Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama's death [4º Año Medio A]

 As you know, Osama Bin Laden was murdered in a firefight this Monday night in Pakistan. This mission was accomplished by the SEAL (Sea, Air and Land Team), a special group of The Marines, which have the most advance military equipments in the whole world. Furthermore, They killed him and throwed his corpse to the sea.

 Will this act bring consequences? Is really dead Osama? Was correctly judged by America? Will his dead put end to the terrorism?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May


  1. Firstly, i do not think that Osama is really dead, and I cannot understand why the marines threw his corpse to the sea? Maybe they wanted to hide something.
    I guess all of this is not more than a bullsh*t made by USA to pretend bring security and to demostrate some progress about the antiterrorist war in the middle East.

    by Yoh-Nathan Gonzalez

    Greetings Sir

  2. I think so, because the terrorism looking for revenge as the expert sais.
    According the second question, I really don´t know like many people around the world, because is very dificult to know it, if nobody is able to prove it until today.
    Osama never was judged. He was wanted dead or alive, after the World Trade Center's bombardement.
    I don't believe, because the terrorism it will exist forever, while exist bad people in our world.

    By Patricio Albornoz.

    Greetings Sir.

  3. I think that if, because they killed the leader of the terrorists and these seek revenge, for what the Marines did.
    I think that is not really dead. Then, why the Marines threw him overboard? and did not show it as a trophy to his people. That to me leaves a doubt that if Osama is dead really.
    I do not think that leader´s death will bring peace to nation of United States, because he had followers and they must be planning an attack. But honestly, I think the United States made ​​a treaty with Osama, by that have not shown the body of he and have thrown the body into the sea, to make everyone believe that Osama has died, but perhaps another person who was thrown into the sea, therefore took refuge Osama and all this is between them as a peace treaty.

    Geraldine Peña

  4. I think he was the leader of the terrorists and have killed him he is just one of the bunch or group. Therefore, there may be a retaliation from their own. I believe that with respect to the second question no one knows if it's true or not, until they see the dead corpse no one can guarantee his death. And do not think this will put an end to terrorism and it has always existed and always will.

    jessica fernandez

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. with that act, they lost credibility. why? because they lost their biggest proof of osamas`s death.
    so is a lot of rumors about the manipulation that E.E.U.U do in the world, just to demostrate power or make the USA look as a victim (9/11).that`s beacause this events are very suspecious and 4 me is rlly hard to believe.
    the united states could lie to win power, to commit a plain terrorism attack and incriminate al qaeda, to expand the army in middle east, i dont know there is a lot of reasons just based in rumors.

    so if they really killed osama, we can´t expect the end of terrorism, actually we can expect an increment of this attacks in some parts of the world to revenge him.
    idk to me this sounds like a complete act of :

    carlos marcellini

  7. Well, I consider that although Osama is dead, the terrorism will continue stalking U.S.A. and Europe since this man was just a leader into the terrorism world, a leader that can to be replaced for a new "Osama". Also is very rare the fact that the marines have thrown his corpse to the sea, this can be an clue about of that really happened in that operation.

    Maximiliano Covarrubias C.

  8. 1.-their actions if they could have consequences, and very serious if it were
    dead, for example, increased terrorist attacks and war with
    of the east.
    2.-This is another point of discussion as to speculate that many times
    deaths that actually are not.
    3.-I dont really know his trial in America, but certainly if
    allegedly killed him and there were no repercussions as serious as war
    or hatred between countries means that it was regularly tried. Although it is
    possible because there were no repercussions simply not dead.
    4 .- Of course not, his death only generated more terrorism, because their
    fans to see "dead"to their leader, only to seek revenge.

  9. The truth is that it can bring many consequences, even said there are plans to attack the U.S. so they're prepared for any eventuality. I would not be so sure that Osama is dead, the same was said years ago, which was a lie How can they prove it? if not even show a photo or his corpse, which hurts every day lose more credibility. U.S. ah always wanted to have world domination and that better be the heroes killing the leader of the AL-QAEDA.

    Claudia Cerda.

  10. well, this act will bring consequences as another major attack, either USA or another country.
    I believe that if Osama is dead, because they admitted their own allies.
    The decision by USA, with respect to pull the body into the sea was wrong, because, do not go with the rules of the religion of Osama.
    Killing Osama will not end to terrorism, since there are many other people in this association will continue to do harm in the world.

    Belia Tapia Zuñiga

  11. Well,what else to say, justice was done with the death of most wanted man in the world Osama Bin Laden, the reasons we all know is Terrot attacks that he committed, I think this has been one of the actions that will set in government President Obama as he was wanted for nine years now the U.S. will have to be aware that the terrorist who were with obama promised vengarce against this great nation.
    obama death as stated earlier will have consequences as the revenge that will make the terrorists associated with this leader.
    osama's death does not end terrorism because it will return to avenge the death of this subject. There are also many people (terrorists) who were with osama on destroying the United States.

    Carlos Martinez

  12. In my opinion the terrorism continue... this because Osama was a member of many.
    With the death of osama the terrorism was not eradicated. On the contrary, I believe that now that the "boss"(Osama) has fallen there will be pending with the international security due to a supposed revenge of his supporters.

    Fabricio Rosales.

