Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Red Quake Alert [3° Año Medio A]

Tremors, Tremors everywhere. Supposedly, these Brazilians dudes can predicts telluric movements just with math estimations. It's hard to believe, but as far as I know, most of them have been predicted (8xx approx).

 Although they can help us, it seems that if you don't have a twitter account, you will not live...cause nobody, and I repeat nobody pays attention to them (government, TV, Radio, etc.). According to this, is it real? do you agree with their methodology? can you imagine how do they predict tremors or earthquakes?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday


  1. First of all, mathematics has always been characterized as accurate, reach a point where the man believed to figure it all, man is always trying to find and view all over the world, nothing is because if that's true, and if some numbers can decipher and predict earthquakes and earthquakes because they do try and accept them, do not say that they have the power to know the truth of everything but mathematics are as accurate because they occupy in something so inaccurate and so unpredictable such as with earthquakes, we need math accuracy and give us security, may not be as reliable for many but if we can approach the accuracy we need and take away the fear that comes at any time even when we sleep peacefully, as has already occurred, so if this method is real or not real no matter how important is that we help and serve us.
    Andrea Galdame.

  2. I don't know if what this people say is real, but either way they have predicted this premonitions of earthquakes.
    I can't imagine how they can get the conclusions, neither does it interest me to know it. I don't need to know if an earthquake will come or not. If that were to happen I would be in panic most the time and I don't give a damn about that shit

    Fernanda Chandía

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  4. Well in my opinion, I think the tremors or earthquakes can not be predicted, but if they somehow found it, should alert and should give them attention, in terms of methodology I think it may be accurate, as it could calculate when would accommodate the plates of the earth and thus predict when something will happen.

    Jason Briceño

  5. I haven't idea, the truth is that i am interested in it very little . I do not believe in nothing of these silly and little feasible theories, where the men who predict and his methods are a garbage, to create thousand consequences in the people and you gain a considerable portion of money.
    If I govern, tv, radio, do not help, it will be probably because they are of the same pattern.

    darinka abarca

  6. hello professor
    in my opinion if I think this may be true as there are issues which the man can control and this is not one exception.
    with respect to its mathematical method should be too advanced to and opportunities so that this is likely but would need answers and statistics to check how provable truth is and I can not imagine what kind of mathematics used.
    mauricio aracana tawers

  7. well, i think that this guys just wanna be known, in my opinion all this is unreal because yet can´t predict a telluric movement and that math estimations just is a probability and is a metodology very basic and without fundaments sufficient , at least , for that i may belive. i think that is impossible predict a tremors and i can´t imagine something that can predict a telluric movement now, and in many years in a future

    bastian sepulveda

  8. In my opinion I believe that if one can predict an earthquake or shaking, because there people in this world are that he works and he is devoted to this topic as super humans, but, on his methodology do not I believe in the mathematics estimations,because is never seen the true objetive of this one.

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  10. In my opinion , i dont think they can predict tremors and earthquakes ,even if they are noticeable, because the earth has his own energy , and the earth only "knows" when to split , and send free this energy ,i dont think people that use math to predict tremors and earthquakes can be 100% accuracely , maybe they can be wrong in a calculation , i heard they use algorythms and thats VEEEERY HARD THING TO DO!, they can go wrong with a simple number. OH about the twitter thing , in some terms yeah this is the only massive communication system , that it work after a big tremor or earthquake , but even if they use it i still dont trust 'em. MAYBE IS A COINCIDENCE! 8 tremors ITS NOTHING! all the time the earth split and liberates energy so it doesnt mean anything to me.

    ~Rodrigo Amigo

  11. I don't know if it's real but up to now everything what they say it has been, maybe is coincidence, maybe not. Well no one can predict tremors or earthquakes just like that, i think that something is hide, they're not telling us something, i'm sure of it. I don't know if i'm agree with their methodology, cuz how i said before, no one can predict things like that, is just impossible, i think that.. yeah maybe they're using math estimations and all that stuff, but i think that is more a coincidence. I listen somewhere that all this is bullshit and that these tremors are just tests of something that is trying to see something of U.S.A (i don't remember what), that's what i heard, I don't know if it's a lie or not.
    If they really predict these things, i can't imagine how they do.


  12. first of all, I too was a bit on that pair of brazileños predicting earthquakes, and as said the statement, 800 earthquakes have been predicted approx. In my opinion the methodology that occupy them is a very common methodology in many cases, the mathematical ah always been an option to show things like the sience, and though it costs us believe, the predicted 800 tremors think it is not coincidence if not, should be a way that the resulting order to predict all these disasters, and also I think, that's why the mass media should give more importance to this couple we can help prevent many disasters as in this case are trembling.

  13. I think that they could be right, because nothing is impossible, but if i have to die at an earthquake i will die happy because my life it was :) i dont give a damn about earthquakes because they dont scare me and i will not make me a f***** twitter because is boring...
    Peace :)
    Sebastian Basualto B.

  14. Well, I think that the methodology that used, applying the mathematics is good, because this is always used in different themes such as the earth and the universe, and why not ? Also be used to predict future tremors.
    Whatever, maybe these predictions are just coincidences... Anyway we have to be vigilant with new warnings of these Brazilians, believe them or not, we must be careful always if occurs some telluric movement.

