Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Violence in Video games [2º Año Medio A}

From 1976, a Company called "Exidy Games" developed the very first game with violent content. That game was "Death Race" and was mainly focused on Arcade Machines rather than home systems. However, in that time started a discussion about it. Even some of the locals ,where this Arcade Machines operated, were closed.

 Nowadays we have a huge catalogue of games, with gore, blood, head decapatitation on them (such as God of War, Mortal Kombat, Grand theft Auto or Resident Evil), and it seems that people prefer this games rather than the classic ones (such as Mario Brothers, Little big Planet or Zelda).

 What do you think about? Do Video games contribute in something with this kind of violence on their games?  Do they promote mental skills? Do you usually play violent games?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 30 words.

Deadline: Monday 16th, May





  2. i think violent games are created for people who can take them as a regular games, these games are not designed for children because they ignore the diference between good and bad. This game does not contribute with the society which is very aggressive now days, and also a criminal can being created. In my opinion don`t like playing this type of games and preffer practicing sports insted watching a small screen the whole day.

    Bastian Sepulveda

  3. Well im a gore-gammer so i think that videogames are just videogames, i mean... the people that plays can take the reality the way they want... for example i can play DooM3, FEAR or Unreal and im not gonna turn myself more violent, is a way to spend time in useless for have a little FUN!

    Simón Arias Bless...

  4. I believe that these types of games are more appealing to the children. i think that the games may help reflexes and other types of skills.although may increase the violence they are very funny and are my favorite games.
    Jeean Riffo

  5. I think playing violent and "gory" videogames its only for fun, i mean this games are for people that are like in some way "mature" not for children with 8 or 7 years , and if i play a videogame with violence or gore , its a VIDEOGAME ITS NOT FOR REAL , example of what i dont do when a play a violent videogame such as MORTAL KOMBAT "Hey dude , lets go play MK , later... OMG DUDE FATALITY! ARJHGHSAJJAHS OMG I NEED TO DO THAT IN REAL LIFE FOR F*** SAKE!" naah... its only a videogame ;D

    See ya!


  6. I think the violence video games not is for kids like 9 years, are fun but we need have caution with the kids. A good example is what rodrigo say (we play mortal kombat in my home XD). I play violence video games but i have a little brother and i can't play this game because he is here.

    Ignacio Pavón

  7. i believe that the games nowadays must contain violence,gore and blood for it to be attractive because in the society in which we live now ,violence produces anxiety to see violence,blood etc. characteristics that make the game way more interesting for the consumers. I thing that the plot of the games allows you to develope your imagination,strategies and even get to know about other cultures,but you get too addicted. I play these games a lot i spend from ten to eighteen hours a day playing games online and i absolutely love the play station 3
    ignacio leyton

  8. I do not think that violence in video games makes you more violent
    because that kind of people already exist and sometimes is just to justify
    their acts, they blame games, television or movies. But I also think
    that exposing young people to certain content that is for adults only, for example
    violence, massacres, etc, can affect the personality of the
    young if it does not have awareness of what is right or wrong

  9. I think that videogames with violence are for people with a more mature approach and not for little kids, because they probably don't have the capacity to distinguish correctly if what happens in the videogame can be done in real life.
    I don´t understand why, but the violence in this games captivates the attention of the gamers. In my opinion, I think it's funny and ridiculos to see how those "drawings" kill each other. I don´t think they contribute nor promote skills, they are only useful to entertain people who play them.
    When I was younger, I played this kind of games with my cousin, but even so, they didn't really caught my attention. I corrently don't play any kind of videogame

    Fernanda Chandía

  10. I believe, that the violent games are very entertaining so for young man as childrens.The games to my they relax me and I always play them with my brother boy.
    Not by being games classified as violent (bad) they have to be rejected by that I publish in my manner of thinking, what he loves buys it to play it, then or but by himself he keeps silence and he opines ..

  11. In my opinion the videos games are not good for children not to no person because are harmful ,vicious,distracters ,afecct sleep and because of this , children become aggressive,not study and the adults get irritate. I also think the classic video games that are better in every aspect are complet and are fun .

    Andrea Galdame.

