Friday, March 30, 2012

Reality Shows [4° Año Medio A]

Most of the People seem to be hypnotized by this TV show. Basically it has everything which consumers want (perfect bodies, girls, fights, love, etc.) and the ads don't stop publishing it on the TV, Internet, different method of transportation or even in the newspapers. As far as I know,  in terms of audience, it got a higher score than the Festival (Viña del Mar).

 Why do we love it? Why do we rather prefer to watch episodes with no logic whatsoever instead of reading a book or watch something educative? Do you like it? Why? Why not?

 Leave your comments below in at least 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday


  1. I don't know, this is something really difficult to understand. I mean, why people likes to watch such an empty tv show, that don't give you anything more than aggressiveness, promiscuity, foolishness and illiteracy? I don't get it, but maybe this is part of the involution of the human being. The only thing that I'm sure is people loves to see drama in their lives, but whatever.

    Personally, I don't like this TV show, although I have to admit that I saw this program with my mom for three days roughly and I had fun for a while, but then I got bored and stopped seeing it, and this is a decision which I have no regrets. I don't like this tv show because is not healthy, doesn't teach you anything and promotes the violence and mentally handicapped people.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández.-

  2. I hate this kind of TV shows, but people doesn’t, because, as you say, it has violence, fake love, girls, affair, and all that stupid kind of things that an empty mind love it. But TV is a business, and a business want only one thing; MONEY. So they don’t care if the TV show has educative or cultural content or something that really can be important or productive to the audience, it only has to make money, it only has to sell. And people get bored if you put a person in the screen talking about the nature or the planet, about philosophy, about music, about what’s really going on in the world, no, people want to feed their sick head watching trash. Then we have a pregnant teenager, an asshole imitating things of others countries because he watch it from the TV, a single mother, broken families, people who take bad choices in their life, etc. And then we said “oh, why me?” “Oh, I screwed up, it doesn’t matter, lets abort.” “Oh life is so unfair!” “Is your fault, not mine!”

    One thing leads to another.

    Stop watching TV, and live your life. At least things like the reality shows just makes you waste your time, and dry your brain.

    Felipe Díaz.
    4to Medio.

  3. I believe that these TV shows we like by the themes they presented, they have love, fights and competitions, and well we prefer to see these programs before you read a book that is much more entertaining and appealing to all us or the vast majority, and personally to my me fascinated these programs, in the summer I enjoy a lot and I don't miss me any chapter, I have seen several programs of this type and I'm not bored of doing so.

    - Valentina Rodríguez

  4. I think that they like it this kind of TV shows, because to much people they like it see like the people fight with other people. They the prefer more that a book, because they have not need to strive to understand it.
    I personally dislike, because don't interest me see like the people try have a good living together and, they can not, having fights and stuff, but yes, I like see the competences. I think that is much entertaining, because are dificult tests in where I see the capacities of each competitor.

    - Daniela Cerda Alvarado.-

  5. My opinion about this program is very positive because I find I like entertaining mainly because it makes me laugh, show different lives, there are very different person, skills interesting, makes you break the routine and sometimes conflicts live every day make you to become more addicted to the program.

    Nataly Riquelme.-

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I believe that the people identify with the members of this tv show or maybe the people of this country really like spy the live of others, I don’t know. Sometimes I think that, Why members any reality can not be normal people?, why always the members of this tv show are famous people?, why the people like spy the live of the famous people? I can’t understand.
    the unique positive of this tv program are the competitions, because are very interesting but all other problems, "cahuines",etc are very stupid and I don’t care , this things are theirs problems ,why the people like watch this things? Also almost all the morning the people tv are talking, publish and spying the live of the members of this tv show, why doing this? Now that is the way for make money? , spying the live of others?
    I remember that in the vacation, all day in the morning in all the national channels, they showed private things of the members of this tv show, and was very boring the morning programs, was best turn off the tv and do others things.

    >Fabian Medina

  8. To be honest, I dislike that kind of shows, because I believe they don’t make any sense. On the other hand, I suppose that people really love reality shows because they have all the things that people wanna see on TV programs: perfect bodies, fights, gossips everywhere, and more. In this kind of shows we can see how people work together to solve their problems and that is the most relevant issue of a reality…well, that is what I think.

    Gustavo Espinoza

  9. To my mind the reality show I like a lot and entertain me at night as when I can not sleep because I laugh quite often, there are fights, jokes and entertaining chapters.
    I am aware that these are based in reality only make money and they do not teach anything. I always remember the first reality show I saw players of fame, was very entertaining because I had never seen anything like it.

    Daniella Demartin.

  10. Personally I think that these TV shows dont help too much, they doesnt show any cultural content it all, and hurt the mind with all this crap fights, fake romances, etc. But in spite of that, I sometimes look this TV shows, but theres always the possibility to stop watching these programs and read a book because is clearly better, very educational and can improve myself in many ways doing that.
    Laura Toro
    4to Medio.