  15. I do not really very interested in subject, but I think that is little to be trusted like salfate or "falsate". Always in this type of stuff there money to the of powers. In my opinion the earthquakes are unpredictable and in these things the ignorance is our worst enemy.


  16. personally i think that predict the earthquakes is pretty cool but the fact that this information is in twitter it seems to me to be silly because what happened to an old people that dont have a twitter account or to me that i dont one because twitter bores me , three words YOU ARE F##K if someone have that imformation that is very important he have to spread not only in social networks and in the case and in case of these types that do not know anything about what are speaking the better thing than can do is shut the hell up because the consecuences that his actions can make can be dangerous

  17. Well, I don't know how they can predict an earthquake or a tremor using only the mathematics, but if they can predict that, is a good idea inform in massive form, like in the TV or radios. I believe in their metods because I think is not coincidence that predictions. And finally I would like to add that I don't care the tremors and earthquake, if it pass I only gone to sleep xD

    Ignacio Pavón

  18. I think the brazilians if they know what they say because if they hit to 800 earthquakes and tremors, is because also to predict.
    I'm in accordance with the methodology that their have because they are the only, even the government alerts us to prepare before the tragedy.

    Constanza Bravo Ortiz

  19. Well, today there are many people or organizations who believe that they are correct, doing some and others do not. Do you believe them? I believe them, because they have been who have the greatest precision in predicting earthquakes, but I am not fully trusting them, because they do not always get it to the prediction.

    While his mathematical methodology can be valid for us, to normal people, it is not for scientists or other mathematicians, so I do not think that it is based only in the mathematics of numbers, if not also in the odds. I think that in order to predict earthquakes it is necessary to have a great technological system which is one with the earth, but hey, I can't imagine how it would be really.

    Tyhare Berrios Candia

  20. i think that is imposibru! to predict a earthquake because the earthquakes are random movements and i think that his metod to predict the earthquakes is so basic to predict such large movements... and if this guys really can predict an earthquake i threw for a 4th apartament for the surprise ...

    Joaquin Reyes

  21. i think that if they predict 8 earthquake it is possible predtict more telluric movement and acording to this facts i believe in them,but i am not agree to live with scare to them because this thing happen if we want or not and i never going to have a twitter account xD

  22. It said to the tremors are caused,according to this there are predictable ten or eight days it was an invention made by some students that create a machine that cause this tremors,release an energy that drops in the countries less important because they experiment whit us and with
    this create a machine that can destroy countries without leaving human evidence in this case with the earthquakes or tremors

    Daniela Arellano

  23. From my point of view I do not believe in the Brazilians or people who are dedicated to
    predicting earthquakes in the world, perhaps some mathematical results have agreed with the statement by the Brazilians, but I think that this cause panic in people
    and maybe this can help us to prepare for possible earthquakes such by them. I find that is not real and nobody but nobody can predict it, God only knows when the things are gonna happend and it's clearly the nature of how earthquakes happend, perhaps they're just helping to prevent and be prepared to something that can happen at any time.

    Carolina Cajas .

  24. Well, i agree with this, because if they predicted earthquakes and tremors, and it happened, is not just a coincidence.
    I'm not sure if i want to know it, because in case of something big could happen then i will be afraid, just like when the 2010 earthquake happened, people was saying "tonight could come an earthquake", i couldn't sleep for almost two nights. Just in my case. It would be useful for some people in risk zones.
    I guess is with a mathematical formulates or something like that. Are not they scientists?
    Everyone can have a twitter account, if you want to know the news about tremors use twitter, and if you don't want to know just don't use it.

    Kimberly Peralta.

  25. I think to the beginning is difficult to believe them, because although, like some mathematical calculations do not usually have much to do with earthquakes, but nevertheless, in this last time, these Brazilians are right to earthquakes through these calculations, is possible or impossible, to be credible or incredible, that goes into each person if or not to believe these young people of Brazil.
    Never hurts to believe these people who have hit a few times or more, as this helps us for our own benefit and protection.

    ~ Ivette Delgado G. ~

  26. I think could be real ass guessed sometimes. I disagree with the methodology because are estimates and I imagine predict that tremors the people dedicated to studies of the movements surface land and if this method were true would be very good report all people through radio, television or some other way.

    Marcelo Henriquez

  27. I think that is real, as the mathematical method that they use is effective, not totally but effective, as in all our Environment use numbers, already be in hours, days, etc always used the mathematics then i believe that is efficient, and i agree as they think precautions helping which people anticipate before a catastrophe.

    ~Claudia Madrid~

  28. I do not think is true because perhaps with mathematical calculations can not predict an earthquake if these guys have had successes in my opinion I think it's just a coincidence and are filling their pockets with money at the expense of these alleged predictions that only alter the society by making people walk tight and paying attention to things that are not should take into account simply because they are natural events.

    Danko's Backdraft.-

  29. Well, I think that can be real in a way, because the mathematics can do so many things, that one doesn’t think, but if we look by other point of view, it’s something rare, because always say us that the tremors an earthquakes can’t be predicted. However, I think that can be real in some measure :)

    Nicolás Maturana.-
