Sunday, May 24, 2015

World Natural Disasters! [Junior]

During Unit 2, We'll discuss several topics, being one of the most important the topic "disasters" seen in lesson 1. During the life of our planet, it had suffered countless disasters, including a big meteorite that impacted millions of years ago, and exterminated the life of dinosaurs.

 In your opinions, which was the greatest natural disaster that took place in our planet? when did it happen? which were the consequences? could it have been predicted or stopped? Leave your comments below in at least 70 words (SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER, INCLUDING LINKS OR VIDEOS).


Juan Guevara

Due Time: July 10th, April.


  1. Hello teacher, good for me one of the greatest disasters of chili or the world was the earthquake of 2010 a February 27 basically rare event that I tell , I came on vacation the day February 26 we see in the sky a rainbow without it had rained with a bright sun that was very rare and also at night the moon was very rare and it rings around her colors of a rainbow began at 3:34 earthquake that lasted much besides being one of 8.8 on the Richter scale and the tsunami arrived six hours apart something wrong because a tsunami is 3 to 4 hours immediately after an earthquake . This resulted in 525 dead and 25 missing and if it had been prevented as most of those killed was because of tsunami thing ONEMI could not know did not know that an earthquake of 8.8 magnitude one bring along to the tsunami knowing that chile is a seismic and sea coast filled country.

  2. Hi!
    I think that the worst disaster our planet was the Haiti earthquake in 2010, as record the earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 and approximately 316,000 people died, not to mention the people who were homeless and died for other reasons.
    I also believe that in general such natural events can’t be predicted, as it says the text read in class, natural events ¡only happen! and we can’t be prepared, that honestly how do we prepare for an earthquake or a tsunami?
    Anyway that is my opinion, here below I leave you the link to a video I found, is a collection of videos that were filmed while the earthquake occurred.

  3. hi teacher. Of curse the most important earthquake in the history of the world was the movement of the continents. in the begining of the time, wen the earth has born, the only continent was pangea, this gigant quanity of earth will be separate through 300 millon of years. we can know this thanks to the bigest puzle in the world, yes,the puzle are the five continents. all of the continent have's the perfect for to be united.
    this is the link of the information:
    thanks for read my comment

  4. Hi Nigga Teacher! I think that the biggest natural disaster was in our country Chile, in 1860 and as epicenter the proximities of Valdivia. This natural disaster is named as "The big earthquake of chile", besides the world's biggest history of human kind that was to the 15:11 hrs and had a magnitude of 9.5, because of that trown down a lot of houses. However bring several consecuences like the tsunami that affect a lot places in the pacific ocean like Hawaii.

    This is the link of the information :

    Jorge "CJ" Barraza
    Junior Level

  5. Hey you nigga!.
    I was searching and I'm sure that the greatest natural disaster that took place in our planet was the 1938 Yellow River flood,China, because a disaster it's an event that produces a lot of damage or destruction and this disaster leave 3 million of deaths. I think that this disaster could be predicted beacuse in 1887 were other floo leavin 1.5 million of deaths. Even in disaster asians win us hahaha, well "ASIANS".
    -Оскар Гонсалес

  6. Sup' teacher. I think, and maybe you’ll be agree, that the worst disaster on the earth was…The Horse whisperer’s test. However, talking about natural disasters, one that surprised me was the Japan’s earthquake and tsunami (March 11th, 2011), this magnitude was 9.0, and caused big tidal waves of 9 and half meters. It surprised me because Japan is the country of technology and they took care about their earthquake’s possibilities (Japan is over four tectonic plates), they built a lot of anti tsunamis walls (40% of their seaside). So who thinks that the Japan tsunami would cover even 10 km inside the land? Well, it could be predicted, but not stopped, however, if walls weren’t there, maybe the catastrophe could be worst.
    It killed 15.845 persons, 3.380 are disappear and caused other kind of disasters, like Fukishima’s radioactive leak.

    Look at this video:

    Catalina Concha (Shell) Chaufleur, Junior Level

  7. hello teacher, in my opinion the biggest natural disaster what the planet earth ever had, was the big meteorite that impacted millions of years ago, what fell in the coast of Yucatán.

    Not only, because it's one the most probable reason because dinosaur became extinct, it’s because, the fact that a meteorite to that size hit the earth is incredible, and the consequences of that impact, were very catastrophic:
    Tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, the extinction of several species, etc. this doesn't happened just in one place, it happened all over the planet.

    here is a video, where shows a recreation of what I am talking:
    Nicolás Valencia Mundaca
    Junior level

    Ps: sorry for the delay by the way ( I had lag)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello teacher, there are various natural disasters to great disastrous magnitude, but in this comment I rely on evolutionary theory, specifically in the universal deluge. This occurred for thousands of years ago, where a person, called Noah built an Ark.
    The consequences of this flood were destroying everything in their path, the death of thousands of people (since the doors were closed at the time of the flood for not believing in the so-called tragedy foretold) and animals that could not come into Noah's Ark.
    All of this could have been prevented if Noah had built a large Ark or if people had believed from the beginning.
    Denisson Donoso
    Junior level

  10. Well, I think that one of the worst natural disasters, is the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.

    It happened on Sunday, the 26th of December 2004, to 07:58 hours, to 120 kilometers to the west of Sumatra, Indonesia. It's the strongest third earthquake of the history, with 9,1 grades in the magnitude at the moment and it lasted between eight and ten minutes, it's that of major duration registered.

