Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Alcohol Limits [4° Año Medio A]

Chile has became the strictest country in terms of driving under alcohol influence. in fact, it's so strict this new law, that even you eat an apple, you can get arrested. at first I thought this was great, cause most of the people didn't care about the rest of the humans next to them (read Kevin Silva case for example), well...we are self-centered creature so it's understandable I guess.

 Anyway, tell what do you think about this law, is it good or bad, is it really necessary? can we drive if we want to hang out?

 Regard and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday

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  1. I personally think that this law will help us to live in a safer country, because, as we all know, every single day someone die or kill by alcohol influence. We have to learn from the tragedies and stop this madness, and this law is necessary and a really good way to start. If you want to drink, don't drive, it's simple. We all learn the hard way, and for our own safety, the law has to be strict.

    Ninoska Montoya Fernández.
    4º Medio.

  2. I guess I agree, it's a good idea. But I'm not sure that this law will stop the accidents, people will keep drinking, that's for sure. I conform if people begin to be a little more responsible, at least if you wanna drink take a bus, or walk, or just sleep in the street or in the forest, I don't know. But don't drive, because you can hurt or kill someone, don't be selfish, it's your fault if you cause an accident. I support this law, and we all should do the same.

    Felipe Díaz.

    4TO MEDIO.

  3. Just like most, I think it is a little bit drastic measure but it is also necessary. It's time to start taking measures to reduce the number of people killed in auto accidents. Does not hurt say that most of these accidents are not caused by the driver, but are caused by pedestrians crossing the streets without care.
    I read somewhere that in some bars can call a taxi to come get you to the bar and then takes you to your house. Not a bad idea.
    Álvaro Pérez.

  4. I really think this is the best that has been done, a way to control the person who drink alcohol up to not being able to drink more and who snatch lives from others (at least with cars than with their own hands). I think that this measure could save many lives: If they are going to go out and drink is better left the keys at home, but do people follow this law? Or will simply drinking uncontrollably, I think it will take time for people to get used to this new law. And with respect to the apple, simply do not eat apples and you will avoid problems.

    -Valentina Rodríguez V.
    4º medio

  5. I’m totally agree with this new law. And although it’s a bit "exaggerated" in some aspects, I think is very responsible and it will help us a lot, because, recently there have been many horrific cases of cars and alcohol influence with very tragic ends. And I think this new law will prevent much of these events. I hope this law work like it must work, because it’s the best that Chile has done lately.

    Laura Toro - 4to MEDIO.

  6. In my opinion, the law "zero tolerance" is good on the one hand, because accidents have decreased significantly, which often end up fatally.On the other hand is quite strict. This is demonstrated in a test where a woman ate a chocolate of liqueur, then made a breath alcohol test, which does not set a very high degree, but, according to the rules of the new law, was not allowed to drive.
    I think it's not necessary to be so strict about this, so it might be accepted a couple of degrees more of alcohol (equivalent to a cup or so).

    .- Dányza Álvarez Pincheira.
    4° medio

  7. I think this law is very strict, because the person who is driving can not have any drop of alochol in their body. But I think it is necessary for the country because it has fallen a remarkable percentage the number of deaths and car accidents compared to before the law "zero tolerance" was postulated . And this shows that this law has worked.

    Javiera Hidalgo Valenzuela.
    4° medio

  8. I think they went to extremes, but is good on one hand because they will reduce accidents, as most of the time was to be with excess alcohol.
    They appreciate life more and thought the of people, because they have fewer cases of deaths, tragedies and families who suffer because of irresponsible actions of others.
    I hope this law does not change ,the people aware and respect.

    - Nataly Coroline Riquelme.

  9. First of all, drink a little bit sometimes it's great, even if we are alone, but if we are with friends, is awesome! However, when we hang out with some people, friends, girlfriend, etcetera. we need to take care ourselves. For this is that exist the "designated driver" so, with that should be enough... but, we actually know that chileans, are naturally excessive and revelers so, for me, don't surprise me that this country has high accident rates. And respect for this law, i think is a little exaggerated but is the prize that we pay for disobedience and for careless ourselves, so, is the duty for the government care us.

    .~Javier Ariz

  10. Although this law is really drastic, I believe that it is necessary, because unfortunately we (the Chileans) do not know how to control the alcohol which enters to our body and, despite of this, some people just drives. This law was not created just to control what we drink, but also by our own safety, since million accidents have happened which increase every year by the irresponsibility of the drunken drivers. With this, I do agree with this new law, because it motivates to be careful with our life and the life of the others.

