Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Greek Mythology [2° Año Medio A]

Taken from the previous reading (that one related to Atlas and Hercules), it would be interesting to know what's your favorite greek god/hero or creature. Leave your comments below, and answer this questions:

 Why did you like him/her? What kind of powers does he have? what clothes does he wear?

Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words and use new vocabulary seen in class.

Deadline: October 17th, Monday


  1. Well i like hades , he have evil power's and all that stuff related with chaos and anarchy (lol) ,his clothes are an a dark aura only and black robes , i like it because he is very strong and its like a type of god of "trolling" because he throw the souls to a river a he can play with it hah, that's what i like :B (remember sir at this hour im very bored im saying stupid stuff :p)

    Rodrigo Amigo

  2. i like heracles because He was the greatest of the Greek heroes. he become famous fist of all for his Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity and second for the 12 work for euristeo king of micenas,his live was hard like all the greek heroes,he murdered his family and they killed him by treachery whit a blood-soaked tunic

  3. I personally like the god Dionysus, because although it has no power is the god of wine, ritual madness inspired and ecstasy, is the patron of agriculture, but greater is my attraction to him because he is the patron of the performance .
    While most of the images on this god make it clear that not occupy a lot of clothes that say, could ensure that occupied a very simple type of robe and sober.
    Future as I want, and I intend to study theater, this god is my greatest inspiration, and I feel very identified with as noted above and because I also like the wine xD, reasons for which neglect to talk about this eminence, my great inspiration.

    Ivette Delgado Gallo

  4. The god that I like best of all is poseidon, because I've always liked the mythology that had the power over the whole Osean, is one of my favorites, the other I like is god Zeus, because it is the most all powerful and in control of the Olympus and the other gods.

    Jason Briceño Garrido.

  5. I like the god of the seas Poseidon, because he can control all the seas, with that he can create tsunamis and whirlpools, that's mean total destruction. Poseidon is recognized for the big trident as have (it's a giant fork xD)and navigate over seahorses. Normally Poseidon is confused with a mermaid, but is only a mistake.

    Ignacio Pavón

  6. From my viewpoint I like Hades, because, he has the power on every evil and his are very interesting powers, besides being the opposite face of Zeus, a god very powerful of world.
    In most of big occasions, Hades and Zeus fight constantly for his different way of thinking and expressing. Also Hades tries to be superior but he can not.:D

  7. Well really i don't give a damn of greek mythology and no one f...... god but that woldn't be correct i believe, so i will say that i like the whole gods ... except aphrodite because that would be a lil' bit gay... wait that isn't correct neither, well i like Zeus because he was the most powerfull god and the father of the other gods, besides he throw thunders and makes the people scream f..... scared

    Sebastian Basualto Barraza

  8. In my opinion, the truth is that I'm not very interested in Greek mythology. They're not my interest so I think anything that could give an opinion not very specific about it. But one of the gods that Heracles would like me it is a great hero of Greek mythology as I had a great force in addition to the courage, pride and a formidable force sexual (what's on google hahaha, I found out) for your clothes, do not use much but it looked actually doing rather well.

    Constanza Bravo Ortiz

  9. Greek Mythology ... reminds me of the age of mythology ..
    Well in my opinion The Best Mythological Creature are the Colossuses .. Because They Are bigger and their were made of Stone , Gold , Titanium or silver depending of the resources of the place.
    My favorite Hero is Perseo Because he defeat to ¨Medusa¨ And he cut her Head and use her head to defeat the ¨Kraken¨
    And Finally My Favorite god is Definitively Zeus Because he is the god of the thunder and of the Olympus , king Of the gods and Sovereign of the Greeks :3
    And This is All.
    Joaquin reyes :3

  10. I liked Greek Mythology since I was little and all the gods catched my attention. My favorite god is Aphrodite, she represents love, beauty, and wishes.
    She's my favourite cuz the way she was born was interesting. Aphrodite was born as an adult from the sea, therefore she didn't have a childhood and during her life she was infinetly seeked, they considered her vain, bad tempered and susceptible. Due to her beauty Zeus was scared that Aphrodite might be the cause of the violence between the gods of the olympus, so he married her with Hefesto.
    This goddess didn't use any clothing in particular, but in all her figures and paintings where she was represented, she appears with white rags and if not, naked

    Fernanda Chandía

  11. I like hades because this was the god most inportant in the conquest of the Titans to rest it always appeared as a strong, feared by all, this takes care of the underworld and vengeful god is there in history.
    it is said that few could get out of their domains in the underworld and those who tried out were punished with the death penalty

  12. my favorite goddess is Aphrodite, i always liked her, she is my favorite goddess cuz she was the first god of greek mythology that i knew, but when i get to know to the others aphrodite still been my favorite.
    Aphrodite is the goddess of lust, love, beauty, sexuality and reproduction. In the roman mythology aprhodite is call Venus.
    she almost always was naked or using some white sheets to cover some parts of her body.

    Valeria Larenas

  13. In what seem atlas and Hercules is that both are characterized by the power they have and should know take and…My favorite goddess is Aphrodite and i like because a woman, and in Greek mythology, the goddess of love, lust, beauty, sexuality and reproduction. Although often referred to it in modern culture as the goddess of love, its powers are the beauty and love. Her dress was beautiful robes.

