduction to Unit 2, it's important that we debate about some of these "extreme sports" that take place all over the world. Some examples would be Bungee Jumping, Wingsuit Flying, Mountain Biking and the likes. From your point of view:

 What's the most extreme sport around the world? why? support your answer. Is there a place in Chile where you can try it? where? Leave your comments below in at least 65 words.


Juan Guevara

Due Time: April 10th, 2015.


  1. Hi Teacher and Classmate

    Well I think one of the most extreme sports in the world is Parkour because it requires much training and great skill to make moves and jumps with your body, not because anyone can practice it because the sport is to navigate to any environment using skills body seeking to have much flexibility, strength and security of all have to do these movements to avoid falling and sticking.

    This extreme sport is practiced in Chile and other countries, usually practiced Parkour in the city but today is practiced anywhere. The most beneficial places to practice this sport are with stairs, fences, walls, etc ..., but no established place to practice it all.

    Fernanda Bravo
    Sophomore Level

  2. Hello teacher:
    Well I think one of the most extreme sports in the World is the climbing, for all its risks for example:
    Elevation, the resistance of the body and you fall you die easily.
    This extreme sport is practired in all contries of World.
    it takes the desire of adrenaline and Mountain to develop.
    This extreme sport can be practiced in the v region in hill the bell.
    Dante Díaz
    Sophomore level

  3. In my opinion, the most extreme sport around the world is Parkour, because you don’t use any protections or helmets; this consists in jump from a high space to another, or climb buildings or something like that, well in Chile and all over the world you can practice it everywhere, the only that you need is be strong and some places to practice it can be in Barón.
    See you next time Teacher!
    Ian Stevenson
    Sophomore Level

  4. Hi teacher:

    In my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is mountain biking, because this simply involves walking with a bicycle in the most difficult and dangerous places in a mountain which I find is very extreme because they run many risks falling off places very high and other things that the vast majority of them could be fatal to anyone who practices it. In Chile there are many places where you can test or mountain biking as only a mountain or a hill and cycling is needed. A place for example could be, the Cerro Plomo ,The Cerro Torre , The Cerro La Campana, among others.

    Fernanda Vega :D

  5. Well teacher to start i wanna to say that exist many extrems sport wthat are very dangerous but i belive that the urban climbing is very dangerous because they climb towers without protecction, helmet, etc. They are ready with him camera and nothing more i know man who climbing a tower to 660 meters of alture, also is most wanted because are ilegaly jump into privade propriety for climb tower and the police can take and go to de police ofice and this is not good. In russia are a group of people do this the name is" mustang" this are crazy people they has a steel balls i cant do this is so dangerous and i feel fear for this persons. In chile and all of the world can pracctice this activity because dont need something especial that dont existe in somewhere, also they use a comtrucctios for the alture of the floors and the lader to climb up
    well i put a link of a climb of 660 mts:

  6. Hello Teacher
    Well, from my point of view, the most extreme sport in the world is skydiving, because the person who practises it is between life and death, that is, if you come to entangle the parachute the person may fall and die, also to practise these kind of sports, the person must have responsibility, courage, concentration and common sense.
    In Chile there are places where you can practise this sport, such as: Curacaví, Chiñihue (near Melipilla), Cajón del Maipo, Iquique, and Pucón.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  7. Hi teacher
    In my opinion the best extreme sport is the surf, is very dangerous and risky but also very entertaining. It depends on many things to be able to realize this sport in the sea for example the wind.
    In Chile this sport is possible to practise in Pichilemu, La Serena, Algarrobo, Iquique or Arica.
    Gabriel Medina and Alessa Quizon is a is a great exponent of the surf in the world.
    Joaquin Novoa Pizarro

  8. Hi Teacher
    To begin with this comment of the sports, the sport mas extreme I think that it is the Wingsuit flying for which it is a sport that the life any person runs risk besides the form in which it is practised not it might do it it is necessary to have confidence and be able to be prepared for any thing. In Chile it is possible to practise this sport in high mountains (hills, mountains) and also it is possible to do this sport from a plane or also already be of a very big building to be thrown to be able to try this sport and a gps is in use a hull, lenses of protection, an apparel, a few gloves, the audible one and also a wingsuitya that this named since one of the sports mas extreme already is in Chile as in other countries.

