Saturday, April 16, 2011

SIMCE Results [4º Año Medio A]

 As you know, in March 2011, Simce results were published in MINEDUC's website. Chilean's scores averaged just a 11% of certification (Auditive Comprehension 48 and Reading Comprehension 51). Hence, this evaluation determines the lack of English knowledge among students.

 On the other hand, Patricio Lynch Senior's students got a 18% of certification, which is "good" in relationship to Chilean's standars. So, according to you, were as "good" the results in the school?, how much influence does the teacher have in your scores? did the test really show the real knowledges?

 Regards and remember to post at with at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.


  1. 1 .- If one compares the national results with the results of the school, I think that would be acceptable the results obtained.
    2 .- I think the teacher if they influences student learning because they are the ones that delivered us knowledge, but also depends on students that to be capable to study it thoroughly the subject.
    But is difficult to study correctly when you change the teacher every year, and besides each has a different methodology and sometimes teach us the same, that us teach, them former teacher.
    3 .- Well the test is made ​​to see the knowledge they have each student, so I believe that the results are real.

    Geraldine Peña.

  2. 1-The results were scheduled as the ideal should be that more than
    English speaking half of the course

    2_the teacher is very important in teaching English, as it is very difficult for a person to learn a language by itself

    3-I think that really shows the test if the student's knowledge about the English

    Hans Müller M.

  3. we can´t say that we got "good" results as Patricio Lynch school, i mean, in comparision to the country, we are supposed to obtain a better score. because as Chile, we have to keep in mind the bad education of the most of "low" sectors.
    the teacher and his/her metods are very important to learn, if the teacher fails, most of people will do .
    the test actually was about the basics of english comunication, nothing very new, so is a little dissapointing see this results

    Carlos Marcellini

  4. 1.-no, the school's score is not good, it should be higher because, since the course is implemented smaller English.
    2.-Concerning the above, the bad score can be many causes, but the most influences are the teachers, because if they do not have a good language, the students will take aquelo.
    3.-may be only 50 percent, as other people learn in different ways.

  5. I believe that the teacher has influence great because the teacher has to motivate to put attention in classes to realize activities etc.
    The results were very low, but if the teachers realize the classes mas interactive and the pupils put attention,The results can be better.

    Constansa Galvez.-

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  7. I think the results were not all good, I think at school if there are people who have good knowledge in English, but for example in my case, I am very ill just get it, and I think the teacher is the cornerstone for this will improve, but it is the student who must do their part, I think this should be a mutual work.
    Well I think the test is to see the knowledge that each student in the language, therefore, the test should be optimal and measure what you need to know if they know or do not know English students, so we found that results are real.

    Jessica Fernandez

  8. the results were lower than expected, but still we are on the average of Chile which is good.
    The truth is that the teacher plays a very important function in the other learning styles but puts the student who was determined to learn or not.
    I believe that if you show knowledge but also do not believe that the test has been taken seriously as mathematics or language

    angel bravo

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  10. The teacher's influence on students is 50% and the other 50% is the students because, students must study and try hard in every class.
    If the teacher has a method of teaching that is not working ,He should change it and try a new method.

    I think that it shows the result of knowledge, because they may not have a good base of English. For my part I have a good base but I try to understand the contents

    David Barria Alarcon

  11. 1. The results compared to the whole country, are good and bad at the same time, and we should have a good base which is not shown in the results, including several who manage quite the language in the course.
    2. The teacher influences on learning enough because they are the ones that give us knowledge, but this is effective joining depending on the ability to interact with the student, so this may understand and comprehend better.
    3. The test really measured the knowledge of each student, this serves to see how a been implemented this language in schools.

    Claudia Cerda

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  14. I think that the results show the knowledges of the students, because this test is recognized how international, this for the reason that the test has been applied in other countries and serves as a measurement system.
    So... According To me, the result was Relatively "good", considering that it is the first time that this test is done. I think that the idea with this test is that every time that it is implemented, this improve the English level of students.

    Fabricio Rosales

  15. I believe that "good" results are within acceptable medium range, due to the nationalscore was obtained. As the degree of importance of the teacher in this is very high, asis the one who gives us knowledge, but also depends on the fact that each studentlearn and expand that knowledge.Testing was done to measure the level of English with Chilean students, an objective examination, so that their results also.