  11. In my opinion, I don’t know if I liked it, but is a show that draws your attention constantly, and not for something useful, It is the contestant that promote the success of this kind of show.
    I think that one just prefer this kind of show for the simple reason that helps you get entertained, reaching in that way the target of the TV that is to entertain.

    David Caceres

  12. I believe this programs are a lost of time, that no help in nothing and only serve to create conflicts that entertain to people. In the other hand the more entertain are the girls with sculpted bodies made by God (with some exceptions).
    The producers of TV should worry in others things like culture, educative shows or programs with some lessons, before giving importance to stupid things.

    -Gustavo Ortiz

  13. I think the people likes see this kind of tv shows. The people will prefer to see a fight or a romance between famous people, instead watch a cultural or educational show. People love gossip, all that stuff.
    Personally, I like it because catch my attention and entertains me a lot. For example, the competitions: is fun to see the famous people falling down and trying to survive. I do not miss it.

    .- Javiera Hidalgo Valenzuela.

  14. I don't have idea how the people like this, I hate this kinda programs of TV because they don't have sense except . I prefer read the seven books of Harry Potter and play League of Legends before... Nah! I'll never watch a reality show!

    This just contains a lot of subjects in a place away of the society making them compete themselves for money... namely, the people likes watch guinea pigs in a controled place wich is full of cameras.

  15. To be honest, I think reality shows are pretty boring. They are just a few people doing what they (the producers) say. They do fake fights, fake romances, fake personalities... bah...
    I prefer see a TV series or a movie sort of Trainspotting, Limitless, Source Code, I don't know, instead of see a really boring reality show.

    Álvaro Pérez.

  16. I belive it's a very good TV program, is true, it doesn't have culture, but is funny. I think I got used to the characters and I want to know what will happen with the stories, and as continue, I know it's not a book, but, also there is a story, and I think everyone who watch it they wont know to the end.
    This does not mean that I don't read, but in my free time, I see this reality show.

    Fernanda Velásquez Córdoba

  17. I think that reallity shows such as Perla, Mundos opuestos, La granja, Jersey shore and that things are pretty boring and also, a waste of time. i believe that people like it because as you said, it got all kind of things that people wants to see,such as, gorgeous bodies, beautiful boobs, pretty boys, dramma, love, showbiz and that bullshit that i personally hate because don't any sense that just make money.

    Ivo Yael Francis Bernal Ávalos

  18. I personally think that showbiz and reallity shows, are a kind of funny, because the fool things that the people do on it, like the skills challenges, competitions, problems and that things, are really fun and really, but, after all, still being bad tv shows because of this tv shows, you don't learn anything, you only waste you'r time watching this shows, and also, i'm tired to see on facebook status updates of all my friends commenting about reality shows and that kind of shows...

    Juan Guillén

  19. Reality shows are really emm.. could be "stupid" programs, because are empty of sense, they only are worry about the audience and the money that they earn, but they don't think about what they are transmitting to the spectators, especially kids... is just, for this shows, the kids now don't read, don't learn anything... practically, these popular shows, are owning cultural channels like discovery channel, history channel, natgeo, by the way, so, we are creating an ignorant generation to the future.

    .~Javier David Ariz Gutiérrez


  20. I think these programs are not good for young society, Because it contain all gossip of the celebrities. On the other hand, realitys shows are made to bring the public a curious effect on life of people and to earn money
    Personally I see a lot of these programs, because they contain a variety of topics, including: conflict, competition, labor, the love and the funs.

    - Angella Parra Cañete



  22. I think about this kind of TV programs that are crap do not add anything from us about intellectual content, but it is entertaining to watch as a group of people are confined and exposed to a battle for survival of the strongest group or person is like watching ants fight for food or monkeys for leadership, for me is very funny

    Joshua Cristinich 4ºMedio

  23. Personally I think these programs are not one of the best, because the content of these ones does not give us much in the intellectual field, but still people like these programs, because the material contained in this kind of programs are perfect bodies, handsome man, contests, fights, etc, and this kind of things are very at attractive for people. But certainly, like hundreds of people, attract me a lot this shows.

    ~ María José Aguilera.

  24. Personally, i like very much the reality shows, I entertain myself with them, and a lot of times, it helps me to forget for a while the different problems that I could have. I think is pretty much funny see this programs, because there are cute guys, competitions, conflicts, love, by the way. I had seen lots of reality shows, and in this moment, I follow one, “mundos opuestos”, and I don’t miss any chapter of it.

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira

  25. In my opinion, I think we like this type of program even thought they do not teach anything because we can see thingo like: problems faced by the participants, relationships between people, fight and different test that are make between the participants, this kind of stuff in general are things call the attention of the public, but as I said before they don´t teach anything.
    In the post I saw programs like this one, but today I don´t see then just because they don´t call my atention.

