Thursday, September 3, 2015

TV Shows & More! [Sophomore]

Dear Students;

 During this tough Unit, we have talked about different topics, nevertheless we're just going to considerate one of them. This monthly thread is about TV shows and their categories, whih seems to be something of your expertise. The questions are:

What kind of TV programs do you like? Why?
Do you prefer series or movies? Why?
What changes would you do in Chilean TV,

 Leave your comments below in 70 words.


Juan Guevara

Deadline: September 11th, Friday


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Javier solis vargas
    Hello teacher

    -I do not like any TV show today.
    -I prefer movies on the grounds that in a series I lose some chapters and lose the plot of the movie series but see the whole movie and I did not take off until the end obviously if it is good or action, science fiction, love and horror
    -I thing he would not spend the many hours of news would repeat a block of Chilean culture

  3. Hi teacher!

    Well ,TV shows I like are programs like CSI or criminal minds, because I find that are interesting and fun, plus it gives me hope that one day I too will cool and be able to do things as they do. In answer to the second question I prefer the series, because I really like to watch a funny or interesting story and to hate or love a character and actually I'm not entirely sure why I prefer the series but they are much better than TV. A program of the Chilean television what would you change that most programs try to talk and judge people or else are the most boring life programs then I would be the talk programs on topics people really cares and I think that's more than anything.

    Fernanda Vega :3

  4. Hey, teacher!
    I usually watch tv shows online, because I don't like the chilean tv. I used to watch A LOT of basic (but super funny) tv shows like UnReal, Gossip Girl and Young And Hungry (yeah, I like the super girly tv shows and what). But now, i've been watching tv shows like Orphan Black, Sense8 and Hannibal. They have a lot of blood, basically everyone kill everyone *happy face* and the worst part is that I love it.
    I'm ambitious and I like both. I can't keep doing a marathon of 8374983 episodes of any serie or movie, because I get boring, so I HAVE TO make a mix of them.
    If I were the God of the chilean tv, I would divide all the channels by category. One channel just for music, one just for news, one just for culture and the same with the other categories, because in all the channels, they broadcast the same at the same hour and that's annoying because sometimes you want to watch everything or sometimes you don't want to watch that everything.

    Fernanda Ramos n_n

  5. Hi Teacher:

    I usually do not watch TV but one of the programs that most catches my attention and I like it "pranked" because it makes me laugh a lot and I also like "Empo" because there is good music and I hear normally.

    answering the second question I prefer series because they are more fun and longer than a movie and you can put in a frame where more and more characters, deaths, romances, etc .... as they pass the episodes or seasons are passing new things that you never expect it's more interesting and vicious than a movie that lasts a couple of hours.

    The changes would in serious decrease Chilean television entertainment programs that get into the lives of others and put cultural programs

    Fernanda Bravo

  6. Hello teacher!

    I prefer movies Because the entertainment is early, unlike the series is just funny, but more time-consuming by seasons .

    I like comedies, Because They can see or appreciate family and CSI programs or criminal minds That if it amuses me.

    Chilean tv for me is fine, Would do him no change because they are simple and reach the goal which is to entertain the public or the chilean country.

    Dante Díaz

  7. hi teacher
    I love series of investigation for example Pretty little liars because i like the tematic, the die of alisson one of the best friends in the group. The tension that is kept in the serie.
    I preffer movies in special the science fiction , also the movies that treat of you fight because always i am hanging in the movie .
    I change the tematic on the series , more culture.

    Barbara Bravo

  8. Hi.
    The kinds of TV programs doesn’t matter for me.
    I LOVE TEEN WOLF, but now the 5th season part “A” it has finished and I have been waiting for the new part (part “B”) is It will put on January, 2016 is really Depressant, because I’ve watched teen wolf since a little time and I think that it’s will finish. It’s very fun because everybody loves to Stidya but I… but I Love Stalia (they love each other)
    Also I watched Eye candy …. Lindy and Jake, were made for each other but Jake can’t stay with her because, he proved to be a psychopath and is OHHHHHHHH… sdjaskjda
    I like the movies and series…. I recommend you watch Project Almanac, it’s really awesome. It’s about a teen group that travels to the past ….. So because I recommend this movie
    Finally. I like the Chilean TV, bony (I don´t know if is bony, but I try-on say “ósea”) you talk to second place of the people that watch the Chilean TV, the first is my grandma “LA SHORA ELVIRA”. But I think that no they (producers) shouldn’t put on the Turkish soap operas because is the most, most, most, most…… BORING LIFE
    #I’msofancy #stalia #i’mwerewolf #dreaddoctors,wehateyou #tonnyinfriendzone #theo,Ikillyou

  9. Sup teacher

    Does not really have a taste specific for TV shows, I only see it haha, usually see series, because they make me feel intrigue for what might happen in the next chapter , I recommend SKINS , and I see cartoons, because they are very entertaining, his animations, voices, characters etc. The truth I do not see many series and it is very difficult to not lose any chapter, by what I prefer films, because it is not by chapters, because not I lose the plot and because I can see them whenever you want while I wait each week to see a serie.Would not change it anything in the Chilean tv because I don't know much about haha also I don't like much:(((((.

