Monday, March 21, 2011

Tsunami Catastrophe [4º Año Medio A]

 After the Tsunami incident, many consequences appeared, such as the nuclear plant explotions, the radiation, the decrease in the level of unemployment and the scarcity of resources (food, water, etc.).

 What do you think of it? Do you think this events will take place in Chile? How? Is as "dangerous" as some scientists say the Nuclear Energy?

 Make your post with at least 30 words. Add your Name and Surname at the end of your comment. Regards

Deadline: Thursday 7th, April.


  1. I believe that the radiation does not affect the country by the distance between Japan and Chile, however I think that if they increased the prices of some products of Japanese origin, but this will serve as a lesson for countries that choose nuclear power to supply .

    ignacio reyes

  2. I think that japan has been hit with the power of the mother nature, which shows that even the most advanced countries in seismic culture (like Japan) can fall.
    Do you think this events will take place in Chile?
    It could be, because Chile is a seismic country... unfortunately Chile is newly making conscience or seismic culture in their people.
    In my opinion the nuclear energy is dangerous, but there is a risk for all... but i don't think that Chile is not prepared for an Nuclear power plant, i think that if precautions are taken an nuclear power plant may be a good weapon against the country's energy problem.

    Greetings... Fabricio Rosales

  3. 1- it was shocking see how one of the most advanced countries on the world was destroyed just like how happened with our country (and i wanna make an emphasis in the scarcity of resources). obviously it would be shocking where ever the earthquake takes place, but stills surprising me.
    2- actually the chances of a new earthquake in Chile are pretty high, because we are a seismic country. so we have to take conscience an be prepare in every aspect that would help in case of an emergency.
    3- i think that nuclear energy, is like play with fire, if we want to apply this plants in the country we need to be prepared, and i dont think that we are. just look to japan is a extremely advance country and stills having problems to control the radiaton. if we allow the use of nuclear energy in a few years, that would be the most irresponsible thing to do. we are a rich country in resources, we have other safer ways to have energy.
    thx 4 read
    Carlos Marcellini

  4. I think our country is still not prepared for such disasters, as we know Japan is one of the most powerful countries in the world and still was very bad after the earthquake and tsunami, this is especially worrisome because Chile is one of the most seismic countries worldwide and is a risk that is always latent in our lives. With regard to nuclear power, I am sure that Chile must find other ways to produce cleaner and safer energy.

    Maximiliano Covarrubias C

  5. I think the country is very likely to have another earthquake due to its location and the great outbursts of Mother Nature, besides the
    low-skilled citizens who are against these events in Chile which marks much of a difference between developed and developing countries underdeveloped nuclear energy if it can fulfill its purpose of generating energy enough, is not the safest thing to problems which have never are over, that is why in my opinion there are other alternatives but cleaner and safer than nuclear energy.

    Hans Müller M.­ ­

  6. I believe that if there is a quake of that impact in Chile, we would have problems with the shortage of food and drinking water, as was observed in the earthquake of 2010. But there would be no danger of nuclear radiation, because in Chile there is not a technology as new as in Japan.
    I would argue that nuclear power is dangerous because of its radioactive waste,because they cause internal problems and external problems to humans.
    In Chile if you could have an earthquake because our country is a seismic country.

    Geraldine Peña Caquisane

  7. 1) It is very terrible what happened in the empire of the rising sun, but in my opinion I believe that the Japanese are paying the whole hurt caused to the planet already be with the hunt for whales and fish or with the great quantity of nuclear plants that Japan possesses.
    2) Certainly that a fact similar to the happened in Japan can give him place in Chile, it is more already it happened a little seemed last year with an earthquake and a tsunami that sympathetic on the part I centre south of our country.
    3) The threat of the arrival of the nuclear power to Chile this one closely together, however much the president affirms that it should not approve this type of energy, in this country lamentably those who take the decisions are the businessmen which only like the money and not the safety of the planet and of the people.

    Marc Möller Lavín

  8. I don´t thing so that the japan´s radiation can to arrive to our country because of the following reasons: in first place, because the long distance between Chile and Japon and in the second place Los Andes mountain´s is a natural protection for Chile.
    Chile people, specially that are living in Santiago, are worried for the radiation in chilean plant situated in our capital city, because our country is seismic and lately we have a great earthquake.

    Patricio Albornoz Aedo

  9. I think the nuclear issue Japan's happening right now, will not affect much to our country, because there is great distance between us, but it can affect the scarcity of resources, since Japan is a great power and exports many products.

