Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Norway Massacre [3° Año Medio A]

 The 2011 Norway attacks were two sequential terrorist attack against the government. The civilian population and a summer camp in Norway 22 July 2011.

The Norwegian Police Service arrested Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian with "right-wing sympathies" for the mass shootings on Utøya and subsequently charged him with both attacks.The European Union, NATO and several countries around the world expressed their support for Norway and condemned the attacks.

 What do you think about this? are their actions forgiven due his mental issues? Is it good killing people to express your ideals?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday


  1. From my point of view, kill people for expressing their opinions is not good, because each person can give her opinion about a topic. They are free to say whatever they want, without hurt the rest of the people, and anyone have the right of kill to other person to give their opinion.

    -Daniela Cerda Alvarado-

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  3. Actually, I do not know very much about this issue, but I really believe that someone who kills people is a very sick man. It is not a good idea to kill people to express our ideas because there are other ways to express what we think, for example, we can send a letter to the government or something like that. Everyone deserves to express their ideas so we can't kill someone just because we want to.

    Gustavo Espinoza

  4. * believe that this man is crazy, no one would kill another person just because he thinks differently, their actions are not to forgive them, I kill many innocent people, it is not the way to express his ideals, it should perhaps have said otherwise.

    * Valentina Rodríguez.

  5. This Act caused by Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian young for 32 years, is certainly horrible, is not justifiable under any point of view. A person who wants to express his ideals, can do so without doing harm to innocent people who have another mentality or different belief religious (in this case your action was against Marxists and Islamists). Currently lack much tolerance...

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira

  6. In short not be much of this particular theme but think to express an idea or a point of view is not necessary to kill people, there is much more appropriate ways to express themselves and is not justifiable that a person has mental problems it can kill. One may require another way to communicate and express what they feel, is not violence and ill-treatment.

    .- Javiera Hidalgo Valenzuela

  7. In particular I have any knowledge on this subject, but by what you read, it is unacceptable that there are people that occupy main tool in violence in these situations, when they may resort to other types of abuse, like having a conversation passive, quiet and without any kind of aggression and to raise ideas correctly.

    .- Fernanda Fuentes Guerra

  8. Clearly, nothing justifies the violence, but we are not one to forgive or judge, much less take the life of a person, because nobody has the right or authority to do so, we can see is just a person who wants to express and manifest their way of thinking, that is why I disagree with the position taken.

    -Nataly Riquelme-

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  10. In my opinion this man is crazy, one can not express your feelings through this form, to kill innocent people.
    These problems are not forgiven, it was good to be sentenced for killing about 100 people by bombing, plus Norway is a country known by the humility of the people is very rare to see such acts in the country.
    As I said before is not ideal to kill innocent people to express what you feel, there are thousands of ways to do this but this way is not ideal.

    -Diego Rojas Montoya.

  11. Honestly, I think that violence is the worst way we can take to make known our ideals to the people in general, because there are many other ways to express what we believe, what we feel and what we think. A mental issue can, maybe, justify the fact of killing so many people; but, unfortunately, those lives won’t be recovered and, on ther other hand, is really unfair to the families losing their loved ones in that way. So, just say No to Terrorism.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández .-

  12. In my opinion, he's not crazy and I dont think that he have a mental issue neither, he just went to far with his ideals, really strong ideals, and really too far. I think we all have to respect each other, respect what we believe, what we follow, our ideals and thoughts, violence cannot be justify and less in a case like this one, where hundred of people die for this almost melodramatic terrorist. Of course is not good killing people to express our ideals, or anything, I mean common, think a little bit.

    Felipe Díaz Gómez - 3 Medio.-

  13. If Anders Breivik Behring commits these crimes by different ideals, it is because it certainly has mental problems, as anyone with sound mind kills these razons, yet the asecinatos are forgivable, but perhaps if a different penalty.
    Personally I believe that it is society that suffers most in constant fear with sense the presence of such persons.

  14. My opinion as for the matter Is That As the persons, and alive Beings That habiatmos in the land We have Different Opinions In Any Sense, But Not For it we are going to They slaughter done for our great ones, This A Serious mental Demonstrate It Must Be That problem controlled, but not excused, is not NECESSARY to confuse the Things, Because nothing will return the love in life and the family of tens They Affected ...

    Juan Guillen - 3Medio.

