Wednesday, April 15, 2015

After School Program Activities [Sophomore]

Dear Students:

 As we have discussed in class, there are several possibilities in terms of after school program activities, such as reinforcements, robotics, workshops, gymnastics or even chorus. In your opinion, which extra activity would you include in the school? why? how many days will this activity take place? what would it be about? would it need lots of students or resources (money)?

 Leave your comment below in at least 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: April 30th


  1. Hello, well in my personal opinion I think that it should be a lot of sport or physical activities, for example: voleyball, bascketball, handball, tennis, etc. because these sports are very interesting for most students in this highschool and I think that everybody should do any sport. Well, these activities should take place at least four times a week or during saturday for those student that cannot go on weekdays. Also these activities should be by free at Escuela Naval because this highschool belongs to Carlos Condell Foundation.

    Sinceresly, Montserrat Rojas.

  2. Hi teacher

    In my opinion the workshop should add our school is Yoga because Yoga helps you relax and make the stresses of possibly many who suffer in the week with tests work and materials, Yoga not only takes the stresses if you do have a best day and to be more focused on your studies and good mood

    Yoga should be Rewarded at least twice a week so that it can have an effect on your body hopefully do it one day in the week and one day saturday so everyone can use it.
    Students may not like it but eventually they will realize that helps a lot with their lives and also to feel much better and more relaxed you will love it.

    To make this sport's Yoga court only need the school enabled and it is best to perform the yoga outdoors as you connect more with nature. We just need the incentive of students and school permission.

    Fernanda Bravo , Sophomore Level

  3. Hi teacher
    In my opinion in this school the workshop that it must be added is the explorer because in this workshop the adolescence has contact with the nature, they can encamp and help to the community. The values that this workshop teaches you are very important as the companionship and the teamwork.
    Well, these activities should happen on Saturday in the school, the types do not spend the money and they were gaining money selling raffles or doing other things

    Joaquin Novoa Pizarro;sophemore level

  4. Hello Teacher:
    Well, in my opinion, the after-school activities.that could add at school are Arts, Cooking and Handicraft.
    -Arts because students may have fun doing art work demonstrating their talent, such as sculptures, paintings or drawings. This activities could be every Tuesday.
    -Cooking because students may learn to do some dishes of food. the school could hire a specialist teacher of cooking to teach us. this activity could be every Thursday.
    -Handicraft because students could demonstrate their talent making, for example, necklaces of pencil cases. This activity could be on Fridays.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  5. In my opinion, we NEED an After-school related to video games; a lot of students play at least, 1 game, and the ‘’teacher’’ in charge of us can give some tips to play better than we used to; this activity will take place in the school obviously, Friday and Saturday might be the best days to place it, it would use money to buy the consoles and games, and a LOT of students.
    Bye teacher, and take care of noobs.
    Ian Stevenson – Sophomore Level

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  7. Hello teacher Juan Well, in my opinion, the extra activity programmatic I integrate would be crafts or sculpture, because I think it is an activity that requires concentration and promotes many students feel the interest in art and practice , this could take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. Monetary resources would be sought to buy the materials and tools , on the other students , they can choose to go or not to participate in the activity.

    Nicolás Rivera

  8. Hi Teacher
    My opinion the activities extra programmatical I integrate would be tennis and handball since they promote the physical activity outdoors, though to bring both to an external teacher, especially for tennis since it includes technique, not so much for handball since this one included as unit in our school. beside having to invest in materials as the ball or the rackets of tennis, besides the court, but it serious topic of the school
    Alexander Dubó Vera

  9. hi teacher
    My Opinion the additional activity is to integrate programatic tennis and tennis Because the bass deport it'sa very funny and not needed much people and the case of bass because i play the bass and as always Being discriminatory Extra guitar and finnaly They programatic shouldgive two days for each one
    Victor Riquelme

  10. hello teacher:
    well my activity after school I would propose would be a workshop for students who like both video games or computer consoles like me, is more competition among school students in various games (Star Wars, Mortal Kombat, tekken ...) or even who the best player lol, dota, smite the school or the best partner.

    This workshop will give dig:

    -with facilitate a meeting
    -which the same people bring your pc and that lend themselves to other players
    - Paying a couple consoles and games (one example Resident Evil 6 Story Mode)

    not only you have to partisipar in the workshop one can also see the other players if you wish.

