Monday, March 21, 2011

Drought in Chile [3º Año Medio "A"]

 As you may noticed on TV, Chilean's water resources are getting dry. Some of the problems, that eventually could lead, are the rise in the prices (vegetables, food and the like), the productivity in farms and the mainteance in forests.

 Are you helping at home? what kind of things do you normally do in order to save water? don't you waste it?

 Do not forget to post once every 2 weeks, with at least 30 words. Add your Name and Surname at the end of your comment. Regards

Deadline: Friday 8th, April.


  1. Sincerely no helped in my house about the cause, but always take care less likely water… I bathe about 10 minutes amm… and that would be the biggest expense water. That my answer.

    Felipe Soto Loyola


  2. well i guess the consecuences are really bad,
    and the mostly of us know it,
    but how many of us are helping?

    in personal, i always try to help in my home to save the water, trying to give me a bath quickly, but i guess somedays i forget it and spend a lot of time in shower.. but just somedays.
    also i help closing the faucet or the hosepipe if they're open, or things like that.
    well, the water is one of the precious resource and we all have to help to save it.
    Make conscience and dont waste it.

    Felipe Díaz Gómez, 3ro Medio.-

  3. The truth is… I don´t help in my house to fight against the drought in Chile, on the other hand I usually take a bath of 15 to 20 minute, to wash my teeth I let the water running, apart of other things that doesn´t help to this current problem.
    After reading this little article, maybe I´m going to help not waste so much water, because I don´t want to cause so much problem to the country and the most important I don´t want to cause problem to people.

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira.

  4. I think this drought is part of a normal water cycle, with periods of abundant water and drought, we just have to adapt to this new condition imposed on us by nature. For this we make small but important adjustments to our daily lives, such as reducing the time of showers, not leaving the keys open or leaking and filling the tanks of the toilets with water bottles. All these measures will help to maintain the level of our reservoirs and avoid a possible water rationing in our region.

    Valentina Rodríguez

  5. I not help too much in my house, but when I see a dripping TOWN I close it well for it's not dripping, also try to take a shower in a short time to not waste water.

    Daniela Cerda Alvarado

  6. In my house, the most worried by the water are my parents. My sister and I are not as worried as they are, but my little brother wastes a lot of water. For example, he spends a lot of water when brushing his teeth, even to simply wash his hands.
    I think we should worry much by the water. The water is source of life. Without it, the stockbreeding, the agriculture and the fauna are seen seriously affected.
    An advice for those who read this would be "please, be aware of the current state of the world"; not only in Chile there is drought, but around the world. If you see a tap running, close it, if you see that someone gives a bad use to water, tell to him the best way to help.
    I hope that someday might be implemented a "Plan of Prevention of Droughts", where they explains to the whole community the causes and consequences of bad use of the water and ways to save water.

    Álvaro Pérez Correa.-

  7. Sincerely, I don’t do anything to help with the problems of water in my house. I must take consciousness about this big problema beacuse it’s affect all of us. To take care of water I will bathe in less time, I will close the key of water meanwhile I am brushing my teeth and I am going to talk with my mother about the importance of the water in our lifes, because it is essential to know how important it’s the water in the life in the earth.

    Javiera Hidalgo.

  8. Honestly, I always try to use very little water in everything I do at home, like brushing my teeth or watering the garden... but I have to admit that in normal showers I waste too much of this important resource, because this activity, unfortunately, takes me a lot of time... and at the same time, I have clear that the long baths are really improper for the country and the environment, so is something I must obviously change. Well, I hope the people take conscience about this serious problem for the water begins to be well used.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández .-

  9. I always try to save water when I brush my theeth, also when I take a shower, because a few months ago, my showers were like 20 minutes long, but now, I usually take no longer than 8 minutes.

    I don't know what else to do in order to "save the planet" by saving water, but I am always looking for some new ideas.

    Fernanda Fuentes Guerra

  10. The truth is that this topic becomes increasingly serious, with the lack of rain that us to presented nowadays in our country, they have been drying bar, rivers, lakes, etc.

