Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Paranormal Phenomenon [Senior]

Dear Students:

 For this monthly thread, there's a very supernatural topic to deal with. As we have discussed in class, there are several urban legends which cause goosebumps on us. This lesson lead us to talk about a paranormal phenomenon that we suffered or witnessed in the past. Can you describe it? How it was? Who were you with? did you see something? did your friends / parents believe you? Include vocabulary seen in class and a upper-intermediate level of writing.

NOTICE: If you didn't suffer of any of these events, you would have to invent it.

 Leave your comments below in at least 80 words.


Teacher Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th


  1. I used to be an sceptic person, but after a strange experience when I was alone at home changed my way of thinking. One day at night I was playing guitar when suddenly the phone rang. I picked up and I heard a ghostly voice who told me: “if you don’t take care of yourself, you will die tonight”. I was frightened and as son as I could I called my parents. But they don’t believed me. They said that I was needing a good sleep. Fortunately, That night I don’t died and never again I recieved a call like that. Some years later talking with some friends I noticed that I was not the unic person who recived that call. Some people said that a girl had been run over and She calls people with this kind of phantasmagorical message.

    Coni Rojas

  2. I didn't witness the paranormal events, but my grandfather did, he told me one anecdote that he lived when he was working in the construction eith his friends, one night he listened to a shout of a destroyed room, with a partner he went to his room, when he entered they see a white robe that disappeared, in this moment closed the door, and they were trapped, my granddad said that he felt very afraid, after a few minutes other partner opened the door of the room and the siniester figure did not return.
    I don't know if I believe on this, but I believe sometime see a white silhouette behind of my granddad how if the phantom had stayed with he.

  3. Only I remember a paranormal phenomenon that was happened to me. Everything began when I was preparing to sleep. It was a worrying night because in my dreams I was chasing a great shade with a cadaveric aspect. I was trying to hide from her, but is impossible. "If I run, it won't catch me" I was thinking, so it was thrown on me and I woke up very scared. Suddenly, I looked at the wall and the shade was there. I could distinguish his skeletal hands and felt goose bumps. It did not know what to do, "If say to my parents, they will not believe on me", so I closed my eyes quickly.

    Javiera González C.

  4. One night around 3 am, a noise woke me up. I thought my mom was up because I heard her steps, so I just ignored it. Then I realized my mom wasn't home, she was at some massive familiar party, therefore I was home alone. I got really scared and the steps wouldn't stop, so I just covered myself with the covers and closed my eyes shut until I fell asleep. I still don't know if it was just my imagination or if I dreamt it, but I never felt that amount of fear in my life.

  5. After two weeks of my aunt's death, my family and i were having lunch and my sister had the amazing idea of saying something like, "Aunt if you're here I want you to turn off the radio and turn on the tv" nobody thought it would actually happen, but it did. We couldn't believe it. We were like "did that just happen" and my mom said that maybe the tv was programmated and that the radio always does that because it's broken, she started making up a lot of excuses!!

  6. One halloweens night me and my parets went to an old and forsaken police station, it was huge with a lot of cells and offices with old stuff inside. The place were in completely darkness and silence, we were just walking with a torch.
    I was very escared kind of imploring my mom to please leave home, cause my dad always told me a story about a woman that used to apears at the ladys bathroom. However we keep walking until we got in a large passage with an office at the end. We stoped there with a shiver and the steps keep sounding in our backs. My dad started to laugh and i asked him to please stop, but when we were in completely silence a shadow moves inside the office, my dad starred at the open door and asked - who' s there? - but no one replies, he looked at us with a mocking smile and got close to the door, but when he was in front, this one closed in his face faster and lauder.
    I remember i took my moms hand and we started to run until we got outside.
    lml Valentina Vargas the best in the world lml

  7. One halloweens night me and my parets went to an old and forsaken police station, it was huge with a lot of cells and offices with old stuff inside. The place were in completely darkness and silence, we were just walking with a torch.
    I was very escared kind of imploring my mom to please leave home, cause my dad always told me a story about a woman that used to apears at the ladys bathroom. However we keep walking until we got in a large passage with an office at the end. We stoped there with a shiver and the steps keep sounding in our backs. My dad started to laugh and i asked him to please stop, but when we were in completely silence a shadow moves inside the office, my dad starred at the open door and asked - who' s there? - but no one replies, he looked at us with a mocking smile and got close to the door, but when he was in front, this one closed in his face faster and lauder.
    I remember i took my moms hand and we started to run until we got outside.
    lml Valentina Vargas the best in the world lml

  8. One time I was sleeping alone and suddenly my bed start shaking, at first I thought that it was someone bothering me but I looked under my bed and there was nobody. I began to cry and I went to my parent´s room. I was very scared, I told my parents that maybe was an earthquake but they said that they didn´t fell anything. I was sure that it was someone bothering me, it was the only reason, but now I realize that maybe there is another reason.