    Also in this workshop we could gather each end of the month to see Japanese series.

    javier solis vargas

  11. Hi teacher!

    In my opinion, i'll include workshop figure skating, almost all the girls will participate in there, it would be a novelty in the school, because few schools have this activity. The workshop, would be on Wednesday at 4 o'clock, exactly after the class.
    We will need a professor who directs the activity. It would be free, the participants will only need a skids with four wheels and obviously the willing of participate.

    Isidora Sánchez

  12. Hi teacher
    I attend to the extra activities after the school, for example: reinforcement of physics on Thursday and I will go to reinforcement of English on Friday.
    In my opinion, the school would include a ballet workshop, because I really like that extra activity, because it's a really beautiful dance, also when I was a child I wanted to practice this dance, but my mom never enrolled me in a academy of ballet :(.
    Ballet would be one or two days, on Wednesday and Saturday. It will be at the courtyard of school and the dancers will be boys and girls between 5 - 15 years in different categories for ages, they will dance and prepare a performance and show it at the end of year in a "Municipal Theater". We would need little money because we just need it for the salon of theater. And that's a responsibility of school.
    Bye :)
    Cynthia Cáneppa.

  13. Hi teacher!!!

    I think they should add a workshop would be a dance workshop that would help each person to enroll to learn to develop the flexibility and knowing and controlling your body in a very funny way; I think it should be one or two days a week, in which anyone could enter the shop no matter if you can dance. In addition it would also help release the tensions somehow that each student had to cause stress that could cause having so many responsibilities both at school and outside it. And so that it could carry out this workshop could hire a teacher of dance and not think many monetary resources were needed and that only with the music and have a teacher to help guide the workshop students would be ready.

    Well I think I would be a good choice for a workshop. :D


    Fernanda Vega - Sophomore level

  14. I would like to introduce an activity related to cooking some crazy and delicious food, because i really like to cook and eat stuff like cookies, cakes, sándwiches, etc. I think that this activity should be all days from monday to friday, and i think it can make a change in the students of the school because they would be really happy and motivated with this new workshop. In my opinion, this activity could be really expensive,, basically because the school should employ a really good chef that teaches to cook in a funny way. Also, the ingredients could mean a significant cost.

    Dankari Rojas

  15. Hi teacher, I think that I would include the extra activity of volleyball. The activity would take 2 days at the week, Tuesday and Thursday. This extra activity would be about play volleyball, where you have to impede with your hands that the ball touches the ground. This activity would need at least 12 students and it would not need so much resources because there are the implements that we need in the school.

    Sofía Garrido González

  16. Hello teacher and partners how are you
    Well the workshop who i want to do in the school is one of the skate because now a days id a very populsr sport and easy to do and teach well i know people expert in this sport who live of this that teach the workshop i know of a lot of students would like this activity to do in the school and in my opinion is very good to help to has a nice healt because in this country and the world in general a lot of students has a problem with a food like obesity and this workshop dont need a lot of money we will need person to teach only and this is my opinion thanks for read

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  18. sup teacher

    In my opinion i will include workshop of break dance , in the personal I love dance , also this style of dance is very little practised in valparaiso.
    I will include this after-school program on friday. I attend to extra activities after school , for example reinforcement of physics .
    we need a professor of break dance or a professor to learn about this style , and students who wants to dance , between 12 and 17 years.

    Leslie Lepe

  19. Hi teacher:
    In my opinion the activity that could add to the school after classes would be cheerleaders, because it is an activity in which men and women can participate obviously more women, but is a very cute and entertaining sport. The days that this activity could be performed would be on Wednesdays and Fridays, school could put a minimum of money which would only be moved to competencies and creative students from basic 3rd up to 4 th medio and clearly separate them by stage.

    Daniela Oñate

  20. Hi teacher
    In my opinion, one the program activities that include in the school could be an art because many students could show ther talent either in sculptures, painting, drawing, etc. This actvity can take away end once time to the week or two depend the teacher that the direct, It would require some students but not a lot and resources maybe depend of the types the projects that are carried out in the.Goodbye teacher.

