Saturday, August 13, 2011

Learning Tips [8° Año Básico A]

Welcome to the English blog, I really hope you like it and enjoy it. The first task for you it just writing me (using Imperatives and Connectors such as and, but, although, etc.) about your learning and studying tips. Try to be simple and creative. If you have questions ir doubts, ask me.

 Regards and remember to post at least 30 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday


  1. To facilitate the study of learning and can apply these techniques to better performance:
    Being in a calm and quiet, pay close attention in class, ask if you did not understand something, to study at least 1 hour daily, and study strategies have conceptual maps, etc.
    In addition to completing the study a quick review.

  2. Welcome to you to

    Y use manny types of study techniques, such as, summarized texts, quizes, and concept maps, but anyone seems to work in English.For this subject I use more my memory.

    Good Bye Teacher and now Let's Go to study!
    Nicolás Toro Rubio

  3. For good learning you have that eat good and healthy for concentrate in the class, and besides you have that study one hours daily, sleep eight hour daily, to sleep well, and do not study at night.

    Francisca Muñoz

  4. I think the study makes it one hour a day, you refresh the memory every day of what we have done in class, but there are more ways to take attention in class, have the notebooks in order to make it easier to study.

    Erik Mansilla

  5. To study or to have good study habits I recommend concentrating and paying attention in class.
    Another tip is to study for tests in advance and also make models or projects in advance.
    When you study you have to do in an environment in which you feel comfortable to study
    But this would not help anything to get good grades if one is not constant.
    Javiera González C.

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  7. I pay attention to classes, I eat healthy food example: fruit, nust, fish, etc.I study at least an hour a day, a good place to study.

    Good bye teacher Juan,! tomorrow math test ¡
    Guillermo Contreras

  8. My study method is the following, I review daily half-hour matters with my books and notebooks, concept maps and summaries, but the most important is to pay attention in class.

  9. To ease the learning must not only eat healthy foods and healthy, you should also get plenty of sleep necessary for a happy day and quiet. After arriving at our home would not be bad review on the subject last. In class one should be focused on what the teacher is explaining

    Ivette Lastra c:

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  11. in our present study is very important today, because thanks to them we can get to someone in our lives so we must have a method of study which help to supplement what we learn day by day, like all the days come home and leave an hour of study, stay focused and understanding of what we are reading is also important to pay attention in class so we can review and revise the home without costing us so much.

  12. Welcome:
    Here I give some study techniques and tips.
    The first is to read, slow and focused, to understand instructions or full text.
    Organizing ideas by diagrams and / or summarizing information.
    Interpret what you are reading in this case you formed an opinion of what they read, get main ideas and conclusions.
    And finally, you have to grasp the real meaning of the reading, to distinguish the true from the false.

    That would be all. I hope you like

    Ivanna Zamora Campos.

  13. The best methods you must use in the study is the concentration, pay attention in the class and also ask your questions to teachers, because to understand this are the best methods of study you must use.

    Diego Gutierrez Berrios

  14. Ignacio Palacios
    study habits:
    1: Have a willingness-to learn
    2: If you have questions Disadvantages About the material to ask Professor
    3: What you spend exercising and review what you know
    4: Paying attention in class while the teacher Explains
    5: take notes on what the teacher write in class
    6: have a letter ordered so That When You Repace study or get confused or do not mistake
    7: Have the peace, not one evaluation rushes That With A legible so the teacher does not confuse the fix.

    These are the study habits of Ignacio Palacios A.

  15. For a good learning must begin by paying attention in class time and ask if we have questions however small, we also reviewed at home every day and make a plan of study but will always remain constant good results.

    Camila Nancul Pacheco

  16. I think that the most important things to can study effectively are pay attention in class time,have a pacific and quiet place to study,have a plan of study times to avoid the "stress", and last but not least, must eat on a healthy way.

    Marcela Bernal.

  17. There are many ways to study but I use the notes of the workbook and review every day, at least an hour, which is how I most comfortable studying.
    Although we also have to pay attention in classes, so ask the teacher if we have any doubt about the matter.

    Natalia Miranda

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  19. For us to do better in English classes must:
    1) Take care in the classroom.
    2) Make all assignments sent.
    3) Study least January 1 at home.
    4) Always ask if in doubt.
    5) If you always try to think of everything learned.
    6) Assist or a colleague when entoende.

    Tamara Oñate.

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  23. good here I'll give a few tips for estundio:
    1) Always pay attention to what the teacher says
    2) it is good to make concept maps of what you write
    3) have a nice breakfast in the morning
    4) do not leave things for later
    5) have a time for everything
    6) positive thinking
    7) set a goal

    Christopher Caceres

  24. For have a good Learning and Marks you should:
    Pay Attention in the class
    Take the note in the class
    Always make your questions to teachers when you don't understand
    Study in the quiet place for not distract
    Have a plan of study
    Be very organized
    And Have a good Alimentation

    Daniela Garrido González

  25. hello teacher:
    for who go good in the school to have who:
    -to have system study.
    -to lay atention in the classroom.
    -to study sort of ten minutes each subject.
    -to review the notebooks every days.
    -to make the task in it possible the same day who the to give.

    juan barrera.

  26. To improve your grades, you have to:
    -Have all your notebook full.
    -Try not talk in a class.
    -Study ever on time.
    -Not be distracted in class.
    -Ask question to the teacher about you do not
    -Ask advice your teacher.

    This is my tips study for you, and
    what waiting? quick study.

    --------------Bastian Gutierrez-----------------
