Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Week [2º Año Medio A]

This week starts the well-known "Easter". As you know, through this days you should reflect about the pilgrimage and Christ cruzificacion. However, some people don't realize the real magnitude of this week, and they tend to confuse it with "eating chocolate eggs".

 What about you? Do you do something in particular? Do you agree with eating fish and sea food instead of fasting and red meats?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Friday 29th, April.


  1. My parents every year hide chocolate eggs, because i have a little brother, and then we go to my uncle house to gift eggs. I not agree the idea of eat fish or sea food, the truth of this is: many years old in easter week, the people try buy meat, but was very expensive, for that the people start buy fish because is more economic. This event continued the next year and then the next year, and became a tradition.
    Is weird but is the true, not is necesary eat fish and sea food. For that this weak i going to do a "barbie" jajaja

    Ignacio Pavón

  2. I believe that this weekend is to reflect,it is true that some people do not know the true meaning of "easter week" and simply eat chocolate eggs.
    I think that eating chocolate eggs has already become a tradition, because children are not taught from small which is the true value of the "easter week"

    Jeean Riffo

  3. I like this week not just for the chocolate eggs but also because it is a time of year when families gather, share and spend time together. besides that is a holiday in my religion where the risen Jesus who is still recalls

  4. When you are a little child, you don't understand that much about 'Easter resurrection'.
    Whith the time, i learn that this is a date in that everybody needs to think; in my point of view we have to reflect how Jesus gave his life for all these people that he doesn't know.

    Mackarena Fuentes .

  5. Well pretty much my easter week when i was little, was... watch movies about jesus, and God, and things like that, eating chocolate eggs :), but know that i grew up i know that easter week is not about that, is about think in what jesus did, in that he gave his life for all of us, to save us of the sin.
    Now in easter week i have to think and reflect about the things that jesus did, but i don't do that because.. I don't know.. but i don't.
    i'm not agree with eating fish and sea food, because it supposed that you haven't enjoy of luxuries, but the fish and sea food are even more expensive that red meat, so i think that we should eat white noodles with i don't know eggs or some sauce without any type of meat

    Valeria Larenas G.

  6. Im eating chocolate eggs in this moment :), but that doesnt matter xD i think this week is for reflection of ourselves and Jesus, who died only for us.
    About the sea food, i dont think is a "tradition" like ignacio, i think is because we are in time of fasting and we can't buy only fish and sea food for be satisfied, on the contrary we must fast and reflect about the things that Jesus did for us :).
    The easter eggs are great xd.
    Happy easter week :) Peace
    Sebastián Basualto Barraza

  7. i think the easter week it's a reflexion week that i don't realize for mi belief. I think the sell of eag chocolate it's some invention of the system for sell a product for children and give fruits because they sell 30 porcent more chocolate just in this date. In the easter week i will play video games every day but because some hackers broke the play station network security since the wednesday evening the world can't play online and i just expect that sony can resolve the problem meantime i get the platinum trophie of the god of war 3 i just need 1 more trophie.see you later
    ignacio leyton

  8. As to my regard the Easter is a day of rest, in which all should give the minimum shows of respect that it deserves the Lord Jesus Christ, and we should also do a minimal sacrifice for hima clear example is not to eat meat, it is the least we can do, even I think that the seafood and fish are also others.
    The chocolate little eggs, I believe that when one is a child, full stage of the child gives more importance to "Bunny" and the "little eggs" but as one grows and is maturing it is taking the importance of these dates such as the resurrection of our Lord The savior.

    Ivette Delgado

  9. In general, we don't do anything in particular. Just went to Huatulame like we always do, the town where my grandmother was born, to see my uncles and family. We also went to see my sister's new house.
    In the town, the people revive the via crusis with the colaboration of the houses, each house is an station until the church.
    About eating fish and sea food instead of fasting and red meats, in particular I dont like sea food, so I eat meat anyways, or salad. Even so none of us fasts, because we eat every food of the day at their respective times
    Of course, it's a stage of reflection, this week with my family we are thankfull to be together. We are going to visit the cemetery to remember the good times.