    Karen Sepúlveda :D

  10. I think the natural disaster that occurred in Japan, has been one of the most terrible of recent years, and although the technology exists today, is still not possible to avoid such disasters.
    In my opinion, in Chile, if possible earthquakes and tsunamis to occur on this scale, triggering a major catastrophe that occurred in Japan, since the financial means of Chile are lower than those of that country.
    With regard to nuclear energy, if I think it's dangerous because, as occurred in China, if it happened any way, besides being difficult to control, radiate a large area around the nuclear plant, including water, animals and people.

    Javiera Pizarro V.

  11. Well in my opinion I think it was very bad what happened, and also spent accident after accident. But in my opinion I do not think that affects Chile and say that nuclear power will come to Chile, since there is much distance in between, but I hope that Chile does not install nuclear power plants were designed.
    Nuclear energy if it is very dangerous, not only is said, is that nuclear energy is what causes that there are people with problems, whether strain, or as well as diseases. Also I think nuclear plants should not be approved by anyone, therefore, are very harmful to the environment and society, because they can reduce costs, but the damage is done to people is very great, and also is an unnecessary risk.

    Jessica Fernández

  12. In the tsunami in Japan appreciate that no country is foreign to the natural force that has the planet, although they were always well prepared, these events are unpredictable and magnitude that may have affected the area since time is very short react

    Yes, I think these events may occur in Chile, since it is a seismic country, a good preparation should people know how to act at any time that happens and always have merchandise and water

    If nuclear energy is dangerous as some scientists postulate that it is bad for nature, but is more clean, economic and yielder for large city that need more energy.

    David Barria Alarcon

  13. I think it's unfortunate that despite Japan being a developed nation can not avoid passing these phenomena, and that is simply part of nature.

    I think if this happened in Chile, these events take place, that is a seismic area, but would not be affected by radiation because until today Chile has no nuclear power, that party is better since this is terrible for humans, animals and resources obtained from the place that has been contaminated with radiation, but still just as dangerous the consequences of leaving a tsunami, as what was experienced in parts of our country that finally affected nationally.

    Teresa Tripailaf Irarrázabal.

  14. i believe that the tsunami es a big catastrophe for Japón, for the radiation, for the unemployment is a much bigger now in this country and others, but we don´t know if this can happen in Chile, a tsunami is unpredictable and in my opinion think that nothing very great can happen because of earthquake in Japan, the distance is great between the two countries.
    and with regard to nuclear energy, yes, the Nuclear Energy is is very dangerous can produce diseases in the people and animal And The More Important a Large Nuclear Explosion, that if would be a catastrophe world
    Marcela Santibañez Valderas

  15. I think that it is the natural disaster devastating mas of last times so much to natural level as environmental way due to the risk of pollution with radiation produced by the damage in the nuclear plant of fukushima.
    I do not believe that these events happen in Chile since the project of nuclear plants is not very relevant at this moment and if it was carried out the necessary precautions were taking to avoid what happened in Japan.
    Though with this type of energy always there exists the risk that something goes out badly for the complexity of this type of resource

    Angel Bravo

  16. The catastrophe happened a month ago in Japan was quite shocking, that struck Chile in a hundred percent on resources such as technology I think there will be a price increase to recover lost, because they concentrate more power worldwide.
    I think talking about radiation aectaria not so much to our country, as there are quite a distance so that we can reach.
    The unfortunate truth is because of nuclear energy can cause many diseases to women who are pregnant as animals and vegetation of the country.

    Claudia Cerda

  17. this theme is very boring for me, i dont' care, but i think that an earthquake can happend in chile, the nuclear energy isn't so dangerous as the hippies says that it is.
    gino la rosa

  18. It is a great misfortune happened to the Japanese, however this can not be predicted. Therefore we must be prepared in case of leakage of radiation, as it was in Chernobyl which spread radiation to much of Europe.
    Chile therefore must be prepared for filtration caulquier the continent, since this is very damaging to your health and transmitted from generation to generation.

    Ignacio González

  19. Unfortunately catastrophes of this magnitude occur but is a highly developed countrysuch as Japan, bring severe consequences and is something that can not be avoided.With respect to whether these events can occur in Chile I totally agree, since we live in a seismic country, and this is already being part of our culture learn to live with them. As for nuclear power and its danger, is totally true, then we must consider that nuclear plants have many compounds that cause serious damage in humans, animals and the environment, so security must be extreme in these .

