Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The End of the Year [7° A, 8° A, 1°A, 2°A, 3°A & 4°A]

Finally we are in November. As you may imagine, it will be interesting from my (and yours) point of view to exchange opinions about the year, the lesson, your classmates, what have you leaned, etc.

 Please leave a response in the comment section below, in about 30 words (Elementary) and 50 words (Upper levels). be polite, don't use bad words and ask if you have any question or doubt.

 Best Regards

PD: After you finished the comment, indicate your name and grade.

Deadline: November 16th, Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Method of Transportation [7°Año Básico A]

The main theme here is "Method of Transportation". The idea is that you answer the following questions: How do you get to your home and school? What's your favorite method of transportation? Why?

 Leave your comment below in at least 30 words.

 Best wishes

Deadline: October 17th, Monday

Eating Healthy [8°Año Básico A]

Taken the previous Unit as theme, list as brief as you can some advice related with eating healthy. Remember to use expressions such as "I think, from my point of view,  I believe", etc. and the modal verb "should"

 Leave your comment below in at least 30 words.


Deadline: October 17th, Monday

Inventions [1° Año Medio A]

As simple as you could imagine. Can you let us know what is you favorite invention ever? is it weird? Can anyone use it? Remember to leave your comments below in at least 30 words. Try to use Simple Past tenses and vocabulary.

 Best Wishes

Deadline: October 17th, Monday

Greek Mythology [2° Año Medio A]

Taken from the previous reading (that one related to Atlas and Hercules), it would be interesting to know what's your favorite greek god/hero or creature. Leave your comments below, and answer this questions:

 Why did you like him/her? What kind of powers does he have? what clothes does he wear?

Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words and use new vocabulary seen in class.

Deadline: October 17th, Monday

A Trip [3° Año Medio A]

According some tips read in class, it may be interesting to know what place would you like to visit. Refer to how are you going to travel, most important places, if you'd need an itinerary, etc.

 Regards and write in at least 50 words. It may be useful that you use new words.

Deadline: October 17th, Monday

Your favorite singer [4° Año Medio A]

According to the Unit, can you refer to your favorite Singer? Why is he/she important to you? Do you copy his/her style? What is your favorite song from him/her?

 Regards and remember to post in 50 words. Try to use different verbs or expressions seen in class.

Deadline: October 17th, Monday

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ethnic Groups [7° Año Básico A]

 Hello students, welcome to the English Blog and let's start with the first task. As you notice, we must begin with the ethnic groups, such as Mapuches, Chonos, Alacalufes and the like. Besides the ethnic groups were the first tribes  who lived in Chile (some of them still live within us), we descend from them.

 In this topic, try to use Past Simple, Present Simple and Be Going To (whether is necessary) to express your opinion about any ethnic group you want seen in class.

- Their habits
- Their clothes
- The Place where they live / lived.

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday

Learning Tips [8° Año Básico A]

Welcome to the English blog, I really hope you like it and enjoy it. The first task for you it just writing me (using Imperatives and Connectors such as and, but, although, etc.) about your learning and studying tips. Try to be simple and creative. If you have questions ir doubts, ask me.

 Regards and remember to post at least 30 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday

Christian the Lion [1° Año Medio A]

In 1969 a young Australian, John Rendall and his friend Ace Bourke, bought a small lion cub from Harrods pet department, which was then legal. 'Christian' was kept in the basement of a furniture shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea, the heart of the swinging sixties. Loved by all, the affectionate cub ate in a local restaurant, played in a nearby graveyard, but was growing fast...

A chance encounter with Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna led to a new life for Christian. He came to live in a huge enclosure and to sleep in a caravan at their Surrey home. Then in 1971 he was flown to Kenya, his ancestral home, and returned to the wild by lion-man George Adamson. Nine months later in 1972, John and Ace returned to Kora in Kenya. This clip is of their reunion at that time.

Is it real this? How much do you think your pets love you? Should we consider animal rights as ours?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: September 2nd,  Friday

Chilean Sport [2° Año Medio A]

Daily news tell us every single day about international sports, countries around chile winning medals and champinships. However, that it's changinng somehow, for example, Tomas Gonzales, Alexis Sanchez, Kristel Kobrich, etc.

 Probably back in the years, this competitions should have been unreacheable for us, nevertheless (and with huge efforts) chilean sportsmen are stepping to the top of the world.

