Sunday, June 5, 2011

Red Alert in Puyehue [4º Año Medio A]

Due The Volcano near peyuhue, the government has decided to establish Red Alert to the volcanic complex zone of "Puyehue - Cordon Caulle". The under risk communes are Futrono, Rio Bueno, Ranco and Puyehue.

 At least 600 people will leave their houses and properties to the safe spots, previously defined by the government. Nevertheless, there're still some problems...

What do you think about this? Is it easy for them to leave their houses and goods? What about the pollution, ashes and toxic gases in Bariloche? What will happen with their animals (cats, chickens, cows, dogs, etc)?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words

Deadline: Monday 20th, June


  1. I argue that the volcano will not increase its activity, and that in a couple of weeks there will be no contamination, well, I do not worry Argentina's their problem not ours. Chilean by animals or worry because it will raise the price of meat: s will be no more barbecues

    Ignacio Reyes

  2. The eruption of the volcano is also something completely natural. Therefore there is nothing that can be done to not "release magma". Clearly, for the ghent that live in these communes, is very difficult to leave their homes, since many were a whole life there. The toxic gases that receives Argentina due to the volcano is, in addition to pollutants, very harmful to the community and the animals in the area, why are waste, such as nitrogen, carbon monoxide, etc.However, people can take care of the eruption of the volcano, those who cannot do so are all the fauna which is close to the radius of destruction of the volcano, and many animals will lose their lives and may any of the species are extinguished. The consequences that could bring the volcano will ,without a doubt, fatal.

  3. Should not be so easy for people to get in and out of place where you live, because they are already accustomed to a lifestyle change and you all must be very difficult for them. But protecting them should leave those places as the gases and ash that come out of the volcano are bad, it's also why the animals are sick and many die.

    Karen Sepulveda

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  6. I think these people will cost them away from their land because they are farmers and have always lived there. Ashes are a danger to everyone not only for Argentina, since we also now affects animals. Besides worsening global warming. Animals should be transported to land where there is no pollution and examine them.


  7. I believe that what spending this one it is very sad because already they are not going to have houses they have to leave everything, as for the pollution it must be terrible to be in this very toxic place, and lamentably the animals that are going to lose are those who help them to live every day...

    Constansa Galvez

  8. In my opinion nature can not be manipulated, also I think foreveryone it is difficult to separate from the material, in this case, homes, houses have been built with much effort, not just the effort they put into them, but who also have passed all their lives there.And the pollution that causes this type of catastrophe is too great,affecting not only us but also the animals that surround the areawhere contaminated.

    Jessica Fernandez

  9. well, when you decide to live near a volcano, you have to be prepared for these situations. obviously is hard to leave all your stuff. but i hope they going to recover their places soon.
    is shocking see all those ashes falling from the sky. bariloche is going to be affected, because is a turist place, but it will be ok in a little time.
    the contamination for the poor animal is deathly. it depends of the persons evacuate them

    regards, Carlos Marcellini

  10. It is very sad news, because people should stop
    their homes and animals, because if I were in his
    place would be hard to leave my home.
    Waste from this eruption will leave a terrible contamination at the site, because it will take years, that these wastes are cleaned by the nature.
    Your animals will be affected by this climate, perhaps a few survive the changes of climate and the little vegetation that will remain in the sector.

    Geraldine Peña

  11. Red Alert is good because otherwise the population would risk their health. isn't easy for anyone to leave their homes because there think that there are memories of each family who lived there
    gases and ash cause disease in the population to continue inhabiting this place
    the aminals began to intoxicate and obviously dying little by little

    Magdalena Jaramillo

  12. I think that is a sad case, what is happening in Peyehue.

    It is far easier for these people to leave their homes and their property, so hard to have obtained them, but they are natural tragedies in which one must assume a human being.

    How terrible are the consequences, that is leaving this situation as waste as ashes are affecting the environment Peyehue, and also to the whole environment, and the wind to Bariloche, where sightseeing places, unfortunately your air is abut contaminated.

    To be affecting the environment, it also affects the beings who live in this territory, with the fauna, which is essential in the ecosystem, where many have died, for example fish in the rivers.

    Teresa Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  13. In my opinion the government is acting well at declare red alert. Even though is difficult leave the house, you have to do... the volcano did not warn to you when it make eruption.

    Fabricio Rosales

  14. I think the volcano in a couple of weeks is going to return to normal,but for the time being the people have to leave the more that can be due to the smoke that dropping the volcano is very toxic to the people living by all around. The smoke not only involves the chilean area if not that it has been affected by the neighbour argentina that as compared to Chile no grave pollution that are taking

    Carlos Martinez.-

  15. Unfortunately these are things of nature, something that can not be avoided, I honestly do not think it's easy for these 600 people to leave their homes and property, which has been made for years of sacrifice and effort. As the gases emanating from the volcano and all that it brings reciduos, are severely affecting the sector, totally polluted rivers and vegetation that will be affected, as we also know the plume has expanded to Bariloche, with this we can check great power that is nature, as the animals hopefully will not happen but very little chance of surviving because afectads are equally or even more than humans, due to the great intoxication and loss of vegetation that occurs.

    Ambar Estay T.-

  16. To me this event is a complicated situation that must be handled with strictest procedure evacuation, because they are human lives at stake. it isn't easy to leave a lifetime of effort because of the volcano. This must be done to protect the animals from the area and desconaminar rivers, because the ash is toxic to everyone.

