Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eating Healthy [8°Año Básico A]

Taken the previous Unit as theme, list as brief as you can some advice related with eating healthy. Remember to use expressions such as "I think, from my point of view,  I believe", etc. and the modal verb "should"

 Leave your comment below in at least 30 words.


Deadline: October 17th, Monday


  1. from my point of view, the best food or the best eating habits are as follows: You should eat all days, fruits and vegetables, also you must drink lots of milk and the most important, you dont eat lots of fast food.

    Diego Gutierrez
    8° basico

  2. I believe that good health is to eat healthy main thing and for this you do the following advice: you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of milk for the strengthening your bones, you shouldn´t be smoking to respiratory problems, also drink lots of water is important for the hydration of the body.
    Besides to daily exercise would not be bad for blankets healthy.

  3. In my opinion, eating healthy is very important for health, you should eat every day a fruit or vegetable high in all vitamins that we need daily in liquid foods that are good for health, we can find milk, juice of, say, orange, pear, apple, etc. ..
    Brenda Martinez

  4. Hello Teacher.

    From my point of view everybody should eat fruits every day, also I belive people should know more about healthy food. You should eat a lot of fruit vegetables and drinks lot of milk.
    Good bye teacher and remember eat lots of healthy food.
    Nicolás Toro R.

  5. From my point of view the people should be eat many vegetables and fruits for have vitamins their bodies, drink water and practice exercices every day,healthy life in healthy body

  6. I think a good way to eat well is to eat healthy amounts of food, as these are necessary for energy for a whole day and learn the materials for classes.

    goodbye teacher.

  7. To have a healthy life you must make sports regularly, follow rutine of regularly exercise, besides eat three balanced healthy meals a day and eat vegetables or fruit. But you shouldn't drink alcohol, smoke and use drugs.

    Francisca Muñoz

  8. I think that to lead a more healthy and stable life, you most have and keep a good nutrition as it is to drink water constantly. Salads with the meals. Not eating in excess and eating more healthy meals.(milk,yogurt,cereals,fruits,among other)

    Javiera González C.

  9. From my point of view I think in the sense of healthy eating when we should or should eat healthy and eat at appropriate times, nutritious foods (fruits, vegetables and legumes), one must exercise, and this is what you should do for good food.

    Ivanna Campos Zamora

  10. in the possible avoid eat this product and if eat this product consume by moderate and sooner before who when it eat more later is more difficult crush the fat, them in food thyself insert fat and ugly.

    sebastian parra

  11. In first place y to think who her junk food not to be something commendable for nobody.
    To buy that fry oil is loss to money and by each wrapper to be more fence from heart.
    On the other hand if you eat meals more saudables live more and better, your figure and your skin will be better and reduce the risk of heart disease.

    Juan Barrera

  12. To have a healthy life you must:
    -Drink milk everyday, yogurts and dairy products.
    -eat every single day fruits and vegetables all kinds and colours.
    -Drink enough water, at last 2 liters, during the day.
    -Decrease the amount of sugar and salt.
    -Eat a wide variety of red and white meats, taking out the visible greasy meat.

    Ivette Lastra Muñoz.

  13. I think everyone should eat healthy for a better life.
    eating meat and vegetables to exercise.8 hours sleep and a good breakfast.
    avoid sleeping all day and you should not eat junk food

    Christopher Caceres

  14. To have a healthy diet should be aware that should be done abit of a healthy diet.

    I think you have to invest more in buying fruits and vegetables and not too much junk food.

    from my point of view I think that should increase physical activity with children and encourage young people to take healthy snacks to school.

    Natalia Miranda

  15. From my point of view we should eat:

    - Maintain a regular schedule for each meal

    - Drink plenty of water for every day

    - Come daily for at least three fruits and two servings of vegetables.

    - I think you have to eat an appropriate portion, less saturated fat and cholesterol.

    Camila Nancul P.

  16. From my point of view, I think for a first healthy eating:
    - First take a glass of milk daily.
    - Eating at the times you owe.
    - Eating fruits and vegetables every week
    - Drink 4 glass of water a day.

    I think that having a good eating habits improves health and not eating junk food.

    Erik Mansilla Toro.
