Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Myths and Legends [8° Año Básico A]

As we talked in class, we need to comment about myths and legends. Most of the time, we think on monsters, dwarf, dragons, etc. nevertheless, lots of them are based on humans though. So now post and tell me, do you think in these stories? do you know any Chilean myth or legends? have you experienced something related to these in your life?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 35 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday.


  1. Teacher the truth is than i do not think in myths and legends I appear out of the ordinary at least I know and I know many but I do not find anything credible in my opnion and the truth is I have not experienced any "encounter" with none of them.

    Gabriela Muñoz 8º grade.

  2. I know many myths and legends from south of chile, for exanple the legend of caleuche,and i know others myths from gresia, the dragons and the god of olinpus.
    I think this historis were made to explain the forsers of the natur,exanple te forses of sea is a hungry of poseidon.

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    1. I personally do not believe in legends and myths, because everyone has the arguments that were used to hide something. conosco many as proposed in the course of trauco. and I'm not really related to any of them personally.

    2. I personally do not believe in legends and myths, because everyone has the arguments that were used to hide something. I know many as proposed in the course of trauco. and I'm not really related to any of them personally.
      Sebastian Ortiz

  4. hi teacher i do believe... there are many myths especially in the south of our country ... but I like the myth of picoya ... is about a beautiful woman That defines if of scarcity or abundance of fish that can exist in chiloe .. no I have never had an experience with any of these myth...:/

  5. well, it's hard to say that there are some things of this world as there are people who say see them, and describes, but also think it's a bit crazy to say that some of these things kill you THAT IS FICTION.

    Tomas Arismendi - 8 th grade

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  7. Master, I really do not think that the legends or myths are true, I have not experienced encounters with them, but if i seem interesting because they are supernatural things.

  8. Teacher I do not believe much in these myths or legends that come out of the ordinary. But I also think it's a little crazy to say that some of these things will kill you. I do not have any experience with any of them.

    Katalina Ramirez - 8 th grade

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  10. Teacher, really I do not believe in any myth, since I think almost impossible that it happens, but the equal respect to the persons that if they believe, be several myths, as the dog without the head (of Robinson Crusoe) or the black widow, I have not had any experience either, this one is the principal reason of which I do not believe in the myths.
    Dana Donoso - 8th grade

  11. Profesor, personally I believe that myths and legends are unrealistic because I consider them a "story" only to deceive people or simply to entertain them; I know many myths and legends Chilean because it is my nationality and is also part of my culture. I never have linked one of these stories to my life because I do not believe in them.

    katalina torres
    8th grade

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  13. No, I don´t belive in the legends, cuz' it's very fantazy, nevertheless, I think in some myths, like a myth of creation.
    I know a lots of legend from the south and north of Chile.
    The mithology don't have many ralation with my life but it's present.

    -----------------> Catalina Concha <-------------
    8° Grade

  14. good teacher, my opinion is that I find it realistic that there are some people who tell their stories, which are ancient and are going on through generations and they believe in what you say that person also to those Inventory Stock stories, because they know that there, have seen with their own eyes, and also objects that are "Real"

  15. I do not believe in these stories, because I think they are just creations to try to explain something that in his time was not known. I do not like myths, because they know what they are really what takes my inspiration from listening or reading. I never spent anything related to a myth or legend.

    Cristobal León 8°grade

  16. Hello teacher, the truth is that yes, when you say Myth or Legend , thinks, strange things,monsters ... etc. But nobody thinks that humans may be the same ... I think it's interesting to know of these issues, because, besides being as a topic on specials occasion, also makes us learn more about the weird stories ... I know of not a legend, or perhaps yes, but not that country are, but in itself this topic interests me and I really like.

    Maria Belén Basualto, 8°Grade

  17. Hi teacher, the truth is i not think in the Myths or Legends, the people imagine things focusing on the Myths or Legends, but if the people think in it, i can't do nothing, because they decide if they believe in myths or legends. I have no problem about that.
    To me, I like people to have a good imagination on a myth or legend.
    Matías Kachler Flores

  18. As we knon, legends are miths about origins and customs about towns, which have been kept along time, because of its tradition.
    As a personal opinion, I think that some legends are real, although I havenit had the oppontwnity to experiment it.
    Manuel Gutierrez

  19. Teacher, I dont believe in legends, but if in the myths, because the first is passed by reality (being completely fanciful) and the second is just a fantasy, an imaginary story. Yes, I know myths and legends Chilean, generally of the south of Chile. No, I have not experienced anything associated with this theme but I would like because be interesting.
    Nicol Atenas
    8º grade

  20. teacher, to be honest, I don't believe in any myth that has happened to me nothing paranormal in my life. but I just know some myths such as la llorona, the headless dog, the trauco, etc.

    Denisson Donoso-8° Grade

  21. I do not believe in these myths as they are very fantastic but if qe respect people believe in them. Conosco few myths and legends which are conosco over the north and east ah never done in my life.

    Daniela Cerda:) 8º Grade .

  22. Teacher, by my side I do not believe in the myths or legends. I think out of the bone are really fantastic to my opinion.

    I know many myths and legends of chile and few from other countries. Some are very rare as Chonchon and others as the benefit and protection as Pincoya.

    For my part, and experienced some fact or circumstance related to miss some legends believe myths.Yo ba never happen.

    Lucas Cristinich - 8th grade

  23. Hello Teacher, I don´t believe in myths and legends. One the known legends is The trauco is a man little de 1,5 centimeters. I don´t experienced a legend

    Jorge Barraza
    8° Grade

  24. profe porfa ve la respuesta de mi comentario esa esta bien

  25. Master, I do not believe in legends or myths because I have not seen anything strange for now but I think it was a good experience at least for me. Same people as the years is changing the story and all this is to scare or entertain peersonas that gets to know.

    Paullette Cristinich - Grade 8

  26. Personally, i do not believe in myths and legends, I know many legends especially of the South, for example the pincoya, caleuche, trauco and many more, the majority of chiloé,I have only had an appearance of a ghost.
    Oscar Gonzalez
    8º Grade

  27. Teacher , my opinion I think in some of the myths and legends, mainly from the Chilean island of Chiloe. I find it very attractive theme ... conosco many more myths that some legends are Caleuche, the Pincoya, the tuetue etc. Well I have not had any experience or past relationship to me almost anything with these legends and myths, but my uncle once told me a story as it was years ago that had seen many birds obserbavan it rarely, then got scared on that topic I thought it might be a legend related.

    --- Catherine --- Piazza
    Grade 8 --- ----

  28. Teacher, I just believe in the legends that are not fantastic, i know many legends of more parts of Chile, I have never experienced something related with a legends.
    Mayra Cordero
    8° Grade

  29. Hello teacher, I do not do belive in the legends, it is very fantazy, nevertheless, I think about some myths and legends, principally of Chiloe's Chilean island. I it find the very attractive topic Be great legend of the south and to the north of Chile.No, I have not experienced anything associated with this theme but I would like because be interesting.

    Kamila Diaz
    8° Grade