    -Catalina Cerda

  9. javier solis vargas

    In my opinion it would be more extreme sport climbing for some reason are exposed to a hazard (landslides, loss of oxygen, etc.)
    This sport can be practiced in our country from the north and south of our country in the mountains and small mountains.
    This sport in Chile is not much risk in Chile on the grounds that the mountains of chile do not compare with those of other countries.

  10. Hi teacher
    Well, from my point of view , extreme sports, or some of the most extreme , it is surfing , well, because it is a sport that is not supported by any protection , too, because in the sea one must always be attentive. One can always play the sport , but always with respect for the sea , always carefully, because no one can know how it will be the sea at the time, referring to whether to be aggressive or passive .
    Nicolás Rivera
    Sophomore level

  11. Hi Teacher!
    I like the extreme sports, but me not to practice any. The most extreme sport around the world in my opinion is Bungee, because, the people who practice that sport, could die from a lot of ways:
    *The rope can break, and the person will fall and die.
    *The person can bumping into something, like a rock.
    * The person can hit and hurt with the ground.
    I would like to practice bungee someday. In Chile I can try it, in “Cajon del Maipo”, “La Reina”, and “Pucón”
    Cynthia Cáneppa, Sophomore

  12. Hi everyboby!

    I don't care the extreme sport and less the sports. But, in this case the most extreme sport in the world (For me) is the Bungee jumping because the person who practices this sport has to jump from a platform that this to many mts. of the soil, tied to an elastic rope, that when you throw yourself you come almost to the soil and you move back. I don’t like this things because I’ve Dizziness. Pucon, Chile: This bungee is one of the most extreme and more expensive that they exist since it consists of jumping from a helicopter over a Chilean volcano. Without place to doubt it offers you a spectacular natural landscape but the most interesting thing is that you will fly to approximately 213 meters over an authentic active volcano. On returning to the heliport you will fly for the airs of a wonderful landscape.

  13. Hello Teacher
    The most extreme biking Sport is the mountains. because you have to consider lowering speed, dodging trees, rocks, animals, speed direction of the person, etc. to rotate In Chile there are many places that you can go and you can go to a mountain or a hill What a bike and practice
    yerko Osega

  14. Hi Teacher and classmathes:
    In my personal opinion, is so interesting the extreme sports but I do not want practice because I feel that is so dangerous.
    I think the most extreme sport is Skydiving, because the idea of jumping from a plane and leave you fall for the gravity to 4,000 meters of the shore and in determinate moment you must open a parachuse...(so not me). Here in Chile you can practice in the cities of Iquique, Algarrobo, Santiago, Maitencillo or in Pucon.

    Montserrat Rojas Bravo

  15. Sup teacher!

    In my opinion the most extreme sport is the wingsuit, since it is a sport similar to skydiving, with the difference that used a costume with wings in order to freely plan. If there are places to practice in Chile, at least I think the people who practice it, it can be in Loma Rabona and remains behind La Parva (Metropolitan Region), in heights or in one of the mountains that Chile has to develop this sport.

    Leslie Lepe - Sophomore

  16. Hello teacher

    Well in my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is the kayak that is done in the river as this is against the current of the river so that the kayak does not flip, and try not to hit the rocks using only paddle.
    Because it is a sport that takes place in the river can be done in any river in Chile and the world.

    Luis Reyes
    sophomore Level

  17. In my opinion the most extreme sport i've ever seen is skateboarding, because in competitions like x-games or championships the guys make really cool tricks and jump like three or four meters in the air on really big ramps. It is a really risky sport, but i think it's very funny and interesting to watch and practice.
    In chile we have skate parks in many places like Santiago, viña del mar,etc. and we have, of course, town squares like "plaza victoria" or "parque italia" where you can ride without any problems.

  18. Hi everyone...

    In my opinion one of sport more extreme is wingsuit, because your need have much value and expertise, that if you make a single move or a bad decision, you can even die, because they jump of part very high and they reach very fast speed. To decide to do this sport youu must have in count that is very danger and that can die very easily, but the adrenaline and the experience must be amazing and fabulous, where you don't can quit of to do.

    Benjamin Gonzalez, sophomore level.

