Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Immortality in 2045 [3º Año Medio A]

It looks like science fiction, but it's pure science. Some American scientists, from the most important Universities in the world, work in achieve before 2045 the dream of our Human being, the end of aging, therefore, death.

 Just with a nail, saliva or a hair, humans will be able to last "forever".

Is it real? Would you like to live forever? Is it necessary to die or aging?

Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May


  1. The truth is there to do if they do, but I see it difficult. I do not like to live forever, because we all have a certain time to live and not be good (for me).
    As I said earlier, we all have a time to live so what would be for reaching old age and do not skip any "phase" of your life.

    David Cáceres B. 3 Medio

  2. I dont think it's real research being carried out, but if it do would be interesting to live forever, but I like the idea of aging well, can't find it necessary.

    Daniela Cerda A. - 3°Medio

  3. i dont think this is real, or will be real, our body grow and die, is unreal think that with science we're gonna' change one of the most essential things of our nature.. but i guess the science already change a lot of things on it..
    i dont know if i would like to live forever.. i would need time to think about it.. a lot of meditation. and i dont know if is "necessary" die or aging but i guess with the science thing and all that, maybe the aging wouldnt be so notorious, but the body will get "tired" sooner or later, and we have to accept it, is our nature. I believe the soul never dies, but thats a different history.

    Felipe Díaz - 3 Medio.-

  4. The truth is there to do if they do, but I see it difficult. I do not like to live forever, because we all have a certain time to live and not be good (for me).
    As I said earlier, we all have a time to live so what would be for reaching old age and do not skip any "phase" of your life.

    David Cáceres Brante

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i think is fake.. i mean, the science already change a lot of things in the nature but.. stop the aging? make people eternal..? i dont think that they can change, or will change, one of the most fundamental and natural things in our nature.
    I dont know if i would like to live forever but i would need a lot of time to think about it.. a lot of meditation.
    I dont know if is "necessary" die or aging, but is unreal or illogical think that this is possible.. maybe the science can make the aging slower, and maybe live a few more years, but the body get "tired" sooner or later, and we all have to accept that. I believe th soul never dies, but thats a different history.

    Felipe Díaz - 3 Medio.-

  7. Immortality is not a good idea for humans. Just think about it, if immortality comes true many people will start to live forever, therefore, there will a lack of food, the water will disappear and all the forests in the world will be destroy, because humans will start to find a place to live, because the cities will be full of people. If we born to die we must die.

    -Gustavo Espinoza-

  8. I believe that science can achieve everything, but can not stop the aging that is inherent in human nature.
    For my part, I would live forever, though it sounds impossible, but maybe one day the human race can develop certain skills that will end this stage of aging in humans.
    You have to go through the different stages of human development has so somehow take advantage of our life, so I prefer the aging

    Patricia Vega

  9. I don't think the research is real, but if it be true, it would be very interesting to live forever, but I don't like the idea of aging well, personally I think it's unnecessary.

    Daniela Cerda - 3° Medio

  10. I don't think this is real, I mean, we have to die, thats the cycle of our species. If somebody offer this to me, I would say no, I don't want to live forever, it would be so damn bored, I think that aging and death are things that we can't try to avoid. People should get old and die someday.

    Fernanda Fuentes.-

  11. I do not think that is real, but I would live forever if life or the world should stop having so much evil and I wish it were different and would have more interest in living forever, between death and aging there is not much difference if in the two we die.
    It'll be good when the die ,not was painful or difficult for some people because so people would not look death as something bad and expect as a stage that is part of life.

    Nataly Riquelme C. - 3°Medio

  12. I don’t think this is real, I mean… it may be true that scientists are working on that, but I don’t really think that we can achieve to live forever. This is going against nature, because the humans born, grow up, reproduce and DIE, it's the law of life, we must learn to adapt to this and stop being so surreal.
    Personally, I wouldn't want to live forever, I feel that would come a moment when I would get bored with my life, so I prefer to enjoy my life as GOD gave me, and live a long time because of a good health, not smoking, not drinking too much and without using drugs, and not because of things that science wants to impart.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández .-

  13. Life is a cycle, has a beginning and an ending, and must be respected. But, is more credible say that we gonna live a few years more than in the actuality... maybe, we could be get 100 years old... or more, I dunno.

    If the medicine find ways to Extend the life, it will be great.

    Álvaro Pérez Correa.-

  14. I think that is a lie even though science can accomplish anything. In my opinion I would not live forever, also if this becomes reality, more people will be born and to die is not any, then our planet would be overpopulated and we had enough problems come as the lack of food and water.
    Humanity has to go through a cycle that is life and we all have to die some day.

    Diego Rojas Montoya.

  15. The other day when I was watching a TV program (Pollo en Conserva)on a day I missed school, I hear this notice, and it was a chip that woul put in the body to see deseases that may exist on the future, and so start treatments for better health, yhus giving the appearance of youth.
    would be great to live longer only for the progress of science.

    Gustavo Ortiz 3º medio

  16. I believe that this is possible because the technology is very advanced, but in fact, I don't like the idea of live forever. I think that all the people are in a cycle, and that is the way it should be. If all of us start to live forever our planet will die more faster.

