Saturday, August 13, 2011

Education Conflict [4° Año Medio A]

 Many protests have happened through this year, and it seems this is not yet finished. Chilean students demand free scholarship and an important decrease in grant's taxes. For most of them, it doesn't make any sense the idea of getting into debt with banks or the government itself.

 Lots of Universities and Schools are on strike, and if they don't give them what they want, it won't get any better.

What's your suggestion to eradicate profit acts? Are Legal student's demands? What about the chaos in the street due this protests?

 Regards and remember to post in 50 words.

Deadline: September 2nd, Friday


  1. the only solution to the problem of the students is that mr. President delivers free education or the state-backed credit down to 0.01%, and thus prevent the march continued ...
    with respect to the input, the school would be good to take care of academics who want to take it and so avoid any dextrose

    Ignacio Reyes

  2. the solution to problems is to lower tariffs on university-government and private institutions, in addition to increasing the quality of education.

    The demands of the students are valid, but the resources they want to use to support these proposals are unrealistic, an example of this is that copper will not last a lifetime.

    To quell the chaos in the streets I would propose to use military authorities for protests, and also authorize more violence to fight those anarchists.

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  4. The best solution for this problem is the correct dialogue between the chilean goberment and the students, I think that the demands of the students are possibles, but the TNE 100% free? This demand is the most stupid thing that I was heard.
    The actual situation in this country is the worst national situation that I was lived.

    Gino La Rosa

  5. profeee el q dice kevin es Mio osea Hans Müller :)

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  8. Well... in my opinion the conflict's solution is the dialogue of the students and the government, may reach a mutual agreement.
    And about the chaos in the street... I hate when that happens because usually when there are protests I'm going to the Preu, and how this is located near the PUCV sometimes I have troubles to get to the Preu, However, I'm not contrary to the manifestations.

    Fabricio Rosales

  9. first of all, I agree with the movement of Chilean students, but not the way they do.
    While they are fighting for a just cause, and it makes no sense to borrow to improve education or have already been over four months in mobilizations and struggles constantly.
    is a great chaos that occurs in the streets when students protesting for their rights, because not only do so in a peaceful manner but also make what has been smashed to the public utility and that does not belong


  10. Students in Chile ask much about what can be done later. What I think to end all conflicts first thing to do is to dialogue to resolve all conflicts, the students are doing is not illegal but merely calls for higher education are good enough, the masked men have ways different expression of ideology and cause damage so that harm society.

    Mackarena jara­ ­

  11. I believe that in as for the requests of the students, quite this correct and legal, since what they ask is not anything of another world, only one asks to have a better and qualit education as in the countries of the world. As for the bandalismo I believe that it is a bad way of answering to this problematics.

    Camila Oyarzo

  12. To my mind the sacrifice of the hunger strikes is not necessary, since all these young people is getting your body to become weak and that they lower their defenses. I also believe that demand for free education is a lot, I'd settle for them to lower tariffs, and the subject of the student card is for 365 days a year does not strike me as students would use to go to taxi, and that would to misuse.


  13. some demands have sense, a free education is not so hilarious as it sounds. in fact, education is a right, not a privilege. but i think that this will happend in a couple years, not now, just like nothing. other demands like the free TNE all the year are just ridiculous. it´s ok fight for what we think is right, but always open to dialogue and in a pacific way

    regards, carlos marcellini

  14. I think that, the profit that occurs in the Chilean Education, if possible to erradicate, although it is very complex. One way to begin to improve the education is increasing the income to it; Since, organizations such as the UNESCO recommended a minimum of 7% of income of the PIB, and Chile, just invests the 3,1%.
    The requirements of the students, are legal, why are written in the Chilean Constitution.
    The chaos that occurs in the street, due to popular marches, mainly, is produced by the hoodeds, who disagree with the government, even with the students, they prefer damage the goods publics, to demonstrate their discontent to society.

    Javiera Pizarro V.

  15. my suggestion to eliminate the problem is simply that the two sides reach a dialogue and resolve their conflicts, giving each a part. Also, what is required by students is not illegal as such existed in Chile education. However, the dextrose that cause the "hooded" is a very high damage, because it involves both its ends and idelogias, as also involving people time and society is affected by these demonstrations.

  16. To create a goverment organism that to cheak that the grant´s taxes decrease until students can to pay it.
    I think so, because to study in our country are very expensive for must people, especially poor families.
    Chaos it´s not good, because damages in store, streets and people them selves.

    Patricio Albornoz

  17. I think the best solution to end the problem is that the government lower tariffs but that are completely free, that education is delivered is of good quality education in all universities partner, and to ensure this is necessary to invest more money than is being done in education to relevant.
    I think it is legal and just what they're fighting, because no one would like to be paying off debts for studying
    And about the problem on the streets I believe have always existed and will continue to exist, because those who cause it are the people who have no social conscience and only want to do damage rather than fight for what people want

    Kevin Baez

  18. Students demands are legal because they look for improve the Chilean quality education, lower tuition fees, etc, in another words, benefits for the most population of lower and medium-lower socioeconomic level.
    If we think for this way, student’s demands are perfectly legal, because this will be change that our country wait so a long time on educational scope.