    Paola Pellerano Aliaga

  11. for my tolerance law is the best decision, because in some way Chileans must leave the recklessness and the unconscious and begin to rationalize the power to drive a car there.
    In Chile we lose innocent lives every day by irresponsible people that cause irreparable damage ..
    But more extricta be a law if there is no consciousness will continue in the same way.
    Valentina Gutierrez 4° medio

  12. In my view, the new law is very strict, because it will hurt many people who come to drink and go home with a mild degree of alcohol. I think it was too exaggerated to give a fine, just for a couple of drinks.

    In what other authorities are right, it is relevant to the issue of driving, as no matter if you are alone or with, the issue is that it has alcohol in the blood and anything can happen.

    We can see that is an issue that has many advantages and disadvantages, so it would have to think about what is coming.

    - Patricia Vega

  13. I believe that long ago the government should have created this law. Unfortunately, people do not understand with a simple warningl, and that is why I believe that they should not complain about it. This caused great impact to innocent people, whose families suffered a lot. I can't wait any longer.

    Fernanda Velásquez

  14. In my opinion , this law is totally positive for the country, because drive under alcohol influence cause a lot of accidents and sometimes death. On the other hand , if people stop drinking , their bodies would be more healthy. So , people who drink alcohol should be aware and responsible with this law and because of this , tragedies will stop and more lives will be saved.

    Daniella Demartin Vargas.-

  15. For me, the new lay is good, because by that way we avoid all the dangers and accidents that happen all the year. It's frustrating to see the news and find out that the most of alcoholics are young people and, most of the time, they are the people who are involved in accidents.

    Definitively this law will affect them, because it doesn't give any way to fall into the vice. At the end, this law is going to help us to save our lifes.

    Camila Tamayo

  16. I think the new law is strict by our own actions, because people have shown a life without control. Today we see accidents and deaths on innocent lives, because of people who are under alcohol influence.
    I agree, because this is the consequence of our irresponsibilities and the like.
    "Alcohol have to stop"

    - Angella Parra - Cuarto Medio

  17. I think that people who drinking and driving is serious , because its dangerous for me and persons who accompany me , thanks for this law we be will more aware when drinking because we may be arrested. Personally see people as irresponsible is sad but is good in the sense that avoid more deaths.

    Ivo Bernal

  18. Well, in my opinion, in my country people really enjoy alcohol, so they drink and drink without matter what could happen later, and that's the reason of why there are so many accidents, especially cars accidents. I believe that a law like this one is very good, because is going to teach to alcoholics to drink in moderation and by that way they can help to save people life, avoiding car accidents.

    Gustavo Espinoza

  19. I think that is good this new law, because were reduced car accidents and deaths caused by drunk drivers.
    Maybe it was not necessary to drastically reduced the grades of alcohol that should be consumed, but yes be strict when controlling to the drivers.
    I think that for to hang out it is not need drink alcohol, is can hang out sharing with the friends and the family of other manner.

    - Daniela Cerda Alvarado.-

  20. I don't like this law too much, because I think is too exagerated and drastic, but also I think is the price that we pay for no self-control with drinking, and drive under alcohol influences, so I really don't know, I dont know if is necessary, maybe it is, but, like I said before, its too drastic. Drink is great, get drunk is awesome, but we have to be responsible if we want to drink.

    Marcelo Alcaide.- 4to medio.-

  21. I think this law is far more easier than to try to counteract the problem. I am surprised nobody realizes this, we are taking the easiest way to try to "fix" behavior using the fear of the consequences, instead of trying to make a change in people's thinking, this is nothing more than a short-term measure.
    Obviously drinking and driving should not put at risk not only your life but that of others,but there is public transportation, as well as the "designated condutor" there are measures, what remains is to create awareness, inform people even think that the propaganda of this law, demonstrating the danger of drunk driving, was more effective than the samelaw.
    Finally the case with the merchants of alcohol? I do not think these are because of whatbuyers do with the product, but also affected sales of alcoholic drinks has decreased a lot with the implementation of this law. I think the only really successful was so affect thosetraders who do nothing more than working for survive, but apparently worth paying for the acts of their consumers.
    Ignacio Vega

  22. I'm a little agree with this law, because a lot of lives have lost when the drivers was drunk, but I think this is very severe for people who do not drink commonly and just want to have fun with their friends. I don't drink anything except coca-cola and others fantasy drinks, lol...

  23. In my personal opinion I find that there is good in a state to drive sober to avoid a type of accident in which could automobilistoco could get hurt or death, even that these fines are a little pricey and the level of alcohol have to bring in the blood is way too low to pass a part.
    Bastián Ferrería.

  24. I believe that chilean people really like alcohol and most of the time, the alcoholics don't control how much they drink, happening accidents and tragedies after a night of drinking. This law is going to help to reduce, and in a better case, stop the accidents that happen because irresponsible people. In the best of the cases, this law is going to save a lot of lifes.

