Sunday, October 28, 2012

Achievement Measuring Tests [7°A, 8°A, 1°A, 2°A, 3°A]

It would be interesting to know the contents needed to achieve the ideal level of English, right? So, take a look and brace yourself!:

Seventh Grade (November 28th, Wednesday): SEE LINK BELOW

- Suffixes in Professions
- Giving Directions
- Past Continuous
- Past Continuous vs Past Simple
- Vocabulary

Eighth Grade (December 6th, Thursday) SEE LINK BELOW

- Simple Present
- "-s", "-es" or "-ies" endings in 3rd person singular.
- Imperatives
- Feelings
- Superlatives
- Superlative Adjectives (short or long ones)
- Vocabulary

Freshman (November 29th, Thursday) SEE LINK BELOW

- Relative Clauses (Who, Which, Where, When, That)
- Indirect Questions
- Passive Voice in Present Simple
- Second Conditional
- Modal Verbs to express obligation (Must, Have to)
- Vocabulary.

Sophomore (November 26th, Monday) SEE LINK BELOW

- Quantifiers (Some, Any, Few, A few, Little, A little)
- Countables or Uncountables
- Be going to
- "-Ing" Ending in verbs
- Do vs Make
- Expressing Wishes (I wish...)
- Passive Voice in Present or Past.
- Vocabulary

Junior (November 6th, Thursday)

- Report Speech
- First Conditional
- Second Conditional
- Zero Conditional
- Imperatives
- Can vs Could


- 7th & 8th Grade - The Animal Farm - Chapter I and II (Pag. 1-9)


- Freshman & Sophomore - The Killers - Complete


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TVN Memorial [4° Año Medio A]

 TVN set up a memorial due people who died in Juan Fernandez. 21 crew members crashed near the beach and the cliffs of the island, in a horrible event which took place a year ago. Nevertheless, just 5 out of 21 members were praiseworthy of this memorial due their performances through years in TVN.

 What do you think about it? they deserve this recognition? what is the moral of this accident by your perception?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Sunday

No Chemistry no Physics [3° Año Medio A]

 Few days ago some bad news appeared at the University of Playa Ancha (UPLA). Supposedly, this institution with no profit motive in mind, removed Chemistry and Physic Pedagogy degree courses due the lack of applications as time went by. Students refers to the idea of profitability instead of resources issues. Hence, they decided brace themselves for a strike (which took place today).

 What do you think about? Do you think the University really removed the courses due low applications? is it fair to close opportunities and dreams just because is not profitable?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Wednesday.

Cooking and eating [2° Año Medio A]

When it comes to enjoying food, we all have preferences, likes and dislikes.
But perhaps we shouldn’t just enjoy some foods for their taste. There is a wealth of food out there for us to enjoy not only for their taste but for their nutritional goodness.
In your opinion, what is the most delicious food out there? can you describe? did you like any of the food shown in the videos?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Sunday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Useless Inventions [1° Año Medio A]

Some people just wanna watch the world burn!. We have read a lot through this unit about inventions, some of them are really useful for humankind. Furthermore, some teenagers showed us his electronic gadgets and devices (though - remote control, TiVo, etc.) and it seems to work, nevertheless, there are inventions that don't work either functional and aesthetically.

 What do you think about them? what people were thinking? what is the most useless inventions of all?

Remember to post in at least 50 words.

DOWNLOAD BOOK Killers - Ernest Hemingway.doc

Deadline:  September 30th, Monday

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Internet Addiction [8° Año Básico A]

As We read in the textbook, some people feel the necessity of chatting, playing, watching movies and doing everything in their computer. This might be called "hobby", nevertheless, in most of the cases this is a dramatic result called addiction.

 Now, can you tell us some of your hobbies? what do you think about computer addiction? is it good or bad? do you spend too much time on it?

 Remember to post in at least 40 words and don't use any online translator whatsoever.


Deadline: September 30th, Sunday

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great Chileans [7° Año Básico A]

Trough the first lesson yesterday, we talked about Mahania Teave, Nicanor Parra and Roberto Bravo. Some people consider them as great chilean values who should be recognized around the world (with the exception of Nicanor, he is already known).

 In this section, the activity is talk about who is the most important chilean person around the country, providing a brief summary of his/her life in Past Simple, and of course your opinion about her/him.

 Best regards and remember to post in at least 40 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Sunday

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Alcohol Limits [4° Año Medio A]

Chile has became the strictest country in terms of driving under alcohol influence. in fact, it's so strict this new law, that even you eat an apple, you can get arrested. at first I thought this was great, cause most of the people didn't care about the rest of the humans next to them (read Kevin Silva case for example), well...we are self-centered creature so it's understandable I guess.

 Anyway, tell what do you think about this law, is it good or bad, is it really necessary? can we drive if we want to hang out?