    The Indian Ocean didn't have a tide gauge, so didn't know about the possibility of a tsunami and any possibility of being alert. Only the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center detected the earthquake, and a little more than 15 minutes after, sent a tsunami alert.

    The earthquake didn't produce so much damage, but the waves of more than 30 meters devastated the coasts of Indonesia -advancing up to 4 km to the inside- Sri Lanka -the most devastated by the tsunami-, and even to South Africa, causing eight deaths . Cities and towns completely isolated and sunk by the wave.
    The number of victims to the tsunami and flooding is of more than 510,000 wounded and 2 million homeless, more than 186,983 dead and 42,883 missing. Among them, many tourists, they spent there christmas. The large number of dead, is due to the fact that there were many coastal population. More than 4% of the victims were children. Product of the energy released from the earthquake, was shortened the duration of the day in 2.68 seconds.

    Dana Donoso
    Junior Level

  11. Hi teacher
    For me, one of the most catastrophic events ons humans life could be the eruption of Krakatoa in August 1883 in the island of Krakatau (Krakatoa) is in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. It is part of the Indonesian Island Arc. It starts the 27th of May, the same year with a lot of volcanic activity but not dangerous. At starts of august the Krakatoa volcano starts to show activity that is was very dangerous, in fact it was one of the most deadly volcanic eruptions of modern history. It is estimated that more than 36,000 people died. Many died as a result of thermal injury from the blasts and many more were victims of the tsunamis that followed the collapse of the volcano into the caldera below sea level. This catastrophe it should be just a big eruption, the people didn’t react to the first volcanic activity so when it happens it was too late to save people. I think someone could predicted and save a lot of lives.
    That was my humble work, bye dear teacher
    Tomas Arismendi

    1. there are my video

  12. Hi teacher

    I been thinking on our own country and I think that one of the most catastrophic event in our history was the earthquake of Valdivia in may 22TH, 1960, with a magnitude of 9,5 ritcher, was one of the most devastating earthquakes registered on humans history and The earthquake takes arround  1655 -2000 deaths and let like 2 million people with no home making worse the situation for the country besides the troubles on our country, it affect a lot of places around the pacific ocean like Hawaii, japan with big waves.  This earthquake no one could predicted because of the time, they didn’t got the technology to predict earthquakes

    That was the most catastrophic event on humans history I think, Bye Teacher

    Maria Jose Guerra.
    Junior level

  13. In my opinion the greatest natural disaster was the "Tornado of the three states" took place on Wednesday 18 March 1925 tornado was the most deaths in US history.He caused the death of nearly 700 people, injuring 2,000 people and causing property damage of about 16.5 million. The tornado covered 352 kilometers through the southeast Missouri, southern Illinois and then continue to southwestern Indiana. It was an F5 tornado, the maximum on the Fujita scale used

    Tihare Balladares Mancilla
    Junior level

  14. I think that one of the great naturals disasters, it was a flood that happened in the favelas, Brazil and this flood it caused a landslides of house and died so much people down of the mud, humble people that live on the slopes of the hills.
    in my opinion this is important because this is a common people that don't have a money for make a other house of the nothing, this disaster not hurt any people with money.
    a picture :
    Cristobal Leon

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. hi teacher
    one of the greatest natural disasters on earth is the breasts about because of the pollution that we provoke the poles is an been melting besides that the ozone layer has begun to crumble if the poles of the planet Earth are melting level anger rising sea which will produce major floods the only way to avoid this is not polluting and more caring environment is why we must raise awareness of this issue
    Manuel Gutierrez
    Junior Level

  18. Well, even if is not a natural disaster, I think that the greatest catastrophe in the world was the big fire in London, in September 1666. This fire was London’s bigger disaster ever, because it destroyed the center of the city and a lot of houses, churches and buildings around. The fire lasted 3 days, and it started in a bakery. It could’ve been avoided because some rumours say that it was a conspiracy of the Catholic Church. The fire left homeless more than the third part of the poblation.
    Here is a video that talks about the fire, because there are no records about it:
    Cesar Calderon
    Junior Level

