Sunday, March 11, 2012

Neonazis [3° Año Medio A]

Few days ago Daniel Zamudio was attacked by Neonazis. His condition is extreme and probably with long-term effects. More than this new, the theme of debate is the philosophy and ideas that these dudes have. apart from the violence they show, some people actually praise their organization (they instruct each other in history, martial arts, politics, etc.) and ask for "help" when the police don't answer the phone.

 The big question is, do you admit this movement? is it legal their beliefs as any other group such as emos, hardcores, punks, etc.? Have you ever met one of these guys? is it valid that a brunette or a Latino be Neonazi?

Leave your comment below in at least 50 words and DO NOT USE ANY ONLINE TRANSLATOR.

Deadline: March 30th, Friday


  1. In my opinion I don't admit this movement, because the majority of neo-Nazis are violent and sometimes attack people who are innocent, however there are some non-violent neo-nazis. I have not met these people, only see them from afar or sometimes when they are in any news. I do not know their beliefs so that I could not tell if a brunnete woman or a latino can be a neo-nazi.

    Jason Briceño

  2. In my opinion It doesn't matter me and should not be lawful because is stupid and meaningless…Not is a group is more violence. I not have friends neonazi and not I wanna know of them because I do not like its fashion for my is a trash : D Any one you can neonazi , depends of your ideology or beliefs or also be crazy.

  3. In my opinion this movement should not exist because it attacks our rights as human beings, thank god I do not know and I have no contact with people like that, and in my opinion no one has to belong to this movement, because the neo-Nazi does not allow anyone to is of another race, another sexual condition .. etc, and where is the equality between people?

  4. I argue that this movement is rather a cult, because of the bad beliefs you have, get rid of innocent people who according to them do not fit in our society, what they do is not legal , since only discriminate without realizing that nobody is perfect ,I never met any of these people ,I think that it is no valid to criticize for being a woman brunette, because anyone can be.
    Andrea Galdame

  5. ok i think these guys have serious problems in terms of mind , i think they have this quote in his brain like " hey we are the best and we can screw up all the people who doenst are like us , screw 'em" they are a bunch of idiots who doesnt know the word equality and peace .I only saw neonazis but never had a normal conversation with 'em (and i dont prettend too have one anyways), but with what i see in news and even in Valparaiso's streets they are a bunch of *******, they doenst know that the people have their problems and they add more problems to normal people who wants a normal life so... i think they need to be punished like cutting his ween** and all that stuff because they dont know what is human rights and peace.

    ~Rodrigo Amigo~

  6. I don't agree with the neo-nazi movement because I consider their ideas and philosophy go against the human rights. I don't know if this movement is legal, but apparently it must be, because if not, we wouldn't see all this kind of people in any place. I know people that follow this ideology, but even so I do not agree with them.
    And about the existence of Latin American neo-nazis, I think it makes no sense at all, because if you're Latino, you aren't of "pure race".
    ~Fernanda Chandía~

  7. personally, I don't agree with this guys, personally, I don't agree with this guys, their only look for war and hurt innocent people, they have a big problem with the society, they doesn't know about the tolerance if they wanna be respected they have to respect too, and about the ''other groups'' I think is not like the neonazis, the other groups dont use the violence to show what they can do,every group its good for my if they don't hurt someone else. I refer ''your freedom is over when my freedom start''

    .-Kimberly Peralta-.

  8. I Think That the Neonazis are Mad Because they think that everything is violence and this is a mistake because the violence is the cause of all the problems in the world ... DAniel Zamudio is a Example of the Violence of the neonazis, he was beaten for neonazis without compassion and he went seriously injured in this situation.
    despite being homosexual or lesbian or Nigga or Jew or etc. they don`t deserve a beating and no one deserve this.
    Joaquin Reyes Retamales

  9. I think the act of these individuals is wrong, as hitting someone just for their sexual orientation is quite reprehensible and, in addition to possessing a mentality quite disturbing, calling themselves neo-Nazis when practically many of these self-declared Neo-Nazis, are believed to be indigenous who thinks themselves as pseudo Aryan , what nonsense is that?, I think those are pretty archaic ideologies because since world War II this racist mentality creeps, The ones part of these kind of groups are quite backward to continue this ideology of life, besides, this comes from Germany, and according to them only Nordic Europeans could be the perfect race, then I ask myself the question, what are supposed to do Latinos in these groups, according to the mentality of Hittler, are they worthy to be called Neo-Nazis?.

    » Valentina Montes «

  10. Well, in my opinion this dudes are crazies. They don't have respect for people different from themselves. Obviously I don't agree with their movement for the great violence against the other peoples. For other part, always exist groups of with differents ideologies or form of be but in comparison the neo-nazies is the most crazy. And finally I don't care if the neo nazies are brunette or latino, we are all equal.

    |Ignacio Pavón|

  11. I do not share the ideology of these types, because it is an ideology of her 2da world war, it was seaching to find the perfect race, blond of blue eyes.
    My friend is rude boys (skap) and often we were in danger for the Nazi in the city of iquique.Today died the young person Daniel Zamudio, I wait that justice is done against the neonazis.
    I share the idea of the respect to the different races and that we all are equal.


  12. Personally, i dont give a f*** about this guys, and i think they are kind of mad or sick because they think that because someone is different they can use the violence against him, and NO ONE has the power to decide how another has to be, the case of Daniel Zamudio its really sad and although i dont accept the gay people i respect them as much as posible.
    Besides Neo-nazis means that they should be a new type of nazis but they arent, they are the same sh** that the previous nazis, and not even are blond or blue eyes, they are only chileans, and we all are equal so... F*** neo-nazis!, Peace.

