Wednesday, September 5, 2012

No Chemistry no Physics [3° Año Medio A]

 Few days ago some bad news appeared at the University of Playa Ancha (UPLA). Supposedly, this institution with no profit motive in mind, removed Chemistry and Physic Pedagogy degree courses due the lack of applications as time went by. Students refers to the idea of profitability instead of resources issues. Hence, they decided brace themselves for a strike (which took place today).

 What do you think about? Do you think the University really removed the courses due low applications? is it fair to close opportunities and dreams just because is not profitable?

 Regards and remember to post in at least 50 words.

Deadline: September 30th, Wednesday.


  1. in my opinion the University of Playa Ancha is bad university, it is problematic and grim, really I'm hate UPLA.
    If I not have other option than the UPLA, I would not study.
    Now, it is not fair to close because is not profitable, is not fair because is fraud, If they not have money for finance Chemistry and Physic Pedagogy, They will should reimburse the money to students.

    Roberto Marechal Ibañez

  2. As you know, the University of Playa Ancha is characterized by staging strikes to pressure the government to achieve its ideals coast. Personally I do not agree with this, as these demonstrations do not end in a peaceful manner, leading to protests and uprisings by students and "hooded", even to harm the bystanders.
    Considering the low courses at the University, I am in total agreement, because if a race has few students (who failed to bad grades continue studying), is not supported with money, therefore can not continue being imparted.
    However, what will happen to students who could pass the classes, quedándoles one pending?, For them is unfair, since they will have to accommodate their schedules according to the race, to retake that class.


  3. From my point of view, obviously, is the most unfair cancel these, as any other race, because clearly you close too many opportunities and dreams to many young people who, perhaps how long ago did they have planned for this to function in their lives; the reason, whatever it may be, for me; it is not for you or the rest; for me are only excuses, and the excuses lack, there is no reason why a person, to cancel the dream of many…

    Ivette Delgado Gallo.

  4. Well... I think that the UPLA have the right to close every pedagogies that they want, because the University is theirs, but they need to think in the people that wanna study these pedagogies, well there are other universities also to study physic and quimic pedagogy but the UPLA is to central to the people of Playa Ancha and surroundings, maybe they think that pedagogies are not much profitables or they don't have teacher of this career, or i don't know but they need to think in the other people, with the head and not with the pocket. :D

  5. Something that is very present in these times is profit and if only because they earn money with racing eliminated take no justification. Always want to win something with what they do and if they see you do not give the desired results simply eliminate it, do not ever put monetary profit before profit humanitarian and if that race is needed and admired by only a few people, respect those few people should keep this university and the strike is something that would be nice to express their anger before injustice.

    Andrea Galdame.

  6. Well in my opinion, I think it is a serious error of Playa Ancha University (tuple), on the other hand we know that this university has been characterized by constant conflict, I think it's not fair to the students, I think they shouldn't do that without asking those involved, I think that would generate many more conflicts taking decisions just like that.

    Jason Briceño

  7. in Chile and in the world as usual everything is money, everything is profit, in this case the UPLA should not close the doors to the dreams of people, less if a pedagogy. From my point of view there is no institution that is not led by money, the trouble is that the people's voice is not heard ...
    "If the rich rob the poor is business, if the poor struggle to regain his is violence"


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  9. The state university UPLA can not do this! but say they have no profit, this is a clear sign that the opposite happens, they think only about making money and not being profitable careers decide to "lose" these pedagogies is something that has no name. that is totally unfair not only to the "dignity" of the university, but it is also unfair to students, families, teachers, and all who work in relation to these races. Something painful.

    Tyhare Berrios Candia

  10. In my opinion the University of Playa Ancha and all in general are not bad depending on how you see it from their point of view.
    In my case this university do not me like and if conduct strikes to hasten the government is well .Because so as invests money in stupidity, could help to the universidad. Also must consider the demonstrations which we know , do not are pacific and finally loses the student ; is unfair remove these degree courses, because it would a dream lost and disappointment of many.

  11. The truth is that it gives me the same thing, Everything is guided by the money and the rich ones are rich for something. . It is necessary to fight and look for the opportunities to obtain what wants, And if the rich ones give the orders, It is necessary to do two things: To see that they offer and to excel itself,After will be able to fight against the rich ones.But with his manifestations and destructions and Suspending classes I do not believe that they excel themselves.

    darinka abarca


    So to my to seem to be this clearly that not, it is not possible that the persons support debts for the rest of the life and much worst still than an in charge group could not support a stable university.


  13. I believe that the university did the right thing because for imparting a career that generates a waste of money the student without the very well paid but maybe wrong because limited study and become what they dream of doing to study something they do not like and not obtain the same result as if you study your preference.

