Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hydroaysen [3º Año Medio A]

Some of the most controversial topic in Chile, Hydroaysen thermo electrical. As you may know, lots of ecologists have opened the debate, about the environmental catastrophe that this the project would create. Furthermore, people all over Chile have shown their dissatisfaction through protests and "pacific" march.

 On the other hand, the government has said that Chile needs electricity, otherwise, many blackouts would "attack" our country.

 What do you think about this project? do you think Chile needs more information about this? What about the  wildlife around Patagonia?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline:  Monday 20th, June


  1. From my point of view encounter that the hidroaysen project is good for Chile as it opens a door of opportunity for the future of our country. I at least don't want my children - in future - study with a candle or having to go to the library as in ancient times to make their tasks in college, i want my children have the comforts that one can have now ... with computer, light, internet, I believe that the Chilean people it only focuses on the environmental impact that can cause ... but they do not see this point, the point in the future therefore i believe that the people should be reported in this regard. With regard to life in the patagonia i believe that will not have much a few towers of electricity (not to be that come a super bear and revolutionise and begin to break the towers xD) because i believe that will be safe and who knows if you can serve as a refuge to some animal : D
    Felipe Soto

  2. I dont like the idea of hydroaysen and all that crap."dont worry, is only the 0.05% of patagonia :D" fuck that, with the time its gonna be the 0.10%, then the 1% and again an again, this will keep going,I mean, I understand that this will help the country with energy and bla bla bla but, the world is dying dude! what is the idea of keep destroying the nature? building unnecessary stuffs, making machines, companies,felling trees..theres a lot of other ways to make energy, we can use the natural energy without damaging.. and yes, Chile needs more information, if we dont know whats going on, we cannot give an opinion about it. This proyect will let a lot of homeless animals.. some people approved it, and then are crying about the endangered species and all that.. who understand the people?.

    Felipe Díaz - 3ro Medio.-

  3. I think that the goverment should search for another methods to generate energy without intervene our Patagonia. If the government wish to perform proyects like this kind, first should inform to the people and educate them about this issue to avoid these conflicts of transparency. So, we know that the proyect is done, so now, we need to care about some new ways to get some methods to care the wildlife.

    Marcelo Alcaide

  4. I think that this project sucks, because, the government only think about the energy and about themselves, but don't think about the animals, the wildlife or the vegetation of our country, don't think about the nature, about the rights that rthe animals,plants and trees have in this world, i think that they have the same right that us to be in this world, so, they need care and respect like us.
    And i dont eat that shit about blackouts ! is hilarious excuse !
    there exist anothers ways to get useful energy easily,and also ecologist , like the tidal energy, Chile is a country with a long coast and the waves don't stop hitting our lands, and as we know the waves can make energy and the tidal never, NEVER stop !
    so, i think that thist is the better way to get more useful and ecologist energy, the only one problem is that the government don't want it cuz means a big spend....
    And responding the second answer, yeah i think ppl need more information about this projects, more participation in the government decisions.
    And the wildlife, sorry for them, they don't have the guilty for nothing, the animals are innocents but also are destined to a bad fate, sorry for them but the project is approved, so, we can do nothing about it, i hope that at least, they (government) try to not cause big troubles with the nature of our country

    .~Javier Ariz

  5. I do not agree with the Hidroaysen, since this project looks for the benefit of the government and there do not realize that they damage to the animals.
    Though it would help enough in the future, the flora and fauna would decline widely which would destroy the nature that surrounds, therefore, the animals they were remaining without home and were not managing to adapting to another environment producing the death, and the prompt extinction.

    David Caceres B.-

  6. I think that this dam, by energy wear, is partly perhaps necessary to but I'm not very informed so that he could not say: "I am against" or "I am in favors". I think that the country in general needs more information, on the natural side, I think that if we are going to destroy a place rich in its nature, we do better aware now and begin to care for the energy.

    Valentina Rodríguez

  7. Well, I believe that Hydroaysen isn’t a bad idea, because, as you know, our country needs a lot of energy and Hydroaysen is a way to obtain it. I think that we, all the people of Chile must understand the energy crisis that our country has today and we have to understand that without energy we can’t live like we usually do. In fact, without energy we can’t live today and that's the reason of why I agree with Hydroaysen. Also, I believe that the wildlife of the area won't be affected by Hydroaysen, at least no too much.

    -Gustavo Espinoza-

  8. I truth is that with this issue, I am neither for nor disagree, that clear, we will lose some unfortunately many flora and fauna that is almost unique in Chile, but then we need energy for the coming years to avoid blackouts.
    I think we're a little misinformed, though some people know what really is HidroAysén and the damage this will cause, are in complete disagreement with the draft not to hurt our Patagonia.
    As I said before this project we will unfortunately lose flora and fauna that is unique to Chile, and we lose as a beautiful landscape of Patagonia in the majority, that will be filled with electricity pylons.

    -Diego Rojas Montoya

  9. I do not think that the hidroaysen project is good, I think that there are many other ways to achieve energy. Why destroy nature?, I think that some people, mainly those that adopted this absurd project, only think if themselves and not care of nature, which is gradually running out. I think that that less so in the future we will be all day with a candle making our chores is totally lie, is only an excuse so that people do not claim. There are others ways (that do not harm nature) of get energy but the Government only looks for the sake of they. Chile should deliver more complete information and that the Government vote not just thinking about them in the passing a law, but in the nature of this country. And as mentioned above I believe that wildlife will be depleted and then there will be no or wildlife.

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira.

  10. I think that the Government should look for alternatives to solve this problem, because I believe that it is not necessary to deal with the little "nature" that you're not and destroy her for one hydroelectric. On the other hand the Government must report much more citizens about this project you have in mind to not have doubts about this.

    .- Javiera Hidalgo Valenzuela

  11. I think this project is one of the lies of our lovely president, i mean, he is not even telling the truth to the country, Chile is not desperate for energy, we need it, it's true, but not so quickly to kill our environment. The president had also not tell the truth about the other bad points about this project, it is not only the thermoelectric, there's also the towers of electricity that get through chilean territory, and this would be the longest scar of destruccion in the world.
    I think the chileans NEED more information about this projects, because people will accept it without knowing the damage that Hidroaysen will make in the patagonia.

    Fernanda Fuentes G.-

  12. Honestly, I think the HydroAysen Thermo Electrical will cause a great harm to the environment and the Patagonia in general, because it will destroy the flora and fauna of an important part of the country, but on the other hand, at the same time the HydroAysen Thermo Electrical will give a good energy to the country an WORK to many people who need it, so this project has disadvantages and advantages.

    The only thing that bothers me is that people who talk without knowing what is really happening about this topic, and at the same time participe in protests that they called "peaceful" and destroys everything on its way.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández .-

  13. From my perspective, I believe that the project HidroAysen one hand is good for our country and we do not know if in 10 years but we need more energy and can not forget that we depend on it for a living, but otherwise this project would affect quite our nature and animals. But really I'm not 100% informed and has not been fully informed about this great subject the media should be clearly informed about the pros and cons of this project. Well hopefully the descicion is taken to be positive for this country.

    Daniella Demartin Vargas .-

  14. I think this project is a very bad idea, because our country has a lot of territory, like desert, and this territory is not used. Chile has a great capacity to generate wind power and solar power, but they just think in the money! And don’t think in the nature. Also the government just says lies and they don’t see the reality of could cause a great harm to the nature.
    Unfortunately this project just generates problems in society and not a progress in the society.

    >>Fabian Medina

  15. would first, competition of the 3 companies in charge of energy in Chile, 2 of them are joining in hydroaisen to form, then prices and will rise even more energy and the competition no would exist
    second, it affects the flora and fauna in Patagonia que and flood thousands of land inhabited by endangered species and decrease in the areas they inhabit

    Bastián Ferrería .-

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Honestly, I believe that HydroAysen is a project that will help us in one way or another, because all of us know that without energy we can not live.
    However I am not 100% agree with this project, because this would imply that an importante part of the flora and fauna of Chile will disappear.
    About the information that is given of this issue I should like to know more about the advantajes and disadvantages that this project has, like the damage it would cause to the nature if this project is approved.

    María José Aguilera A.-

  18. Well, I think this project is not the most suitable for the country Meneses has now, by the fact that our country has several ways to produce cleaner energy. From my perspective this project is only created for profit and not thinking about the animals that are leaving home, since many animals will be harmed by this famous project.

    By: Jorge Jara

  19. I think this project is of more because in Chile there are various ways to produce electricity not only the electric heat are also non-renewable energy, and if I think a lot of information has been hidden on the issue and who do not speak specifically what they say as well that these various Chilean companies are not then not know how is the Chilean Patagonia, wildlife, I believe that many animals the habitat can change as they die and destroy your home who know how long ago and besides most serious destruction of the energy as lead to Santiago de Chile and I think if everyone can save a little know how to get out of this supposed energy crisis

    Christian Aguilera

  20. Well, I do not much on this subject, but what little I've read I agree both points of view, both the ecological and economic. I think if there are no major solutions to bring the country economically, HidroAysén is a good solution, but also damaged the natural landscape much of Patagonia. Yes need to think more about the subject. I hope that wildlife not damaged this happening a lot, it would be a shame.

    Laura Toro
    3º Medio

  21. I think that in this project there are good things and bad things. The good things are that Chile will be favored in energy and this which will prevent blackouts and the bad things are that the Patagonia will be severely affected. Many people protest against Hidroaysen but some of this people are not well informed on this topic and they opines without knowing much. About the wildlife around Patagonia… it could die a lot of animals.

    Álvaro Pérez Correa.-

  22. For millions of years the planet without our progress was good, not "our growth," ... and it was impossible for her to survive without growth is now "impossible for us to survive" ... at the expense of the planet forever. So you have to assume one thing: we are thevandals here because we want more and more. We criticize the criminals who destroy property of the nation, do we? Goodsdestroyed the planet, but there is no "government" claiming right?And when people claim, they are branded as ignorant and deluded. In short, the difference between us and the criminals is that there are formats by law and by them "we are not criminals."Therefore, with the excuse that they need to grow, we do anythingright? Because we need light for the best technological equipmentto be invented and we're going to buy or yes, but do not need it.What is the difference between destroying an asset of the nation and a planet? Easy, the first "more painful" because they spentmoney, while the second was always there for free and free is rarely valued, why these things happen.
    I think that's why one day the world is going "out of the house," andrightly so, the least we deserve is hell for this "mass murder"premeditated and executed on behalf of the "good of the nation. "
    patricia vega

  23. I am against this project that because of this, the Chilean Patagonia, which is an area where a lot of live animals and which is full of wildlife, will be totally destroyed by the construction of these dams. But it is true that Chile will benefit a great deal of energy, so this project has advantages and disadvantages.

    -----------Daniel Jovany Galaz Silva------

  24. Well, there We have two positions, to start, this proyect will give to Us a clean and renewable energy, a great leap (being careful with the environment). By the other hand, the price is very high, because We could damage to the animals, killing a lot of beautiful territories.

    Felipe Piazza
