Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Violence In Relationships [2° Año Medio A]

Is hard to believe that someone gets rich by slapping girls, huh? Well...that happened last week when I watched Pablo Schilling crying like a baby on the TV and earning big quantities of money. Anyway, the main theme is how can someone be not much of a man? is it necessary to turn to violence? what do you think about this kind of behavior?

 It's a big problem and unfortunately really common in Chile, and now it seems that we can make money from it!

Regards and leave your comments below in at least 50 words.

Deadline: May 9th, Wednesday 


  1. the introduction of Paul Schilling does not have much relationship, but I not disagree with that money that is earned by beating the babies or people.

    A man must earn money with dignity.

    no matter if Whether the job is to win the minimum wage, what matters is that the person has no shame to say their work, as it is not like those people who sell drugs on the streets.

    Leandro Mayne

  2. I am against violence, but I do believe some people do deserve to get beat up to death. Forgiveness is a action that in my opinion has a limit. I also believe that people who say “violence is never the solution” are totally right, but I believe that violence is necessary to turn to in certain situations. Also, Chilean television in my opinion is as bad as it can get. Feeding society with lies and unnecessary drama that won’t help us process at all. Instead of ‘celebrity drama’ , they should inform society of the great growth in teenage suicides the past years or how people make money destroying nature and not caring about the future generation.
    ~Diego Alvarado Arenas

  3. Lately in Chile, the theme of violence has taken much relevance, manifesting through the physical aggression, verbal and sexual.
    The example most watched day by day is the theme of abuse of women.
    With respect to this, I think the violence in general isn’t good for any aspect, because it breaks the pillars of communication in a family.

    Nicolas Cardenas
    Sophomore year

  4. I'm totally against violence in a "loving" relantionship because if you love that person, love shouldn't have a connection with violence. Also, my opinion in chilean television is that it's very fake, stupid and self-centered, due to the mayority of the people working in television haven't studied. For it.

    Barbara Acevedo
    Sophomore year

  5. I believe that violence in a relationship is too bad because the problems are solved with words like civilized people and not simply golpes.Al fact that violence in a relationship love is dying little by poco.Con respect Pablo Schilling to find it very badly and make money for "lying" about what he did.

    *Sebastian Naranjo*

  6. I think the little education, intolerance, disrespect and UNDERSTANDING is reaching out to shock in committed relationships ... Violence against women has been named a lot lately but I hope this does not do more. I hate knowing that a guy give you money for going to mention that fact in their relationship. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS


  7. The only form to be a true man is to be honest and responsible. I believe that attacking women or men is not a form of being a man. I am not according to these behaviors. Also I agree not, with the great influence that the media have on us; and I am less according to that come the "famous" begins to cry and the media speak of the all the week. They win so easy money, that in last instance, this man in concrete does not have any grace. Since the conclusion I believe that the people each time they are but ignorant and is left to influence for these personages that the unique thing that can cause is to create lie after lie and to manipulate the media and the people.

    Catalina Antonia Sepúlveda Soto

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  9. To my seeming is very bad what giving this in the farandole in Chile, since they have to resort to the violence to gain money and simultaneously the TV programs they go more screen to these going to speaking on what I happen and more above they pay them. I believe that this very badly and they would have to take them to the jail to this type of person in order that it does not happen nevermore and the money is gained by effort.

    miguel parra

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  11. I think that violence is very important, because it is something that goes around the world
    In Chile is an even more important issue because it happens all too often, i remember that several years ago back a cutover very many deaths of women of violence in chile, and the country was very worried. Luckily, the death rate of next year low, which was big news.
    Ending, i would like this percentage continue to fall much more, since the violence is not something of civilized people

    Paul Lazcano.