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  16. Really, i can’t understand what happen in the mind of this man, because is very stupid and absurd to say “I do this and kills people, for express my culture or my ideals” and then organize a terrorist attack, this is incomprehensible!
    Also when a man kills peoples is an assassin and the justice must be applied, although this man have “mental issues” or maybe this man is a racist , I don’t know, but this things are very hard forgive and these attacks should stop now.

    >>>>>Fabián Medina

  17. We all know that killing people is wrong. Maybe you can justify saying "I have mental problems," but that is not enough. Nobody has the right to kill a person, far from it 77.
    There are many ways of "expressing" your ideas. He is a Norwegian with "right-wing sympathies" and I don’t think that his political side dictate him “you must kill people to express yours ideas”.

    Alvaro Perez.

  18. In the personal thing I believe that there are several ways of expressing his points of view or opinions and not this one well people to happen to go to mas and less them to murder pear to express his way of thinking relating to the topic. I believe that his acts were not better probably for his mental condition but the life of a person does not recover with anything and I believe that they would have to pay for these muertes.hay other one you form of expressing the thoughts that one has and I do not believe that the best way them is killing.

    Bastian Ferreria.

  19. answering the last question, i think that we all are different peoples, and we all want to express our opinions by a different way. The life teach me, that we need to respect to the another person, that we all are humans, we all are like brothers but also, we all are differents, we got differents cultures, different education, different ideologies, and we need to respect that, that i'm a free man but i can't interrupt on thirds persons.therefore, i think that a terrorist attack is only justified by the man who did that, because for me isn't justifiable, you are invading the life of another person, and that is morally bad, and also brings consequences with the law. And if this guy is mental, he would be on a madhouse or a shrink you know... just for safety for another people and safety for himself.

    .~Javier Ariz~~

  20. I think it's a totally crazy person and must be condemned by the number of people killed. This incident is horrible, and that because of one person, so many innocent people died. It was not an option to kill as many people to express an idea, because there a million ways to express themselves.

    Daniel Jovany Galaz Silva.

  21. I think that this does not have a name. It is not possible for them to leave free to a person who has made a killing, unacceptable. Their actions should not be forgiven, they would have to do something drastic. Killing people is nothing good in any sense. People may have some problem that they can bother in life, but that is no reason why they charge revenge killing or hurting the other.

    Felipe Soto

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  23. I think what this guy has provoked, is very serious, as it kills many innocent people. People with other thoughts are not to blame other people think so ill. So I hope that events do not happen again so anywhere in the world, and to handle more security in that country.

    Laura Toro
    3º Medio

  24. Well, I think it's wrong to kill people, but in the case of this man, I do not have the right to kill people despite their psychological problems, and that diseases could we have tried it and things like that now exist today as the technology and to express the ideals do not need to kill people, but also may be manifested by other activities.

    Patricia Vega

  25. Upon learning this news, I was quite surprised because I never imagined that a man would kill so many innocent people just because of expressing their ideals, and this is unforgivable even if the mental problems or whatever he must not be free and must pay for what they did and leave many families without their children.

    Daniella Demartin

  26. Well, I think that it is not the way of expressing, and not for having mental problems or of another nature his action has to be well-taken. And obviously that is not the best way of expressing killing, but other means can be used

    David Caceres

  27. In my opinion kill people to express an ideology, way of thinking, etc, is little proved necessary and in my opinion this is a clear example of extreme terrorism, because to express the opinion about a topic utilis other means and in a peaceful manner
    In my opinion this act is not justified by any type of mental disorder
    Joshua Cristinich.M

  28. Well, in my opinion there are many ways to express our ideals, I believe that killing is not one of them.
    Although a person has mental problems, I think the families of the victims do not forgive, or the great majority. From my point of view, is not justifiable. I think he should not have been loose, because that his "mental illness" killed many innocent people and caused much pain to their families.

    Fernanda Velásquez

  29. I think about this case should not be given a common conviction because the murderer has mental problems and is not in their right mind committing these crimes, he argues, believe that what is wrong, in this case to do is send the murderer to a clinic and isolate because he is a danger to society, and of course it's not good to kill people in any case whether or not justified, such as a religion, a dissatisfaction, a adverse thought, economy, etc ...

    Marcelo Alcaide.

  30. Well, I think there are many ways to express your ideals and more effective rather than using violence. In this case, kill only get dirty all your ideals.
    Obviously his actions could be influenced by his mental problems, but this it's not enough to justify and neither forgive his acts.
    Well this guy should be sentenced to life imprisonment or considering his mental state, sent to a psychiatric hospital.

    Ignacio Vega