    Ambar Estay T.-

  20. I think these events are totally and completely unbeatable where it is demonstrated that not-so-developed countries are against the force of nature.
    I believe that a catastrophe of this magnitude if they occur in Chile because a large majority coast and it is a seismic country unfortunately, but it happened in 1960 in the town of Valdivia thank god we did not have nuclear power plants.
    In my opinion I think is very dangerous as nuclear power due to high radiation, this causes birth defects, lost in nature and most importantly death of living beings believe that chile is not ready for a nuclear plant.

    María-Consuelo Vargas Catalán

  21. I think with what happened in Japan, despite being unfortunate helps us realize that nuclear power is very dangerous, especially for Chile because as a country for the past seismic and subsequent events would not be good to generate energy of this type.
    An energy that would be more beneficial is porqe solar energy in case of any earthquake in Chile which is exposed not harm the environment or the person as does the nuclear enrgía, so if you are planning to build nuclear power should think well and see the negative consequences that would bring us.

    Kevin Baez Urzua

  22. I think that a catastrophe such as a tsunami can happen anywhere in the world that has sea, in fact already occurred in Chile on 27 February.
    The nuclear energy, although it is cheaper to produce, is very risky because it can lead to a nuclear explosion by a simple gas leak.

    Bryan Jeldes

  23. I think that what happened to Japan was terrible since the catastrophe had killed more than 15000 people, leaving damage and sequelae in the habitants. Here in Chile if you can occur what happened to Japan because we are so seismic as them. I agree with the scientists to say that nuclear energy is harmful because it releases many toxic waste.

    Pamela Díaz M.

  24. If nuclear energy were implemented in Chile, a strong impact on people and livestock, and that in Chile there is a large space where you can make a nuclear plant. We do not have the resources or the tools to react to a catastrophe. Our country also has many hospitals available to help meet the necessary people. In others, like Japan, Chile is a highly seismic country so it can produce a catastrophe of the same magnitude or worse.

    Belia Catalina Tapia Zuñiga

  25. My opinion is that it was very catastrophic, where it was demonstrated that neither Japan is one of the World More developed countries may struggle with the ravages of nature

    I believe that can happen if an earthquake this size and perhaps with those consequences because Chile is a seismic

    I personally think that nuclear radiation is dangerous because it causes major problems for the environment and human beings


  26. The Earthquake and tsunami that hit in Japan had been one of the most horrible disasters in the last time. No country deserves a disaster of this magnitude, but nothing we can do to prevent the “Mother Nature’s fury.”
    Today, unfortunately, the entire world is living a potential nuclear risk, because 2 of the 6 nuclear reactors in Fukushima have possible radioactive leaks. If Japan can't take control the situation, the contaminated water would be released to the sea and the radioactive waste will expand in all the Pacific.
    I think that this incident won’t take place in Chile, in the worst case some radioactive particles would arrive, and we would have a preventive risk alert, no more than that.

    Yoh-Nathan Gonzalez F.

    PS: Greetings Sir and see you tomorrow in class, peace out

  27. I realized I made my previous post wrong , so I posted again. Correcting my mistakes.

    i believe that the tsunami is a big catastrophe for Japan,For th radiation ,and worse now that the unemployment is bigger in this country and other,But we don't know if this can happan here in Chile, I believe that a tsunami is unpredictable and because of the gigantic earthquake in Japan, I believe something greater can happen.
    and regarding the nuclear energy , Yes, the nuclear energy is very dangerous.. This fenomenon can produce diseases in the people and animals..and maybe it can produce a nuclear explosion, that would be a complete distaster.

    Marcela Santibañez

  28. the tsunami may affect many people and cities by force i rrapidez the wave arrives, in Chile this event and did not occur but could happen at an unexpected time for all the world nuclear power is a good source of energy but also to control salirce can cause great harm to many people is why q its nuclear plants located in areas away from people.


  29. Evidently that indirectly Chile might be affected in the economic area. Japan is a platform of free market for our country and these catastrophes undoubtedly they affect the economic thing.

    Chile is the country mas seismic of the world, obviously catastrophes as the past in Japan, they are not foreign to our reality.

    In Chile lately to been very polemic the probable installation of nuclear power stations, I decide to the seismic thing that they are these areas.

    Bernardo Arredondo

  30. In my opinion the tsunami is the worst natural disaster. First it's bad for the economic security of the people, because they have been lose their jobs so they haven't money to live. After that, we can find dangerous effects in the health of people from Japan and maybe in more countries, because the radiation could be expand into the ocean and who knows what consecuencies colud it produce.

    I belive that the nuclear plants should be build so far away to the cities and the civilisations.

    << Constanza Díaz Vicuña >>