    Andrea Galdame

  14. Zeus is my favorite god because is the most strong , the king of heaven ,of men and of the olimpo. He is the god of the sky and the thunder .From the time of the times him used a "blanket" or white layer,a crown of olive tree and And a ray, which he characterized ,because he is the god of ray.

    Jeean Riffo

  15. In my opinion, the best creature of greek mithology is the centaur. The centaur is described by me as a creature fast, honorable and best is that it is intelligent not as the majority creatures of this mythology.
    The centaur is not as powerful, it focuses more on physical strength and good eye for shooting arrows.
    This can be "dressed" with only a bow and a quiver for carrying arrows, can also be seen with armor and sword, as have a man's upper body and hip down a horse's body can take any outfit from the torso of a humans and any armor for a horse.

    Roberto Marechal Ibañez.

  16. I like the goddess Artemis or Artemis one of the major goddesses, is my favorite because he was the rector of the gods and goddesses of the hunt and wild animals, especially bears, Artemis was also the goddess of childbirth, of nature and crop in other legends, is praised for providing a sweet and peaceful death for young girls who die during childbirth. She was always armed with a bow and arrow
    Nicole Huentrutripay

  17. My favorite god is Zeus because is the father the all the gods and the men , is the god the thunder, he is the most powerful, he is the god of the sky and thurner, in brief is the best god. He is married to Hera and he was son of Crono and Rea.
    Marcelo Henriquez

  18. I like Atenea because she is the goddess of the war, the civilization, the wisdom, the arts, the justice and ability. Atenea wears arms from feet to head and wears sexy clothes. She is the favorite daughter of zeuz, Atenea competed with Poseidon to be the protector of Athens. Atenea hasn´t powers but she is good counselor because she guided Perseo on its way to medusa kill.

  19. I like it, because Apollo has been recognized variously as god of light and sun, truth and the prophecy, archery, medicine and healing, music, poetry and the arts. He is naked, if I would like to be so, but I can not in this country and outside of my house.
    If the clothes would only use his lyre and jump on the world to see me in my splendor.

    Cristopher Peregrin
    Good laugh...

  20. mi dios griego favorito es zeus,porque aunque tiene poderes asombrosos , es el padre del olimpo y dios de dioses,se considera como un padre de familia ,ya que es quien protege a todos los dioses y al olimpo con sus poderes(lanzar truenos) , en mi opinion es el mejor de los dioses , basicamente se viste con una tunica blanca y una especie de corona en su cabeza, me gusta porque solo con hacer el bien puede vencer cualquier cosa y es el maximo dios a quien todos respetan.

    paul cáceres

  21. I like mitologic griega, Particularly poseidon because He is the god of the sea and I wish I be a fish, To know the sea bed and I don`t know.. I would like to learn from the him, because He is a leading god and important in the mitologic griega.


  22. My goddess favorite is Afrodita, she is the goddess of the love and beauty, i like because she radiated of love, beauty and happiness, and it showed to the pictures and statues of she we see that used a white tunic very simple.
    Claudia Madrid

  23. My favorite Greek God or Goddess in this case is Athena, because she is the goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strategy, art, justice and skill, I believe that she has a lot of great characteristics, without counting that one of the elements representatives is the owl, which is a very striking animal and mystical, as well even beaten Ares in battle, leaving Athena as one of the best goddesses of Olympus. If in this case, of clothing tries it, I think is one of the best dressed among the gods, her helmet and clothing make that she looks very good not to mention that, I find her beautiful.

    Valentina Montes

  24. In my opinion one of the gods that I like is a cupid, is a son of venus and he was the god of the love, was the manager of shooting darts of desire in the chest of a man or woman.
    Vestia only with an arch and an arrow and it was punished by venus on having fallen in love with a virgin and cupid instead of be punishing it made venus his mother.
    For the reason which elegi this god is for that repartia love to the persons.


  25. The goddess NEIT, I like, for that she is a goddess of the war, am woman and fight against the bad spirits.
    Warlike goddess and of the hunt. His attributes were the arch, the arrows and the shield, in his more ancient function. It protects Osiris, Re and the Pharaoh whom it protects with his arch; his arrows lull the villains spirits.

    Daniela Arellano

  26. The truth is that none of them I like, but if I choose one I must say that was until a moment Aphrodite, but I saw almost all the girls like it so I will change my favorite goddess is Athena, goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strategy, the arts, justice, and skill.

    Is said to be the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Never married or had mistresses, was in charge of maintaining a perpetual virginity. (omg)

    is the protector of several cities, but better known as the protector of Athens and Attica.

    It is said that ellaguio Perseus in his quest to kill Medusa.

    I see more information about her and I think she's the best, or at least better than Aphrodite, was or is supposed to be a very intelligent warrior,but is not true haha (:


  27. I like the goddess Aphrodite, because I think that represents very well to women, with their main characteristics are love, lust, beauty and reproduction, among others.
    Well, it says that the main power of Aphrodite's love to men just look in their eyes.
    She always goes naked, the reason is because it shows the outer beauty of women.
