Sunday, March 11, 2012

Invaluable items [2° Año Medio A]

Surfing through the internet, I read something that exploded my mind. It had to do with an online auction, where the main object was...a nugget. Yeah, you may be wondering how the f*** a nugget got so important? the answer is that this piece of food looked like George Washington. Furthermore, someone actually bought it on $8,000 and the money was donated to schools and hospitals.

 So, the question is...what is your most valuable possession? or maybe what would you like to buy if you actually get no limit of money? is it crazy to spend to much money in this kind of objects? why?

 Leave your comments below in 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday


  1. My most valuable possession is myself and I would buy all the shopping malls in the world if I had no limit of money.I personally think that every action in this world is crazy and that every human being is crazy in a different way because I believe that everyone has mental issues just for the fact that they are human beings including myself. Money is what everyone wants and that make us human beings do crazy stuff for it so when we have lots of money we do crazy things with it.

    ~Diego Alvarado Arenas. ʕᵒᴥᵒʔ

  2. My more valuable possession is my house because I have spent many pretty things in my house. A company and Aryan me millionaire and I would take possession of the world. If it is a madness since the one who would be so mad to buy a thing as silly as it, because it is something insignificant, on the other hand would concentrate on things mas modern and that indeed it costs it.

    Leandro Mayne

  3. My possession mas valuable is my family since I have lived through many important things with them. I would like to buy him a business to my breast in order that it was fulfilling his dream. It is very silly to buy something so useless, which I buy must have been very mad.

    Montserrat Bascur.

  4. My more valuable possession is my cat for which I happen mas time with her in my house. I would not like to buy anything for which I do not need it but he would pay everything for my cat, I do not believe that it is a madness to pay a lot of money that it is a disease for which after you do it for the first time later it turns into an obsession

    Jennifer González

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  6. My possession mas valuable is my play station 3 because I amuse myself when I am bored, he would buy myself a house for my only for when it is it adult be able to live there. I believe that it is a madness, since one might make other things with the money donate it as to the needy mas.

    Miguel Parra

  7. I think my most valuable possession is my soccer ball, because it's always beside me and i have a great time with it. If i had no limit money i would give part of my money to the low-class people and some charity foundations like "Hogar de Cristo" or "Un techo para Chile", and i would use the remaining money for buy clothes, videogames, exotic food,etc. I don't think it's a crazy thing because in the present, the money makes the world rotate and i think all the people would do the same as i do.

    Rodrigo Herrera R.

  8. I think possession more valuable that I have would come to be is my computer, because in this I can distract and listen to music of a way nice
    I would like to buy a large pool and a tennis court, to play and train with my friends
    wrong to spend the money is unnecessary, because I think haven't a good destiny
    ---> Nicolas Cardenas <----

  9. I think my most valuable possesion is my laptop why i use this to listen music see videos movies and talking with my sister because she is in the university in concepcion and i cant see her all the day.
    I think the money is something innecesary besides only that i need is health and my family with that I can live good

  10. my more valuable possessions is my cellphone, because in this way i'm informed and besides enterteind. Although i should much money likes santiago wanderers and i should send to "flaites" to a boarder.
    besides i should give all it's necessary for find the final cure of cancer

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  12. The truth I do not have anything, everything belongs to my parents jaja, But if this had a lot of money he would buy a factory of skate and with it this would supply me. I do not ask for anything more, for that the money creates many false friends...
    I believe that the person while more has more spends, and when already it does not have needs it spends his money in stupidities... I say It for that I have done it.

  13. my more prized possession in the world is my electric guitar, if I could ever have enough money to by any thing I want I will get a skateboarding of 30 seconds with bones wheels and a bicycle with two tubes of nitrogen, for a maximum speed and break a record.

    i can have

  14. my laptop is the most precious thing I have through it because I can communicate with my loved ones that are not in chile that makes me not miss them much.
    through it I can hear music, see photos.

    my second most important thing is my soccer ball which always accompanies me in the worst times when I'm sad and when I'm happy is the only woman who has never failed me is the best invention created by man .......


  15. Good ... my object with greater value is my electric guitar, Because i spent so much money in strings because cut too often. I spend money renovations in general because it was not in very good condition.
    I do not think that is crazy because is something that i love and enjoy.
    Paul Lazcano

  16. my possession is my friend nicole. I would buy all clothing of the world and food than is what i like my . I think that is a crazy because: the money cam be used in people he has no for eat.The money is necesary for live, but in perspective. ~Sofia Rojas~

  17. my most valuable possesion is my guitar, this is not expensive, but have a sentimental value, my guitar was my mom, and always i play guitar i think in my mom, and i take my guitar everywhere.
    if i have a lot of money i would donate all to africa, i think in africa the people suffer a lot, and with the money they would be very well. i dont think that is crazy spend a lot money in these object, because donated these money to schools and hospitals.

    ---felipe carriel---

  18. My most valuable possession is my family and my pets because they cohabit with my day to day. The money does not fix everything and that such a disease not the money / the improved, second ... money makes people change much either discriminate against other low-profile or let to another ... Well, I think the money only serves to buy things but to keep a family together, or to have real friends.

    *Sebastian Naranjo ( Naranjin )

  19. My most valuable possession is my Computer because with her I play,Chatting and enjoy with The Red Social as Facebook and Twitter. I would Buy , if not had limit of money,Clothers,a new Computer and a house in the coast. I Think that is it Crazy to spend to much money in nonsense because exist stuff very much Important in the life.

    Vincenzo Rosati

  20. my most valuable is my dog because she's like a my best friend, my mother, my father, and my sister and is all i have and that would have is so special for me. If I had a lot of money emm... i travel around the world?, ok, i don't know because...just i don't know, maybe i go to londres? or i buy a battery. Yes, is a crazy action because this money could have been spent into something beneficial as sick children.

    Valentina Castillo

  21. My most valuable possession are my memories because the memories are unique foreveryone .it is these types of things that can not buy and never will repeat . I had unlimited money, buy a xbox 360 and ps3 to get together with friends some time and have fun . crazy not to buy what you want but only they can afford, not borrowing
    and not hurt others

    christian valencia

  22. My most valuable possession is my laptop because it is the only way it is the only way I can keep in touch all my friends and keep up to date with what is happening in the world.
    If I had no limit of money I’d buy a place for my parents so they can open their own business, I´d buy a sport car for myself and I’d travel the world too.
    I don´t know if it´s ok to buy such shallow things, but everybody does whatever they want and think it is right with their money.

    Camila Maldonado

  23. My most valuable possession would be a toy that my grandfather gave me before he died ... and if I had a lot of money would not last in spending on things serviceable to my girl friends family etc ... A serviceable things I refieron to food, housing, until a house could be.

  24. That's like really crazy... I mean like tottaly freak! But anyways, probably, if I could I would love to buy the nugget !!
    My most valuable thing is my iPod, like in money.. But anyways is a great thing, I mean I'm like in love with it, I take it to every place I go, and I call him Barry...
    If I had all he money in the world probably I will use it on cats, because they are so fluffly and soft that I love them... And I think that I would like to go somewhere in England (:
    And I don't think it's crazy, I think that it's awesome...
    Ximena Solis - Sophomore

  25. My most valuable possesion would is my acoustic guitar because she learned to play with guitar. If I not had a limit money will buy a bass, guitar, drums and other instruments because the music is very important to me but then donate the rest money.
    Dante Tirapegui..

  26. My most valuable possession, must be my headphones, also my laptop and my guitar.
    Without limit of money? Wow, I think it would buy a mansion with a huge garden for my mother, I would buy all the music in the world. I would also buy highly good technology for my mansion. And a robot for clean up the house.
    I dont think it is crazy, because if you have the money and you want to spend it on whatever you want, you have to do it. But I find it crazy when you spend all the money that you don’t have.