 Regard and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday


Red Quake Alert [3° Año Medio A]

Tremors, Tremors everywhere. Supposedly, these Brazilians dudes can predicts telluric movements just with math estimations. It's hard to believe, but as far as I know, most of them have been predicted (8xx approx).

 Although they can help us, it seems that if you don't have a twitter account, you will not live...cause nobody, and I repeat nobody pays attention to them (government, TV, Radio, etc.). According to this, is it real? do you agree with their methodology? can you imagine how do they predict tremors or earthquakes?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday

Violence In Relationships [2° Año Medio A]

Is hard to believe that someone gets rich by slapping girls, huh? Well...that happened last week when I watched Pablo Schilling crying like a baby on the TV and earning big quantities of money. Anyway, the main theme is how can someone be not much of a man? is it necessary to turn to violence? what do you think about this kind of behavior?

 It's a big problem and unfortunately really common in Chile, and now it seems that we can make money from it!

Regards and leave your comments below in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday 

Am I a Nerd? [1° Año Medio A]

Yeahhhhh, big deal. reading on Monday might, I was wondering what's the definition of "nerd". At first, I thought being a nerd was a sort of friki who plays videogames all day long. Nevertheless, it is kind of different. It's related to someone who is "intelligent, good student and soon" and the only fault of this stereotype of person is just not having any social communication whatsoever.

 Based on this definition, are you a nerd? is it a bad term? are you agree with this lifestyle?

Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday

Myths and Legends [8° Año Básico A]

As we talked in class, we need to comment about myths and legends. Most of the time, we think on monsters, dwarf, dragons, etc. nevertheless, lots of them are based on humans though. So now post and tell me, do you think in these stories? do you know any Chilean myth or legends? have you experienced something related to these in your life?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 35 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday.

Future Plans [7° Año Básico A]

In this month, we need to prepare our future plans!, so...can you tell something about you, using "be going to" structures? Let me know what is going to happen in your life!

 Regards and remember to post in at least 35 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday

Friday, March 30, 2012

Reality Shows [4° Año Medio A]

Most of the People seem to be hypnotized by this TV show. Basically it has everything which consumers want (perfect bodies, girls, fights, love, etc.) and the ads don't stop publishing it on the TV, Internet, different method of transportation or even in the newspapers. As far as I know,  in terms of audience, it got a higher score than the Festival (Viña del Mar).

 Why do we love it? Why do we rather prefer to watch episodes with no logic whatsoever instead of reading a book or watch something educative? Do you like it? Why? Why not?

 Leave your comments below in at least 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Neonazis [3° Año Medio A]

Few days ago Daniel Zamudio was attacked by Neonazis. His condition is extreme and probably with long-term effects. More than this new, the theme of debate is the philosophy and ideas that these dudes have. apart from the violence they show, some people actually praise their organization (they instruct each other in history, martial arts, politics, etc.) and ask for "help" when the police don't answer the phone.

 The big question is, do you admit this movement? is it legal their beliefs as any other group such as emos, hardcores, punks, etc.? Have you ever met one of these guys? is it valid that a brunette or a Latino be Neonazi?

Leave your comment below in at least 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday

Invaluable items [2° Año Medio A]

Surfing through the internet, I read something that exploded my mind. It had to do with an online auction, where the main object was...a nugget. Yeah, you may be wondering how the f*** a nugget got so important? the answer is that this piece of food looked like George Washington. Furthermore, someone actually bought it on $8,000 and the money was donated to schools and hospitals.

 So, the question is...what is your most valuable possession? or maybe what would you like to buy if you actually get no limit of money? is it crazy to spend to much money in this kind of objects? why?

 Leave your comments below in 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday

Internet or NO Internet? [1° Año Medio A]

One of the main topic nowadays is the importance of chatting or getting informed through the cyber world known as the internet. Many of Chilean students need to be connected the whole day, even in their vacations with iPods or portable devices (cellphones, videogames, etc.). Reading this, how much do you need the internet? is it important for you? which are your favorites websites? or you rather prefer to go outside, read a book, talk with your family, etc.

 Leave your comment below in at least 50 words. DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATORS.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday.

Celebrations and Traditions [8° Año Básico A]

Through years we have many celebrations which stand for lots of traditions (glory, freedom, relogion, etc.) Furthermore, it seems some of them need to kill or punish yourself. So, as you may think, can you tell us what's your favorite celebration? is chilean or international? or maybe you don't participate on them?

 Leave your comments below in at least 50 words. DO NOT USE ONLINE TRANSLATORS.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday

Who are you? [7° Año Básico A]

Basically, as first post we need to get started by knowing something about us. What are your main goals for this term / year, why do you like / hate English?, refer the way you interact with the idiom and if you'll need it in the future. Now, leave your post in the comment section in 40 words, and let me know more about you!


PD: DO NOT USE ANY TRANSLATOR, ask me for any doubt you may have.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday.