Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dangerous Asteroid [1º Año Medio A]

 Some Scientists detected an asteroide denominated "2005 YU55", which supposedly will pass close the earth in November 8th. Discovered by Robert McMillan, this asteoroid measures 400 meters of diameter, and it will show a unique possibility to be studied worldwide. However, this situation doesn't represent a problem to our planet, at least in the following century.

 According your perception, do you feel frightneded? What do you think about it? are we really safe as scientists say?

 Regards and post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.


  1. No, I do not feel frightened because, I'm not scared of dying.I think that scientists always say stuff that never happen,so I'm not fully believing them.I don't know if we are safe or not because, I'm just a 14 year old high school student.

    ~Diego Alvarado

  2. well I think it is not much damage to the land and serve to more thoroughly investigate the behavior of comets and asteroids.

  3. No fell frighteded, because there are other more important things. I think they are rushing much. Also commonly say something and then nothing happens. I'm not sure what they say, but I do not care.
    But usually they are wrong, so I am not convince.

    *Vania López*

  4. Even so we must be cautious because it was in 2008 and we are in 2011 and if you have the possibility to study the advantage.

  5. ...and since it is as small in comparison to earth can cause as much damage

  6. I do not feel frightened and do not think this will do anything to the land in at least a few more years, yet I have in mind that this may affect our country or rather the whole world.


  7. asteroids are very destructive to be in a large size can destroy entire cities in just seconds, we are fortunate that in our country never fallen asteroid

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don`t fell frightened,because i think than the "dangerous" asteroid finally will be of size of the head of a chihuahua(font:homer).No I think than is not really safe consider what they say.Since as usually is wrong all than they says.
    ~Renzo Riveros~

  10. My opinion about the meteor is that is will affect planet earth that no one takes up away from the risk against the meteor .., Only god can predict or know.


  11. No, I am not afraid, since the scientists say that we run no risk, they must be sure of what they say but in some cases they can be mistaken, But It does not call my attention, Since I have a busy life and don't have time to think about meteors and such.

    -Sebastian Naranjo

  12. An asteroid is big enough and destructive but I am not frightened it gives what the scientists have said me a lot of safety since they studied and they know if it is qe we are sure or not

    Franco Saldaña

  13. No, I don't feel frightened because, in many cases truth is not always the correct.

    With respect to scientists, I think that the doubts of the existence of this possible meteorite are the majority.

    ------> Nicolas Cardenas <------

  14. Well, I'm not scared at all, plus I have no idea about this, never heard about it, is the first time that I hear. What I think about this?, well I think nothing will happen I just think itis speculation. Yes, I think if we are safe

    --- ALINE SCHMIDT---

  15. No, I don't feel frightened because,I think due to many predictions of other scientists that is still in doubt.
    I think we are in greater danger from ourselves
    by the global warming that a supposed meteorite.

    ______ Vincenzo Rosati ________

  16. I am not afraid of the meteorite, because I believe that the scientists are in the certain thing of which it is the only opportunity, I believe that if I am sure in what the scientists say and I believe that they all are going to be worried on November 8.
    ~~~~ Daniel Soto ~~~~

  17. I think that all meteorites have some degree of complexity to pazar close to the ground and therefore in my mind because we are not sure any problems can sucer ual without notice

    Vanesa Concha

  18. Not, i don’t feel frightneded, I don’t think that the asteroide its dangerous , I believe in the scientists, because they have the necessary technology to give safety to people, but I guess that this is a great opportunity for enjoy in family and talk about that, then we must look the sky in November 8th
    ······ Camila Maldonado ······

  19. No, don’t feel frightneded, I do not think in the scientists, just because widely used technology, and many times are wrong

    Paul Lazcano

  20. I really don't feel afraid ... i mean, there are so many times that the science machines have been wrong and nothing happened...

    I'm not fully sure of the idea of everyone we are completly safe, anything can prove that to me, no ?... Anyway, there are worse things..

    Have a great day ;*
    Ximena Solís

  21. really do not think we're safe as scientists say because you never know what might happen but still can provabilidades aver that we are safe

    Claudia Bañados ;)

  22. well I very strange the image of a meteorite impressing the land.

    Very good image.

    Pd: este comentario es de gabriel maturana ya que por problemas del blog no pudo comentar