  13. the consequences that can bring this event are many, such as
    resume terrorist attacks have killed the head of this mafia

    osama thank God if I think he's dead because he was a danger
    tremendous for the world and never have been born, since his name only
    means death

    if it was judged correctly by Americans as the only death
    can stop these acts of such evil, because these subjects are not
    faithful to the laws

    if death but not of good moral character, is very effective in cases
    to comply with laws

    Hans Müller M.

  14. I think the event happened last week will bring many therefore, since we obviously will take revenge and many deaths as any. In my mind, I believe Osama is still alive, because many people had a double and was one of those killed the wrong. with the deaths of terrorists, not an end, because as I said previously ocacionados retaliate and more deaths, terrorism will always exist, there will always be bad people.


  15. 1 .- Well, I think that what happened will bring consequences, where the followers of Bin Laden, may make further terrorist attacks in the United States and its allies.
    2 .- My opinion is that Bin Laden was actually dead, because it used the most advanced equipment to capture.
    3 .- I think that was not properly tried, and he was not brought to courts.
    4 .- It is the end, presumably because of what happened, new leaders appear.

    Teresa Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  16. well, I think that the death of osama is or was a fraud and that it has the original usa ...
    the most likely al-Qaeda members seeking revenge against the United States, the Statue of Liberty is demolished by a terrorist plane and I think this will bring an increase in terrorist attacks.

    ignacio r.

  17. I think that the death of Osama, if he can bring consequences, because, he was not the only terrorist, therefore, can trigger Other attacks.
    The fact say that Osama is dead, leads to doubt, since, previously, had also said that he was dead, and then said no.
    Despite all the pain and suffering that caused the attacks of Osama to the U.S., does not seem right to take to the streets to celebrate his death.
    In my opinion, the death of Osama, is not the end of terrorism, on the contrary, it will be one more reason to continue.

    Javiera Pizarro V.

  18. the death of osama in my opinion is a fraud for so USA have an advantage over terrorists
    dig out the consequences of possible terrorist attacks in revenge
    also referring to the modus operandi of the murderers of ´´osama´´ correct devieron not find capture him alive to stand trial for her crimes

    angel bravo

  19. 1- This action may have consequences for the U.S. because their country's image is being getting worse at all the other countries.
    2- The Osama's death could be false. Due to it may have been an alibi for the U.S., this because their president is in low popularity and if do not have pleased the people will be worse for his government
    3- The judgment of USA was not correct, because no one can take the life of another human being.
    4- Its purpose is to get oil the capital for their evil purposes.

    David Barria Alarcon

  20. The news says: Osama has been killed.
    This guy was a worst person in the earth. It's the 1st time that USA did a good work.
    The terrorist are a serious danger for the world security, and they must die.
    Gino La Rosa.

  21. I guess so it will have consequences, since, they killed the leader of the terrorists, of a beginning he said that if they were murdering Osama Bin Laden his successor would be even worse. As for if really it is dead I be not be so sure, and I it will not be until it is verified all that.
    The terrorism will never end, always there will be people ready to damage.

    Ambar Estay T.-

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Yes, This act can bring consequences as the attack by Al Qaeda which was for revenge. In my opinion , Osama is dead and America's decision is the correct one and of course America wants to end terrorism.

    Marcela Santibañez Valderas

  24. Of course that the death of Osama Bin Laden is going to bring consequences because he was one of the most important leaders of global terrorism, I do not think that Osama has died because he was very astute as to risk, furthermore, the probability that it does not have a double is very poor. The determination of the United States kill Osama was erroneous since, despite all its crimes he deserved a fair trial. One of the repercussions that will abide by the death of Osama is the reactivation of global terrorism.

    Marc Möller L.

  25. I think Osama was killed, and he was not judged well by America, but his death not means the end of the terrorism neither the world peace, contrarily, will bring more terrorism acts and more deaths of inocent people.

    Ignacio Gonzalez

  26. First the death of Osama Bin Laden will bring consquences provoked by the Al qaeda, like the provoked attacks we have already seen leading to the deaths of many people, we can also ensure that Osama is dead as the al qaeda has already selected its successor. I think if he was tried correctly by the united states, the death of Osama Bin Laden will not end terrorism, instead it becomes a reason for his followers to take revenge and this will increase terrorism.

    Constanza Diaz

  27. 1. I believe that if since al-qaeda took retaliations by the murder of Bin Laden, since this was the leader of the terrorists therefore they sought always a revenge

    2. according to the information delivered by the press this dead, nevertheless in my to untidy but of a doubt

    3. I believe that if was judged correctly by the noreamericanos since
    no terrorist is faithful to the Laws, although nevertheless I consider that the death of Bin Laden not to put an end to these acts since terrorist will have always

    4. Personally I consider that the death of Bin Laden is not going to put end to the terrorism perhaps diminish for a time nevertheless later they will appear new head.


  28. Well I think that if you have consequences, as the terrorists who support him want to take revenge for his dead. I really think Osamma is dead but this does not mean an end to terrorism in the world they may appear more people like him and cause fear of the world.

    Kevin Baez Urzua

  29. 1. If you can bring very big impact and I think, because Obama had many followers, so it must have been shocked by his death.
    Regarding the death of Obama, I guess he does this, it is said that his body was found.
    In the way that judged the U.S. was not correct, and I do not decrease the amount of terrorist attacks that Obama is death, his followers may well keep doing it.
