Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama in Chile [2º Año Medio A]

 As you may watched on TV, Barack Obama, the first Afro-american President, arrived to our country few days ago. Some politicians said that his visit was unnecesary. On the other hand, people were speculating about, saying he came to offer "Nuclear Energy" resources and even more, offering "Native English Teachers" for Chilean's School.

 What do you think about? What would it be the consequence according your sense of expectancy? Do we notice some changes? How?

 Regards and remember to post at least 30 words and add your Name and Surname at the very end of the post!

Deadline: Thursday 7th, April.


  1. I think it is good for Chile,the visit
    of Barack Obama,because it can form a
    closer relationship with the United
    States.But i do not agree with the
    "nuclear energy" because,in my
    opinion,it is very dangerous,what was
    shown in the past earthquake in Japan.

    Jeean Riffo

  2. ·What do you think about?
    i think the visit of barack obama was necessary because it is responsibility of each president visit each country of the world in order to get stronger the relation free comercy and acord news treaties,the president of chile in a lectur he set that chile does not have nuclear energy, i am agreed whit the desition because to the radiactivity that asome in the japan´s earthquake and considering that chile is a seismic country do not be smart put a plant nuclear right here

    ·What would it be the consequence according your sense of expectancy?
    no because i am waiting obama bring more proposal to chile and dont was like that,because he goes whitout propose nothing in concret

    ·-Do we notice some changes? How?
    yes there can notice because chile was in the wordlwide news for three days and every national news were reported everything about the obama's visit
    Ignacio Leyton

  3. in my opinion, a visit by President of another country is always good because it strengthens the international relationships between them that today is very important because if not handled with the good relations between countries can cause conflicts that can lead to wars

  4. I think that the visit of Barack Obama was important, but people gave more importance of the due, with respect to what came; I believe that the resources of nuclear energy offered in our country are others, a clear example is that this going on with Japan now has a record nuclear problem, and we as a country seismic we have the same opportunities to live this great disaster. With regard to about the English native teachers, to my opinion, I think that that could use you better to Chile, because while not be exactly if our country has the necessary amount of teachers of English, never would bad people that are native to aid of a country which language is English.
    As already mentioned above, the ideas of the President of United States while as regards education, can bring good impact and positive changes; It that relates to nuclear energy for the environment in general, the ecosystem and human life has zero chance of bringing good consequences, in my view, would only be negative changes.
    Ivette Delgado.

  5. I think the arrival of Obama is interesting, too see their real intentions , as many people speculate evil of his person . We even don´t see changes specifically .But for that are evident demands patience and time. Being that Obama i think is a good person . Being the president of United States , with power should do good changes . Otherwise its image exchange of bad form , castibg doubt on all his achievements.
    By Andrea Galdame.

  6. I believe there to taken into account the changes that will come after the this arrival of Obama for a visit as important as this always brings consequences and for a nation so vulnerable this almost always is bad.

    Roberto Marechal

  7. The visit of the president Obama it was another no important new for me because is one more president and his visit doesn't affect Chile in nothing, personally i think that the comunications channels made the new more important than it was.
    The consequences as we may watched on the TV were the traffic jams and the closed streets.
    The Changes... well this president promissed changes for his own country and failed, the U.S.A. is still the same country for me and ¿we may see a change for OUR country? i dont think so. The only thing that he did was made us appear on the world TV for 3 days.
    Peace.Sebastian Basualto Barraza.

  8. I Think the visit of the president Obama it was a waste of time , but why? because the only thing Obama do here in Chile was talking... and talking... and talking... that's it, oh! i forget something with the PROBLEM of the nuclear energy , i dont agreed , you only need to view japan whats happening to they because the nuclear energy, JAPAN is a POWERFUL AND VERY TECHNOLOGIC COUNTRY THEY HAVE A LOT MORE PRECAUTION THAN US, HERE IN CHILE ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO A NUCLEAR PLANT , Here in Chile will be a Chaos.