    Nicolás Carriel

  25. Personally, I think this law is going to help us a lot to maintain a safer country, because this law is the only way to make them take conscience about alcohol and also, as a country, reduce the percentage of car accidents. I think a law like this is one is quite beneficial because to take conscience and to drink in moderation. So if you want to drink, you shouldn't drive, because by that way you can avoid a tragic accident.

    ~ María José Aguilera A.

  26. I think it's a good law, very necessary. It will help to raise awareness in all of us and decrease the percentage of accidents in our country. Perhaps, there will always be a group of people who are not aware about this issue, but slowly we are working on this which is a benefit for all, learning to look after ourselves and take care of our neighbor, and are not victims of our evil deeds.

    Fernanda Fuentes-.

  27. I think this law is good for chile, Because we can not alone do not drink and drive, on the one hand is super annoying, since, as pointed up with an apple one can be under the Alcohol Influence thinking about it then it is super on the standard for the same, as there are people who can say they are aware of himself but that biene of each and we can not do much.
    if many people can handle without alcohol or ingest drugs or other stupidity.

    Christian Aguilera

  28. In truth, this has caused considerable problems in the population because, as you said, if we eat an apple we can be under the influence of alcohol. Although, this may be necessary for the population, I think that they should raise the levels of alcohol, to be something more "human". As the saying goes: "If you're going to take, passes the keys", therefore I believe that it is not advisable to drive with more alcohol in our body, so as not to cause harm in the lives of others.

    Felipe Soto

  29. I think that this new law it's in certain way too extreme, but sure.
    I hope that with these, the accidents and pedestrian fatalities for drunk drivers decrease. And so change the reality of this country, that weekend after weekend people abuse of the alcohol causing fatal conditions in people who sometimes doesn't drink and end up in a coffin.

    ~ Juan Guillén

  30. I think this new law, it is something extreme to the conductors, because with a drop of alcohol stay in jail, but also because of this law will reduce accidents and innocent people could be more quiet and have no danger of being hit by a drunk driver.

    Although this is not understood that this law is to ban drinking alcohol, I mean you can drink alcohol but only "has to pass the keys" or else his life would be in serious danger and others.

    -Diego Rojas

  31. In my opinion, it’s a good law "tolerancia cero", because today there is a huge consume of alcohol and this is highly linked with automobiles accidents. This problem could be avoided. Is a fact that people enjoy driving, but they have to drive with high responsibility.

    David Caceres

  32. Well, we have to be objectives...this new law is working, a couple of days ago I watched the news and the message was: "the stats of accidents caused of driving under alcohol influence are lower"
    In my oppinion, this was so strict, as you said, just for eating an apple you can get arrested. I like drink and I understand that person who can not drink a beer with his friends because is the driver...that sucks.
    So... the solution is DRINK, DRINK and DRINK but...in our homes.

    Felipe Piazza

  33. In my opinion, this law is going to help to avoid tragic accidents that happen every day because the iresponsable people that drink like it was the last year of their lifes. But, in the other hand, I believe that this law is too exaggerated, because for example, if I drink a little bit of mouthwash and after that, if a policeman stop me and check me,probably he will think that I drank because the results of the test, so this law is inefficient in that way. But whatever, this law is going to save some lifes and that is what really matters.

    Gustavo Ortiz

  34. I personally think that this restriction comes in handy, because that in Chile the vast majority of car accidents occur under the influence of alcohol, therefore, is favorable for the Chilean society and for oneself, so one can have a good time without having to worry about driving and others concerned for our welfare so I think it is receiving this measure.
    Joshua Cristinich Morant

  35. I think it is excellent, it is good that once and for all end with the irresponsibility of the conductors that are uploaded to a vehicle in a drunken state. I have known cases of conductors which according to them they claim that with alcohool handled much better. More than an affirmation is a ignorance that you deserve a harsh punishment. This measure will create more responsible drivers and the future generations will take these values as an example.

    Daniel Galaz Silva 4º medio

  36. Well, this new law is not pleasing too many people including me, for the fact that is very
    strict and we just can practially drink water or things that doesn't have any derivative of
    alcohol, this is my opinion. But with a more objective point of view, the law is very good,
    because many accidents are caused by alcohol, where innocent people die every day. Is that why is so good that this law be as strict, even if bother us, but we don't have to think in the fun of the moment, we have to think in the damage we can caused to other people and their family, which will not be momentary, will be eternal.

    Jorge Jara .

  37. In my opinion, I think that this new law is very necessary in this days, because is like if many people don’t care your life or the life of others and we would need to increase public awareness of the problem, before that accidents increase in the country. In the television news we can see always that happen an accidents in the highway which binds Santiago with the 5º Region and all days many people died for this problem. But I think that this law will not stop all the accidents in the country, these accidents will continue to happen like all days…
