Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Method of Transportation [7°Año Básico A]

The main theme here is "Method of Transportation". The idea is that you answer the following questions: How do you get to your home and school? What's your favorite method of transportation? Why?

 Leave your comment below in at least 30 words.

 Best wishes

Deadline: October 17th, Monday


  1. I get to my home in th bus, sometimes get here in the car. I get to my school usully in the car. My favorite method of transportation is the airplane, because it is more confortable.

    Catalina Concha

  2. I go to school by car and I leave the school a take by bus.
    My method of transportation favorite is ship, is why see the sea

    Jorge Barraza
    7° Basico

  3. means of transportation are very important for people oll ever the world.

    they transport not only people, butr also many other things,like,baggages,packages,etc.

    they are also one of the main factors of economic alevelopment, because they generate new
    activities and many services.

    Manuel gutierrez

  4. I take bus to the school go strainght on until you come to the corner cross the street until you comer to the corner turn lett at the come you strainght on until come to the red house school is in front of the red house

    My transport favorite is the plane because can to watch city small and to arrive in place more rapidity.

  5. There are various means of transport, one of them and most used, the bus.
    We use the school bus to travel from home to school acolegio and home. Many children are with me, there are children of my own course and others as well. There are many seats as partners in it.
    At the same time always brings me home from school to school and brings me back to my house.

    Javier Solis Vargas

    7° Básico

  6. I all the days I'm transported by bus to go to come to school. My favorite method is the car that I find it takes you to your destination faster

  7. I go to school in the bus. Iget to my house in the bus. My favorite method of transportation is plane because I love to fly.

  8. I take the by bus to school and I take the by bus to my home. my favorite Method of Transportation is motorcycle, because is fun and fast

  9. I get to my home by bus and I get to school by car. My favorite method of transportation is bicycle, because improves the physical condition and also is very funny.

    Nicol Atenas.