    Leslie Lepe

  10. Hi teacher!
    Well, I like sitcomes like “Friends” or “The big bang theory”, they are ver funny to me and they make me laugh a lot. I have to say that I just love movies because they are so interesting and it really capt me my attention, and I don´t like tv series because I always forget to watch any episode!. In Chilean tv I change everything, specially they are so predictable and boring!.
    Montserrat Rojas B.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. hello teacher
    the truth I have no preference for TV programs, including almost do not see tv, the only programs I see on TV are dad adrift and suddenly see movies and other channels, but I'm not that kind of people who enjoy watching tV programs or whole series, frankly because I've never done one, because I get bored or do not have time or devote myself to other things.
    Prefer movie, movies 100%, I think that they are much more fun to watch series, I'm not a fan of the series.
    the changes I would make in Chilean tv would put more variety of programs, not just the typical soups, or talent shows, I would also like to implement programs of music, or something ... that does not have very clear, the Chilean tv bores me.

    bye teacher

    Nicolás RIvera
    Sophomore Level

  13. Hi Teacher
    I like the tv, especially the Chilean TV. I prefer the series before that the movies like "Profugos" produced by HBO, also the series that report the history of Chile, for example:” Algo Habran Hecho Por La Historia De Chile "," Sitiados" or " Chile, Las Imagenes Prohibidas", I like because this way I can find out about things that happened in our country. Also I like it the programs of sport as SportCenter (of the ESPN) or Central Fox (by Fox). What exchange or to add to the Chilean serious Tv you programme of interviews as " Mas Vale Tarde " or " Mentiras Verdaderas ", also series or programs that they speak about our country or that it spends in.

  14. I really like to watch TV, and my favourite channel is "Discovery home and health". In this channel i like to watch some crazy shows like "Cake Boss" and "brothers to work", and others that i don't really remember; I also like to watch "Manos al fuego" on the chilean TV. I really prefer movies over series, just because that i don't like to watch a history chapter by chapter, im too lazy for that. I dont really watch a lot of chilean tv, but i think that programs like "en su propia trampa" and "en la mira" should be played more often.

  15. Hi teacher!

    I don’t have any favorite TV show. I don’t watch TV because I don’t like it, I prefer to read, draw, playing with my dog or do anything else.
    I prefer the movies because they narrate a long story in just hours. Besides, in the movies I don’t have to wait for new episodes and that’s is cool, because I usually to forget see that chapters.
    I would like change everything, as the Chilean television is so boring, and I think are just programs copied of other countries.

    Teacher see you in the next chapter, jajajajaja

    Camila Gómez.

  16. hi teacher
    TV shows I like are the action , mystery and suspense because they are more fun and more interactive , like the walking dead or breaking bad that a chapter is slow but leaves several questions and you want to keep watching to see what happens.The series are that I like because it is a long process that is in the memory , not because movies can get another version that can be better but the series are irreplaceable.The changes would you make to the Chilean television with good scripts and more action there is much romanticism and it ruins the show because abusers much more serious event as catastrophic as games of thrones

    Victor Riquelme

  17. dear teacher

    i believe this is a good topic, is my favorite kind of topic really, and answers to your questions mi favorite program show is history channel and all of their programe that talk about history of the dinasours and the planet. why? because i found interesting and a can learn so many of the place that we live.

    it depends on the tipe of the series and the movie, but i´ve saw more movies than tv shows. i love horrors movies but sometime a cant viewing totaly because im scared.

    chilean tv is so predictive and booring, dont have the same taste that the other programs, maybe because they have more inversment or something but chilean tv is to me very basic.

    Catalina Tapia

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello teacher

    A my personally if I like the programs that exist in the TV since there are different categories for the adults, teenagers and major adults, in addition every day the TV is improving of I reduce since it is getting up-to-date increasingly. Besides the fact that now the TV has mas importance that previous years since estan the current news and they inform us whenever something happens in our country. Personally eligo movies since they are mas entertained by that they are of long duration and in addition I am not a type of person that I like the series since aveces has dramatic art great and do not find the importance that other persons find him.

    Catalina Cerda S.

  20. Hello everybody

    Me some programs please of tv as for example those of culture, knowledge and artistic. I prefer the series because they are mas detailed, lasting and often inclusive addictive. The Chilean tv is a set of programs not very well defined as for example the cajolement. The change that I would make the Chilean serious tv have mas informative programs, of culture and art as also of leisure, and eliminate of root the cajolement.