    Fernanda Chandía

  10. On Easter, I think it is a moment of reflection, because Jesus give his life for all of us or at least believers in the theme of Easter eggs, I think exploded at a date commercial in nature which only seeks to make money on the basis of religious beliefs, meat do not know, I think it depends on each one, But I personally dont give too much importance to the religion ,becouse I not belive in one.

    ~ Valentina Montes.

  11. i Think that ¨The Easter¨ is for think about the Jesus' sacrifice and to spend it in family Beside eating eggs of chocolate and hide chocolate for the kids.
    Also I think that not eat red meats it's not ok this because it is a week as others and is not necessary to follow what stipulate the vatican Being that jesus never said: not eat meats in the Easter or something this way
    Joaquin Reyes R.

  12. I think the Easter Week is the place to remember what Jesus did for us.
    But do not do anything special to celebrate but to remember their courage and love gave us, if I enjoy chocolate eggs
    Cristopher Peregrin

  13. certainly is a week of reflection on the act christ does for us, he gave his life for us all, and the eggs is just a way the demostrate this, as represent the life, in particular i don not nothing extraordinary, and if i agre with the change the res meat for fish and seafood, although we should not so worry for this.
    Claudia Madrid

  14. I really do not care if I such as red meat or white, because you do not belong to any religion.
    It's a normal day like any other, maybe more cheerful to have more days and chocolate eggs but not to celebrate anything.
    Roberto Marechal.

  15. in my opinion that Easter eggs have changed the thoughts of children, because they believe that Easter is "eating chocolate egg" I eating fish and sea food by the respect and love to jesus.


  16. Easter week In my opinion is a week to reflection, not for eat eggs chocolates, is to think in the sacrifice of jesus for us. In easter I didn't do anything in special, only eat fish instead of red meat.
    Eat eggs chocolates in my opinion isn't have relation to the easter.

    Jason Briceño Garrido

  17. I particularly not eating red meats and think over that the sacrifice of not eating meats is small with the sacrifice that jesus does. Also, that the topic of the eggs of chocolate have taken from him the real sense to this week and it has lost the principal value.


  18. for me personally Easter is the days of reflection, which would have to be with all tranquillity and to be in family. He is safe that some people do not take it into account and follow, because they were normal days and the single chocolate eggs remember the Domingo de Resurrección, thinks well that is a celebration, since, the tradition says that to celebrate resurrecuion of Jesus eat chocolate eggs and they are painted of many colors to represent that he was alive. what I do is to be peacefully with my family and to reflect on the Easter. I am in agreement with eating fish and seafood, since he is not bad not to eat meat during a day.

  19. I think this week is very important for many persons
    Whit my family we don’t do anything, really i don’t now why but we take this week for the family vacation and reflect many think because Jesus gave his life for us and that is the must important thing.
    but i think that in the world we have a lot of traditions that are really stupids, because it doesn't related with the religion or Jesus for example : the tradition of eating just fish that is really stupid in my opinion because Jesus is not dead and he is not the meat.
    About eat the chocolates eggs of a bunny,I think is stupid because the bunny it doesn’t lay eggs!! I love eat chocolate but I don’t care eat in this week, this week the really important thing is be whit the family and thinking about Jesus.


  20. if I agree, Easter is a special day is celebrated done death and resurrection, which is why you should not eat red meat because it reflects the blood that pours out God when He was crucified, and I think it is significant to follow the trend eating seafood
    In another aspect, with respect to the Easter eggs in my opinion I think the vasa more trade, not the meaning of Easter

    Daniela Arellano

  21. I do not do anything normal, but with respect to consumption of fish and seafood if I agree each with their own and their beliefs ... and as I said before it goes too fast the thoughts of each
    would affect me personally do not eat meat but I do respect for my family.

    Danko olea <----

  22. I am going to go back to the beach that day. I agree because we should make at least one sacrifice each year because Christ sacrificed his life, which we celebrate this week

    Gonzalo Isla