  12. Violence against women in Chile is more frequent than usual only this time the protagonists are famous for that now they took weight, but what happens to the thousands of women who are abused and not even reported.
    At the same time women should not take advantage of being a woman, respect must be mutual
    Finally does not seem right was subject to the tv. although they express it ruined it with that fact made ​​mourn and charge for that

    christian valencia

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  14. I think what pass in the mind of the man when him hit the woman she is a person like him,In Chile that is more comun than i see on TV te violence in the relationship is '' Bread of all days '' the difference whit Pablo Schilling is he is from the ''farandula'' and him life matter so much on TV with another people not famous dont take the importance what that theme really means

    John Contreras

  15. I am against the violence, but I think that some people deserves an angry punch. In my opinion, violence is an action without a necessary cause. I also think that people who look the violence as a bad thing are totally right, but I believe that violence is not apt in some ocations like this. In other point, some Chilean TV shows are not helping with the notice, because they're always exaggerating the event. I think the "famous people drama" is not according with the society and it's not healthy for some people who doesn't agree with this type of crazy scene.
    Rodrigo Herrera

  16. From my Point of View the violence is Bad and Destroy to the Society from one Person to a Group Complete. I think that The Case of Pablo Schilling and the"Farandula" is a Stupidity ,much more stupid is that to these people them pay for show this really .I believe that is much interesting give to known a the people the really of the case of the violence of a form much more Conscious and respectful where if can fight in against of a malaise Social through the dialogue and Union of the Society.

    Vincenzo Rosati

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  18. Really I am totally against the violance in all sense because is unpleasant see as a man abuse the a women and takes advantgae the its strength.
    Respect with the Pable Shilling it I fing it absurd, as use their violence and then wind money that.
    The violance is not necessary because the thing is talk, avoiding all the problem.
    This behavior not is right because the woman usually we "weak" and we can not defend.
    Yes, in Chile is more common but not is necessary and less is for money.
    *Vania López*

  19. in chile many men hit women, this is very common in our country, and something that happens every day, and often is low profile. I think it is not necessary to resort to violence, that problems can be solved by talking, and I think this kind of behavior is a bit stupid and not man.

  20. I think that violence in a relationship is the main reason that one feels a distrust of your partner whether of love or else it is no longer the same as before which is why mostly men tend to hit your wife and is lonely and does not know what to do or think just being with her is why it leads to physical or sexual violence

    Andreani Verardi ;)

  21. The mistreatment to the woman has never been good, and that the tv spreads is even worse. If a relation is had it is to take care to another person, nobody of this one forced, if you see that already it does not give for simpler it finishes the relation but you eat come to the violence. Two advices: TO EXTINGUISH THE TELEVISION AND NOT TO STRIKE YOUR PAIR

    Franco Saldaña
    Sophomore year

  22. I am totally against violence because if you love a person you must respect, it is assumed that for you this person is special to you and should not you. But watch this kind of violence is reciprocal, because women also mistreat the men,are silent for fear of what their friends say

    Zefora Alvarez

  23. I am completely against violence against women as it is assumed that you love this woman then you should not beat her.
    I think you can fix talking about it and not by resorting to violence. But simply that the relationship is over because if not end worse.

  24. In my opinion violence in a relationship between 2 people is wrong because they have to love each other and not fight.
    Any type of violence us wrong because it leaves physical and mental damages.
    The chilean television is dumb because it's centered in people with little culture and intelligence.

    ~Jennifer Gonzalez

  25. I'm so against violence because it's just wrong and dumb.Dumb because only dumb people choose violence due to their lack of culture.People should know by now that words are way more stronger than punches and kicks. Problems should always be solved talking like civilized human beings.

    ~Valentina Castillo

  26. The violence in my opinion is very bad, because nobody has the right to kick or hit another. This is because they do not respect or just do not think. Maybe the people do anything for money like Pablo Schilling that was very rude and stupid. Hopefully these cases never again be repeated, women are respected :) .

    > Adrian Olivares .F

  27. More than nothing i think the violence perceive day to day either in the school in the house etc. The world is changing a now not control the impulses and resort to the hits, thats is bad and don should do for any reason because this affects which is ataked like than the percievid or is in th scene. This can do a psychologist damage and that person maybe have disorders

    Hector Arredondo

  28. This event is already doing very repetitive in Chile, since many women are battered every day at this time hiding or concealing the blows reciben.Segun saw my point is not necessary to resort to this and that every problem can and must solve speaking not with shock or violent behavior. comportamoento is such a person without scruples who has no respect for others going to take the rights that each person has

    Vanesa Concha

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  30. I think that the violence is very bad because no is the form of solving the problems. in this world there much violence in the streets, in a house of your best friends, in the suburbios,etc. This problem in chile is very common and need that the people in chile take attention for this issue.