    Valentina Rodríguez Valencia

  17. I really think it´s fake this about immortality in 2045 (two thousand forty five), I think death is something logic in our cycle of life. I think in this case, science is wrong.
    The truth is, I wouldn´t like to be immortal, and if this happens , there would be an overpopulation, and the resources there would eventually finishing later or sooner.
    Everything happens for a reason, if life was created for a purpose, why change it?

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira.

  18. I think this is no real, because all of us have to die someday, this is logic, and that´s why happens. By the same I wouldn’t like to live forever or to do something to survive eternally, I think it would abnormal, everybody have to die someday. It´s a law, Human being is mortal so, it has to die in a given time.

    .- Javiera Hidalgo Valenzuela.

  19. I think that is not true, I dont like to live forever because it is the law of life aging, I think we should respect that, so I rather live life and die when the time comes. Although obviously I would not want to die so young.


  20. Well, I could not tell if it is real or fiction, but I think it is very good for people to live forever, because that is lost experience and would also have an over population. Qe is why it should take more awareness about the issue if it was real.

    By : Jorge Jara

  21. I dont know , i think that this is very impossible , but the future may bring surprises. Sometimes i would like be forever young and never grow old (I want to be peter pan). Although I'm not very sure , because I would not like to change the lifestyle of us all

    >Fabián Medina

  22. Admittedly, today technology is well advanced, but in my opinion, not enough to make people not die.
    can be true that scientists are working in this proyect, but I think it will not work, because the die is something that has to happen to all human, is a process of life. For the same reason I do not like to live forever, we all have our time for something.

    Fernanda Velásquez ;)

  23. these days everything is possible, there is nothing that can not be achieved through technology. If I would like to live forever but if I were given the opportunity not think porke aria is ambitious desicion not to allow others the opportunity to live human.
    these days everything is possible, there is nothing that can not be achieved through technology. If I would like to live forever but if I were given the opportunity not think porke aria is ambitious desicion not to allow others the opportunity to live human.

    Marcelo Alcaide

  24. I think this is impossible, I mean we can’t live for ever, maybe we can live longer (like 5 or 10 years), but that is going against nature. Personally I don’t want to live forever… I want to live my time, my music, and my customs. If we are immortals, can you imagine the world?, overpopulated with millions of ideas, wars, technology, whatever … that would be chaotic.

    Felipe Piazza

  25. Does it really believe it can be done? Thus, the life would have no meaning, or worse less sense than it already has! But if i could achieve i am not sure if dying is what i want, but do not grow old it would be great is my worst trauma, if he would die without wrinkles and without rods of course would be the happiest of all
    Valentina Gutierrez O.

  26. I do not think this is real, but who knows. Tomorrow our life cycle maybe will never ends, but I do not think so because although the technology is very advance today, it couldn't make it possible, because all the people in this world born to grow and reproduce and not to live forever.
    With respect of if I wanna live forever my answer will be that I don't wanna be inmortal, because all the people have a cycle that has a beginning and an end, but we will never know when that cycle will end and I prefer to wait that day.

    María José Aguilera.-

  27. Well they say the news is true that scientists work to find the formula to avoid death by aging all or most want to live forever, but it would be unfair and self-centered to want to live forever and cause the population to the future generations to us

    Pablo Ponce O.

  28. I believe that death is a step that has to die because if this life would become repetitive and would not be pleasant for anyone but on the other hand I would love to meet my children's children and know how will be the world years after I live and also what aging is part of our lives and we'd be wasting a minute of rest of the person and they would have to work up to plus or minus 100 years to be with a good life.

    Christian Aguilera

  29. Well, for my consideration i think that science can do lot of things, if is pure science like u said, maybe is real, maybe in the future we can stop the aging and in consequense the death.
    Or maybe, this scientist had smoked lots of weed, i dont know, i can't do a truly opinion about this issue, because i don't know anything about the inmortality. And Finally, i wouldn't like to live forever, i think that the human sucks, is like a plague of the world, we don't do anything right for the earth, we only hurt it and make several damages and also, i don't think that my life or ur life or my classmates life do something extraordinary in the world, we are just animals, we born, we live and then we die, we live working the most part of our lives to earn money, but i think that people in general, don't know how to be happy without money, without working, without making damages to the world, that's my point, we are ending our planet. So, if i had the enough power, i erase the human being of the earth... we necesarily Must die.

    ~Javier Ariz~

  30. - I do not think that is real, well I would not live forever and that someday when I die I want to be in heaven with Jesus, I prefer to live eternally surrounded by love, free from sin, free from pain, which are much better than the pleasures here on earth, because heaven is a continuous and eternal bliss.

    ---- Daniel Jovany Galaz Silva---- 3º medio

  31. I really do not think we can live forever, personally I do not like to reach a point where my life would be boring and all she wanted would cease to exist and know what death is, the idea is to enjoy life but obstacles as they are also part of everyday life, have new experiences and fulfill my dreams.

  32. well, i don't think that's will be true, science can do many things, a lot of them so important for the humanity, but this fact is against the rules of nature, the rules about the life. Really, i don't like the idea of the inmortality, neither live forever young, we have a life to live and that's it, appreciate life.

    Ignacio Vega