    Victoria Rojas

  21. Hi everybody!!!!!!

    In my personal opinion the extra activity that i would bring to school is a grafiti class because i think that very funny and interesting also many students in our school like this.
    This activity it would taken place once or twice a week after school, and needs a lot of money, because need a lot of materials but the school have to pay for this and for the teacher that teach in the class.

    Mauricio Valderrma - Sophomore level

  22. Hi teacher

    Good first giving my opinion in the college it is necessary to have the workshop of reinforcements of other branches and also workshops of sports need already be for men and women in order that the feminine football is just for example since fed up women it is so interested and in addition the sport is very important in the adolesencia. The resources that are necessary for these workshops can be a money of the direction of the college or also that the pupils could help in order that lynch could fulfill a good aim with the workshops of this shcool year in the pratrician college. Goodbyr teacher.

  23. Hi everybody!
    In my opinion I think that could be good and atractive for all the people that like the art and express your ideas to the word one workshop of graffity, where you teach techniques of draw, accesories that one could take, among other things, because you help upgrade the techniques and you intellect about art, where all your ideas that like express first must do in one sketch to then pass to a wall.
    This workshop it will one day to week in the afternoon, where postulate eighteen student betwen 8° basic and 4° means, the school contribute whit all materials, in the year they will be made competition whit other collage.

    Benjamín gonzalez- sophomore level

  24. Hi teacher!
    Well, i´m totally sure that our school must have a workshop of games (obviously video-games). In my opinion it will be great that this activity was only for PS3 games but i don´t have problems if it´s for others platforms like the PC and the Xbox.
    The main idea of this workshop would be the distraction of the student to forget about all the things of school and have a real break of it playing with friends. Of course it would require a lot of money because of the consoles and all that things. About the day...i don´t think that it matters because it can be anyday of the week or even in weekends.
    I think that this would be cool because in my case i love playing video-games because i forget about all.

    I´m really sure that to you teacher would love this workshop....cul8r teacher
    Rodolfo Rojas

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  27. Hello teacher: if i have to choose a new school program activity it would be volleyball, because it is a funny and interesting sport. Besides, is a team play and easy to learn. When I was a child I spent a lot of happy days playing it so I have a good memories of volleyball.

    Volleyball class could take place twice a week and just need a teacher, six volley-balls, a volleyball net and of course students.

    Betsabe Elgueta Stuardo, sophomore

  28. dear teacher
    in my humble opinion i think that the most nesesary extra activity that the school need is a chearleader team and a contemporary dance whit ballet because it make the students to gain a better physical condition and be more healthy. Contemporary Dance is an activity that gives many benefits for physical and social development and cheaarleader It is an activity that encourages physical development. for me physical activity is a way of life that helps me to be active and always happy.


    Catalina Tapia - Sophomore level

  29. hello teacher:
    my in the week I would like to add yoga workshoop to relax the strees of studies and this could be done tuesday organized by gabriela teacher from 4:00 - 4:45 pm and tennis workshoop for fun students, this could be performed thurday at the naval school with and organized monetary cost for some physical education teachers.
    And more importand workshoop is mapudungun to keep what remains of the mapuche in chile continues its importand language and culture.
    sophomore level
    dante diaz.

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  32. hello teacher

    In my opinion I would like to do a workshop kayak, the truth is that I love kayak and also it is a sport and does good health is very entertaining once you practice it, for me, if I would be held this it was every day but twice a week would be fine, besides this the only serious problem that kayak are very expensive and it would be very difficult to buy more of this.


    Luis Reyes
    sophomore level

  33. Hello teacher!
    In my opinion the workshop should be after school is scout for the workshop lets you indulge in the environment and interact with other college courses that could go many students of the school and also after classes were tired and it's good to go nature one day and play with your fellow workshop also allows you also see new places where you do not make state because from time to time will travel
    Joan Dubo
    Sophomore level

  34. Sup, teacher!
    On wednesdays I'm going to robotics, because the most of the workshops at our school are for sports, and sports... Sports are just not my kind. (People want English reinforcement, pleaseeeeee)
    But, I think that Yoga or something for relax would be a great workshop to add, because the most of the students (Every. Student. Of. High. Levels.) are so stressed at the end of classes.
    This activity would take place when we finish the classes on friday, before go our homes, and about the money... We just need the "mat" and it isn't expensive.
    Fernanda Ramos
    Sophomore level.