    I the truth is that I help enough in what is the saving of the water in my house, I save her in what is possible, for example:me give short showers of 5 minutes, volume as 2 to 4 water glasses a day, etc; in general I try to save the sufficient water in my house.
    We here do not waste the water, but we make her essential when it is necessary, already be to cook, to water the garden, etc.

    Diego Rojas Montoya.

  11. I think we all know water is one of the most important elements on this planet; we can’t live if we don’t have water. This drought is causing serious problems in our agriculture, livestock and generally to our entire planet.
    Personality in my house I don’t help so much, I try to help sometimes and be “a good guy” doing things like give me a bath quickly, don’t letting the water running when I wash my teeth; but I forget easily all this.
    Well we have to take conscience … the water is not infinite.

    Felipe Piazza

  12. well ..honestly i dont help much,but i try to bathe fast for not spend much water and somtimes my parents get mad because i am long time in the shower and i use much water .
    but if become aware in the north of chile , the rivers are disappearing because in this coutry is drought and we need help for solve this problem and spend less water in our homes...

    "Fabian Medina"

  13. Well, in my house we don't misuse too much water. When we brush our teeth we don't let the faucet open. When we take a shower we don't spend too much time on it. Also, every hour I check that all faucet in my house are closed. Actually, the water bill is the cheapest bill of all, and that is good for our planet. The water is a limited resource, so I hope that all people on earth learn the importance of water, because it's and important resource for life.

    ""Gustavo Espinoza"" :P

  14. (Profesor el comentario de arriba no es el que vale, este es el correcto):
    - Imagine living in a house without running water or modern washing appliances...
    For some this might be utopian paradise but for most it would be a nightmare. Running water is an incredibly valuable resource with an almost endless list of applications and uses in and around the home.
    1. Check faucets and pipes for leaks:
    A small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste 20 gallons of water per day. Larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons.
    2. Don't use the toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket.
    3. Take shorter showers.
    One way to cut down on water use is to turn off the shower after soaping up, then turn it back on to rinse. A four-minute shower uses approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water.
    4. Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush.
    5. Position your sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden, not on paved areas. Also, avoid watering on windy days.
    6. . Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.

    Support the water saving.......

    - Daniel Jovany Galaz Silva -

  15. Well today is Chilean territory being the victim of a drought that is affecting different areas of production such as livestock, agriculture, etc.
    If we only we had consciousness, would make this natural product (water) will last forever & for the rest of our lives, but each passing day we are making harm to our own natural environment.
    I usually use water in a good way both stupid not to use it, as to do good for humanity. I think we realize what we have and be aware of what we do as we do ourselves wrong.


  16. Good my way of helping is closing well the bath faucet and that has a short shower, not badly spend the water, since the water is a natural resource of which we must have care for which this helps us to live and our needs.

    Bastian Ferreria

  17. I honestly try to help at home to save water as much as you can, brush your teeth ... but sometimes waste time taking a shower. However, I am aware that this will have consequences in the future as it will damage the environment and harm to our country.

    David Alejandro Cáceres Brante. :)

  18. Well, the truth is that I don’t care so much about this topic, but anyways I can see that today this problem is something very important and serious, so I always try to keep the faucet of the water really closed, and by thus don't waste this resource and don’t cause more damage.

    By : Jorge Jara

  19. Due to the drought, im my house we have found different ways to save water as well as money.
    -We use water aerator to shower, dink and dishwasher, as a conservation method.
    -we take sorter showers.
    -we make sure the faucets are always off when not in use.
    These are things we do in my house to save water because every day we have less.

    Gustavo Ortiz

  20. The truth I do not help to take care of the water ever either have done it because I spend without having knowledge of what could happen but believe that deviera to do it because nowadays it is necessary.

    Pablo Ponce O.

  21. Well... I don´t have methods to save the water in my home, but my family (especially my sister) are thinking in a small techniques to save the water... watched in TV (Discovery Kids).

    I'm very dirty and lazy, I don't clean in my house because I let the cleaning to my mom :P

    David Romero V.