    Mauricio Valderrama Sophomore level

  21. Hi teacher.
    Well, I'm not watch tv show usually but I like the programs of sport, of culture and things on what happen in the actuality, because It supports you informed and is interesting to know the history of everything.
    I prefer the movies more that the series, because the series I never follow them and always I lose the thread of the history, instead the movies is more short and I have a lot of information in a little time.

    Benjamin Gonzalez

  22. Hi Teacher!
    -I like animated TV shows such as The Simpsons, Futurama, etc. Or any TV show that makes me laugh.
    -I prefer movies because I get bored of sitting watching a screen for a long time doing nothing and find that they waste time series
    -I exchange program schedules for adults because today no child falls asleep at ten o'clock and most have access to a TV in your room

    Yerko Osega

  23. Hello teacher
    Well, although I do not watch much TV, the TV shows I like are the real life stories, as Lo que callamos las mujeres, because you can know the reality of many Chileans, or cartoons like The Simpsons, because they make me laugh sometimes. Besides, I like the culture programs.
    I am no fan of TV series, therefore, I prefer movies, because in the TV series sometimes I get confused, and I get bored when the story does not advance.
    The change I would, in the Chilean TV, would some soap operas stop being so repetitive, and to transmit more cultural programs.

    Iván Salinas Infante

  24. Hello teacher!

    What kind of TV programs do you like? Why?
    The TV programs that i like are the cartoons because i entertain as for example Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Clarence, etc

    Do you prefer series or movies? Why?
    I like the two because i love watching movies of heroes, cartoons and princesses, and also i love see series as Pretty little liars, Dexter and Hannibal.

    What changes would you do in Chilean TV
    I would change in the Chilean TV the programs of celebrities and reality show because I think that they are not good for nothing.

    Victoria Rojas

  25. Hi Teacher
    I prefer series like “Criminal minds” or “CSI”, but also I see programs from Chilean TV, it doesn’t matter to me, I only see…
    When I get home from school, I usually see “Catfish” in Mtv I REALLY LOVE IT, is very interesting and often have a happy end
    So, I prefer movies than series, basically because I never end a series, and the movies are shorter haha
    The only thing I would change is that there was less entertainment, and more international series.

  26. Sup, Juan ;
    I don't really watch tv very often, but when i do i watch anime or marvel-related series.I also love cartoons.
    I like both series and movies, both are enjoyable and exiting, specially movies related series ..
    A change i would make on chilean tv?, removing those annoying soaps of course!!, they're all the same, instead of them, chilean tv should have more cultural or news programs for example.

  27. Hi teacher
    i love watch tv, i love watch Los Simpsons because is funny and Homer (dad of this family) is very stupid. this serie is are very entertaining, funny and i laugh very much with this.
    i prefer the movies in special fast and furious because i like the cars or harry potter because i love the history of this guy.
    in my opinion the tv of Chile is bad because talk all day of celebrities and reality show.
    Jaquin Novoa Pizarro

  28. hello teacher

    actually I have no favorite style programs but if I have to choose one which would come closer to the musical style or sport because they are two of the things that are going with me. On the other hand I prefer the series as they have a much larger duration movies and keeps you aware of that will happen in the next chapter.

    I on Chilean television would make a change from the cultural, that give much more importance than they are giving today as the country's culture is important and should be for all and not just for some as is happen

    Luis Reyes

  29. hi teacher (sorrry for the hour)

    I think that the bests programs are those who hooked you because when that happen you need to know what is going to happen after. Other tv shows that i like are documentaries of space or animals i don't know why i like so much.

    In these days i prefer the series, specifically "breaking bad" because the series have a longer duration that the movies, obviously a good movie will attract my attention but i still prefer the series.

    I would change all the stupid programs of cajolement because they don't stop talking about the rumors of every celebrity and it's like they couldn't live in peace because of this programs. other thing that i would change are the turkish soaps because all the channels overexploit these soaps and i think that it's too much.

    and that was my opinion, again sorry for the hour):

    see ya teacher
    Rodolfo Rojas

  30. Hi teacher
    Well, I really like TV programs, I usually see a lot of them at the same time.
    Now I am shocked with the end of the first season of "Z Nation", and I saw the first episode of the second season in english.
    Also I see more Tv programs, like "Gossip Girl", "Pretty Little Liars", "The walking dead", "Dexter" and more.
    -I don't have favorite kind of Tv program, I usually see the first episode and if I like it, I continue that serie.
    -I prefer series, because, in all episodes new things happen and I really like it.
    -I don't like tge Chilean Tv, becausr it is so boring. I change that, including, diversity, because the kind of programs are same to each other.
    Cynthia C
