Sunday, June 5, 2011

Networks attacked by Hackers [2º Año Medio A]

Social Networking hot spots that are frequently becoming massive, have been attacked by scammers more frequently on the first part of this year. Websites and networks such as Smartphones, Sony and even some video games parties haven been affected by this criminals.

 Nowadays, it seems that people do need social networks more than ever, and you can notice it easily, because they don't have anything else to do without internet services.

What do you think about the necessity of people of surfing through this websites? Do you agree with them? Should be hackers be condemned like criminals?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words

Deadline: Monday 20th, June


  1. I think hackers are for only one mainly use , ANNOYING OTHERS , yeah for sure, but if they get paid for hacking other people ... that's different huh?, i think hackers need to be jailed or condemned, because , scamming people by changing or decoding his / Her passwords, is illegal , that infringes upon people's privacy.

    But if the hacker get paid, it's a job (an horrible one), but it's a job...

    Now the people, surf in the internet because they want to make new friends and all other stuff, but they don't see what's the danger of making friends that you dont even know in real life.

    That's my opinion.

    Rodrigo Amigo

  2. I think that the hackers are bad people because Supplant identity, steal passwords, there is no security on internet and that is why people are scared.
    I believe that the hackers should be condemned because they are criminals.

    Jeean Riffo

  3. The hackers are criminal because they see the things deprived as password, information his entry is not authorizes is an intruder and they are a people that they invade web and break with the safety systems, these persons do not know the hurt that they do and in my opinion he is a thief, a criminal.

  4. The use of websites it's completely necessary, because it lets us be informed about everything that happens around the world.
    I don't really agree with this, because the person doesn't have the posibility to connect to the internet all the time, he or she could lose certain news that could be really necessary.
    I also think that hackers have to be condemned like criminals, because by hacking, they violate private property.

    Fernanda Chandía

  5. I think that the hackers are one type different of criminals who invade our private stuffs but are not criminals at all. I think that only some hackers must be condemned by more important crimes than make a page dont work but the law could make them pay a fine.
    Sebastian Basualto. Peace :)

  6. The hackers are upset people, ¿why make that? maybe they are borings?. They are criminals, steal passwords and private information is a crime, this not fair, they need a punish, or best: destroy his computer and all data muajaja

    Ignacio Pavón

  7. i think that the hackers are smart people because i try one time to hack an account of call of duty (a CL) and i finish banned for call of duty.They are criminals because when they make a hack they broke the license contract that all company of internet that you suscribe,have it and they are exposed to receive the punishment like sony does against anonymous

  8. I think that hackers are criminals, but there are some who are more than the others, like those that make money by hacking scam, they should be condemned.
    From my point of view of all hackers are criminals and should be fined.

    Jason Briceño.

  9. I think this is very awful ,people have dependence on the internet websites. This is the interest of hackers, doing harm to others innocents users, I disagree with these guys that steal information or replace the initial identity of people to only make fun of it, I also disagree with the people that depend on computers and without this, they can't live.
    Finally, hackers should be in jail or pay for all the damage made to the users of internet and gamers of play station or any other type of console.

    Bastian Sepulveda

  10. From my point of view to practice this activity it is not no necessity, single is a sinverguensureishon.
    I not am in agreement with them of no form, for my they if criminals must to be condemned like, since he is as if one was robbing something, that is is like a type of siverladróneishon, thus IF he must be condemned like any other criminal.

    Miss Ivette Delgado G

  11. I don't agree that the hackers because they invade private sites and modify characters, the hackers should be condemned criminals.
    To be honest We the people need of sites privates of internet by the theme of works, study and video games.


  12. My opinion is that hackers should not exist because all they do is hurt the people of the world, hacking most important to them at this time that would be all you need to do online. And should remove all that do this damage, such as putting them in jail.

    That's what I think

  13. I create that the hackers are people that do not have life, that do not have at all better that do that entrometerse in the life of the other.
    To my opinion there be distinct type of hackers and said, ones than that they do not have life and others that use this metodo to steal.

  14. from my point of view the need of surffing in internet today is very important because us into a globalized world, the hacker are morally criminals but are not punishable by law


  15. I think hackers should be considered criminals because they steal your private information with individuals or institutions that have, for this reason people began to doubt the safety of the internet

    Gonzalo Isla

  16. About my opinion I think that the people if he needs from the social networks since every you see they are mas necessary for our daily life, but lamentably there exist hackers who in my opinion must be condemned since they use our private information and often they use it with ends of swindle, obtaining of money, threats, etc

  17. From my viewpoint the hackers would have to exist, because, in any occasions do harmless and peaceful people the good, because if us they make the msn serious a same hacker the person who would make the favor of recovering your bill, by other side there are people who take advantage of this living manner, hacker.

  18. In my opinión the hacker must be condemned because what they do is crime and affects many people.
    The people uses for inquire and for meet their needs , and if i agree because also me satisfies.

  19. since exist web sites like MySpace, Facebook or Twitter, everything change cuz through this pages people can find their friends or make new friends, is truth that a lot of people is dependent of social networks, and are some other people that it doesn't. I think that if you're dependent of social networks it goes in you, cuz you know how much time do you have in your own day to do each thing, if you have a lot of free time maybe you'll been using this pages a lot or maybe not cuz you prefer to go out or do something else.
    I think that hackers are criminal cuz they don't respect you, i mean you don't have privacy, everything that you do on the internet it stay there, never is erase. how we can see in the news hackers are so dangerous cuz with the right information and skills they can steal money, find a person and kill it, or something like that. in my opinion it should be exist a law against them.

    Valeria Larenas G.

  20. The Need for people who need to navigate through various web pages either for work, for pleasure, needs Escoleras .... etc. is very important, because today is all over the internet and estoi totally agree that people need the internet.
    from my point of view, hackers are to be regarded as criminals because they violate a service that takes people and do harm.

    Carolina Cajas .

  21. I think the websites navigation is not entirely relevant, as is usually seen as a hobby, now, the subject of hackers, I think there are times when they should be punished for the law, because in many times they subtract personal or relevant information, such as bank accounts, that type of hack should logically be punished for the law, the others that just hack games, doesn't matter, more than bad, are just games.

    ~ Valentina Montes.