    -Diego Rojas Montoya

  26. I think that this tv programs are really stupid and boring, see peoples who are paid for discuss, caused problems and all for up the ranking of the show, the only idea what I have that occupy my day view a “reality” make me sick. One might used your day, in things more funny that view the tv or at least see something more educative that this programs that just creating a future generation of idiots and ignorants, or is that this people of the realities is really good models for the new generations? People who make the ridiculous by money…

    Ignacio Andres Vega - 4to Medio

  27. I will be honest: I am agree with the most part of my classmates when they say "This kind of programs don't have sense, with people crying all days, fighting togheter, swearing love, etc" ... It is a TV show where you don't learn nothing and where you have to be wathching it until 1:30 am (and...maybe you should be sleeping or doing something related to your school).
    But, by the other hand, I like it... I know that is false, I know that doesn't help me with nothing, but is like the "WWE" (when I was a little kid, I remember all saw it, knowing it wasn't real, but for some reason they just...enjoyed it).I think is the same thing with this... I know that is not real, but I like watch it.

    Felipe Piazza 4º Medio

  28. The reality of opposite worlds I think is very striking, because the characters are in it are attractive. Yes, we could say it's like a drug, as it gives the more curious and just want to see people live and direct, obviously we waste time, because we may be studying or watching cultural channels, but unfortunately not much to my liking to be studying or reading all day

    Patricia Vega 4°Medio

  29. I like this program because is fun is very good show TV, is to mark the most it got a higher score than the Festival of Viña because to Festival of Viña not was fun except one that other artist my point of view, I like this program the most that instead of reading a book becuase is the most entertaining to look and also to unwind to class of week.

    Christian Aguilera 4º Medio

  30. Not only the name of reality is striking, but also the characters that I intengran art lovers, as it causes conflicts and controversies that are created "hook" over the program. My sincere, I like watching these types of programs because I do them in my time of rest, but I know that I carry anywhere, and they do not teach anything good.
    And unfortunately I do not read books because I do not like

    Camila Tamayo.
    4° Medio

  31. Well, in my opinion the reallity shows, are very entertain, for the only fact that remove from the daily routine that one has, and made some suspense because you don’t know what will happen in the next chapter. For my own, I’m not a fan of the reallitys, but spend some time watching it, I think is good. For the people that get hypnotized watching this shows, from my perspective they are only watching by the fact that they won’t know what will happen and they will remain in doubt, so, the reality, got that unexpected touch of suspense with the fight and what that happens with every participant that remains there.

    Jorge Jara

  32. Is very hard to understand the why about this situation, in my opinion, the people are getting deeper day a day in wich is the life of the fameous. The truth is that I don’t care about those programs, in fact, watch tv doesn’t callme the attention anymore. I guess the only that it does is give us a farce, on which it shows aggressiveness, the fake love, fights,disrespect,etcetera. From my point of sight, the most of the people preffer watch this programs instead of read a book, because it suppose that entertain them and because it doesn’t has the necessity of strive to understand it. And is for that kind of shows, that i don’t watch tv anymore.
    Fernanda Fuentes- 4º Medio

  33. Sexy bodies, gossip, love, hate, joking? say it's reality, i not think. In my life there aren't no sexy men or camara...
    Is it a mistery because they like these tv show. will mirror you life? or they like laugh?
    In my opinion, I dislike these tv show.
    where is culture? this is the culture we want?

    Valentina Gutierrez

  34. Clearly reallity “Mundos Opuestos”, is a very seen tv show, I believe that this could be because it gives a show to him to the consumers, maintaining the complete attention in him, in fact, I do not know why the people likes to see how a group lives on locked and where their emotions and everything are compressed and almost always limits they keep in limit situations, that when detonating, it explodes forming a great conflict, that takes step to showy situations for the spectator. I see the reallity because the personages are showy and is entertain to see how of a so small situation, big problems are caused.

    ~Paola Pellerano

  35. In my personal opinion, i think the reallity shows are pretty good, because the dramatic situations, love, gossip, and that stuff, i think this details of this kind of shows, are really striking, and also, very entertain. i like it because are more fun that read a book or see some educative thing, personally, i hate books, sometimes are really harder to understand and, in fact, the reality show, doesn't how so many details that make it hard to understand, and also, are very, very funny, so, why would be wrong see some chapters or comment it in classroom or with your friends? it's really interesting topic so, i don't think it's a problem to comment it, if you don't like the reality show, just be quiet and don't comment.

    Bastián Ferrería

  36. think in these last years the question of the reality show have marked more negative than positive (according to me) to our daily lives because this to be removed from the space to important topics like the culture or things that might help us or make us think about some topics, instead of people talking about what he did a "x" person in the reality (all the damn day), well, practically the people every day becomes a zombie which consumes a program after another like a never ending vicious cycle

    Nicolas Carriel