  19. In my opinion, the greatest natural disaster that took place in our planet was the earthquake of Valdivia, Chile in Sunday, May 22th, 1960. Its epicenter was near the city of Valdivia and had a magnitude of 9, 5 MW.
    Its consequences: it’s produced a seaquake that hit several towns along the Pacific Ocean, like Hawaii and Japan; besides, it’s produced the volcano eruption Peyehue ash that covered the namesake lake.
    No, because, in this time, they not had a much technology
    #Fuerzachile #fuerzavalpo #instachile

  20. For me the worst disaster on the earth was the Valdivia earthquake of 22th of may 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5, its epicenter was located in the city of Valdivia. This disaster resulted in a tsunami that destroyed houses , bridges , animals , besides human lives approximately 5.000 people died throughout the region, 3.000 injuries were and 2.000.000 homeless. I think any disaster of this kind can not be predicted or stop because are things that nature gives.
    The video:

    Daniela Cerda - Junior Level

  21. Hello teacher.
    I think that the most devastating event for me was the Earth was the Haiti earthquake that it happens on January 12th , 2010, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 ritcher struck Haiti. More than 220,000 people were killed and over 300,000 injured. The massive earthquake, the biggest the region had seen in 200 years, left more than 1.5 million people homeless, and resulted in an immense humanitarian crisis. An already severe situation deteriorated in the first year, with tropical storms causing more destruction and a cholera outbreak leaving thousands more dead. This event hardly could be predicted even more if it is an earthquake, they hardly be predicted.
    A little video
    Bye teacher
    Matias Espinoza


  22. Hi teacher,
    The Valdivia earthquake of 1960, took place on Sunday May 22 1960 the 3:11 PM hours. Its epicenter was located in the vicinity of the city of Valdivia and had a magnitude of 9.5 Richter. Along with the main event, there was a series of earthquakes, a tsunami and the eruption of the volcano Puyehue.
    In spite of the fact that the service of national seismology had been created in 1908, i believe that the low technology of the time we made it impossible for prediction of this event and even the caution that could have been taken to prepare themselves for what would happen.
    The link for know more about this earthquake for photos is:

    Kimberly Valle Hurtado
    Junior Level.

  23. Hi teacher,

    Well i think that the earthquake that happens in May 22 of 1960 in Valdivia is the biggest natural disaster because it destroys a lot of houses and leaves 962 deads. It can't be stopped because a earthquake its impossible to be stopped or predicted. Well the earthquake in Valdivia is the biggest earthquake in the last century and i think that nothing can lead it.
    For more information here is where i take it:
    Italo Vignes

  24. Hi teacher, I think that the greatest natural disaster was the Indian Ocean earthquake. It happened on December 26th, 2004. In fact the earthquake, with a magnitude of 9.0 on the moment magnitude scale, wasn't so devastating, however the tsunami's consequences were catastrophic, the waves were more than 30 meters.
    The earthquake and tsunami left 186.983 dead, 42.883 missing and more than a million people homeless, although this number of victims is provisional yet. I think that it could have been predicted, but not stopped.
    Nicol Atenas, Junior Level.

  25. Hello teacher. From my point of view, one of the worst natural disasters is the Tsunami of Thailand (December 26, 2004), because no one predicts it, the people was in the beach, and then, a big tidal wave destroy everything.
    The tsunami wasn’t detected because it was so deep, but I think that it could be detected with advanced technology.
    According to the US. Geological Survey a total of 228.898 people died, just because no one detected an under ocean earthquake, I think that we need to be more diligent in this kind of things, or the people will continue dying.

  26. Hi teacher . I think the greatest natural disaster was the black death That Took place in Europe , Between the years 1346 to 1353 . This natural disaster is a plague called Yersinia pestis that can spread easily having a sure death. This plague has killed massively between 75 to 200 million people thats is like 30%-60%. Currently, we never shall know when can happen somthing like this natural disaster, therefore,you must to be prepared.
    Link about this plague:
    A trailer movie about this plague and the consequence:

  27. hi teacher,sorry for the delay ,I have problems for the time,and access the notebook. I think the impact of Hurricane San Felipe II was the strongest and more serious, its duration was 14 days, in 1928, there were 4,078 deaths, were enough Areas affected by this hurricanes so strong, this was one of the worst hurricanes with greater magnitude, damage and leaving thousands dead. At least one earthquake, tsunami and volcano eruptions are minor and have the advantage that people can to safeguard, however, hurricanes come and destroy everything in its path.
    Catalina Piazza - Junior Level

  28. Hi teacher, I think that the worst natural disaster after the meteorites was the Krakatoa’s eruption (1883), because it destroyed most of the island where it was and it’s surrounding archipelago.
    One of the explosions was so violent, and it was heard 3.110 Km away, each explosion was accompanied by large tsunamis, which are believed to have been over 30 meters high in some places!
    The energy released from the eruption of Krakatoa has been estimated to be equal to about 200 megatons of TNT! I think that something like this couldn’t be stopped; this was the violence of nature.