  12. I believe that violent video games are a way to distract yourself for a while, at least for games that aren’t so violent, to have some fun from time to time. The problem is that sometimes you can get caught up in playing games and I know this from experience. The most important thing is controlling how much you play, especially for younger kids.

    Gonzalo Isla

  13. yes, I play violent games, but it don`t influence in my. Really the behavior comes from the education that the parents give him his children. With a good education they were creating conscience in his children, otherwise these games they will be an influential entity in the behavior of these children.

    Darinka Abarca

  14. I think this gore games are of a type and the classic games like zelda or mario bros. (the best games ever for me)are of another type and we cant put them together, personally i play games with violence and blood but that doesnt makes me a violent person because i know its only a game and we cant blame a game for our violence and obviously we cant let the little children play this games because they dont differ.

    Sebastian Basualto Barraza. Peace :)

  15. video games in part on whether to contribute then to violence, because younger children have access to such games and they do not realize the damage they can cause this kind of games, as it can have fatal consequences.
    I think that kind of game people should just play them and have consiencia and responsible for what they do and who are aware of what they do or play.


  16. In my opinion the violent games do not make people violent if you do not that is an excuse mainly from the parents, because violent people already have or carry inside the violence and if outside as well as they say the whole of society would be violent because as a game , television or movies also have a degree of violence.

    Tyhare Berrios c.

  17. The video games are very enterteining but they are not very productive, in any cases.
    The violent video games are those that contain scenes with blood or weapon, which if they promote the violence, because on part they teach the young persons to use them but do not measure the hurts of what they do.
    For my part I like the video games but to measure up the risks of them and there are video games that do not contribute anything besides the amusement of the moment and afterwards they start boring.

    Joaquin Reyes R.

  18. for little kids, yeah, well maybe contribute with violence, but for teenagers it shouldn't contribute with violence, because they know what is good and wrong so if you play some of that video games you're not gonna punch someone because you see it on the game, because you supposedly know that the game is just a game.
    I don't know if this games promove mental skills, but if that happend is kinda creapy :S
    and no, i don't play... oh yeah.. i play that games :Z sometimes

    Valeria Larenas G.

  19. I think, the video games of today are violent and the protection of children usually depends of parents because parents are giving away these games their children and finally we need a society with an interest in the children's future

    Cristopher Peregrin S.

  20. For my part I believe that there are young women or children who are practically addicted to these games.
    In most cases these games do not influence the violence that exists daily, in the general thing I do not play to these games they nor are called me the attention for the consequences of this one.


  21. The violence in videogames is not bad for young and over 18. Is bad for the boys but the parents is responsible of buy the videogames to her little sons.

    Marcelo Henriquez B.

  22. I think that violence in video games should be for those over that age one, but people do not respect that, in my opinion this type of game should exist but should be more careful to whom they are sold.
    In my case I play sometimes, but I know that's not what I do and do not affect me in my life

    Jason Briceño

  23. Having, what i think about this is who this class of videogames serve to lower stress in player and i think that if the latter has a good training,Isn´t a bad influence with the attitude. I personally not soil play this kind of videogames since,is not to my liking, logical with a few exceptions.

    ~ Valentina Montes

  24. is difficult to comment on a subject when not handled ... but I think that violence always gets more attention than an adventure game.
    grand thef auto game but I do not have poblem while mental.

  25. I think is not a problem the violence in the video games because supossed that is for the person of 18 years old or more
    and that supossed they are mature.
    Also for the question: Do they promote mental skills?
    in my opinion that is not true because I mension, this games are not for the children, is for the person that have a mind already form
    that is my opinion, but i don't play that games, because I don't like it.


  26. I don't know a lot about these games, but i think that the games it make them violent depending on what think each person.

    For some people becomes a vice and for other this it doesn't care that much. I am of those people that it doesn't care, because, that games it doesn't call my attention.

  27. in my opinion the violent games change much the character and personality of children, it becomes violetn and hyperactive.for this i yhink it shuldn't be violent games, or they can not play as children under, as leave not that develop in the field social and manual, for this is obvious that promote mental skills.i don't play violent games much and when i play is not violent games.

