Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chilean Sport [2° Año Medio A]

Daily news tell us every single day about international sports, countries around chile winning medals and champinships. However, that it's changinng somehow, for example, Tomas Gonzales, Alexis Sanchez, Kristel Kobrich, etc.

 Probably back in the years, this competitions should have been unreacheable for us, nevertheless (and with huge efforts) chilean sportsmen are stepping to the top of the world.

 What's your opinion about it? is it easy for chilean competitors to win medals and champinships? what sport would you like to practice? would you need some kind of support?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday.


  1. In my opinion i think that chilean sportsmen hasn't been easy to reach the position that they have today with respect to other sportsmen worldwide.
    Obviously isn't easy to win medals and things like that, not only for the Chilean sportsmen, if not also for all sportsmen, cuz everything deserves effort and dedication.
    :D... I don't practice any kind of sport and don't interest me, so it doesn't matter .. and therefore don't need Any kind of support .. but I think that other people who practice sports need it

  2. I Think that The sport in chile are very forgetten , our teens are so lazy and they not practice a lot of deport ... Just Play Soccer and nothing else .
    Tomas Gonzales , Alexis Sanchez and many more are one of the few that practice a Professional Sport.
    I Practice Shotput in Athletics For the ¨COlegio Patricio Lynch¨ ;) And i´m making progress in this discipline Of the Athletics ... and i´m Practice Basketball in the School Every Wednesday at 15:45(Publicity)
    I think that Just everybody need Someone to teach us ... and disposition to practice any discipline

  3. I think this will greatly favors for Chileans, because for a long time the chileans athletes haven't highlighted like now, for example: Alexis sanchez in the FCBarcelona, Barbara Riveros One of the best athletes of chile, Kristel Kobrich, Tomas gonzales, etc.
    Actually I think it's easy, but they need to work hard to achieve what are now. I practice sport but not every the days.

  4. I think that the Chilean people has potential for the sports, but they dont have the resources to grow up on their talents, and i think is very well that our sports are getting better because that means that the people is interesting on sports and a healthy life.Personally i don't practice any sport in specific but i like various of them. :)

    Sebastian Basualto Barraza. Peace

  5. from my point of view Chile has distinguished athletes or sports, but they haven't the recourse and the government not help financial to athletes.

    Last but not least I like various sports, but not none practice...


  6. I'm so glad that finally we're winning in the sports competition, thanks to people like Tomas Gonzales, Alexis Sanchez and Kristel Kobrich, the're great !
    But in chile practice a sport is not the best activity that people would chose for their free time, cuz we're lazy, and the most of people don't like it. But that's too bad, and for the same reason we have a lot of fat people.
    is noot easy to chilean competitors win medals and champinships, cuz for some sports in the country we don't have the physical resources (i mean places, equipment, etc) for they can practice, that happend with a lot of sports, and in chile the money that is destined for support the sports and things like that is not enough to pay for all the things that they need.
    I don't practice any sport at all, but i like some sports :)

    ~ Valeria Larenas.

  7. I believe, and from my viewpoint, that that deports today in chili he has taken very seriously, because, with other years we have in comparison won international medals and nationals letting so to our country in the best of América.Also of the sacrifice and effort that each Chilean (a) must confront to prove his skill ability, opposite to his opponents.

  8. in my opinion the Chilean athletes are improving their sporting techniques perfecting from generation to generation because before our athletes were less rewarded some were forced for that reason played less . I think also that this happens because these athletes have vocation of what they do.
    Andrea Galdame.

  9. In my opinion many chileans are very lazies and have a bad healty. If the "wachiturros" are a sport, Chile is the #1 of the world. Although Chile have a very good athletes like you coment previously. I do sports but no much. For the chileans, wins medals is very hard, but whith a litlle of effort we can do everything. "impossible is nothing"

    Ignacio Pavón

  10. I believe in our country there are very talented guys in what is the sport what could inspire other young people who do not know they have potential, but there are also cases of people who are driven by a sedentary lifestyle is the opposite of what the sport represents

  11. I think that is very good for the image of Chile.
    Is not easy, but with effort are doing which is a joy and honor for them and for the chileans.
    I like practice football.I believe that all sports require support of someone or something.
    Jeean Riffo

  12. I think only now, recently Chileans realize that if we have great potential for the sport and the athletes at internacinal have shown great skill, but this support should have been delivered much earlier.
    But at least in many places has become aware of the sport that I think that sport should be encouraged now to get in the future to place a high level global sports.
    For my part I play football but I have the necessary support but I know that as long as I really want will arrive has become one of the best athletes

  13. in my opinion, I think if you play sports
    you really cared and liked with passion, and you can reach the top as the most famous athletes,but the most important is that you have to want get until de top, always,without fear to lose. is not easy win a medal, cuz in the world there are a lot of others very good deportist. i like to practice racins. the most important support is the enthusiasm of each one.


  14. I think these Chileans as Tomas Gonzalez, Köbrich, Sebastian Keitel with others uncountable can reach a high level, since they spend all their time in sport, but unfortunately in our country the sport is not helped these: Runners, players soccer, swimmers, gymnasts, cannot reach their maximum level.
    I am athletics training and see in the week more and more people that is interesting in the sport is very motivator for continue training

    Bastian Sepulveda

  15. I think that sport must be native to each person and competencies are hard. Now that Chileans are models to follow, and that its strength has been an objective for them is complicated. As everyone knows, anything is possible and is only to try to fight.
    I would like to go swimming, will I need for this support from my family and my friends.

    Cristopher Peregrin

  16. I wish I Had conditions to practise one sport, But I wish the success these Chileans.. They had the capacities and conditions to achieve his aims.
    I believe that they great cost to come up to where they came And to gain any prize was costing them even more Because chili does not prepare sportsmen.

    Darinka abarca

  17. In my opinion I believe that for no Chilean it is easy to come up to where we have come today, since lamentably Chile does not have a good financing to the good sportsmen which provokes that big rival and possible champions do not have the opportunity to train only for the fact of not having financing, which we would need all that we wanted to practise some sport

    paul càceres

  18. My opinion about the sport is that it is good for health and to have a good rhythm of life, people very amateur sport and IMHO ceo getting to win medals and be a good athlete required much effort, practice and have a very good food. The sport that I like to practice would be football, since I like and would like to learn how to play it very well and have the support and help from someone professional .

    carolina cajas

  19. I think that Chilean sport has grown considerably in the last years (seeing a Chilean Footballer in one of the greatest FC of the world is incredible) but the success is not easy and free, is earned with perseverance and constancy however following that line of thought not anyone can be a real sportsman so the future of the Chilean sport is disgraceful because generally most of the young people is lazy and just stay at home playing PS3 (Yes leyton that’s for you)… honestly I do sports such as running, although I wish I could do much more than now. Jah Bless!

    Simón Arias

  20. My opinion of this topic is that I it think very well that it fences in Chileans very well in the sport that accommodates each one
    I think that it is not easy because all the competitors devote themselves to hundred per cent to obtain them, but it is not impossible since any Chilean competitors already have gained them and could have arisen
    I would like to practise athletics, or already it and practised and it is the preference
    If he would need it to be able to reinforce the sport.

    Nicole Huentrutripay