  9. My story happened when I had only 10 years, this happened in the south, specifically in Chillan. With my family we are accustomed to go out in the vacations and this it was not the exception, we went to a place where there was very few civilization, nevertheless, there was light and water. The same day in the night I went out to see the stars and saw something that nowadays I can explain, not even my family because scarcely it should spy it I ran to telling them, they were a few lights of colors that were moving very rapidly, always I have wondered if it was really an alien or slightly more.

    Benjamín Contreras

  10. You may think this story is fantasy or a lie, but it's actually the truth. one day I was in the kitchen with with my mother talking about life, it was a very long conversation. but suddenly the door opened violently, as if someone had opened it.We were impacted and looked at each other because we just didn't know what happened. Then we went to check if someone did it or if it wasn't closed correctly, but it opened by itself once again, it caused us goosebumps. We thought about a relative who has been dead for years, what if it was him? I don't look at that door like a normal one anymore, I always think my mother's brother is going to be there opening it.

    Truth history... Ivanna Zamora Campos

  11. This event happened to me in a dark, very cold night in winter… I have returned home from a very tired day, all I wanted was to sleep, so I went to bed and even though that night it was a little bit hard to fall asleep, finally I did. I was having a normal sleep when I suddenly woke up, obviously I didn’t care, but randomly I got up to go to the bathroom, as most of the people do when they wake up at night, and when I was standing next to my bed I turne don the lights… and in that momento I turned my head to see the bed, and I saw myself lying there, sleeping. If in that momento I would have had a goosebump-meter it would have been over 9000! I didn’t expect anybody to believe me… and I was right.

    Pablo Vásquez

  12. Well, I suffered a paranormal phenomenon when I lived in Iquique, I was in the second floor when I heard noises of steps that came from the first floor, but the strange thing was that I was alone in my house that night. I didn't went downstairs because that caused me so much goosebumps. A few minutes after I decided to go downstairs and when I was on the kitchen(first floor) I couldn't see anything. At the next morning I told the story to my parents but they didn't believed me.
    Sonny Muñoz

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  15. One of my paranormal stories was when one day I get to my house about 6pm and enter the house and a woman on the couch with white hair and was wearing a white shirt, she stared at me and then few seconds disappeared, paralyze me and then enter the house. That same day were heard the night steps on the upstairs and I went to see and there was no one as I was alone and I was scared so I decided to put the music blaring not hear any strange noise.

    Francisca Muñoz

  16. Let´s start, teacher, you know what, i really like the films of paranormal things and i think that in my house happened so scary moments, many times i felt steps in the corridor at the night, sometimes my stuffs doesn't be in the place that i leave them and i´m really sure that it is strange. Although i believe in this things, i´m a person so believer in the catholic religion and i know that, god protect me and i don´t have afraid because i´m safe with him, but this stuffs are so scary, but i like so much this things.
    Sebastián Lillo Núñez

  17. First of all, I really think that this topic about ghosts and spooky things is just so fake and boring, personally I don't believe in any of these creatures that my classmates have named.
    So, instead I'm going to write about a paranomal phenomenon that happen to my mom:
    She told me that when she was sixteen years old always heard things in the attic, she could not sleep with the noises, so, one day she go to the attic in the middle of the night, she told me that saw a shadow running from she, until now she thinks that was a human shadow, no one believes she, they said that was just a cat (and if you ask me, me too)
    Leonardo Pino Grez

  18. Hi teacher, I have a really good story, this story will cause you goose bumps, so, prepare yourself.
    I was walking alone to my house a normal day, it was like at seven or eight o'clock of the afternoon, when a singular shadow appeared beside me. This shadow had a singular odour, like something dead (Yes, a Shadow with Odour, Why Not?) and magically the shadow said - Do you have "pasta"?. I got scary, (even when this question was really bizarre) I said: - No my friend. After that, the shadow run and disappeared in the street.
    I run to my house and told my parents what I had seen, but they laughed of me.
    Since this day I believe in the paranormal shadow's, especially in the "Pastero Shadow" (called by my) a Normal Person who like "pasta", but people never believe in my story

    Ni colas Toro

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  20. One day, I was home alone, I went to my parent's room to watch TV with the door locked. I was quietly watching my favorite TV show, until I heard a noise coming from my room. I got scared, because I was alone in my home. First, I thougt it was my imagination, but then I heard a louder noise, so I went to see what it was. When I arrived to my bedroom I saw nothing, but all my books were on the floor.
    Leslie Romero

  21. I have not had many paranormal experiences, but once I was in my house with my cousin, without my parents I started playing with a phone that we had in the courtyard, a very old phone, when we went to see what happened we got stunned. It was a very frightening experience, we had no explanation. since that time I have not had to live something similar and I still wonderhow could that phone ring if it didn't longer worked.