    - Aline Schmidt-

  27. think that my valuable possession is my guitar don´t know but this object is very import for my life, i know that is something materia but is something that make me fell happy and yes i spend all my money for a guitar and this make me the man more happy of the world

  28. My most valuable possesssion is it my music, which used at all times no matter where you are, because without music cannot be live.
    Without limit of money? I would be partner of Santiago Wanderers, I would go to all the parties, also buy the narration of Claudio Palma when they send the parties by CDF, because the other narratives are very boring and would buy team Santiago Wanderers, tossed to the leaders because they are thieves, buy to Mourinho as DT. And soccer player as Cristiano Ronaldo, Casillas, Pepe, Kakà, Özil, Alonso, Marcelo, generally most of the stock of the Real Madrid, and create the best Santiago Wanderers that existed beyond.
    Finally, I don’t think it is crazy to spend so much money, to have it saved? If money isn’t the most important thing in life, disappears faster better ends.
    SW. *Belen*Valderrama* SW.

  29. For my the material things are not so important as they it are my family or friends, but if I have to choose, slightly importantly for my it is the ball of football, since, with I can play without importing the place or the hour, I do not need money to play with this one, I do not also need a plug to play and less I need a computer to amuse myself with my more assessable possession.

    Michael Arro

  30. My valuble possession are my teddies and if I had money without limit I would use in my studies. I not think that is a crazy spend to much money in these thing otherwise have needs. If I had to much money without needs also I would spend in that because think that is good be some likes, is a not sin.

    *Vania López*

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  32. Well, 8,000 usd it is a lot of money for a nugget, it is more money that i could imagine to have at least in 10 years. Now my most valuable possession is my skateboard and maybe my spry paints collection, so if i would have all the money of the world, i would buy hundreds skateboard and thousands spry paints and a professional camera, but also i would like to
    help people who need more than me.
    .-Héctor Arredondo-.

  33. My most valuable possession is my handbag for that same reason i carry it with me all the time.If i have all the money of the world i would spend it in a lots of videogames of different consoles.I think than it's not crazy spend lots of money in this stuffs,because if it's something important to the purchaser of the object.
    ~Renzo Riveros~

  34. My most valuable possession is my play station 2 because it's very cool play with my friends guitar hero.if i have no limit money i would spend it in a lots of dogs, because it's my favorite pet.I think than it's crazy spend lot of money in stupid thinks.
    -Brandon Carvacho-

  35. My most valuable possesion is my family and my friends. The people of your life, the people who are by you side, is the most important for my. The material possesion isn't comparate with the hand and the help of your parents. My family is a very unite and love her very much!.

    -Adrián Olivares-

  36. My most valuable possession, I don’t have one, but if I could buy one. It would be gymnasium full equipment (All the equipment included), for the little sadly unfortunate gymnastics who can’t afford a school. If so I would be able to achieve the ability to teach a discipline so beautiful like artistic gymnastics. I think wasting money on such things is so cool because you only live once, you have to live it to the fullest.

    -Barbara Acevedo-

  37. My most valuable possession are my memories of a lifetime, which I keep in a special box where I have pictures of small letters, etc.. because to see them relive those moments that were, are and will be very important in my life, things I never forget and have no monetary value.

    Now if I had unlimited money I would like to travel to Europe with my family, which are important to me.

    In my opinion I think it is crazy to spend much money on a trip because as I said earlier memories are my most valuable possession and this trip was brief them.

    Vanesa Concha Parra.

  38. My most valuable possession is my personal library because it costs time and money doing it.
    what I like to buy if I had a lot of money is a house type house "MTV" olmipica to a swimming pool in many bathrooms and a bedroom with esculta mine inside.

    yes, it's crazy to spend so much money on such silly things, I tend to be more "stingy" and make money in what for me is really important.
    Vivian Gonzalez