    Danko Olea Serey.-

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  15. i believe that imparting a career whit no laboral camp is a waste of time and money for the students because when they finish the university they must work so is correct his desition besides the administration of the UPLA are privates agents and they provide the money so they desition are 100% right so if they go to strike they are not going to do anything
    ignacio leyton

  16. I think that studies must be open to every type of person, do not letting people as pejoratively. About the courses expelled, removing joint of science as not so important to the investigation. It is unfair that because a university considered highly unprofitable classes for the sustenance of country is not open to students and that they are open to a world of students who want to participate in those fields.
    Cristopher Peregrin

  17. Well I think the UPLA is the worst University to Valparaiso city , they are stopping class in the year continuously, so it will not graduate the best professionals. In my opinion, they closed these subjects because they are not profitable, but I think the best universities are profitable because they are better in every area. and answering the last question, the dreams will be destroyed at some point, because if it unprofitable subjects, perhaps the future will not have good professional job opportunities.

    Bastian Sepúlveda Navarro

  18. Personally i think that the education in this country its only seen as business and when something doesnt have earnings it will be probably wasted. I think is not fair for a university that would be focused on educate more than earn money, but that doesnt mean that we have to spend money in things that doesnt have much future, i think they would do something to reduce expenses instead of close the courses. By other point of view, i think that the UPLA has very problematic students.

    Sebastian Basualto

  19. I think it's wrong because it hurts many students, I believe that the university has not eliminated those carreer for lack of application that there are races with less application and profitability and not deleted. It's not fair to the people who removed the race because they can be the dreams of a person is not just that their goals are met not only because it is not profitable

    Marcelo henriquez

  20. from my point of view I find very unfair to eliminate these careers for people who strive for a future that will serve them for life, and the issue of eliminating not think it's all for the low applications, there is something but which caused this and why did strike, to be heard and show that although not a great career can make great things.

    Daniela Arellano

  21. I think we should not eliminate these career, because there are many people who have spent many years paying career, and have borrowed therefore not correct to the closure of these career. Moreover I think that the reason for the closure is not career "applications low" because there are other career that have less demand and lower profits and eliminate them, and finally, I think it is just close career and finish with the dream of many students, because they went into debt in order to follow their dreams and goals and that's not fair is in the hands of others.

    Paul Cáceres.

  22. I think that is unfair to people who was studdying this and for people who wanted to study this careers in the UPLA, cuz is like the university is stolen to the students who couldn't finished their career, but well i don't know to much of this thing, cuz university could close the new inscriptions for chemistry and physics, but for people who was studdying this they will make sure that all of them could finish their career.
    And in my opinion i think that is not fair close this careers and of course that is unfair close the opportunities and end up people dreams, just because it isn't profitable.

    ~ Valeria Larenas G.

  23. My opinion of the University of Playa Ancha is that unlike the others this is not so much prestige in the areas of physics and chemistry. As these courses are worn verdaderanmente money because you can not keep a university with an immense lack of students interested in studying in this university. I think the (Upla) if you have many resources, which is not as support these courses as most people prefer to study these areas in (Catolica) or (Santa Maria).
    Sure it's not fair that he dreams shut some people (the minority) but now everything is guided by chile masses and if some teaching careers were not supported by the masses these should fall.
    As we know life is unfair
    Mauricio aracena

  24. University of Playa Ancha eliminating these courses, removes this kind of free will with respect to what you want to study, you may not study in order to exercise my profecion if in search of knowledge, for that matter, if the university mentioned not for profit.
    but contrary to finish these races by not generating income to the university, lower income less tuition money for college.

    Nicole Huentrutripay

  25. In my opinion I believe that it is not just that the students knock down his dreams, his goals, what they want to be in the life. The truth I am not very informed about this topic but the university it has taken charge always realizing protests and you fight for his goals, to fight for what they propose, it is unjust to cancel the dreams of the rest, and because not to continue fighting for what this one happening now? It is unjust to close the pedagogies because the desire was given to them, because he thinks something or because they have the sufficient of students for the career. I do not agree with this for anything.

    Constanza Bravo Ortiz

  26. In my opinion, i think about the closure of these univeristies class, it´s pretty unfair, because it is what many young people chose to study. With respect to strikes that have been made to this topic because i find that they arewithin their rights, as well as his career defendings their rights and especially the third graders in te career, as they are the most affected by the closure them. I totally disagree at the end of these career because they do not let students fulfill their dreams with the closure of these, think these are studied by the minority, but why not have the right to close and end the dream of students to learn what they like and what they wish to live exerting.

    Carolina Cajas.

  27. I disagree with the idea that UPLA has eliminated Pedagogy degree courses whatever the reasons for this,but i don't think that resources issues was the real reason.
    if they are an university with prestige, they have an obligation with the students, and they shouln't close the opportunities for people who have studied and has worked hard for a long time.

    Fernanda Chandía

  28. Well, in my opinion i think that is unfair, because many people want study chemistry and physic pedagogy, they have a dream (maybe be the best chemistry or physic in the world xD) and anyone can take them. For another point of view the world turns around the money and Chile is not saved. If they think: "ummm... this doen't give us money", then they gonna remove it because is not productive. My conclusion is: we need think in the peoples, in their futures, not in the money.

    Ignacio Pavón