  10. I think politicians need to see the needs of the population before seeing the needs abroad.

    the changes are for the Chilean population, whether favorable or not ... can get out of justice to prove it.
    The fear of nuclear plant could be one.

    Cristopher Peregrin Soto

  11. I think the visit of Obama is innecesary, because the principal objetive of Obama is the proposal to do a nuclear plant. The nuclear energy is very dangerous, a simple miss can generate a masive explosion and can destroy much Chile an other countries. Everyone saw the destruction caused by the nuclear plan in japan. But the offer of "Native English Teachers" for Chilean's School, not is bad idea.
    "Profesir", you need work hard or can lose you job hahaha.

    Ignacio Pavón

  12. I think that Obama is making something like "just presence" to make himself popular here in Chile, because anyways we have land to place hidroelectric plants instead nuclear, plus considerating the Japan catastrophe that happen in a sismic area shows a dangerous way to overstand the energetic crysis.

    Simón Arias, Bless:D

  13. To my way of thinking his visit in chile was innecesary, because his only objective was a "Nuclear Energy" wich is very dangerous for all our country.
    I also think that politicians have to ensure his country, seeing their needs and not worry about others.
    Finally it not was necessary your visit to our country, was only to create popularity here.

    Constanza Bravo Ortiz

  14. i think that barack obama arrive to Chile with the intention of speak about the nuclear energy.
    this idea of the nuclear energy is very important for our country because we are not have own energy
    the visit of barack obama maybe is not necessary now, but will be important in a future

    bastian sepulveda

  15. In my opinion the visit of obama to chile was not completely necessary because it came only for hacerce mas conosido and to see it of the nuclear plant that here in chile there are much places.
    But before veria deverian aver thought that what I spend in japon of the explotions of plants with the earthquake tsunami also it can happen here because we are a seismic country.
    After the arrival of obamama there was it doesn't change

    Nicole Huentrutripay J.

  16. I believe that the President Obama visits it that I make to Chile he went very interesting and important, because, he was to the pais with the social economic, end of using and politically.
    Very important that president foreigners travel Chili is by other part because one can arrive at agreements, or bring ideas with the purpose simply thanks to it of helping to a pais so he is developed.
    To regret that Chile is small unpais strains one and I salt further.

  17. I think Barack Obama's visit was good to maintain a good relationship with the United States. About the "offering" of the use of nuclear energies, I think it's terrible that Chile uses Nuclear Energy, because energy is a very dangerous, as we have seen in Japan.

    Jason Briceño

  18. The visit of the president Barack Obama caused great espectation in the press national and international, because is the first time that visit Chile and he is a person very important in the word.

    Marcelo Henriquez

  19. i didn't mind his visit to Chile, i think that was unnecesary. The presidents of the whole world make that presidencial tours, but just to do friendship with the country that they visit. So is something pretty normal. I just think that the TV channels make it see like wow Obama comes to chile, but he is just one more presindent.
    If it someday in chile put a nuclear plant... that by my view is bad, because first of all that damage the nature, and second chile is a seismic country, and we have the example of what happened in japan, so... we gonna have to face up nuclear disasters every 20 years approximately.
    About the native english teachers, well for the culture and learn good the accent is pretty cool, but for the national teachers ( i mean chileans that teach english) i guess that is a bad thing because they're gonna lose they job... so that have two sides.
    If i see changes ? well no, not really, Chile is the same country that was before Obama comes.

    Valeria Larenas G.

  20. in my opinion, the relationship between united states and chile is very nice for the country. In an economical view, USA may give us important technological benefits. The visit of Obama in our country isn't a problem. However, there are many consequences about that. Maybe some political intervention between the countries (I think that EEUU can implicate Chile in their global problems) If we notice changes depends strictly about the negociation into Obama and Piñera. In adition, i agree "native english teachers" in our country.

    Darinka Abarca

  21. I think that this is very good for the country because Barack Obama is the man most Important of the world and his visit make a expectation in the chilean People , For my part i have not noticed any Change in the People or the country in the last days but i think that no chance for the visit of the Afro-american President

    Joaquin Reyes R.

  22. I think the president's visit was so good to have more relations with the countries, and I think nuclear power is bad and qe is dangerous when the deal to end, as seen in Japan after the earthquake.

    Nancy Carrera :)

  23. For me the visit of President Barack Obama, one of the countries in the world power. I mean nothing, and he and his government are not interested in our country and its people.
    They only come to benefit for major world power as nuclear energy speculated .

    Carolina Cajas

  24. For my it was a surprice to know that Mr.President Barack Obamma came to visit our contry an for others it was just a simple visit.

    In my opinio i have the satisfaction that a such a litle time that he was a our contry.

    He's wife Miss.Michelle Obama did a wanderfull speash in school's helping a lat of poor children's undertand the important of education.

    Mackarena Andrea Fuentes Jamet.

  25. I think the visit of President of the United States,was very good ONE SIDE BUT I guess if your goal was ON NUCLEAR PLANT IN CHILE this is bad because the "nuclear energy" is bad to the people, as seen in japan.

    Daniela Arellano

  26. I think that when coming obama to our country of my perspective is good because it sees that there is a union between the United States and Chile in case of any thing and also so that knows but on our country and the nuclear plant I think that serious bad idea because Japan could not against the nuclear plant except us since we such do not have advances nor resources like doing one and on the professors of English good encounter that serious because we could have but knowledge on the language.

    Tyhare Berrios c

  27. in my opinion the visit of Barack Obama to our country this good, because there are good relation with the rest of the world. the consequences is positive for chile, Barack Obama is the great importance to latinoamerica.

    Claudia Madrid

  28. I believe that Obama's visit to Chile was unnecessary for our country, but it was great for him especially since he is coming to the end of his term as president. We all know that a large number of migrants live in the United States, especially Latinos. Obama has lost his popularity, and I think these visits to Latin America are used to win over votes from the Hispanic Residents of the United States. I also believe that his wife, Michelle Obama, made a greater difference than Barack Obama, she got closer to the people approaching them, especially the poor children.


  29. - What do you think about?
    I think the president Barack Obama came to chile because of his Latin America tour, which had as principal task to create "friendship" that refers to talks on treaties, agreements, and business.

    - What would it be the consequence according your sense of expectancy?
    The consequences according to the nuclear plants in Chile: we have the example of what happend in Japan (another siesmic like Chile). I think that things happen for somthingg, and if an earthquake and tsunami stricked Japan, it was some sort of "warning".
    And according with the english native speakers in Chile, it is an exelent idea, because it would give more possibilities to comprehend a better english pronunciation. Of course, there would be less oportunities for chilean english teachers in OUR country, but they also have a a chance to teach the spanish language in foreing countries.

    - Do we notice some changes? How?
    No, we don't notice any changes because all Obama did was come to our country and give a speech, he promised some stuff but nothing has happend, or at least not yet.


  30. personally barack obama visit is not my imprortance, but i don`t agree about his idea to take norteamericans teachers for the teaching english he we have good profesioals teaching a good english.
    the second point, the especulation about nuclear energy for our country the people talk only for talk, they no know maybe if is really project I think that our peolple of goverment can see all the problem whit this energy for example in Japan, keeping always the careful that chile is a earthquake country.

    Danko Olea.-

  31. The visit of barack Obama does not seem to me of great relevancy, since, always estan coming presidents to offer help or a type of "friendship", but ls press always exaggerates mas to put mas suspense to everything.

    Abigail Velásquez G.

  32. I believe that Obama's visit to Chile was favourable as it makes easier the internetional relations.

    As regards the topic of nuclear energy, i believe that chile is not prepared for such projects as it is still an under developed country and not a wolrd potence such as the united states of america.
    i believe that being taught by american teachers would achieve favourable results, getting some steps forward to the students knowledge.

    Even though paying son much attention to the topic, given that it is a president as any other he should not be given any kind of 'priviledges' for being the president of the United States of America.

    ~Valentina Montes.