  22. As usual every day i will give my evening stroll around the neighborhood alone, a monotonous night became a night that I will never forget; I was walking down the street when i saw a strange shape: half of his body was human and had long hair, but the other half of his body was like a zebra, I didn't think that this silhouette would approach me and less in the way it did. In an instant the silhouette came of a distance of one block until beside me, I felt scared at the moment that I felt his breath on my shoulder. when i try to see the strange creature, this was not beside me, but it had disappeared. When I tell this story to my parents and friends, they believe that i am crazy or that i invent all the story.

  23. Yes, 2 paranormal things have happened to me.onces,i was talking to my mon,about dead,cementeries,buryings and the like.the lights in the living room started to blink and then the radio turned on and the volume started to rise up by itself.the second thing that something paranormal happened to me,was in sunday at 11 pm i was walking in the lonely street when suddenly i heard the weeps of a baby and the lights pf the cars parked in the street turned on,it was horrible!,i escaped running.

  24. A few years ago my grandpa was really sick, he was too old and finally he died. We all were really sad and a little bit depressed because we loved him so much, so you will understand how I felt when days after his death I saw him.Yes.. I really saw him but the thing is that in that exactly moment I forgot he was dead. I remember I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to find something to eat and my grandpa was sitting staring at me in his favorite chair, I asked him what happened but he didn't answer so I assumed that he didn't hear me and I came into the bathroom. There I realized what just happened: I saw my grandpa's ghost . I stayed in the bathroom for almost two hours scared and having goose bumps, and when I came out and told it to my mom but she didn't believe me so I tried to forget what happened but even now I can't forget the panic attack I had in the bathroom.
    This is real teacher not kidding I almost pee in myself.
    Jessica Cáneppa

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  26. Yesterday one of my friends told me an anecdote about a weird and terrific event he went through, he was asleep when suddently he wake up cause he felt that someone, or something was staring at he ran toward the switch to turn on the lights, and when he looked at his bed, he saw himself sleeping, in this moment, he felt that his heart stopped, and he felt goosebumps in all his body, he was so scared that he just couldn´t turn off the lights and wait for the sunrise.
    Juan Barrera

  27. My mom once told me that whenever she's watching tv at night she feels like someone is watching her through the window, I was like "No way!" and we talked about a little and then brushed it off. Days later my little 5 year old sister was in the same spot my mom was watching tv the other day, while my mom and I were in the kitchen. Suddenly my sister ran to us and told us "Mom theres someone watching me! in the window!!!" we were like what the hell and my mom said something like told you!! It was crazy. Now I feel goosebumps whenever I walk near that window at night.

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  29. yes i do have a paranormal story, one day i was alone in my bedroom when i heard steps walkin right to my room, they were fast at first but then they slowed down, i thought that it was my mom but nobody came in to my room, so i went out but i didn't see anyone and when I tell people about it nobody ever believes me, they say to me that i am crazy or that it is fake or somethig like that. but i swear to god its true, i still feel goosebumps by just remembering that day.

  30. Well, I think that I have one and this paranormal phenomenon story, it’s kind of good, because involves my great-grandma that is no longer here because she died. Her name was Olimpia.
    When I was 7 years old, my great-grandma died and I loved her (she was the best great-grandma in the whole world). A few days after she died I was alone on my grandma Silvia’s house watching TV and suddenly I felt someone dragging their own feet, when I felt this, I ran to the bed and covered myself with the blanket. I told my family about it and they thought that maybe it was my dead great-grandma, because she used to walk this way.

    Karla Araya

  31. Hi teacher, this is my story, so brace yourself
    One of the moments most paranormal happened to my mom, when i had 3 years an a seer said her that i have an guardian angel, who was my dead uncle before that i was born. When my mom wanted that i stayed in the school which my sisters went, i didn't approve the exam to be accept, then my mom thought in other school and when she sleeping my uncle appears and he tells that she didn't worry because he had arranged all. My mom already it had give up and she gets news trough a call from the school which said that i did not accept in the school was a problem of bad incident of paperwork.
    This is my story is not so incredible or cause goosebumps. I don´t saw nothing and don´t know if is certain.

    Bastian Gutierrez