 What's your opinion about it? is it easy for chilean competitors to win medals and champinships? what sport would you like to practice? would you need some kind of support?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday.

The Norway Massacre [3° Año Medio A]

 The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential terrorist attack against the government. The civilian population and a summer camp in Norway 22 July 2011.

The Norwegian Police Service arrested Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian with "right-wing sympathies" for the mass shootings on Utøya and subsequently charged him with both attacks.The European Union, NATO and several countries around the world expressed their support for Norway and condemned the attacks.

 What do you think about this? are their actions forgiven due his mental issues? Is it good killing people to express your ideals?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday

Education Conflict [4° Año Medio A]

 Many protests have happened through this year, and it seems this is not yet finished. Chilean students demand free scholarship and an important decrease in grant's taxes. For most of them, it doesn't make any sense the idea of getting into debt with banks or the government itself.

 Lots of Universities and Schools are on strike, and if they don't give them what they want, it won't get any better.

What's your suggestion to eradicate profit acts? Are Legal student's demands? What about the chaos in the street due this protests?

 Regards and remember to post in 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Universe [1º Año Medio A]

The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, etc. People always think about its immensity, and reflexes about life outer space.

 And you, what do you think about it? Do you believe in Aliens? What about travelling far away the space? Do we need to reach the speed of light, in order to achieve certain goals?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 20th, June

Networks attacked by Hackers [2º Año Medio A]

Social Networking hot spots that are frequently becoming massive, have been attacked by scammers more frequently on the first part of this year. Websites and networks such as Smartphones, Sony and even some video games parties haven been affected by this criminals.

 Nowadays, it seems that people do need social networks more than ever, and you can notice it easily, because they don't have anything else to do without internet services.

What do you think about the necessity of people of surfing through this websites? Do you agree with them? Should be hackers be condemned like criminals?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words

Deadline: Monday 20th, June

Hydroaysen [3º Año Medio A]

Some of the most controversial topic in Chile, Hydroaysen thermo electrical. As you may know, lots of ecologists have opened the debate, about the environmental catastrophe that this the project would create. Furthermore, people all over Chile have shown their dissatisfaction through protests and "pacific" march.

 On the other hand, the government has said that Chile needs electricity, otherwise, many blackouts would "attack" our country.

 What do you think about this project? do you think Chile needs more information about this? What about the  wildlife around Patagonia?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline:  Monday 20th, June

Red Alert in Puyehue [4º Año Medio A]

Due The Volcano near peyuhue, the government has decided to establish Red Alert to the volcanic complex zone of "Puyehue - Cordon Caulle". The under risk communes are Futrono, Rio Bueno, Ranco and Puyehue.

 At least 600 people will leave their houses and properties to the safe spots, previously defined by the government. Nevertheless, there're still some problems...

What do you think about this? Is it easy for them to leave their houses and goods? What about the pollution, ashes and toxic gases in Bariloche? What will happen with their animals (cats, chickens, cows, dogs, etc)?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words

Deadline: Monday 20th, June

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teenage Styles [1º Año Medio A]

 Nowadays, teenagers tend to wear some weird and strange kind of clothes (such as flowers, necklace with spikes, piercings, huge sneakers and in some cases, kitty headbands). Nevertheless, when somebody ask them what is their style, it seems that they don't even know what they represent.

 According this brief introduction, What is your style? Do you wear strange clothes or accessories? Is music related to teenager styles? Do you respect their decision?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May.

Violence in Video games [2º Año Medio A}

From 1976, a Company called "Exidy Games" developed the very first game with violent content. That game was "Death Race" and was mainly focused on Arcade Machines rather than home systems. However, in that time started a discussion about it. Even some of the locals ,where this Arcade Machines operated, were closed.

 Nowadays we have a huge catalogue of games, with gore, blood, head decapatitation on them (such as God of War, Mortal Kombat, Grand theft Auto or Resident Evil), and it seems that people prefer this games rather than the classic ones (such as Mario Brothers, Little big Planet or Zelda).

 What do you think about? Do Video games contribute in something with this kind of violence on their games?  Do they promote mental skills? Do you usually play violent games?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May

Immortality in 2045 [3º Año Medio A]

It looks like science fiction, but it's pure science. Some American scientists, from the most important Universities in the world, work in achieve before 2045 the dream of our Human being, the end of aging, therefore, death.