    Sebastian Basualto B.

  13. ok, i'm not agree with this movement, this dudes are sick or something cuz you just can't act that way, you can't hit people cuz they're gay, foreign, or just cuz they don't think the same way that you do. I really don't know if it's legal, and i think that is not valid that a brunette or a latino be neonazi, cuz nazi thinks that the white men is superior, that they're pure, and they are against niggas, jews, and mixes like we are (latin people) and brunettes, i think that been nazi is stupid, but it is more.. been nazi and be against yourself.

    ~ Valeria Larenas G.

  14. ok, I am not admit this movement, because nobody his perfect, they think that the white men is perfect, but they have mistakes also.
    I dont no yes is legal their beliefs, and yes met one of these guys They do not strike me because I am blond jajaja lie, really i not if I have seen them and no is important for me.

    The war fights with ideas

    Darinka abarca

  15. hi,from mi point of view,the "neo"nazi movement is a crap because they try to "clean" the country of all the "bad"things whit violence and the violence never is the answer..fortunately i never meet a "person" whit this believe and if i have the chance i prefer dont be his friend because i hate all the people that thing that he is superior to another one,today in the religion class we speak about this notice and i was in shock when the professor tell us how the neo nazis hited daniel samudio,i hope that the chilean justice give to this neo nazis the maximum punishment because they are a risk to the normal people

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. In my opinion I think that what they did with Daniel Zamudio was a brutal act, because no matter the sexual condition of each one should respect each person as we are all humans and we live as one pleases.
    Particularly, I do not like the Nazi movement because they are racist and somehow want a better society and only serve to worsen the country in which we live with these situations. For me, their beliefs are not legal just stupid and affect society, I have never known or shared with a person who is of that type and I do not like to share with people racist and homophobic they are.

    carolina cajas .

  18. I think these guys, and I think are kind of crazy or sick, because they think that because someone is different they may use violence against him,
    these guys are supposed to order the country but in this case I think is inaaceptable what they did.
    I completely agree would be if they did with the famous flaytes.

  19. im my opinion those guys really but really psychological help because his thought of "im better than you" is absolutely wrong not because my skin is more clear than the guy next to that mean that i am better than him and the thing that they has done in the past and in this days its just awfull and i dont understand why they call themselfs neo- nazis if they do the exact s##t that the classics nazis have done besides if you dont like gays people thats fine is your life but that dosent give you the right to hurt other people

    cristian silva

  20. well in my opinion this movement don't have any sense ,because our features as chileans isn't like the by nazis of second World War, your belief is legal, because our are living in democracy and people can think any something . I dont talk with this guys and this brunettes,I think that can´t be nazis .

    bastian sepulveda

  21. I don't agree with the neo-nazi movement because it's against valoric. On the other hand I dont't know if this movement is legal or ilegal but anyway I don't support them.
    I have not met these people and I don't want to know them.
    Isn't valid because they are not beging part of their roots.

    Mackarena Fuentes.

  22. According my values and beliefs I don't admit this movement, because his thought and ideologies meeting that is really stupid, the brutal form in that to treat to some people is inhuman, they have serious mental problem for do this things.
    I don't know if it valid, but apparently yes, as nobody prohibits this groups, because never the control, although I think that not should is valid.
    Not, I never know to one of these member and I don't care doing.
    According to them not, and is idiot because are believed perfects and not accepted practically to anyone, and I think that nobody is perfect for this I don't like me his form of think, and they are very authoritarian.

    Claudia Madrid

  23. In my opinon I´m not in favor of this motion,because they go in country, for my thinks, that to attack from several to a person by their religion or beliefs I find a big stupid act.
    -I think that their beliefs are not valid since they attack people who are not following their ideals, but thank god I never been associed with individuals or groupsof these belief.

  24. My opinion i think this guys are crazy 'cause they broke the human rights. With this created fear against Chilean population realized that only do it for evil, Since all are mixed and not of Aryan. everything can be avoided and but only for their way of thinking against Daniel was sufficient to take account of the reality we live

    Cristopher Peregrin

  25. Neonazis? this movement is one of i more hate , they are a bunch of jerks that are violent, and i hate people that for all things resolve it with violence, and overthere they are a group of idiots who they think are better than the other without knowing that they are a stupid patrol of idiots like no other in the world.
    I never had the opportunity to met a neonazi but i dont prettend to find one i really hate them.That just i know no one of the races that are mentioned are valid for them, we need to be the better race to be like them, because they think are the better, but now how they know that they are the better race? this idiots doenst even know how to answer to this.
    the question about law i dont understand it much , i think this "RELIGION" need to be illegal because , yeah the groups has they rues and stuff but they are too violent so they need to be exterminated because they hit pacific people who doesnt want to make problem.

    ~Ivette Delgado G.~

  26. In my opinion the neo nazis are people very aggressive.I do not share their ideas of gay-bashing although are intolerant of homosexuals. Some reach the end to kill I think those people have some mental problem very serius because each person makes your life and is related to whom you want.

    Marcelo Henriquez

  27. in my opinion, the Nazis are not a good contribution to this society, because they are very discriminating with people of other skin tones or people who are different , I mean as homosexuals, and this should not be so, since we are all human and from the same country to be together despite their differences.

    Daniela Arellano