    So long and good night Sir !

    Maximiliano Covarrubias C.

  19. With respect to student demands, we have a macro perspective concerning the petition of the CONFECH. There is much talk of free education, end to profit, National Student Card all the year, quality nationalization of education, but we must turn our eyes to the true heart of the matter, the paradigm in question, i.e. a complete restructuring and change to the "evil" educational system which does not have a proposal or intention related with a social, economic and political development ends with many of the social issues such as crime, drug addiction, poverty, etc..

    Bernardo Arredondo Saavedra

  20. I find that, for what they are fighting this well, because ultimately it is for our future, but the way some do is not the most correct. But why be paid to study? I think it's something we all want quecasi grow to be professionals, but people who do not have the resources, what happens to them? alg is that very few can attain. I think the government should settle down in the situation and support the future of Chile and not to think selfishly in just his future.

    Claudia Cerda.

  21. to start you have to take into account that public education is very poor as well as in quality and structure of both physical and effectiveness in the management of Ganansi.
    besides the greed of the holders, and profit exes in universities, which trigger the student demonstrations, the demands of this group are greatly exaggerated but the context is right to create a more egalitarian educational system.
    But disasters are shameful in the streets by the convulsions of public order.
    I hope it will soon pass a solution to the current state of Chile

    Angel Bravo

  22. Well my opinion on the current issue of the education movement I feel good that is done because the government has always kept their ears closed to closed to the issue of education.
    My suggestion is that the government listens to the requests of good students and come to a consensus that the damages that have occurred throughout each event has been great.

    David Barria Alarcon

  23. The theme of the demonstrations is, in my opinion, a point of high tension. I have quite clear that what you are fighting and we will fully support all their demands, but is it possible to provide free education to all the country from one day to another? I think not, may be carried out, but is an extended process time. It is time that all this came to an agreement because we can see the manifestations of violence with which some are expressed and harm the public space as private property.

    Ambar Estay T.-

  24. With regard to student demonstrations, I agree with your propósiyo, are well within their rights, but I think it is very difficult to get a free education, but at least it should lower tariffs, available to all.

    The protests of students, and what you are asking, I find that is legal, but do not agree with some proposals that have arisen as a solution, such as using copper for economically-financial for education, since no is a renewable, that is, sooner or later disappear. Over the chaos, which have often resulted, along with the protests, I think they are pure people, who take advantage of this situation and cause problems, without regard to where they affect other people who have nothing to do with what is happening.

    Teresa Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  25. The demands of the students are completely legal, because they ask for something that by law they have to corresponde.Si means protests, strikes to the education, the sociendad derberia not condemn, as it is for themselves.
    the topics of demasnes have always occurred and will occur whenever the culture of the Chileans. To eradicate these problems both sides have to give your side and reach an agreement that benefits chile.

    Ignacio Gonzalez.

  26. education should be free, but not all, because people have more money to pay. should be a quality education and create more scholarships to benefit students. invent the money in the universities need.
    perfectly legal, are fighting for a better country and an education that will improve over time and to be more religious a country
    people should express how they want and whenever they want, but without going to bring freedom to others who do not participate and do not justify the damage done to private property.

    Belia Tapia Z.

  27. I agree with only some of the student's Demands, and not with others, rather I think it's going from a student issue, to be part of political conflict.
    I think that the solution is in both parties, students and the government, reached an agreement on its part the government whether it should lower the price of credit, which is too high and provide a quality education for their part, the student should lower their guard a little, do not believe in free education to 100%.
    With respect to the chaos in the streets, I do not have much to do while still protests, disasters will continue and there are some that go with a verdaro reason, there is another that will only do damage without a good reason.

    Ingrid Marcela Santibañez V.

  28. The solution to the serious problem basically to descend the rates in the universities, not but gain and to enlarge the quality of the education since we are one of the countries with the tariffs but highly of the world therefore a drop with regard to the rates corresponds and a better quality.
    I think that is legal, just and been worth for which they are fighting since nobody believe I wants to be gotten into debt by life to study.
    About the problem in the streets, is a theme that themselves to seen always, always there are people that alone want to cause damage passing to carry many times to the other people. Nevertheless not alone we should see the negative side of this theme since if different amusing and quite gaudy forms to be declared have been seen without causing disturbances.


  29. Well, actually I support almost all the demands that the students request, the education must be better and more accessible, even free, to everyone who deserve it, because the education should not be an asset that we can buy, the education is it a right, a right that we have to require and fight for.
    By the way, I think is realizable get a free education in Chile, but I'm not share the idea that everyone get this, because are so many people who have a enough money to pay even full careers in cash. The free education should be for everyone who deserve it and don't have the money to pay it.
    About the chaos in street, I believe in pacific protests, but unfortunately the "encapuchados" and "flaytes colados" (kinds of chilean criminals) screw up all the good things that we are doing (I mean like students).

    Peace Out
    Yoh-Nathan Gonzalez

    PS: excuse the late, I had troubles logging in.