 Just with a nail, saliva or a hair, humans will be able to last "forever".

Is it real? Would you like to live forever? Is it necessary to die or aging?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May

Osama's death [4º Año Medio A]

 As you know, Osama Bin Laden was murdered in a firefight this Monday night in Pakistan. This mission was accomplished by the SEAL (Sea, Air and Land Team), a special group of The Marines, which have the most advance military equipments in the whole world. Furthermore, They killed him and throwed his corpse to the sea.

 Will this act bring consequences? Is really dead Osama? Was correctly judged by America? Will his dead put end to the terrorism?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dangerous Asteroid [1º Año Medio A]

 Some Scientists detected an asteroide denominated "2005 YU55", which supposedly will pass close the earth in November 8th. Discovered by Robert McMillan, this asteoroid measures 400 meters of diameter, and it will show a unique possibility to be studied worldwide. However, this situation doesn't represent a problem to our planet, at least in the following century.

 According your perception, do you feel frightneded? What do you think about it? are we really safe as scientists say?

 Regards and post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.

Easter Week [2º Año Medio A]

This week starts the well-known "Easter". As you know, through this days you should reflect about the pilgrimage and Christ cruzificacion. However, some people don't realize the real magnitude of this week, and they tend to confuse it with "eating chocolate eggs".

 What about you? Do you do something in particular? Do you agree with eating fish and sea food instead of fasting and red meats?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.

Bully Beatdown [3º Año Medio A]

 Bully Beatdown is an American reality television series created by Mark Burnett which airs on MTV. In each episode, show host Jayson "Mayhem" Miller challenges bullies to fight against a professional mixed martial artist for a chance to win $10,000. The money they get depends on their performance against their opponent, with any money they don't win going to the bully's victim.

 According your ideas, is it correct what they do? is this the correct form of changing attitudes? Would you participate in this kind of TV Shows?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April

SIMCE Results [4º Año Medio A]

 As you know, in March 2011, Simce results were published in MINEDUC's website. Chilean's scores averaged just a 11% of certification (Auditive Comprehension 48 and Reading Comprehension 51). Hence, this evaluation determines the lack of English knowledge among students.

 On the other hand, Patricio Lynch Senior's students got a 18% of certification, which is "good" in relationship to Chilean's standars. So, according to you, were as "good" the results in the school?, how much influence does the teacher have in your scores? did the test really show the real knowledges?

 Regards and remember to post at with at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Amish People [1º Año Medio A]

Amish people are well-know in The USA, especially in Ohio and southest Pennsylvania, considered as Protestant anti-modernist religious group, who refuses electricity and any other modern apparatus.

 Do you think this kind people exist in Chile? Where? Do you agree with their living habits? Why?

Remember to post in at least 30 words. Add at the very end of your comment your Name and Surname respectavily. Regards.

Deadline: Thursday 14th, March,

Obama in Chile [2º Año Medio A]

 As you may watched on TV, Barack Obama, the first Afro-american President, arrived to our country few days ago. Some politicians said that his visit was unnecesary. On the other hand, people were speculating about, saying he came to offer "Nuclear Energy" resources and even more, offering "Native English Teachers" for Chilean's School.

 What do you think about? What would it be the consequence according your sense of expectancy? Do we notice some changes? How?

 Regards and remember to post at least 30 words and add your Name and Surname at the very end of the post!

Deadline: Thursday 7th, April.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Drought in Chile [3º Año Medio "A"]

 As you may noticed on TV, Chilean's water resources are getting dry. Some of the problems, that eventually could lead, are the rise in the prices (vegetables, food and the like), the productivity in farms and the mainteance in forests.

 Are you helping at home? what kind of things do you normally do in order to save water? don't you waste it?

 Do not forget to post once every 2 weeks, with at least 30 words. Add your Name and Surname at the end of your comment. Regards

Deadline: Friday 8th, April.

Tsunami Catastrophe [4º Año Medio A]

 After the Tsunami incident, many consequences appeared, such as the nuclear plant explotions, the radiation, the decrease in the level of unemployment and the scarcity of resources (food, water, etc.).

 What do you think of it? Do you think this events will take place in Chile? How? Is as "dangerous" as some scientists say the Nuclear Energy?

 Make your post with at least 30 words. Add your Name and Surname at the end of your comment. Regards

Deadline: Thursday 7th, April.