    Ambar Estay

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  17. 1 .- I think the results that the school had generally been good, because it exceeds the average was Chile
    2 .- The teacher is very influential, as there should be a part of us committed to this test, it is the teacher who gives us the knowledge and tools then we have to develop a good test or work.
    3 .- I tried to do the best possible evidence, but as it costs me a little English but I put everything on my part

    Karen Sepulveda

  18. 1.- I believe that it´s not to good if we to consider that the highest score it hundred per cent. Then we must to be able to obtain better results
    2.- The teacher is very important to me, because he is the person that to guide us to beat this score.
    3.- Yes, i thing so.

    Patricio Albornoz

  19. clearly shows that the performance of students with regard to English is very basic, the school is 18% which is not what most expected but not bad prefesor the influence of our performance is Very important because he is who teaches us and to achieve better performance on tests and in the future as this 18% the next year must be overcome.


  20. I think that the responsability is shared between the teacher and we , the students , because the teacher must make a good class while the students must be really to learn . Personally speaking simce also the measured don't really my knowledge and that was based more in the comprehension auditive part of what i do not favored much maybe if it had been more grammar would have a better score.

    Constanza Diaz Vicuña

  21. Well, I think although the figures say that our school is over the national average, the results aren't good and or enough for requirement level of the modern world on English. After know this results, the only thing teachers can do is improve the English teaching techniques in our school and encourage the knowledge of this language and the anglosaxon culture.

    Maximiliano Covarrubias C.

  22. Well, for my 2011 SIMCE results were not expected for me. I expected as 25% approved. The teacher's influence on the results is a big part, as we rehearsed for the test and saw the matter concerned. I did the test thoroughly and with greater concentration.

    Belia Tapia Z.

  23. ‎1.-We can't say the result in the school is good, considering that English is the universal language should be more aware of this for better management and development later in the professional field.
    2- The teacher has a lot of influence, because He or She is the one that delivers the content required for good learning,but It does not only depends on the teacher , because to learn English or any other subject ,the students need to work hard and pay attention.
    3-I don't think it has shown the 100% of the real knowledge of each student. They're students who don't care about English or think that It's not important ,Therefore they don't try to the fullest.

    Marcela Santibañez.

  24. 1.- I would argue that our school results obtained by Patrick Lynch, compared with the rest of the country's schools, is relatively good, however, the percentage obtained result does not show real conociemientos language.

    2.- From my point of view, the teacher plays an important role in education, through motivation, being a key requirement of pedagogy (teaching methods).

    3.- I think this test, if it proves real measure conociemientos students.

    Teresa Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  25. I think if our school got rated "good"with respect to other Chileans, means that knowledge in English in Chile, is very basic.
    The influence of the teacher in the results "SIMCE", if it affects, but not as much as the interest of the students in learning.
    I think the test was not demanding this because that is the first test "SIMCE" of English that is done in Chile. This is why I think that really showed no real knowledge of the Chilean students.

    Javiera Pizarro V.

  26. In my personal opinion I believe that the results of the simce that it was produced last year were not so good, since in the course they were not mas of ten who were those who had a good result.

    The professed present the previous year has responsibility great due to the fact that if the pupil has a good base in the Englishman the results of the simce tendrian that to have been better.

    Carlos Martinez

  27. Well, being honestly, our result of 18% certification in Simce it is absolutely mediocre. I expected something more. We cannot conform with this level demostrated in english. Some people maybe say that this results are because our teacher did not taught well, but I think we did not strive enough.

    by Yoh-Nathan Gonzalez

  28. 1. I would say the percentage obtained by Nuesto school (Patrick Lynch) was not so high but yet when compared with other schools, the percentage obtained is relatively good.

    2. I believe the teacher has great influence debeido it is him, commissioned to teach the correct knowledge of the subject in question

    3. I believe the results if they are real because they are made ​​specifically for the knowledge that each student has


  29. 1. Sir juanito apologize for the delay but in the afternoon I went to buy things for my birthday ...

    2. While I was encouraged not to make my comment ...

    3. Excuse me for once (I'm birthday)

  30. 1.- I think the results compared with the average of Chile is good, however these results should be better and that English is the most widely used languages ​​in the world and will serve us well for more job opportunities.
    2.-For me the teacher is very important because it is who gives us the knowledge and tools to learn good English, but more importantly the attitudes of students in front of the field because you are not interested to learn no matter how good the teacher.
    3.-I think if you showed the real knowledge we have, but consider that it is the first time you take this SIMCE and in many schools the english to teach it in writing and not listening to what the test was difficult.

    Kevin Baez Urzua

    P.S: I could not post when try on Friday.