    * Matias Orellana *

  31. Really I don't know Pablo Schilling and I'm not interested in his life,but I`m not according that pairs begin to hit them and they exceed in a bad physical and psicological treatment if all of us and always we think that in an affair must be love but fundamentaly respect.
    In Chile it can show or demonstrate the violence actions at the quantity of murders to women that it happen year to year, and we can see they terribly sad increase,although these people to a psicological treatment I think they must be sentenced to a real and exemplary punishment.

  32. a person can be a little man for many situations, but hitting a woman is the most serious.
    do not think it necessary to resort to violence and people who do that is the worst, believe than the rest.
    this kind of behavior I do not like at all, I feel shame for the poverty of mind of those who beat women, is a very fashionable today, but is a tremendous humiliation for women!!!!!!!
    *Vivian Gonzalez*

  33. I believe that nobody is born to be violent. Those who do become violent generally have had a bad childhood. And it is sometimes just a superiority complex.
    I think violence is not necessary because we as humans can solve our problems by talking, and we do not need to behave like savages.
    I do not support this kind of behavior from either men or women, and it is a real shame that all this is becoming so common in our society.

    Camila Maldonado

  34. I watched the TV show the other day too, and it was really lame, he got like 4 millions for only the interview, and I though that it was pretty bad.
    I think that violence it's completely unnecessary, it's primitive and annoying, and make us look like non sensitive persons.
    This kind of behaviour makes me sad, for women most of all, sometimes they don't say a word, so anyone know nothing, never, so it's horrible. I wish no other girl ever have to pass trough this anymore.

    Ximena Solís - Sophomore (:

  35. In my point of view it is not necessary To come to the violence since it is other means to do it as for example the dialog. When one comes to the violence or mas of the individuals they feel mas strong that the victim and the consequences can be fatal.

  36. Today's society this conduct on a recurring basis in the relations of couples, which should not occur if there is love between them. I believe that violence is the conduct more “under” you can get to have a man, since they have the capacity to analyze and reason the things that happen today. The man react with violence to feel that they lose control of the situation, on this ocasión, a simple discussion becomes violent acts.
    *Belen*Valderrama* \S/

  37. As a woman obviously I am against the violence because I am woman, and less if for money, is abuse
    Is totally unnecessary behavior because I think the things is talk and in this manner are avoided shock.
    The man abuse his strength for advantage on the woman, and in this manner have the power.
    Respect to abuse common in Chile I say that is unacceptable because are not monkey or anything.
    Is the cowards hit to someone and then wind money whith that. Is ridiculous

    *Francisca Soto/ c:

  38. I don't understand the introduction of Pablo Schilling because personally i hate the farandula in general.About the violence on the relationships i obviouslly think that is something very bad and i don't beliebe that is necessary turn to the violence to solve the problems on a relationship.I think that it behavior is one of the thigs that fuck(im sorry for the term) the actual society.Using the violence and the public to make money easy is a craziness.
    ~Renzo Riveros~

  39. I think that nowadays violence against women is too and must to end. Here in Chile there have been several campaigns against the abuse of power, but ultimately I think I honestly do not bear fruit ... In the matter of Pablo Schilling story I'm not aware of what really made but would not go to mourn sienceramente front of the cameras for money. I feel sorry for these people.

    *Harold Baez*

  40. the violence in chile it's a big problem and a really bad situation I think nobody can hit her girl (or her boy if that is the case) just because they want. I think we can't keep with this . It's one of the bad things that happen in this country. I really don't like that . I'm not favor of this . NOBODY CAN HIT HER COUPLE, AND LESS EARNING MONEY WITH THAT . A MAN NEEDS BE RECOGNIZED A MAN FOR HIS GOOD THINGS NOT FOR HIS BAD THINGS

    Michael Arro.