  22. first when there is a dripping faucet shut it immediately and always wonder if they left the tap closed.
    Matenga tightly closed the taps in the house and avoid wasting water as water occupying others.

    Nataly Riquelme C.

  23. It is true, Chile this one suffering one of the worst droughts in the history and it is for this that with my family try to help with small big things. Example
    *to give me a bath quickly
    *Closing the faucet when I wash my teeth
    the water is A resource very important but we it can lose...
    Valentina Gutierrez Orellana :)

  24. In my house I don't use too much water. When I take a shower. I try to do it faster as I can and when I brush my teeth I don't let the faucet open. I know how important is the water soI try to take care of it everyday and I tell to my family the really importance of this resource. I hope everyone learn the importance of this resource special.

    María José Aguilera A.

  25. I now that the water is one of the most important resourcers for human being, but honestly, I do not that believe I collaborate so much taking care of the water, because I take too long slaiers when I wash my teeth I leave the water running the only thing that I sure do is to leave securenly closed when I finish, but nothing else this is a little summarize of water's misuse.

    Fernanda Velásquez C

  26. The Water is a very important element in our lives, in my case, i try to not waste a lot and be careful to turn off the keys, we have to realize that someday this will be over and we all will suffer great changes in our lives.

    Ivo Bernal

  27. I am not helping to take care of water at home, I know that it is important for our world, but we do not pay enough attention to that and we want to start keeping water changing some attitude and bad behavior about it. For example: take shorter shower in the mornings and to turn off the faucets.
    From now I am going to help to avoid drought in Chile

    Christian Aguilera P.

  28. In my house, honestly I do not care much about the water, but I do care about the cost of using it , my showers are from 15 to 20 minutes.
    what concerns me the most is when I brush my teeth,because a lot of water runs whitout using it so I close it while i am brushing my theeth. But I promise now that i will worry more about the water because when you don't worry about it you harm the environment.

    Daniella Demartin Vargas.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Well, i had noticed by the TV about these droughts in our country.
    I think that this, is a real bad problem, because the droughts, bring more problems like the price gouging in some products, like the rationalization of electricity, affect the weather too, and bring some other troubles that affect us.
    In my house, my parents are really worried about it, my dad every week talk me about it, talk me that we need to care the water, the electricity, the gas and somethings like that.
    And personally, i think that i waste it a lot, i toke a lot of showers in the week, drink a lot of water, i use very often the washing machine for a little bit of clothes and that is bad, i know that i need to change my habits and do something to save the water,and i will do.
    So, my call is for the people, we need to take care the water, it's not free ! and if we still abusing it, we are going to confront a lot of troubles.

    Javier David Ariz Gutiérrez

  31. In my home. I don't help so much. Sometimes I try to take a short shower and close the faucet when I brush my teeth. I know this is a serius problem and we have to take. The water is not unlinited.

    3º MEDIO

  32. At home,we have concience about the water problem, but we are not always aware about it.
    we put out all the lights, we dont use it if we dont need it and we disconnect all aou appliances from the outlets.
    finally, for me and my family is really important to teach to our cousin, friends and neighbors how to save water and energy.

    Marcelo Nicolas Alcaide Gomez ;) You know

  33. I think that it has the whole reason, the world every time has less water, always we waste the water, but there are methods to save.
    My family and I always are saving water, since because of this the rise harms us.
    Our method for ahorar waters down:
    - to close well the keys
    - to join water
    To save the water it is necessary to have ecological conscience, rationalize the water.

    Vanessa Kremer Perez

  34. Eventually I am helping with water savings. The only morning I use water required in food and bath. In the afternoon when he arrives the only lunch use water that I shall take, in addition to store enough water in the cooler, in order to use it in an emergency. I think we must take care of this element, because it is vital for human life on Earth.

    Paola Pellerano Aliaga

  35. in my house does not take many steps to avoid wasting water, but what usually wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl with water
    also collect water in containers and
    reduce the time of showers

    Joshua Cristinich Morant