  19. Hello teacher:
    In my opinion the sport more extreme of the world is the rafting. It consists of defying the currents of the rivers crossing for his rapid ones in a miniraft of rubber and a few oars, it is necessary to to realize a lot of effort not to destabilize the raft and be dragged by the current. Some places where you can practise them it is in villarrica or in the booth of the maipo also in the river of Aconcagua, in Valparaiso or Vineyard of the sea I am not sure in that place could to be practised or if is that there is anyone.

    Daniela Oñate.
    Sophomore level.

  20. Hello Teacher!

    In my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is the Skydiving
    because the idea of jump from 1000 to 4000 meters of high to the ground
    ,i believe is a suicide, although if utilize a parachute and other
    instruments os security always exist a range of risk.
    In chile you can practice this extreme sport in the airport of Curacaví,
    this airpot is ubicated in the route 68, wich is betwen Viña del Mar and

    Victoria Rojas
    Sophomore level

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  22. Hello Teacher!
    In my opinion the most extreme sport parkour, because it takes a lot of agility and requires your body stay in shape because parkour involves jumping from one building to another jump bars, etc ... also enough force is needed in arms and feet to hold up well when to jump, and if any of these things goes wrong you could you get to hit you in the head or break you a foot, a hand, etc ...
    Joan dubo
    Sophomore level

  23. Hello everyone

    In my opinion the most extreme sport of skateboarding world is because the person occupying it can reach very high speeds and may hit the table or cement, which can also fall from a very high altitude or injured joints trying to do the tricks.
    in Chile you can practice this sport in paved areas
    with a smooth floor or skateparks located in various cities of the country.

    - Mauricio Valderrama - Sophomore level.

  24. Hi Teacher

    In my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is Skydiving that consisting in jump from a helicopter from very high than the earth some people do not dare to jump because require boldness and bravery since not all person are able embarking on a parachute high above the earth. In our country a lot of persons practice this sport, where? in Curacaví because in this place there are several skydiving centers.

    Isidora Sánchez
    Sophomore level

  25. Sup, teacher!
    I like extreme sports, but not to practice. I just like the idea that they exist.
    In my opinion, the most extreme sport in the world is the bungee jumping, because it has many risks like: the elastic rope may break or the person who is jumping may hit its head (with both of them you can die). I don't know if I'm exaggerating, but just think about fall and depend only of a rope scares me. A lot. (But it is also a kind of cool).
    In Chile, you can practice the bungee jumping in Cajón del Maipo and Pucón.
    Fernanda Ramos
    Sophomore Level.

  26. Hi teacher : the wingsuit flying is the art of flying the human body through the air using a special jumpsuit that shapes the human boy into an airfoil which creates lift. For me this is the most extreme sport around the world, because in this sport when a person or a "bird-man" commit the smallest error it can end his life, because in the wingsuit flying you can reach speeds up 250 km. for hour.

    In Chile the wingsuit flying take place around the country, because you can practice this sport in high mountain or from a plane or also already be of a very big building.

    Betsabé Elgueta Stuardo

  27. Hi Teacher
    For my sport extreme it is the rafting due to the place where it is realized. Generally this sport is realized in rivers (specifically in the rapid ones), principally in the south. This sport is like the kayak but in rapid. Another extreme sport is the decrease in bicycle, many we know this sport due to the fact that in Valparaiso the event is realized " Valparaiso Hill Below ", event that is realized every year by the hills most important of Valparaiso and that consists in descending on the different parts of the hills, not only for the streets, but the stairs are the protagonists. I hope that we could speak about these sports since they are very important
    Alexander Dubo Vera
    Sophomore Level

  28. Hi teacher
    In my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is the base jumping, because it is very dangerous be thrown to the emptiness and i love the idea to risk the life and throw yourself from any high base for then land alive and do it again. From what i know there is no place in chile to practise this sport but i think that it must have some place where this sport can be practiced like some mountain or maybe from an helicopter, but i don´t think that there is a building in chile that have the conditions to do this sport.

    Bye teacher

    Rodolfo Rojas

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  30. hello teacher

    In my opinion the most extreme sport in the world is the motocross and consisting of a driver driving his motorcycle through a circuit or place and perform their acrobatics sport in Chile can be done in several places an example of this is lampa circuit that is located in the capital of the country in which you must pay to drive in this great circuit.

    Victor Riquelme
    sophomore level
