Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Universe [1º Año Medio A]

The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, etc. People always think about its immensity, and reflexes about life outer space.

 And you, what do you think about it? Do you believe in Aliens? What about travelling far away the space? Do we need to reach the speed of light, in order to achieve certain goals?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 20th, June


  1. I think that the universe is big and that other livings beings like aliens do exist.It would be very cool to travel around space, It would be something new for me.I don't think It's necessary to reach the speed of light to reach such goals, but yes these goals are far from being achieved by humans.Maybe, way far in the future we can plan on doing such adventures, but for now we should stay on mother earth.

    Diego Alvarado~

  2. that the universe is infinite and we see each of their unique shaped galaxies.
    the subject of extraterrestrials is very believable (not necessarily have to be what we think), but a unique and singular.
    is impossible for the mere fact that we have not even reached the moon and we intend to travel in espacio.Si to achieve this we have to travel at the speed of light.
    pd: this is my opinion, but respect others

  3. el del anterior es Catalina Antonia Sepúlveda Soto

  4. For my the universe it is something extremely big where there is diversity of things for discovering, I believe that we are not the only ones in this universe and that if there are "people" of another planet. I believe that to travel to the space a lot of time stays because the sufficient technology does not exist even to live or to explore the space with human beings. There is a great possibility of reaching the speed of the light to come to what we want.

    ♪♫♪♫ Daniel Soto ♪♫♪♫

  5. I think the universe is huge, so huge that ... what we know is only a thousandth of what is really, I think that we are not unique and may regard the stories of other people (like those amateurs of boring documentaries) we are a bit primitive so to say them next to your technology ... I think a little on the higher life as well that there are more lower than us. Do not think we need to reach the speed of light necessarily ... Well, I think that over time we can discover some other method than the speed of light ...

    Valentina Castillo ☮

  6. I beliebe than the universe is humongous and than there are life in other locations of the world,also y think than the travels across the space are possible, yes i think than is required reach the speed of the light to make this possible.
    ~Renzo Riveros~

  7. I really think all the awesomeness that is the universe, because is very broad and is consists of millions of star.
    I think there are aliens in the universe,because because there are many advances that prove an "alleged" existence.
    I think we have to reach the speed of light to reach our goals.

    -------> Nicolas Cardenas <--------

  8. The galaxy is very nice.
    has thousands of star Besides being varied ecosystems
    also has planets, black holes: if you enter one of these you can lose in outer space

  9. I think it is true that the universe is a totality of all existence, as to aliens, whether I believe in them, as there is evidence that they exist.
    I think it's necessary to travel into space, as well we can be sure that the scientists say.
    I do not think it necessary to travel at the speed of light to reach our goals we must go slowly.

    *Vania López*

  10. I think it's cool that we are part of this big universe. I believe in them! come on, some reality here, we humans the only "people" in this universe!, I think not!!!.
    about traveling to the universe, I think so but the far future, at least for me! honestly do not really like the idea of ​​traveling into space.
    and with respect to the last question, I think not

    -Aline Schmidt-

  11. I love the galaxy. I like to travel to the moon and other planets I think it's very nice, large and has many mysteries that we do not. I do not know if aliens exist but in my opinion and I do not think I would not like that there. I love the galaxy

  12. yeah, I think that the universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies.
    I personally believe there are aliens because they always see flying saucers from my house scared qeu muchpor other hand I think that if you must travel at the speed of light to meet our obejtos siemprr must see beyond our eyes.
    by vivian gonzalez

  13. I believe that the universe is big enough, if I believe in the existence of the extraterrestrial beings, but do not believe that the people could travel very far to the speed of the light


  14. I believe the universe is infinite and therefore there must be more life, whether organisms or beings like us.

    I also think it would be really cool to travel at the speed of light to observe and learn about other worlds and I think this capability will also allow us to know our intergalactic neighbors.
    ~Camila Maldonado~

  15. I believe in aliens and in thousands of years with the technology I think we can easily get into space and perhaps a few thousand years the aliens taking over the world.


  16. I really think is fantastic the universe , compound for stars,planets and life of any form, Being so wide or infinite is really genial.
    I think there life in the universe,because if there is life here , there can be out there.So believe in aliens.
    I Think that the speed of light is necessary to reach our goals,because of this form arrive far.

  17. I think aliens are an invention of the media to more money. (Farandoles)
    I do not believe in the paranormal or mythological species ... I only believe in what I think rather than what I hear

    Diego guzman :c

  18. The universe is it any wonder some giant can be found.
    I think with the technology that we now have to invent some kind of rocket reaches the speed of light to discover new planets or the famous aliens.

  19. Well ... I'm not sure about aliens you know ? maybe because the tv or the people misrepresents about this, but, honestly i know that in other planets besides Earth are weathers like here so.. i don't really know ...
    And about travel in space ? surely i will do it, i mean, it could be awesome !! ... because, i mean, dude ... stars planet and stuff like that .. i would really love that
    The other question... i don't think that is completely necessary... it's something of time ...

    So.. that (: .. take care, have a great week (:

    Ximena Solís.

  20. I think that the galaxy for my is immense and also there can be unimaginable things. If, I believe in the foreign ones as the extraterrestrial beings. I think that even several scientific studies are absent to do him to the space since it has thousands of things, the human being does not know against what it is possible to run in the galaxy.
    *Zefora Álvarez*

  21. I do not believe in aliens but if that is any life in outer space. On the text and the reason I find that the universe is the totality of everything in the Milky Way ixiste

    Vanesa Concha