    Ignacio González.

  17. I think that is not against nature can have no power, so this would not end until she decides. If this is rather dangerous and harmful only thing you can do is keep people away from places that are on alert, but will not be easy for them to leave their homes, pets and property, but more importantly the life of each.
    Unfortunately the wind is in favor of our neighboring countries which has affected a large percentage of the city of Bariloche, polluting lakes, green areas, among others.

    Pamela Díaz Mujica

  18. I think the Government has made a good decision since it is much better to prevent than to regret some catastrophe, especially when they are facing a natural catastrophe, since the damage this might produce can be severe for all the people in the communities, in this case, the commune of “Puyehue – Cordon Caulle”.

    The situation has been very complicated for more than 600 people affected by the eruption of the volcano since they were evacuated from their houses to the refuges indicated by the Government thereby leaving their properties and animals unprotected.

    In Bariloche, airports are mainly affected due to the ashes of the volcano that are taken by the winds from Chile to Argentina and therefore airplanes can not fly. On the other hand, the health of the citizens is also affected due to the ashes and toxic gases.

    Constanza Diaz Vicuña

  19. For all happened by the volcano ah peyuhue government decided to evacuate people from this place, the truth is that concidero what is best for these people, as the cloud and rain of ash that inhabits the place have been detected emergency production, either in cattle or crops. For them it should be easy, because they have been there all their lives and have a sudden change in their lives must be very painful. Animals can die and so will cause a breakdown in food production and wool.

    Claudia Cerda.

  20. What I think about this is that it is very good measure of concern that the government had since if people are still exposing the volcanic ash can harm s health. It is not easy to leave their homes and some have lived their entire lives there, this involves the sentimental. What happens to pollution in Bariloche is up going to be spreading and will affect the flora and fauna. What will happen to their animals is going to die abandoned because they will not have anyone to feed them.

    David Barria Alarcon

  21. the truth in my opinion is that it is a matter as serious as what happened in chaiten, but is expected in a country that is in the circle of fire.
    for those people not be easy deve leave their homes but have to do with the danger of an eruption.
    what makes me sad are the animals that remain there and possibly die.

    angel bravo

  22. I think that for people Peyuhue is not easy to leave their homes and land, and that is understandable they are afraid of losing the goods that have cost much labor to obtain.
    Toxic gases and pollution in general, reaching Bariloche is very harmful to the people in this sector, since it can cause respiratory disease, scarcity, and soil infertility.
    Animals that are close to the volcano are most affected, since many of them (especially cattle) have no way to escape from the ashes, thus, unfortunately, die.

    Javiera Pizarro V.

  23. I think this event is completely normal or natural. Everething goods in the houses is lost for the red alert of the government. The toxis gases is very dangerous because one people stay in this place can die, the gases can cause for example: respirtatory disease, scarcity.
    Well the animal, i don´t now, the animals die for the toxic gases or escape, it most probably the animal´s die, i not sure.

    Patricio Albornoz A.

  24. All this is soo bad, the people is soo streseed because the earth lately is very rare whith the earthquake, tornadoes,etc.

    is not easy for all the people leave your goods and houses, because is the sacrifice of a lot of years.

    whit respect to pollution in bariloche is soo dangerous from the animals, pets and from the society, the pollution of the volcano is dangerous and deadly to some animals for your food and all that.

    Hans Müller M.

  25. Unfortunately that is something we cannot prevent,
    seriously, might be hard to those more of 600 people to leave their homes, thier stuff, stuff that they had gotten with years of effort and sacrifice.
    The gases of the eruption polluted all the region,
    specially the rivers near, the clouds of ashes had
    expanded until Bariloche, that demostrate us the
    dangerous of this situation.
    Animals dont have very possiblities to survive, because the intoxication and
    the big lost of vegetation, their food :/

    Yoh-Nathan Gonzalez

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  27. I believe for nobody is easy get out the place they have lived a lifetime menos aún dejando todas sus bienes y animales, also this people they are not a rich people, therefore be very difficult for them to rise again.

    Regarding the pollution caused by the volcano, this arrived to argentina causing all kind of troubles.

    Another problem in this fact, is the lack of foods that animals will suffer, due to the absence of them owners.

  28. The volcano in the South is very dangerous but that I do not believe that it happens to major for that already a lot of time has happened as in order that this one returns to do eruption in spite of the fact that this one has provoked rises in the prices and big courts of traffic and that the ashes came even Argentine everything began to return to the reality.

    Mackarena Jara

  29. I believe that the volcano has affected many people and the wildlife sector, it affects the emotional and material support to people because it is no easier to stop the efforts of a lifetime.
    Most likely arising in Bariloche any respiratory diseases due to toxic gases expelled by the volcano.
    The animals also suffer or die with this type of disaster, many owners leave their pets out of the power sector and bring with them, shame and more than one occasion a loss, because many of these animals are a source income for families.

    Marcela Santibañez Valderas.

  30. for people is not easy to leave their homes, but they must do for their own health and your family. the material is reocupera, but not the life of a person
    in bariloche should put into operation a technique to monitor all air pollution, water and land. so that people do not have disease as this process occurs.
    the animals should take them out of emergency settings and bring them to safe places, along with their owners. those without the resources to do, should sell these animals to generate cash income while the emergency happens.

    Belia Tapia Z.
